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watching the 'ay 'orn
bonging a spint
Great way to end the last thread
invented a new word

the word is: pompottenue
>her mother filed a paternity suit against Chaplin. The suit proceeded to trial, and despite blood tests which showed Chaplin was not the father, Barry's attorney, Joseph Scott, succeeded in arguing that the tests were inadmissible. Chaplin was ordered to support the child until her 21st birthday.
woke gone mad
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keep seeing that "most undesirable hobbies" chart making the rounds on the chan and twitter

What hobbies could I say to a femoid that would get her wet then?
thinking about that time i was at a female friend of a friends and when her (cunt) boyfriend put his hand up while talking she visibly flinched and looked uncomfortable
in France those types of tests are illegal and if you acknowledge paternity you can't withdraw it
even if the baby comes out black or summat
playing an instrument

as long as you dont play virgin instruments, virgin sports or read virgin books
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Continental Europeans cannot comprehend the Anglo diet
Got my heart broken
She was probabaly putting it on
She was never your girl it was just your turn
>Events in the episodes made headline news and shit
thats not even remotely true
>Sabrina Carpenter's aunt is the voice actress of Bart Simpson

utterly BIZZARE fact
Working on a theory that Argentina is the last refuge of the white man and that I should become a refugee there
have a drink and forget about it
what's a virgin instrument?
I'm so fucking retarded
what happened to barry stanton
Is Sabrina Carpenter supposed to be good looking
First time hearing about nepotism?
nobody else was looking in her direction and i just caught it in my periphery
as someone born in 96, when I was in school we literally spoke about the inbetweeners episodes at school the next day like we would for football games

there's not a single other show we did that for
not even breaking bad desu
Nah I'll just sleep now who cares
Same lol. Fuck women.
India took him down
just came
Big fat MILFs sitting their big fat arses directly onto my face and wiggling side to side until my face gets buried between their big fat arse cheeks.
software synthesizers
something gay like clarinet or tuba
That same aunt is also a Scientologist, wonder if Sabrina is too
Can tell this sentence strained you to formulate
If you're giving up your hobbies or picking up new ones for the sole reason of impressing women and getting a gf then it's so over for you.

They can see it you know. Women may be stupid about most things but they're very perceptive when it comes to virgin behaviours. Putting your Pokémon cards through your dad's shredder and joining a book club will change nothing; if anything it will make things worse.

Trust me, I'm a sex-haver. I have sex.
Nice projection

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>am rorke
>gf was apolitical when we met
>turned her into a rorkette
>now thanks to social media she's a tinfoil hat WEF vax kalergi conspiracy rorkette
>she's so insane she sees me as a leftypol traitor

how do I make her a normal rorke again rorkebros
alri down syndrome yoda
>I have sex.
and yet there is no proof. curious.
You're not a native speaker so won't have the same keen sense, stay in your lane hanz
Roman Empire imported slaves and turned their Empire Christian
The west imports slaves and is turning the west Muslim
Funny that

Unlikely otherwise she'd be making a big deal out of it
Her aunt does loads of promotional Scientology videos on the side of her Simpsons work, and has donated millions to them
No that's correct you're just thick
Might trim my mustache
go on a mad rant about jews but then end it with "except the good jews like Bobby Fischer".
I’d watch LOTR if baby Yoda was in it.
Maybe start with not calling them femoids
I'll stay in the lane that's formed behind your mother waiting for my turn to fuck her, you cunt.
he is but he's called smeagol
>Even Torchwood was massive during Children of Earth
That's the one with the mind controlled screaming kids isn't it, god that fucking creeped me out.
Very emotional outburst there, lol
>when I was in school we literally spoke about the inbetweeners episodes at school the next day like we would for football games
well annoyed me. i watched the show from the series 1 premiere and then suddenly everyone else cottoned on a year later and started acting like it was THEIRS
Desperately need a haircut
smeeeagol why does it cry?
Bin gar keine Russin, stamm’ aus Litauen, echt deutsch.
Smeagol doesn’t have the same appeal. Sorry.
hate going to the barbers
feel this way when a song I like crosses 1m views on YT
like get fucked cunts this belongs to me
Threads over for the day all the top posters have retired to slumber
Enjoy the schizophrenic revolving door of 4nr flags
*takes a piss on the floor*
*spins you upside down*
best put you to work mop 'ead
last got my haircut at the end of may
honestly, it's not grown as much as i was hoping. it like it gets to a certain length and then slows down
well said jim

