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norwegian-anglo edish
north sea oil is ours
When Kollektivet said
>You took a giant leap for mankind, We took a small step for cheese
I felt that.
bit early lad
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You stole orkney and shetland from us thieving bastards.
War it is then.
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crying about stolen land is for nonwhites, you debase yourself
zero response kek >>201877916
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fat norfs cant handle this
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Hello is this the snus thread?
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very propar lad doing his best
this is major tom to ground control
Alright lads I want to hear it: what is YOUR unpopular gaming take?
Stunning and brave
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>me rn

how you lads feel about vodka
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now on hour 51 of my no sleep september
you took them from British tribes first then got btfo by Scotland
Dishonored 2 was actually quite good.
pokemon is crap and always was
civ 6 is better than civ 5/4/whatever earlier version people have nostalgia for.
things i hate about norgay
there women casually fuck men before getting into a relationship
they don't have a black king yet
the hit band the dustborn only tours in the US and not here
call of duty is not good
its slop made for teens and children
playing it now makes me cringe
was fun when i was a kid
Lmao the UK didn't even exist then
They were Gaels and regularly slaughtered the Saxon hordes until the Norwegians came
thinking about becoming black and a rapper
scots trying to pump up their historic prestige is always a good laugh
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Checked. Weird video wtf
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UK was formed by us nordic strong and thinking men. Your royal family are descendants of us still and merrily applaud it too.
did i ask?
>UK was formed by us nordic strong and thinking men
The only nordic people who existed in Scotland by the time the UK had been formed spent the last 400 years being ruled by Scotsmen
Too many people think Semen is supposed to taste sweet like sugar
reckon living during the height of empire would have been pretty shit for an autistic incel. sitting in your smelly bedroom is probably shit without heating, tv and internet
This is /brit, not /brit/
We're all in here
Dark Souls 2 is a better version of Elden Ring

Why is charlie posing topless with young lads
not posting in spaino thread
Drinking semen (alkaline) with a sprits of lemon juice (acidic) to balance it out
oh honey you're floundering...
Not using a shitty heathermong edition
genuinely mental how much the bloke looks like norf fc
he's gay
he got caught by his gf a few weeks ago with tranny porn on his phone
Not sure, but you might be right. Idk. Watch this delightful documentary

cry about it
Just pay us to leave you alone like we did to you
Oblivion is good
anyone got a good video games documentary to watch
The Soulsbourne games are all wank, and many pretend to like them to avoid being called a casual or told or to git gud.
Wonder if you could ever fart and pull a vacuum in your arse/colon area
Have scientists looked into this?
Mum said my bedroom is smelling a bit alkaline
not /brit/
GVMERS is a bit dry at times but has good documentary style videos
this is /brit/
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seriously though why are we all fucking autistic
I can fully understand not liking them, but the idea that everyone else is just pretending to like them is a bit silly
Kinda cringe in hindsight with mumberg storming in to open the window
Must've fucking stunk in there
I do quite enjoy the "we're all in here" and there is only one post gimmick.
there's a music genre called 'Geek Rock'
anyone here into it?
oh honey no, you need to stop
heathermong melty
Yeah bro let's migrate to your dead thread lmao
Nobody wants to use your eceleb thread with topless boys in the OP. Piss off you autistic nonce
Found undertale boring and pretentious
new primitive technology de lads
My dad was an alcoholic from the age of 14 to 53 when he died in agony due to oesophogeal cancer, my last memory of him is him looking at me with terrified eyes, having to use his chest muscles to carry on breathing, before he eventually stopped breathing. His dead body looked awful.
Witnessing some spamming/flooding
Would like a longer one but this'll do cheers.
Mad that Aussies of all people really destroyed this outlet and ran it into the ground. Don't know what madness possessed them.
Might’ve just been caught speeding I’m on 9 points aswell
>immigrants have violent fantasies of killing whites
Masturbate sometimes to a pic of a long-gone ex, but now I realise I'm not 100% sure she's 18 in the picture
Send them a fine first
'many' =/= 'everyone'
You should be able to plug a tube up your arse that's connected to a fan that turns on when you fart to blow the gas as far from your face as possible
So then you don't fart under covers and accidentally waft your nose with it
Dragons, I'm looking for 50k for 5%
An Australian company owns escapist?
ktim when I was 24 and realised I have autism

