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Is it worth replaying Morrowind?
No, only people who grew up with that game thinks it's good
Fix your economy first
dumbass kike
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Play the superior game
Seethe boomer you're too fucking old for this site anyway
I played through it the last year. The game mechanics aren't as confusing as people say
You pretty quickly become o.p
I thought it was good when I was a kid and it's nice probably for nostalgia value but the gameplay is pretty shit

I mean block in morrowind is a passive chance to block. that's terrible
wtf I hate Israel now
>t. me
Hold up your shield bix noob
The gameplay isnt great but it has good writing and great atmosphere
ftg ptn
with tamriel rebuilt
can you give a quick rundown? I enjoyed my last run of morrowind like 7 years ago but if i am to replay it i'd do it with mods
Why would someone that played games like skyrim and witcher 3 should play morrowshit when it has
>dogshit early 2000s graphics even with mods
>no dubs
>one of the most awful combat systems
>boring sidequests
>character moves painfully slow
>3-4 types of dungeons and they all look the same
The game objectively doesn't hold up
it just adds new regions of mainland morrowind with quality design and quests and everything. you can make a new character, head to the mainland and play a new game basically
Man next time I get into gaming I am gonna finally play tamriel rebuilt. I've been excited to try it for years.
that sounds fun. is it complete ?
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no lol, it's getting there
based jew
it's the atmosphere and stories that make morrowind great
at least it's somewhere, i've been tired of all the vaporwave projects like skywind
I have a feeling that you and an oven are about to become very close
there is so much content in tamril rebuilt on top of the base game
it's insane and the new regions look cool
it's very immersive
>character moves painfully slow
That's why you autowalk into a wall while you go take a shit or something and come back to you character being the fastest motherfucker on the planet.
I think I'll try out or at least wait until those expansions and overhauls are finished
play it with openmw it's ebin
is it that one that changes the whole engine or something?
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You s'wit.
yes, it's purely for quality of life. Such as higher resolutions, longer view distances, field of view etc. It's extremely easy to install
i thought it was't compatible with tamriel rebuilt
it is
the problem with morrowind is that it doesn't explain shit, you start the game with a dagger and you literally won't be able to hit anything unless you purposely created a chracter skilled in daggers. you have to get a hold of a sword (or whatever weapon you character specializes in), but even then you'll still miss the majority of the time. It isn't until like level 7 that you start hitting consistently
there's always skyshit and shitter 3
>blocking in Morrowind
only worth it if you want a unique enchanted shield. the player's defensive capabilities are outstanding, all different types of healing, shielding, cloaking, jumping.
Why dont you post this in >>>/v/ ?
i'm not saying the system is necessarily bad, I'm just saying it either needs to be spelled out to the player or they could have added some actual animations showing the enemy dodging and your attack missing. Just some feedback for the player would massively change the game
why would anyone post on /v/?
>I'm just saying it either needs to be spelled out to the player
It is explained. You can hover over every stat and it will explain what the stat does
All you have to do is use the weapon skill you chose as a major skill and lvl up agility
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I'm waiting for this.

chicanx and indijeets turned it into just another anime board.
>cast Jump
>Cast hearth heal

It's against the rules to enjoy video games on /v/.
Do any of these mods ever end up finished? Beyond skyrim, skyblivion, and all of those like that have been "in development" for like a decade at this point, with no release date in sight
I’m watching you, scum.
what do you think of our city, outlander?
>not playing as an argonian

That’s the peak Morrowind experience.
kys prole
Realistically no, and in the rare cases they do, they're usually far from what was promised (because what was promised would require a hundred active devs, not under a dozen or so)
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>playing as a literal slave
canon nerevar is argonian
cope and seethe greyskin
which one is the indian race?
The skooma cat - khajits thats it, even sounds like pajeets
Serves no purpose
Always, n'wah.
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I am too. I also play the Tamriel Rebuilt mod from time-to-time.
For me? Imperial Spellsword.
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screw palestine, this post made me an antisemite
you n'wah
Oy vey, why are there racial attributes in this game???
ESLs of this thread, do you often play vidya in your language or do you prefer the English dub?
I've played countless hours of DS2. Not because I like it. But because my PC can't run DS3
It depends of the same setting. Like If I'm playing a game set in Japan I prefer to use japanese dub with english subtitles.
This. The dub is best when taking the setting into account. I played Sekiro with the Japanese dub and A Plague Tale in French.
Yeah. In fact I'm replaying it right now with a vanilla+ mod selection.
Good, then they can stop posting on /a/
what a fool you are
I paid $10 for it in 2008 finding it in a bargain bin and now 16 years later it costs $20.
yes. read the lore
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narsis is coming this winter probably (maybe early next year), and Project Tamriel's anvil release is hopefully before the end of this year (tentative release target is october 31st but it will likely slip). hype times in general
only if you're a mage.
the game is certainly not perfect but:

-the writing and immersive story is uncommonly good
- the gameplay is a bit janky but fun enough as a telvanni mage
-music and physical environment are very well done, beautiful and immersive

i would have liked to see different endings. like you could become a god, you could ally with dagoth, ally with empire, ally with tribunal, ally with the indigenous, etc.
combat is supposed to be like a dice roll as if you're playing a table top game. it's not that bad
damage in general esp. spells need to be done differently, probably a gradient coinciding with your skill level. and starting out low. you can use fire bite the entire game nigga
skill increase should just be with levels. none of this dumb "on-hit"grinding
thieves need to wall climb and other cool shit.
much of the world is empty and i want like underwater dungeons and shit
much of the quests and entire towns/cities are boring boring boring

still, for its genuine soul it is much better than most of the addictive slop that is churned out by the mediocre talent today
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also the creeps need to be done differently. i want to see like swarms of kwama worms hopping towards you
those fucking cliff racer birds are annoying so that needs to not exist
and make bandits harder. make everything harder with your level
>Suddenly want to play again
>Try OpenMW
>See that I need to manually install all the mods like it's fucking 2005
>Don't want to play
Should've gone for MWSE like it always been. Fuck I want to try the TR updates
there is a few things you can find underwater, actually.

All quests in this game are find - bring. The most boring thing after the fighters guild is the Redoran house
Lore-accurate Cyrodiil will be so cool.
Yes, especially for tamtiel rebuilt content.
Only N'wahs would say no
The best version of the game (openmw) costs 0 buckerinos
the holy trinity of dogshit
I played it for the first time 3 years ago. It was pretty fun. is it worth it? if you don't have any other RPGs to play yea.
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Omg a 2002 game in a 2011 games style being released in 2027
It's not really worth playing and if anybody plays it they'll only do it once
>all these replies
Sasuga, no one stirs shit better than the jews.
>I like shitty games that no one likes, I'm chad
No, you just playing shitty games
No it's true
It's a boring game outside of the main quest and the combat is too bad
it's not
they were a lot of fun
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Morrowind... home.

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