I was born 87 years ago. For 65 years I've ruled as Tamriel's Emperor. But for all these years I have never been the ruler of my own dreams. I have seen the Gates of Oblivion, beyond which no waking eye may see. Behold, in Darkness a Doom sweeps the land. This is the 27th of Last Seed; the Year of Akatosh 433. These are the closing days of the 3rd Era, and the final hours of my life.
Same. Stopped going to my regular barber since he started with appointments.
That's The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot. Yes, literature is my hobby and I'm still an incel. What are you gonna do about it?
MBTI, horoscopes, affirmative action, shit games, shit music
Genetics determine the growth rate, thickness, and overall potential length of your hair
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what do bong bros think about the AfD ?
they have become so powerful in all east Germany that they literally can block every law and judge and all that stuff despite all other parties try to cockblock them.
I also will move to the East in October and join the AfD.
morrowind and skyrim are good
oblivion is wank
You must be a paedophobe
Uk pays train drivers more than any other country even though many of those countries are richer than us with better rail systems
Fuck off to /deutsch/, nigger
Just think of how many people touch a door handle in a day
Now think about how many don't wash their hands after wiping their bums or touching their willies
average hair growth is only about 6-8 inches a year
prefer not to say
oblivion gates were such a grind, had it on ps3 so i couldnt even tcl up to the tower and grab the stone
Lower stock bred for toiling in the fields aren't capable of growing aristocratic length bouffants
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me and the gf
We already have our own AfD in the form of Reform UK
Though they're more like the AfD circa 2014, they don't have a Bjorn Hocke figure
My personal wealth is estimated at about £350 and I think train drivers are overpaid. What is the correct amount a person should be worth to have an opinion on this?
Don’t talk shit
Moved up north and I can't help but realise that my southern accent sounds really really gay

Are southern accents bent or is it just me?
Oblivion is the only one that actually felt like an RPG
>porn fans
do people really
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imagine having chest hair like that and still acting like a 12 year old with sugar rush
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whats gucci my nigger
for me its chipsticks
not the train drivers fault if your rail system isn't up to par is it
bed time me thinks
think that posting this should count as consent for all future sexual acts, forced or not
got more chest hair than that but I can't grow a beard
draco malfoy has a twin?
think you can get arrested for saying that in the uk lad
wouldn’t begrudge them getting high salaries if it was part of having a world class rail system but we don’t do we
Mum said that Grandma is concerned about my 'radicalisation'.
I literally only said that third world mass immigration is bad to one of my cousins at a family meal.
When you drink beer, you then literally pee it out. There's nothing left. What's the point?
bill nighy picking up a couple of has been rentboys
Don't we all?
You're about to learn an important lesson
= only thing i fear is janny . will probably get a 3 day ban for /x/ posting
baldy baldy baldy baldy baldy baldy baldy baldy
man from Finland "oh it's cold"
Who do these clowns think they are fooling with those fringes, looks especially stupid next to the chad embracing his fucked hairline
Churchill wrote a six volume history of WW2 and the Holocaust isn't mentioned once.
Interesting innit that?
I'm gay, da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di
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I support all further right parties in Europe because the establishment severely underestimates the threat of what's coming.
My favourite part of Skyrim was when you do the quest for the spirit guild and collect the enchanted emeralds in exchange for a magic demon greatsword and 20 rune stone points.
Grow up. Play FIFA or an FPS like an adult if you’re going to be playing video games.
Skyrim is an FPS if you play archer
Being bald would completely and utterly fuck up their image and they would lose their fanbase (all 2 of them haha), they need to get transplants if they want to continue milk as much of their 15 minutes as they can.
>Mum said that Grandma is concerned about my 'radicalisation'.
she's already reported to you to the Starmzi, (the number comes up for boomers to ring on repair shop and antiques roadshow)
ow ow ow
have a massive headache lads
beer doesn’t usually do this to me
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new murray just arrive
go and watch more peaky blinders you cunt
>playing video games