Impossible to sell, Brits love the smell of their own farts
she’d get it
This lad is not troll or shit but it's really good

Ah the old "self diagnosed" is it? Mmmm
big belly
softy belly
soft female fattttttttttt
i hate my dick
tiktok is full of such strange people
Pub later?
Great Heathen Army got beat by Alfred
The Danelaw was swiftly reconquered the Saxons
The Anglo-Saxons themselves by this point being half native Britonnic Celt and half West Germanic (not North Germanic)
The Norse failed to fully conquer either Scotland or Ireland too and were regularly defeated. The independent hybrid Norse-Gael duchies were later reincorporated into native kingdoms
*The entire internet
That’s a good idea
aye lad
Alfred the Great
such a good king

How many Kings have been god tier
Without him there wouldn’t have been an England
Your dad had some had very many good times personally im sure. He was just an "anon" or a guy, but he drank and had sure much fun for himself i am absoluteltyeeye sure.
want to laugh at this but we are very much guilty of it as well
Edward I
>nooo you have to pay 3 grand for Dr Goldberg to give you a spacker certificate for something that's been undeniably self evident your whole life
You what?
>Guys I'm undeniably autistic I swear, look I like googled the symptoms and stuff
reckon incelism isnt brought about because of looks or anything genetic just that they're all eternally online weirdos who had terrible boomer parents
a lifetime of negligence and responsibility leads to learned helplessness which can only be undone by another lifetime worth of effort and discipline
rabbi is almost spelled like rabbit
if i was gay or a woman i would suck so much cock
Not sure what you're trying to tell me. Are you not anglo-saxon? Are you Pict? Celt? Tell me about it.
Having a nightcap (glass of Jaegermeister)
that is bizarre
but thank you, Norway

sciene was done today (take that, liberals & govmt)
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Actually I watched a few videos by professor ed dutton
Thanks Norwegian lad, yeah he was well liked.
you are not mn you are a FAKE
T. Bruce Goldberg
sikhs are bro tier
nope c:
wanking to a memory doesnt count as noncing and what is a photo but a memory captured in time
Mental how I've been here 10 years and have forgotten their names.
mousenonce is so clearly a bratty bottom who needs cock so bad
it's a mix of autism, looks, undersocialisation, etc
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All the peoples of the British Isles defeated the Vikings at one point and the Norse never created a lasting legacy beside a few small meme kingdoms swiftly reconquered
>Are you not Anglo-Saxon?
Not by descent no, culturally yes as my family has been English speaking Britons for the last 400 years
Haven’t existed since the 11th century
By descent yes but can only speak a few phrases of Gaelic
i can't believe there's a fake mousenonce now
Sir Charles Veitch OBE
I realised I was a woman when I listened to this song x3

