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I will never have this
which one?
This happens in my country
i have this
i wnat a boyfriend in my country i would be such a good and lovely gf to him ;-;
I had this a year ago and im totally fucked up rn. Infact i go alone to places we went together that day a year ago. Im fucking depressed till my soul. I tought maybe this summer i will replicate best days of my life but i didnt menage too. Autumn and winter will be even worse as they crack my mood even more (i had good time with her in autmn and winter too)
kys already
I will even go to place where I first met her mother. We had great time there. You know im fucked up if im visiting place i first met her mum boyos
I personally can't stand it. It's hot as shit and I get sweaty, then I just want to be left alone but no I have to kiss and taste female saliva which is personally not that great and finally I'm never comfortable because even skinny folk weigh over 100 lbs and I'm not built for that
You should bang her mom
I can understand you. Its tiresome but once you are left without it thats thing you regret the most
Too Childish for me
No, fuck you, I WILL. This thread motivated me. I'm moralized
a) are you a tranny

b) are you from the great state of RIO DE SUL?
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im a transgirl and rio de sul doesnt exists? lol u mean rio grande do sul? or rio de janeiro?
correct, you will never have that you subhuman shitskinned low iq muslim terrorist filth, every member of your disgusting brown mindless race deserves to be skinned alive and turned into designer bags and shoes

shitskin subhuman
this could be us but you playin
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but you can have this!
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this is a thing that scares me, the aftermath of a relationship, unironically it would probably fuck me in the head it's a good thing that i enjoy my company for now
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Take the 2d pill
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snon im really stoned right now and your post made me cry :( im so sorry that happened to you i know how painful it is. wishing you the best anin it gets better
An Asian wife? Good on you, but for the record, you can buy them for ~$2,000 apiece.
How are you supposed to sleep with a woman in your bed?
at least it’s not as fresh man
im only a month out from the end of a 3 year relationship

worse yet she didnt even break my heart, i fucked up and lost her
Im just hoping i will find someone to fill my void. If not i might go to budapest to very same room we spend last daya together and i might drink myself there and on pathways we were together. One girl could help me but she fucked me up. I even had sex ones after that but nothing ever filled void. The worst think is that she probably had someone else. I will be permanent loser if i take her back.
Same here i fucked everything up by prioriting my studies WHILE having unsolved problems. For me void started increasing months later. God damn I just remembered she was present at my mums birthday
> One girl could help me but she fucked me up. I even had sex ones after that but nothing ever filled void.
I even had sex once***** (and it was with random drunk girl who after that threaded me like shit literally calling kid and she was about to kick me out her flat
I think it’s better this way, to have never experienced intimacy and i never will either, it makes the lack of it easier since you have no point of reference.
I don't like to sleep with my wife as she snores and I sweat a lot. When we were boyfriends, yeah this was fine for a few minutes but I got bored. Now we have children and we sleep in separate rooms
Have your best enjoying it and please dont be selfish if you love her. Main reason we broke up was fact k didnt want to see her 1.5 month until i graduate. Please dont be this retarded. I felt like i could replicate situacition with other girl this june but she wasnt ready. I dont know when my second chance would be. I would legitimately come back to my ex only if i knew she didnt fuck anyone. I dont want to choose between my manhood and dignity and love. The worst think is that i had sex only once while she could be experiencing what was my prime in life as we speak
My friend who has never had gf is similar way as you are. He is indifferent. Alteast you could never seen him cry drunk while browsing gallery as he could see me. But i encourage you all of this is worth it. You should try. You may even marry your first love
worse yet she didnt even break my heart, i fucked up and lost her
What happent precisely?
I hope you will live a good life
>He is indifferent.
He's probably not, he just pretends
There's a girl I desperately wants me to ask her out but I can't for complicated reasons
Me neither, I hope I can ever find a way of coping
serbbro iktf but you need to realise that she wasn’t special and there are hundreds of millions of potential candidates. you’re wasting your time reminiscing instead of moving on.
What happened?
Atleast he isnt getting blocked on his 4th ig account for wanting to congraz anniversary to a girl or just ask her how she is. He isnt trying to call her from random grannies phones on her birthday only to get shut down without hearing thank you. I took her virgity and she regrets it. It haunts me for months till this day, until 5:12 am in my country
Damn man
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got engaged this summer
>blonde hair
>9/10 model face
>dresses modest
>likes to cook and read books
>doesn't have a career
>girly and petite
>raised in italy but family's from a village
>all I had to do to get her was text her on instagram
i thank God for being born bosnian and muslim
that's a man isn't it?
don’t really have the heart or confidence to retell the story as she occasionally comes on here
“Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.” It’ll pass.
Never say never.
Me neither, but at least everyday im gaining a little more of the courage i need to commit suicide.
>eating in bed
they will not pass the gates of heaven
>gaining a little more of the courage i need to commit suicide.
me too
i will (with a turk girl)
What? Eating on the bed? Disgusting. Why are foreigners so degenerate?
Hope we will be rewarded in Gensokyo, brother
i HAD that
This is gay
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nigga your ancestors laid waste to half the known world and you want to smooch some chubby 5 in your grandma bedroom

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>my wife
>When we were boyfriends
I am going through this right now, I know your pain anon. Just remember that you'll come out the other side a Gigachad of a man and you'll get even better relationships in the future if this is your mindset.
*cuddles you*
>>all I had to do to get her was text her on instagram
what did you text her? I never know what to say without being creepy
>recording an affectionate moment in bed
Eww. Fuck off with that. This is the internet. You record porn, domestic violence and war. That's it.
come here, our girls love turkish men, even if you're a 170cm balding uggo you will score 10 chicks on the first night
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me neither, but WHO the hell is filming in that webm?
I have this and it's awesome
>it insists upon itself
>the video cuts off the last five seconds where it becomes apparent that they're being recorded by someone they're not aware of
>they both look up in horror
>the person doesn't even harm them, they're just there to invade their intimate moment
I won't have this and that's OK!
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>the person doesn't even harm them, they're just there to invade their intimate moment
don't mind me

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