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Yellow fever edition
utter woke nonsense
if i make 250k and youre seething then thats your peoblem
why is the thread going so quickly
srs anyone in the know is the yellow fever vaccine any good
they turned dinosaurs (not real btw) freakin gay
Didn't have any new snus pics and wasn't paying attention to the post count. Sorry lads
anyone else on the fucking video games?
all the leaves are brown
and the sky is grey
Thursday night. Nobody has anything better to do but post.
Just entered the thread so I won't get any of the references
There is no better feeling than participating in 3 full body gymtoil sessions + 3-5 hours of Z2 cardio per week.
got poo syndrome
afflicted with a desire to poo once, sometimes twice, a day
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laughed at this funny meme with my 9 year old son!
You don’t tho
We've all lost the plot and are each posting as at least 3 personalities
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Blow your head off
Stra*ghts actuslly look at this and go 'corr yeah!'
Poland just won the uefa nations game
The golden rule of Scottish football is we win automatically 8000000-0
Until the game starts and we get dumpstered.
it's so over scotbros
no idea what any of that stuff is
Everyone in this thread owes me money
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Blow me off
white boys lining up to explore that cave
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>Z2 cardio
Is that a certain heart rate you have to stay in? If so how do you monitor that
reading about all the states of love and picking out which ones apply to me
Only if you throw your health away.
I'm sick to death of 20-30 year olds fretting about ageing, it's laughable.

Porn addled narcissists.
Fucking size of that thing
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this was mad
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what like infatuation? obsession? The "honeymoon period"?
no it wasnt
10/10 fuck her raw all day daily
Love a Roast Dinner but always feel sluggish until I poo it out the next day.
reading about limerance rn
you are utterly retarded
A sign of things to come.
ever wonder why people who are mega rich bother still doing anything? theres guys like elon who want to do weird AI future or be worlds first trillionaire. and guys like bezos and gates who step back and just keep the things going that protect their wealth (newspaper and trusts) but that doesnt explain the people below them. like tony blair. why does he still bang on about israel PPI and ID cards. get a hobby
sign of things to come
Did it ever come out why the white horse was covered in blood?
that hair omg
it's like mine
it's so OVER
You're a mong
>Wahh I must apply 10 billion creams and needle my face and dermaroll my skin just to avoid a few HECKING wrinkles!
Yeah, just track with a HR tracker. It's easy enough to tell by feeling and perceived effort. It's basically just do cardio and make it very easy for a 5/10 type of effort, where you could talk in short sentences the whole time, and feel like you could do it all day if you had to.
yeah i got pleasured at blackpool pleasure beach
if you woke cunts dont liek it then fuck off
Told you he's a WEF member
You don't get it, stay in your bovine lane
a lot of them know if they step away they get instantly merked
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>why does he still bang on about israel PPI and ID cards. get a hobby
that's literally his hobby
ushering in an authoritarian globaist dystopia
Why is that guy wearing full hi viz when it’s day time is he a dickhead
nice strawman, you really into this low iq shit huh
Scroteland 2-3 Pooland
full kit wanker
Something globopozzed agenda
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he's happy
Because when you are on a bike you have to assume every single person you will encounter on the roads is both simultaneously demented, full of rage and completely incapable of operating the vehicle
Every crash you will ALWAYS come out worse
Thus he is trying to maximize his chances of not turning into a pink mist because Barbara decided to run the red
building a gay porn megastructure from my smeggy childhood bedroom
>bovine lane
is this near sheep street?
Starkiller base is a bit over the top
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this wine isnt goign down very well
will. be sicking it up shotely i shuspect
my fluid reasoning power has declined as has my ability to do quick recall of information
am officially an oldfag
shut the fuck up
any other alcoholics in?
>Oooo look at me I ride a motorbike
Gay mate very gay
did this really happen
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i don't care?
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Mental how easily I could deck everyone in this thread.
*winks at you spasticly*
I don't ride a bike I just have a functioning brain
Must suck to be a thicko povvo cunt
predrinking before your shift tomorrow D? interesting plan
Tell him lad
little danny the tranny
and its retty important that i say that im not a doctor
with some of the insane posts that i make. but i will make more
Alri Freddie Mercury
Oi Rorke, go shop for us mate. Get me a ribena
These zoomer trannies always doing mass shootings now