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Weird how if I drink 8 568ml cans (21 units) I usually feel awful, but if I drink a bottle of JD (28 units) I feel pleasantly drunk.
wow sucks to be him
his fault though
Is it too late to watch 'Oliver!'?
2 and a half hours long
ill probably need an intermission for a cig
would be about 3 by the time im done
want to be up at 9ish tomorrow
best not
this guy was on The Simpsons
reminds me of that one webm of the russian just shaking uncontrollably until someone hands him a glass
And if you’re talking about the British people as a whole. The English and Scottish are 2/3rds Celtic (pre Saxon native) and 1/3rd Germanic. The Irish and Welsh are more pure Celtic, although some regional variations show Germanic admixture. From Englishmen in Wales and the Norse Gaels and later English in Ireland.
what’s he professor of
My Dad is a chad deano ex shagger who has loads of mates and is always greeted by people in the street, but I'm a friendless shut-in incel freak and I look a lot like him but younger. We're both 6 foot 2 and slim too. Genuinely think I might be mentally disabled in some way.
I can tell my Dad is upset with how I am, he doesn't know how to deal with me. My older brother is exactly like him.
Alri Bender (from Futurama)
You should see when they make this shit and he has to meet his family. He fucks up with pills and alco and just mmm fuckme
can’t post that
realised recently that if i died today, there'd be no more than 3 non-family members at my funeral.
pitching gift ideas to my internet boyfriend until he says "no" to one to get him that one and gaslight him into thinking that he wanted it the whole time despite saying no with him being a dog and him being a dog and taking it, as hes a dog, going across the world to give him the gift then mayying him and having seggs
You're being sabotaged so you stay close into old age as a beast of burden because he already considers the job done with the firstborn
Off for a little walk. No toil for me tomorrow.
A new DoJ indictment alleges that RT employees "covertly fund[ed] and direct[ed]" a US company with $10m in order to push pro-Russia content. The company is based in Tennessee.

The indictment specifies that two of the people who work for this Tennessee company (Tenet) were "deceived" -- meaning they didn't know that the Russian government was running an influence op.

Dave Rubin has 2.4 million subscribers and Tim Pool has 1.37 million.
Even though he's aged and his face is bloated, you can tell he was likely a chad in his youth.
> chad deano ex shagger who has loads of mates and is always greeted by people in the street
this is partly your problem
this is just a normal man who is well liked and sociable in his community
this was normal back then for most people and still is for many

but you have to put all these autistic 4chan labels on him like “chad deano ex shagger”
>friendless shut-in incel freak
introvert intellectual*
Okay, i was talking some years before. See this perhaps if you want

getting little obsessions for him
getting him a gift i am having an autistic obsession with
treading through glass to reach him
moving to another country into his town and fucking him
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poo cum poo cum poo cum poo cum
my dad was a shagger but im not, even though we were both 5'10 if that makes you feel any better
No, I mean he legitimately is all of those things. He's the centre of his friend group and everyone defers to him, he runs his own business and is genuinely an alpha male. I know the difference when I see it.
Yeah this was 5,000 years ago though when both our ancestors (Norwegians and Brits/Irish) were the one people living in Eastern Europe
i'm brilliant
but i smell dogge
How old are you lad?
Got loads, here's a few.

Half Life 2 isn't as good as people say it is, I would still say it's a good game but Halo 2 came out the same year and it was and is far better.

Metroid games are shit.

The last good Gran Turismo game was 4, Forza is unironically better (though the new one is shit, I don't know what they were thinking with the progression system and career mode)

Tekken absolutely mogs Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat.

Another lad mentioned CIV6 and I agree. Everyone acts like CIV5 is the best but when that was the newest one everyone preferred 4. When 7 comes out people will say 6 is the best.

Oblivion is the best Elder Scrolls game, better than Morrowind and far better than Skyrim.

Fallout 3 didn't deserve the hate from nostalgia spastics, it's a good game. You can enjoy 3 and still enjoy 1 and 2. You don't have to choose.

Metal Gear Solid isn't that good and Kojima is a hack who sniffs his own farts though the 3 remake looks decent, probably because he isn't involved.

Resident Evil 4 did irreparable damage to the series and took it in the wrong direction.

The Witcher games are shite.

Burnout 3 Takedown is the best arcade racer ever made.
what religions did europe have before christianity
Remember the 2016 clown panic
ok? freak
You have rose tinted glasses because he’s your dad. With all due respect I’d probably knock him spark out
Demon worship
All correct other than fallout, they all suck
is elon an actual nazi freak or is he just controlled opposition and tool for the intelligence community

44 b down the pan . why is his head not in a bag
21, turn 22 in November
We are the same, i think, to some degree. Celts are weird, but brits are kinda the same as nords. The only way to tell is eating mushrooms in the forest together.