grow up and do anal sex with your dad like an adult
Go for a wank or something you odious lech
Is it bad that my first comment when this happened was to point out he would have just grown up to be a massive tory cunt?
Video games? Yeah I stopped playing them when I got a bird
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wonder what it is here
Love when someone calls someone else a manchild on 4chan
oblivion sex arse
>leftypol celebrating the death of a child because they would vote for a different party to them (choice of two)
Yeah, massive shagger me. Got loads of mates and lots of funny stories of being a total lad. The fact that I post on 4chan every hour of every day has nothing to do with anything, be quiet.
What’s going on in Papua New Guinea then?
about to cum
Victims of Bayesian superyacht sinking ‘suffocated in cabin air pocket’
Autopsies on four people found no water in their lungs, it was reported, suggesting they died from asphyxiation as the air in cabins filled with carbon dioxide
He was 18 and, thus, not a child.
keep staying up too late
Are you not the lad who has been posting about how fit draper is all night?
>There's two of them
fucking hell
cum for me
but Mike Oldfield plays virgin instruments
The Lucy Letby trial should be considered the greatest scandal in British legal history
I play videogames with my gf
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leftypol clapping and whooping under the assumption they were massive tory cunts
just like tennis
loving my sfm porn at the moment
listening to this masterpiece
mad how im just an evolved ape typing out a message via means invented by other evolved apes so other evolved apes can read it
lol fuck those tory cunts
only an ape would believe in evolution
Didn’t read a word of that apes post.
fresh off the boat from reddit
Speak for yourself
I'm a worm
feel like SHIT
even the fact that we can read is pretty sensational
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>mad how im just an evolved ape typing out a message via means invented by other evolved apes so other evolved apes can read it
>Giving evidence, he admitted "slapping" Mr Lloyd after the teenager told him, "One day you will work for me".
Does sound like a twat to be fair
What book should I read on holiday?
just come from your mums house actually
you want to talk about apes?
Dude we are all made up of stardust XD
alri ned flanders
the strange death of europe
You a bit hungover as well mate
/brit/ is a creationist Christian general
never said something stupid on a night out with your mates? oh.. mates nvm
mum jokes are the last bastion of the moron
you know you've psychically heemed a cunt when he sputters one out
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need to clear my youtube cookies if i ever get a gf
not me mate
the only physical heeming was the one your mum got
in her fanny
by me
Never said a weird tarqy insult like "one day you'll work for me". Sounds like something from a film.
mental how badly i mindraped him
>psychically heemed a cunt when he sputters one out
wish your dad did that to your mum instead of having you kid
Hook line and sinker
im a hot girl
i do hot shit
I have never once howled
Serotonin by Michel Houllebecq
Is this a chud book?
not arsed
don't care
shut up
>doing hot girl summer shit during brat summer
oh babes what r u doing lmao x
yer mum's fanny was the last bastion of a moron
read it and judge for yourself
Keep your eyes on the road
A label whore, but I'm bored of wearing clothes
You want kids? Well, I am Mother
i love reddit
reading nonfiction is peak midwit
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Thread is so dire at night
more drugs down the hatch
Your fluoxetine doesn't count
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why’s that
6 hour work days is what we need.
you are not gonna believe this but, sewing
If you have to ask...
honestly i new it was over for humanity the first time in the 00s i tried to remind people that video games aren't art and people really didn't like that