at least the older trannies only killed themselves
who is d
thoughts on Queen of the Stone Age?
i really like that one album
no its CGI just a conspiracy trick of the camera
even if it were unidentified it definitely isnt aliens piloting it
Man kick the ball again did he? Yep. Yeah. Interesting, yeah.
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That's a rough 14.
those arms are comical
negative ape index
can't have a wank
nigga look 38
zoomers aging like milk
I have this exact hair except darker brown
love them
saw them in southampton 20 years ago
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>Face card
the woke mob got dieog
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Don't like em desu, love Kyuss
The housing crisis has got me just exhausted now. I'm no longer sad, angry or even apathetic. I'm just tired wobbie. I want to give up.
Got hit by a van
Oo he’s ragin
this looks like it'll be good
They are past his waist you stupid prat
where he penus
Emma Chebitini
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well lads?
oh my daaaayyyyssss loooooool
Rorke, that's you yh? lmaaaooooo
It's 7 inches hard
FED UP of being such a fucking pussy
might force a little cry out idk
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the scrandemic
well what?
dieog derunk before deigo day what a fuckign JOKE
No his frame would be desirable for deadlifting
You learned about ape index without understanding what the fuck it really means and now just want to parrot
Fuck up
Irn Bru is quintessential chippy drink
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Chip barm, gravy and a classic Coke innit???
wukong is 120gb bruh
B6A, anything else is for NONCES
Got a few million in the bank

need business ideas to invest
B,1, can of lager
Rorke checking to see if he did in fact drop his gay card
B1A simple as
B26E and some tartar sauce please luv
stop posting this stupid SHITe
its fuk and CHIPS simple as
vinegar that sIT none of that WOKE MUCk so FUCK OFF
>love Kyuss
never heard of them
Anyone remember the airfryer psyop
Just straight up you farming. Should be banned
alri posho
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If you’re not getting gravy I have to assume you’re a pedo
You WILL downsize all your household goods and belongings gradually over time until you fit neatly into the pod
Why should the common man have any space at all?
gravy does NOT belong on fish and chips
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the psyop is that someone tried to sell you a great appliance?
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new tinder like de lads
Leave the thinking to those equipped for it yeah
Who's this? Should know since she's American but...
apparently people with more unmet social needs (lonely) are more likely to experience intense limerence
checks out
sucked off a orse
>A cladding company boss heavily criticised by the Grenfell Tower inquiry has denied playing a part in the disaster.

>In 2010 Mr Wehrle sent an email to colleagues pointing out that, in this shape, the Reynobond PE product would not meet European fire standards for tall buildings, adding “we have to keep [this] as ‘VERY CONFIDENTIAL’”.

seems pretty open and shut
cockmogs me
U haven’t lived mate
can tell she is fat
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Didn't realise asking for the Dr Pepper would make me King Charles
file name
Mate literally who gives a fuck about grenfell I cared more about that massive church in France
>YouTube Music
>Apple Music
Which is it, Britbros?
it's called being heavy boned lad
youre like those curry sauce freaks
whats a good hing i can watch
if youre such a thinker how are you getting psyopd? think about that...
>Asked by the BBC why, Mr Wehrle - who has since left Arconic and lives in eastern France where he volunteers as a firefighter - insisted it had not been his decision.

how do you play monopoly
I didn't buy one thougheverbeit?
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bit fucking much - leave something of him next time!
I will downsize my appliances.
i pirate all my music. no one service has all the music i want.
this is an incel general
soulseek (nicotine+)
but with apple music shuffle
Spotify, all three are shit and evil though
Steal some money from the box before you play, hide it in the toilet, go for a piss midgame and sneak it back into your hand
who cares about private companies building shit housing and neither them nor the government taking blame? Fuck off Deano you persimmon shagging ponce
yeah that's why you know grenfells name and don't know that french shits
just roll the dice and move round the board buying properties till you win or go bust
Looks like Ian moore
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Makes you wonder why nothing has been done despite the constant virtue signaling
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Join the crew
7 billionaires died on a yacht and it was the only news everyone was talking about for a week last month.