>Oblivion is the best Elder Scrolls game, better than Morrowind and far better than Skyrim.
holy mother of based
wish i had a gang of smelly smeggy brit boys running a train on my femboy bum xx
Money doesn't exist
44 b gone and he's still the one they call to rescue stranded astronauts
>Half Life 2 isn't as good as people say it is, I would still say it's a good game but Halo 2 came out the same year and it was and is far better.
Didnt read anything else after this dogshit
bit gay lad
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This is his Facebook profile pic from 2015
Heard they're reforming the Dawnguard.
Vampire hunters or something, in the old fort near Riften.
Might consider joining up myself
it's not gay when I wear the dresses
Bro is posting pics of his dad on 4chan...
Kek same. Utter dogshit opinion
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I'm quite sure that no one of you can beat my orcish voice and depth. Challenge: make it deeper.

why do you like the mice so much?
>doxxing your dad because you're jealous of him
This is like some greek tragedy
Just some random bloke. No one would post their actual dad on here
won a piece of cardboard in a shop last week. sold it for 280 quid. mental the world we live in.
just something about him :3
Literally just “ethnic group” paganism

Celtic paganism
Hellenism (Greco-Roman pagan religion)
Germanic paganism
Basque paganism
Balto-Slavic paganism
Finnic paganism
Illyrian paganism

They all had similar and equivalent gods, a thunder god, an ocean god, a sky father god, a magician god, a war god, this is because most of these traditions came from a single ancestral race (Proto-Indo-Europeans/Yamnaya) 6,000 years ago. But rituals, beliefs, and practices could vary from tribe to tribe or even village or village.

Paganism wasn’t a religion per se like the Abrahamic faiths or Buddhism or Sikhism is. It was a collection of supernatural beliefs, rituals, worldviews, cultural practices that revered certain forces, people and sacred locations. Like how Hinduism has no strict belief system but a bunch of practices people collectively call Hinduism. Look up some of the pagan gods. The Greek and Roman ones are well known, but there are others. Taranis, Ceurnoss, Lugh, Morrigan for the Celts. Wotan, Thoraz, Frigyr, Loki, Tyr for the Germanics, Perkwunos and Dzbog for the Slavs etc.
m8 wtf are you doing?
You're a geek tragedy heheheheh
imagine like 20 bbc running a train on jenna ortega
shed get absolutely ruined
Oblivion has a worse world than skyrim
And is more linear and has less good missions than morrowind
why is sn pretending to be toby
reminder to all you litte fuckers in the thread
> i posted the mice
> i didnt get banned
baldurs gate 3 combat sucks
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to be fair most people would, you aren't meant to have sex with 20 people at once
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this one's for the gamers
Brits are Celts really, the two islands have remained the same stock since the Bronze Age largely just with additional Germanic and Gaulish (Iron Age French) input depending on the region.

British Islanders are the closest people outside Scandinavia and Germany/Netherlands related to you
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Only freaks think Half Life 2 is better than Halo 2.


Speccy twat. This is literally what a Half Life fan looks like, they are this phenotype. It's why they love it so much.

Me? I look like John Halo. 6 feet 10 and jacked up to my fucking TITS.
pretty good character study- i always thought it was weird how they would put the food in their faces before twiling it, then eating, as a kid. now it puts tha tinto a picture
my mum is trying to make me gay
>a thunder god, an ocean god, a sky father god, a magician god, a war god,

no but she was made for it, being 4'11 and size 4
it'd be a cumbath
she'd never walk or sit again
Forgot i used to access games like this back in the day
bloody hell you're seething
Thoughts on Fallout New Vegas?
pretty sure she already thinks your gay lol
mogs me!
can’t wait to watch Ireland rape England on Saturday
>Judge the game on how athletic and attractive the male protagonist is
Bit gay desu
That wasn't me who posted that pic, he's trolling. I wouldn't do that to my Dad.
Isn’t literally every morrowind quest a fetch quest
last thing the vikings played before getting slaughtered like cattle by saxons or gaels
I have never gotten them neatly lined like that
they are always just scrambled about
want (you)s but can't think of anything good to say
I like girls but she wants me not to
wish i was playing league of legends
Post a pic of ur dad
>Greco-Roman pagan religion
how different were they?
also nice helpful post
Just go onto an old /brit/ thread on the archives and repost something that got a lot of (You)s
only they can save the thread
my dream? to die alongside brian ború as he drove the vikings out of ireland.