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness
might fucking kill myself
Preferred the snus threads
righto mr obtuse
Happy to help x
You're regurgitating roger ebert
You're not funny, witty or insightful
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Dude we're just evolved apes on this rotating floating sphere in heckin space which is like all black and empty lol so insane
Just shut up. I respect Diego and stupid christians more than "people" like this. Their religion is hedonism
leftypol, everyone
Done him
Must have felt like a snotty nostril
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prostate massaging gone too far
didn't ask for it
Beers out for the boys
Beers out for the boys
mental how you can tell that's a vegan poo too
Hate how nonfiction is the real stuff and fiction is the make belief
Nomenclature should be the other way around
imagine how nice it felt coming out though
I'm generous with my time
Stoned ape theory
The bible? Heh, thanks for the laugh.
Why's it white??
healthy looking poo at least
your reaction still betrays your insecurity all these years later
Poo dildo makes me think of that tranny trying to sell poo covered sex toys on fb marketplace
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open the pubs
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Purrr queen!
Headaches are cruel
sweaty school girls
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>Found out cum is not stored in the balls
>Found out milk is not stored in the boobs
>Found out lungs aren’t big sacks that fill up with air
Seems obvious in hindsight. Wonder what else I’m being a complete idiot about.
i.e "not real" vs "real"
Saying not unreal and unreal is unintuitive. The shorter name makes you think it's nonfiction when it isn't
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Likely true
Beer is not stored in the taps
men's nipples cant produce milk. i learned this the hard way
poo isn’t stored in the bum
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the mind isn't stored in the brain
Where are they stored then
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He's based, why are you seething so hard?
Catyank coming back home in his bowtie ready to post the cats
it's in the mind innit
Cum and milk are excreted at the moment of production
Sounds disgusting
where's that then
>Found out lungs aren’t big sacks that fill up with air
O-oh yeah haha I knew that
the mind is stored in the aether, it just uses our brain to connect to mundus
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ah right
should I cum?
More disgusting than having old cum or milk sat around in your body going rancid?
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So, umm, why does your chest expand when you breathe in?
Looks like a good lad
because of all the air in it, what kind of a question is that?
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If your chest expands when you breathe then you need to go back to body school
Got lines on your lizard there pal
It doesn’t actually, we just imagine it does
Don't let /brot/ gaslight you about breathing
>Grown men who still push their stomach out when they breathe in instead of expanding their rib cage
Weak diaphragm fools.
I was never taught how to run
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Not something you need to be taught, it's just faster walking
any penzance man in
going next week
>it's just faster walking
Oh rorke...
This but your 30’s haha
yeah meet you outside aldi for a scrap
Ah yes I will accept advice from >dykefromhell
what about a shag x
might bum you if i win
I am unloveable
I am ugly
I am broken
I am a lost cause
It is too late for me
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i did a poo
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*enters /brit/*
state of twitter
j-just bee yourself!
Longest train journey in the uk is Aberdeen-Penzance
corr tits
*upvotes feel good platitude*
That's my great work completed
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the webm that saved /brit/
>One of these exhibits, by the photographer Andres Serrano, featured a shot of a crucifix in a jar of his urine. It was titled “Piss Christ.
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you will never experience this
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ah... hello all
l have but she's fatter than that
This doesn't happen outside of movies
You're broken and weird because you think films are real life
Judging people by the content of their character
is this the way to amarillo
can feel myself mentally cracking but l'll try to act normal long as l can
yes it does
good lad
You mean my dream gf won't come home and deliver clumsy expository dialogue?
guten morgen
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Haven't felt human in so long
Lol no it doesn't mong
Something similar maybe but not that
In real life she would be disgusting and smelly coming from a run and the dialogue would be quick and to the point
Just a normal white lad tired of seeing subhuman brown filth infesting the streets.
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alri Osamu Dazai
What does that mean
are you literally 12 or 13 years old? i know its supposed to be ironic but i honestly cant fathom men into their 20's sitting at a computer, typing this shit, posting it, having a chucle to themselves. it gives me the fear to be honest.
it gives me the ick
Might be taking 4chan a bit too seriously there lad
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And he does it every single fucking day
When it's already a stale gimmique he's monkey see monkey do'd
Embarrassing how hard he tries to fit in

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