12 migrants including 6 children died crossing the channel this week. It's already yesterday's news

Just goes to show
>Baldur’s Gate 3 patch adds official in-game mod support
>heh I didn't purchase a convenient, innovative, state of the art appliance for my kitchen
>joke's on YOU

I think big toaster oven is the one psyoping you lad
got one of those wetrooms installed so i can piss all over the bathroom
what's this

I don’t speak French dickhead
News don't mean shit when 7 billionaires die and it's only a few days of news
>start of the art
It's an oven
i dont pay any subscription. not for music. not for movies or tv. i dont play vidya but i wouldnt pay a subscription for that either. the internet bill costs enough and gives me freedom to pirate all my entertainment needs.
Apple Music has better sound quality but I'm not sure you can tell with the equipment I have and I'm thinking of jumping to YouTube
If I wake up and there is shit in the toilet bowl, is not a big deal. If I wake up and there is a shit on the table, we have a big problem.
it's so obvious this is a psyop to create sympathy for minorities because of the rise in people pointing out the government is failing to reduce immigration. they literally posted a picture on the BBC with a write-up for every victim. when have they ever done that before
giving birth laying on your back is apparently not the most common way to do it
even yanks know Notre Dame de Paris
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choose your maeda
diego on the booze on thursdauyw aht aufkicng JOKE
for what purpose
foss soulseek, same shit really
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MOT test tomorrow
Diego squatting over a mirror to check if he's still a virgin
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the missus
Got a bottle of Jack Daniels and I'm drinking the entire bottle.
I'm diabetic, so know that this could kill me lol.
Not really funny that is it
no luck catching Hitler's bollocks then
Suck my toe I never asked u
>It's already yesterday's news
that's how news works mate. today's news is today's but yesterday's is yesterday's.
Psi ops, you say?

i think we should give all the women dark chocolate without lead in int. just offer them the chocolate. if they were offered chocolate, they wouldnt just say no to it. if they did eat it, then its good for them in a lot of ways, and without the lead we could have chocolate without lead in it for those mothers, and we would have that as medicine for women giving birth (no other country would get it. their children cannot and ours can)
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>I'm diabetic
fuck off with that woke shite mate
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on the rum and cola myself
don't try and cross the channel illegally you might die
>try and cross the channel illegally
please tell me why i should care
new airpods plz
looks very finnish
anyone else find it really hard to listen to music with english accents?
class game
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we live in a shoeciety
the evening peace has been disturbed by an Amazon delivery van
there's arsenic in dark chocolate and I think you know that
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love her
sex of various sorts
5 for 5 on there being no pork in my supposed "tomato sauce & pork" beans. Will lodge a complaint against both the amazon and the heinz corporations.
not diabetic probably
i just think maybe im addicted like a crack addict is to crack, to caffeine, and thats a bit worrying. id rather be addicted to meth than caffeine. i took 1g and almost died one time because the top dose is 700mg *ends trauma dump*
i do need energy drinks like a diabetic needs insulin however
and id rather have meth
mena feet
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Can you even consider them human at that point?
we should provide them with legal means of crossing the channel then
has she got her knob out yet?
get them housed, wanked, etc. sirs
not a fan of indians but this image is obviously bullshit
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I feel the same way. They knew the risks, they must have seen news reports of other boat deaths, yet still France is apparently so shit they'd rather die than stay there a second longer
Can you explain why?
I made the sir poo barmer and get them in, housed, wanked gimmicks.
pretty sure it was never conclusively proven koko understood language at all and wasn't just trained to make symbols in reaction to stimuli
That's what language is mate
have you seen Calais? It is pretty grim tbf
dofo on the britcord invented poo barmer
why dont they just make arsenic free dark chocolate? im not being silly because id do it myself. where is the dark chocolate without ARSENIC in it now
i think as a society we should be able to produce dark chocolate (like 94% chocolate) coca without aresnic in it. then we can feed it to pregnant women in Britian at the appropriate time in their pregnancy or delivery
im not a woman but if the government asked me if i wanted some dark chocolate i would say yes and eat it
wow you're a deep thinker aren't you?
because animal cognition, even of great apes, is radically inferior to human cognition
just take speech
Sounds like your average britposter
rattled runt
>character in the game I'm playing said 'Oh my science!'
Normally putting memes into games is cringey but it made me laugh
>dofo on the britcord invented poo barmer
this post gives me the fear. what britcord?
>In 2022, the unemployment rate for people in the Bangladeshi and Pakistani ethnic group was 9%, the highest rate of all ethnic groups. The unemployment rate for people in the Black and Asian "other" ethnic group was 7%, and the unemployment rate for white people was 3%, the lowest rate of all ethnic groups
john elton
I was instrumental in establishing the starting a post with "might" trend
he's right, you got done
or in different problems women have with their uterus
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playing five nights at cobson's are we?
We've only just come around to the concept that animals are sapient
Please stop thinking you know anything at all about the world
is it too late in the day to make a bowl of instant ramen
animalji cognitions are vastly of inferiority to humanji sir
please do the needful and understand maderchod
Cor all that saturated fat
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My dad and his husband with my new brother, my mum was the surrogate so he's my full brother too :)
my boyfriend is a 205cm tall policeman, and i'm topping him
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playing a bit of norf simulator
No you weren't
top yourself after, please, mate
Nah My Time At Sandrock, it's one of those crafting/farming/marry the villagers sort of games
>Please stop thinking you know anything at all about the world
yes that sounds like advice you should be following
Hey, Henry's come to see us!
>the unemployment rate for people in the Bangladeshi and Pakistani ethnic group was 9%,
As if, it's way higher
yesh just puekd up the booze so
off to bed itm a ina. minute
what's the opposite term of crossdressing?
didnt ask
plus youre gay
>I know you are but what am I!?!
*laughs in your ugly and stupid face*
The NHS is fucking useless they lost my blood test they never told me until I fucking came to them again so then I had the get another one, the Retard doing the test fucked up my arm and it bruised up nicely now i have to wait 2 weeks for a telephone doctors appointment just so they can tell my ass to get another one disgraceful
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put that woke cunt in a package marked 'fragile' and shipped him to Hong Kong
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>her knob
She’s amazingly hot
havent chucked up while steaming since i was 20
done it with hangovertoil but thats the day after
oh wait this is a yellow fever thread, my bad kek
The '''''staff'''' now have basically no training at all
Last time I got bloods drawn they fucked it up several times and made a mess of my arm
mine did an OK blood test :) so get fucked
amnot gy
jesus christ be praised
soulseek using a custom client written in a single 300 line shell script. running on void linux. thinkpad t41.
would love to drive into a wall at 100mph right now, belt off
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How do i do that?
buddy here there¨s hardcore fucking and muscles, not sure what you are talking about