and you?
whys this mouse trying to trick me into thinking hes a girl and possibly even a goat?
im going to fuck your throat until i cant cum anymore
so i can fuck your throat so you keep quiet
our land, god gave it to us
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Mine also involves you dying funny enough
uh oh daddy's drunk
I like strong black coffee, I like straight whiskey, I like cigars, I like growing a beard.
No human sacrifice
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MOBAs are so fucking gay. It is the ultimate BUGMAN genre of games, why do you think the chinks and gooks love them so much?

MOBAs to bugmen are what FIFA is to deanos
kill batarian bastards in cold blood
>The Witcher games are shite.
idiot boy
well don't do that
Are you cute?
you gotta tame the beast
guys im not joking
i love reggie

just pretend for a second that you are my friends. i love reggie
*tips fedora*
Sometimes life may stink but we can always smell good
this isnt a bit
>ohh ok ok i get it you love this cartoon mouse
no anon
I have BO
which one had human sacrifice
good to see my blacksmithmaxxing will pay off eventually
did you know that the fedora meme began on SRS? used by feminists to mock masculinity?
You mean to each other?
Romans either adopted Greek gods or they were already similar since the Bronze Age. But once Rome conquered Greece it largely became one religion.

Jupiter is Zeus
Neptune is Poseidon
Venus is Aphrodite
Mars is Ares
Pluto is Hades

There were some religious rituals and rites though that were completely Roman in origin like the imperial cult and augury and the way they sacrificed certain animals. This would not be found in say the Greece of Alexander’s day, pre-Rome
The vikings, or the culture which streched at least a 1000 year before, i tell you people was afraid of them. Let us look at the example of Oksaburg, or Teutorburg forest as it was called back then. The romans could take over France and Belgium, but when they ventured east towards the Osna river, or what it was called in local language "the bridge towards the gods" (actual), they met fierce resistance and had to retrreat. The romans lost three legions and settles with the Gauls, but the Germans, they never abled to conquer.
>jerry is rejjy backwards
>theyre both bent mice
did you know this all along
rate the new ink
if mark lost his benefits then what does he unironically lose except for (and this me is me thinking)
his monthly phone/handheld purchases
Wish I was a celebrated artist and lived in London.
Gaulish savages.
one of my ancestors or his close relatives got this chance
>imperial cult and augury
what were these again
wish I was cute enough to make a living jacking off on camera
is tha this real name? tell me- i want to know. i need to stalk him so to know the state that he lives in would be great. and no i dont mean in real life
i want to go find Canadaanon too (in my dreams!)
He's entitled to his benefits.
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Why would you ever admit this ever
i didn't actually
no puedes poner los ratones
playing valorant
ooh la la
Is this the famous hourglass figure women covert
funny, don't recall any mention of human sacrifice in my astérix comics
so if I go to a library and skim through some pages of books then I'll have crowds of women forming around me?
The official "yeah I'm trans and like to game, how can you tell?" list, also known as Reddit Faves:

Breath of the Wild
Baldur's Gate 3
Witcher 3
Fallout New Vegas
Stardew Valley
Apex Legends
God of War
Disco Elysian
Half Life 2
The Last of Us
Diablo 3 and 4
Borderlands, all of them
Portal 1 and 2

Miss any?
Those were continental Germanics not Vikings. Vikings were Norsemen who raided. Norse as in Scandinavian.

