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Isekai'd to Silent Hill - rule 34 edition
Previously, on /med/:
Good morning /med/, about to start a day if slacking.

Yesterday I went to the gym of the village and the atmosphere is quite different to the one I went back home, which was quite soulless: a guy jumped to help me with the bench press and people don't hesitate to take turns in the machines, apart from the absence of broccoli hair zoomer kids (at the moment).
Good morning /med/.
There's a cockroach in the kitchen, I'm waiting for my mum to kill it before I go have breakfast.
Smaller gyms are always cozy like that.
I tried a few boxing club in my area a few years back and the one I stuck with was right in the middle of the woods.
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Pobre cucaracha. Tienes que salvarlo y ponerlo fuera.
No fuck cockroaches they aren't cute.
Fuck pancrustacea in general, not of them deserve to live.
Crazy rude. I hope the cucaracha survives and hides under your bed.
Not sure they want to kill you...
If not murdered, then drugged and raped.
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I heard something about 9anime being down? Shit, I planned on watching some weeb kino soon.
With Vimm before that, we're losing more and more streaming and emulation sites to fucking corporations. Ted was so right.
ahah no, that'd be awful...
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La cucaracha, la cucaracha
Ya no puede caminar
Porque no tiene, porque le falta
Marihuana que fumar
La cucaracha, la cucaracha
Ya no puede caminar
Porque no tiene, porque le falta
Marihuana que fumar
Una cucaracha pinta
Le dice a una colorada
"Vámonos para Chihuahua
A pasar la temporada"
Fuck I forgot about this one. Thanks for the tip fren. I think I got Saya no Uta there a few years back.
Do you play VNs btw?
>Do you play VNs btw?
Not really, the closest I played to one has been Ace Attorney.
Había un hombre en Ibiza
Quien decía "soy separatista"
Pero los polacos
Solo tienen 1 capo:
Un enano argentino autista.
Good morning Sirs.

Busy day for me. Hardly any time for lunch.
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Very much so.
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Would you blame them?
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>practical matters
I would not play P*radox games in the first place
>gym has an uneven number of plates
Happens in your country?
I got my temporary university title, now I need to wait up to a year before I get the paper signed by the king.
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The king huh.
It's actually signed by a state worker in the name of the king, but it doesn't matter it shows how cucked this country is.
I wasn't expecting him to do the signing himself.
Lmao the king

In general I struggle to find a form of government more cucked than monarchy
How terrifying.

Why don't you kill it with poison.
>have to spend around 450€ in car repairs
my worries became true
I need a new car although it wouldn't make sense to get one right after the repairs
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is this common in italy?
Yes, they all hide niggers in wardrobes.
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Would you rather have someone fuck you in the ass, or go to a booth, put a paper in a box, delude yourself thinking you have some sort of leverage in the state and ascribe yourself to some party and defend your decision then have someone fuck you in the ass
t. monarcuck
t. Vooter
I mean, if you think about getting fucked in the ass so much, go ahead and do as you please
kek based and true
You the pitcher, right? :)
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I would like to apologize to femcels for denying their existence.
Good afternoon /med/

Jebać je (try getting a reservation at Dorsia now, you stupid fucking bitch! :D)

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Stolen valour.
This feels like it should be an Andalusanon's post
She should charge her phone.
Indeed. But this picture was in some general and not as a thread so he did not see it I guess.
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Lidl is apparently being sponsored by Emily in Paris this week (the Netflix show), as it's French week and all the branded products have Emily's face on them.

Your country: fact or fiction?
Which French product is your favourite one.
The nougat or the macaroons. I wonder if they're each individually made by Emily herself.
I am personally quite fond of French blonde women
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Have mercy.
Nougat is exquisite.
Don't trust myself with it so I stay away from it.
You ought to try mandorlato, they make it in a village near Verona
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We are given precious little time to enjoy ourselves on this Earth before our minds deteriorate and our bodies crumble like a biscoito. Do not deny yourself the sweet nougat. You won't be able to take it into the next life with you (all stats are reset and your inventory is cleared).
Leftists SHOCKED