oh my blood was drawn by an ER doctor with 10 years experience
sucks to be you Britan
surely 320kbps is going to be more than adequate in literally any scenario other than like DJing in which case you obv won't be using a streaming service
just sicked up again... foign bed now
Bit gay but I would absolutely love to get my arsehole stretched by a big nigger dick and then, after he's squired his baby batter in my sluthole, I'll fart it out on the floor and lick it up
right? how do you fuck up what a heroine addict does every day?
So, because apes don’t speak English? What do you mean? How do you know how they think?
got hair on my toes now
just keeps cropping up in weird places
need to finish sleeping dogs someday
was just saying this down the bookies
dad l told you to stop posting here
heroin addicts fuck it up all the time too that's why they are covered in scars and get cysts
Ok is considered pretty good these days kek
very good game
remember enjoying it but dont really remember the ending
Hope you don't need to go into a hospital lads
It's grim
did the person doing the test say anything about your veins?
u got mentol illnes mate
Yeah, that is a bit gay.
got hair on me back my nose hair needs trimmed regularly and the hair on my chest is going grey. Such is life as a 32 year old.
Sleeping dogs was a great game, it felt like GTA with the Yakuza fighting system, the gun system was trash though and you could tell it was unfinished - wei shen also had edgy backstory template number 2
DJs have less use for anything above 320 than audiophiles do
All the best
Oh i've been courtesy of NHS 111 it fucking sucked I was there from like now to 07:00 my only solace was the cutie ambulance trainee's that walked through the waiting room for whatever reason
>doesn't even have the bravery to answer a norwegian

>How do you know how they think?
because comparitive psyhologists study animal cognition and it is radically impoverished as compared to human cognition even among great apes as I already said
Not for me, just put the band on took 3 vails of my hard secreted blood shook the needle around while it was still in during the process then put on a cotton ball so I didn't bleed out like a british soldier after his first and last meeting with the US Air force
>norway owns literally 6 percent of london atm

viking warriors! have we gone business? YES! The city of london can not stand the norwegian prowess.
that sounds ok
maybe feels a bit weird with the needle poking around in your vein haha but i like that a bit
So you don’t have any actual description of the ways they are impoverished? Just, mr scientist said so?
Spainpaedo's latest VPN effort
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what does hitting my pen mean
Back to Norgetradden, chud.
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Are you trying to insult your master? We all know the chudreich is in norway and own london by logic.
vape pen

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