You can call them Germanic but they were continental West Germanic speakers, ancestral to the Franks, Saxons, Batavians, Lombards, Vandals. Different from their cousins to the north.
Nothing to lose?
only if you speak Italian, strumming a guitar and basting a turkey
I believe pagan was a pejorative for polytheist.
Am I right in thinking that?
romans just said everyone did human sacrifice whilst they slaughtered half the old world i wouldnt pay any attention
Trying too hard mate. Dial it back about 5 points. You cant dropntrans and reddit in the same baitpost
Okay then, posts a list of based games
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I'm trans and haven't played anything on that list except for a few hours of Breath of the Wild.

Now Final Fantasy, that's a series I love.
worshipping the emperor as a living god and treating the emperor as divine and his rule a religious one

augury was actually practiced in greece too my mistake lad
i think hes only allowed because government thinks he would die in 5 years. but would he? no. obviously hes not doing enough
i would be pissed if my tax money went to this erson if it was him HAVING to drink 4 pints of cider a day. you know what i would do? drink even more, more expensive alcohol, just to spite him. but gooder alcohol to outlast him. not that its "paying money so he can go do whatever and drink alcohol" its "what if i dont get that alcohol" and i dont care if he doesnt get to drink 4L of alcohol tonight i really do not care if he doesnt get to do that
How can I write to Lucy letby
how is porn a hobby?
>>>Breath of the Wild
Been so long I'm nostalgic for it. That TotK was unnecessary though.

Putting New Vegas on there will upset a lot of the 4chan lot they love that shit on here
I like GoW and enjoyed TLoU and Portalbut I am not trans
largely correct
worshipping birds
post some birds
just write to the prison she's in and address the letter to her as care of
>worshipping the emperor as a living god and treating the emperor as divine and his rule a religious one
ah like the japanese eh
yea, Halo 2
/v/ calls new vegas a tranny game all thr time. Idk why.
NFL TONIGHT !!!!!!!!!
NFL TONIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NFL TONIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
write her name and the prisons address and the post office HAS to deliver it by ROYAL DECREE else its ILLEGAL and the king will chop their dick off
The first time I noticed wokeness in games dialing up was Bioware games.
As care of?
write it on a piece of paper, fold it and shove it up your arse
>post some birds
don't have any
sorry lad
bro still uses dial up
Which one? The one with the racist christian? She was a based inclusion.
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as in as care of the prison
you're putting the care of the letter getting to her in the hands of whoever recieves it in the prison so you would write:
lucy letby
c/o the prison
aye you could say so
Yes Stanley
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"those" EU countries posts are always so bizarre
its that weird culture that i dont understand because im british but you all get what i mean
If you're ever feeling like a useless, lonely, incel freak show then just head over to r/WitchesVsPatriarchy and have a little laugh at the fat hogs playing with tarot cards and unironically larping as Harry Potter characters. If I had a sister like one of those freaks I would have no choice but to honour kill her like the Muslims do.
anyone want to make a non heathermong new?
If you're ever feeling like a useless, lonely, incel freak show then juST PUT CHOCOLATE SPREAD ON COOKED PIZZA
"Viking" is a term which came about in the 1800s. You could call them raiders or invaders, or what the catholic writer wrote about them. Thoughever, there were things that occured between year 200 and 800 which are not writter of, some were, but was very hidden by the catholc church. One would presume that as an englsihman you would take emption to that, but of course yes, do focus on the other shit that happened. The germans was so strong that they had to make northern crusades at us, the teutonic leauge etc. For Norway, there was the Swedes who fucked us. Made the kings swalllow their swords in a literal sense, warm swords. Then they destroyed all our wotan temples and built churches with the stone. Varg Vikernes burnt four large churches and i don't blame him.
drinking beer every night is fine btw
It’s called nutella
Is the blue mouse an incel mouse that's pissed off about Reggie being a massive slut for much bigger animals?
ummmmmmmmm P:
bziarre nordic lore dump in thread hopefully this isnt like a moveie rn hh
They do be like this

*gropes you*
started as a marketing campaign when the shitty show launched

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