Total jvpiter trolling
Forgot to post today's training.
Deadlift 3x1 with 250 kg.
Low row 3x8 with 113 kg.
Pull ups 3x8 with bodyweight.
In Greece both words are used to describe the same treat.
Is there any difference?
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>Italianon's final boss
Looks like nafri troon
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Good day med am back
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She's ugly but if she was hot i could fix her.
Having troubles reading feedbacks from the 2 girls, anyway tonight i have padel and i will relieve some stress.
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Med meetup's new place
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>and i will relieve some stress.
Oh yeah, I bet.
Buona forza, amigo.
what happened now?
I know they are seething because he didn't chose the prime minister yet and was talking to Le Pen
>Oh yeah, I bet.
It's all males, most cuties will play in other fields with superior players. I svffer.
He picked a rightoid
He still needs to find support doe, might be already done hence the picking
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I'd rather start exercising now if I don't want to finish at 9 PM see you soon frens
She's definitely fuckable but crazy as can be seen from her interests.
What is the secret to fucking greek girls?
I think being tall, attractive and rich could help, anon!
Best I can do is be 5'11 and semi successful. No idea why my posts now show the Greek flag.
ask them to show their feet it worked for me (I'm lying)
I dont need to ask. This whole holiday has been a test of my resolve seeing all these cute tanned girls in open toed sandals.
It seems he was picked because Chuds won't oppose him immediately (if left and Chuds vote to block him, they win), so it leaves a chance for him to assemble a coalition

Destroy the Turkish menace
Alternatively kolokotronis-maxx
It's tragic that britons, so meek
To want to fuck girls that are greek.
They like men of might,
So train day and night,
Eventually you'll find what you seek.
>the first "to" in the second line is not there, it's a lyssic hallucination
So what you're saying is I need to Grizzly-maxx?
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8a trexw ena one-shot to savvato pou 8a diadramatizetai stin sugxronh a8hna, r8 my classes
Its ok, I surrender
Stop being the kind if person who browses 4shit, girls hate that. I hope this helps.
>mfw my gf gets mad at me for pointing out how many Moroccan pupils she has (she's a teacher too).
I want to fuck Phasia (in my country)
Any French frens remember watching this ?
Speaking with coworkers who have small children, they all said they go crazy for this show.
Does this happen in your country as well ?
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>I need to Grizzly-maxx?
always, regardless of girls
many such cases!
guys rate this song 1 to 10
I don't know but I can tell you the title is not translated. Could have been omething cool like La Zampattuglia o Pattuglia pelosa o Qui la zampa sbirro; but we are so anglocucked instead
I like Zampattuglia
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5, I didn't hate it but I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to it.
But I appreciate the effort it takes to do the exact same post a few days in a row.
Rate this song
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Greek women are notoriously endogamous, meaning that xenoi like us realistically have a very low chance of ever getting to kiss, lick or sniff a Greek girl on her face, tummy or thighs.

Probably best to try Cyprus next time.
I seem to have gained some colour on some body parts this summer.
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It's raining like crazy outside
Nah sorry
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Same here in bongland. All yesterday, all today, all tomorrow and for the next few days.

I feel a profound sense of peace with the universe, knowing that we're experiencing cool, rainy weather, while nordlings in Teutonia are writhing around in sun-scorched agony (it was 32C there today).
We got some drops today.
What about this ?
There is thunder now
Is it acantosis nigricans?
I've been dealing with about 30°C lately...
Only the BDs
I love this country so much i
You love this country so much you w
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>Be me
>Working with two Chads
>One Chad says: "Don't ever trust girls, and until you find the correct girl stick it in the wrong ones"
>Then they keep talking with each other how they fuck girls
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He loved his country so much that he fell over and died out of pure love.

We should all envy him. His troubles are over now.
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They may fuck harlots but you have Jesus on your side
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Ate a bunch, drank a bunch, talked a bunch...
Not enough time for videogames though.
Same. I travelled a bunch and this country is still the o
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San Marino just won a football game for the first time in 20 years
Thunder is nice.
Based San Marino
Was it against us?
No it was against Liechtenstein
I see.
Women in Cyprus are Greek though.
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I am a dead man
So am I, so am I
I support Golden Dawn.
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