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do women get angry in your country when you ask them about their body count?

It's something they brag about and want to know. If it's low they'll think you're a loser
No, they just don't answer / ignore it because it's not ethical question
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women in america want you to know they have a big body count?
how is it not ethical?
ya duermete pendejo
I don't know. I don't ask them shit like that. Is that how your conversations with women tend to go?
>how is it not ethical?
This is too personal a question, especially for a woman. Just like questions about age and weight
You'll just get a weird look and the girl will think you're an idiot
yea i ask every woman i talk to this question
how is personal if you plan on getting into a relationship with them? many woman ask men about their finical situation before they even go on dates with them
>Just like questions about age and weight
how is it similar? body count is (for the most part) entirely voluntary
they just lie and give a lower number

take whatever she says and multiply it by 12 and that's her real body count
>yea i ask every woman i talk to this question
Yep, checks out.
>how is personal if you plan on getting into a relationship with them?
Women here consider this a red flag and will likely never discuss it, even in a relationship. It's none of your business and it would be strange for you to be interested in this
However, they may discuss how many ex-boyfriends they've had but not "body count"
how the fuck would I know
I know her from porn hub lol
I heard there’s a trick where you can ask “how much partners do you think one needs to have before meeting the right person?” And she’ll usually give you her number of boyfriends. Not exactly the bodycount but that’s already something
This. Standard procedure. X12 WTF? Its that how worst it is in the USA?
No. Its unethical. There are ways on how to make them reveal it. You just have to deal with them talking for an extended amount of time.
You country hasn't been at war for 70 years, so the only people with a body count are criminals and drunk drivers. Of course people would be angry to be insinuated to be criminals.
If she had at least 1-2 it's a big minus and she has to keep up with something else. If she had more than 2 it's over.
Doesn't matter mine is far higher than hers.
I have never ever had a close enough relationship with a woman to ever ask that question
No, one literally told me without me even asking.
>Women here consider this a red flag and will likely never discuss it, even in a relationship. It's none of your business and it would be strange for you to be interested in this
This. Just don't play the game. I never asked my gf about past relationships because it's a horrible idea. I don't want to think about all the times her body has been defiled by other men, how she screamed their names night after night, how she took their junk into her mouth, how those men with massive, pristine cocks possessed my girlfriend in all positions while she asked for more, how they collapsed on her sweaty body as she whispered "I love you, that was amazing" into their ears... I literally never think about that.
Although once when I was out drinking with a male friend, he invited one 20 yo femae friend of his who complained to us about still being a vrigin. Kinda awkward because I was turning 24 and still a kissless loveless virgin.
If they get angry it’s 50, if slightly annoyed then 7-15. If they say none it’s over 200.
You should always ask them and you should shame them and show them that it is not OK and that they are lower class now, if you don't do that the situation will worsen.

i havent seen this woman posted on this site since forever
Love from Kazakhstan
i never talked to a woman about such intimate topics
the most private conversation i ever have with women is asking my female colleagues at work about where they went for last holidays
Why not? What's the problem here really? If they have nothing to be ashamed of they should just say it. Of course I mean this in case you are pursuing a relationship,you don't ask random people what's their body count.
I don’t speak with women
Marky J Thompson
>However, they may discuss how many ex-boyfriends they've had but not "body count"
If the number of ex-boyfriends isn't = to body count, then she's a whore
I can't pin point but women like her are so icky. Like they're playing some sister game and you're not on the joke. If I saw her in real life I would do a 180 and walk away
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yep, they call you sexist/misogynist and laugh at you when they realize you are a virgin, but they can't comprehend that you haven't met your virgin and Catholic wife just yet
>laugh at you when they realize you are a virgin
Just laugh at them in return. What kind of stupid animal you need to be, if you can't hold your pants on waiting for someone special.
guys its a critical question. do you want to proceed and spend lots of money, yes women are expensive. on the fucking village bike. guys comeon
You can't spend lots of money, if you don't have lots of money.
The only justification for spending money on a 3D woman is if she's a prostitute. If you bankrupt yourself on a 3D roastie that's on you.
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Reminder that he's talking about her in this video:
lots of money is relative ofc you guys know what i mean
I know, she's tainted
the problem is that most women don't keep it to themselves and like to drone on about their ex-boyfriends, it always gives men the ick so I dunno why they do it
Not to sound like an incel but if they get angry doesn’t that mean they’re ashamed?
>edgy millennials laugh their ass watching this
zoomer bros, why is our comedy so much better.
why are you so obsessed with some r9k attentionwhore
Ime, no, they just lie.
how do you ask it
What’s your body count killer? How many dogtags you capture?
No matter how liberal and progressive the woman is here, she still lies about her body count because they all know deep down that it's a shameful thing.
>t. Quebec citizen
i had never asked that to a woman, so idk :D
none of fags posting here did but most are making fun of slutty women
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Hello I am from Finland
That explains high birth rates in Kazahstan, they simply fixed their women
Yeah they're whores
>women in america want you to know they have a big body count?
W*men don't like men with high body counts or as the call them "fuckboys", but it doesn't matter because they always fall for it
>do women get angry in your country when you ask them about their body count
No, they will brag about having a 200+ bodycount
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>yea i ask every woman i talk to this question

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