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imagine all the posters, posting in this thread - edition
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John Lennon beat his wife
really hate the faggots
she deserved it
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Got a degree in bradley posting from toby college me
3-Year duration 4chan Passes are now available for $45
manifesting the post I imagined by typing it now now, verifying the post (captcha not rewquired) and hitting the post button just now
balding zionist cringe case
it's over for rorke

pic related
I wonder what he would be like if he were around today.
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>And she's watching him with those eyes
>And she's lovin' him with that body
>I just know it
>And he's holding her in his arms late, late at night

>You know I wish that I had Jessie's girl
>I wish that I had Jessie's girl
>Where can I find a woman like that?
What a bargain!
something about that song which just exudes americana
Imagine actually paying to post on 4chan
ktwm (kek this was me)
thats so weird why is he there and where are their parents
concerning stuff
Asda in cheadle
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Guitar anon if you're still here I asked you a question right before the thread changed
Lennon was known for having a different political opinion every month. We remember his hippy period because that is what boomers focused on, but he was apparently obsessed with Hitler a few times in his life.
I reckon he'd have become a hermit at some point.
I get paid to post here
looks like roy hodgson
John Lennon must have a had a terminal case of yellow fever because Yoko Ono was not attractive at all. Jomon face theory is real
corr yoko looks proper weff here
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the scrandemic
>Jomon face theory
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The last night of the fair
By the big wheel generator, a boy is stabbed and his money is grabbed
and the air hangs heavy like a dulling wine...

She is famous, she is funny!
An engagement ring doesn't mean a thing to a mind consumed by brass moooooneeeey
Despite her cringe music she was well educated and exposed him to a lot of new music and books and films. She was from a rich family and received a top notch education.
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Modern Japanese decend from two distinct ethnic groups: Yayoi and Jomon.
Seems like just yesterday I was in high school collecting pokemon cards and playing warcraft 3 customs with my friends after school and now I'm 34
Life goes so fast, feels just like yesterday
mental mental mental
almost halfway through the 2020s as well
>high school
>collecting pokemon cards
would help if they were both clean shaven
yeah i think he would have divorced yolko in the late 80s and disappeared for 15 years until the early 2000s then come back and done some middling albums and tours followed by a Beatles reunion (with Clapton instead of George). inevitably he would fall out with Paul and the Beatles would break up again. since covid he would be shitposting on twitter and be an anti-vaxxed based boomer.
are you genuinely autisitc?
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all your troubles seemed so far away?
would have loved if there was even one more smiths album but in some ways viva hate is like a bookend considering 3/4 of the lads made it
almost like people look for more than just looks
Look at Zuckerbergs wife
being a big mouth scouse. if you had ever met a scouse women you would understand.
this wtf
do you know what the word theory even means?
for me, it's ringo starr, the beatle who lent his voice as narrator to the acclaimed "thomas the tank engine and friends" TV series
year 7 is high school
will now be attempting sleep
Windy out
tbf high school / secondary school in the UK and Australia starts when you're 12. It's not like America where there's a middle school prior to high school
fun fact he made more money from that than the beatles
For me, it’s Vauxhall and I
Yeah, been making a lot of weird mistakes like that lately. My spelling has also gotten noticeably worse over the last year or so, kinda starting to freak me out like what if I had a mini stroke or something
threads about aging and lost years always give me existential dread
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and don't give me that aw shucks shit
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arr rook same
in America George Carlin was the narrator
everyone collected them back then, kids would take the rarest shiny mythic cards into school to show off to everyone
I remember going to the local shop on lunch break and spending my dinner money on booster packs
remember trading swapsies in the canteen
Wish I lived somewhere that's permanently winter
in 3 months time we'll be closer to 2030 than 2020
can't believe it
good for him
his voice is so ingrained into my brain. When I watch the simpsons episode he was in it throws me for a loop
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no you don't be quiet
he also composed the goldfinger theme
woooow throwback
What have you achieved in the past 10 years brit
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they even had Alec Baldwin do a few seasons over there:
I turned 30 at midnight...
done thousands of poos
He's coming.
Did well in my highers at school, but nowt since then
Thomas the wank engine
yeah also a good album. Feel like that's where modern moz artistically separate from his smiths persona really kicked-in
good lad
The last time I smoked heroin was on my 30th birthday. Still miss it. The heroin not birthdays. Birthdays are meaningless.
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happy birthday my man!!!!!!!!!!!
have an awesome day :)
i finished school, learned to drive, got my own car, got a steady job, lost my virginity, got a gf, moved out of my parents house into my own apartment
happy birthday lad, have a great day
His Low in Highschool album from a few years is also good
Virginity status?
ciggie then bed for me de lads
genuinely quite a lot that i'm proud of
pretty crazy to look back and see how far I've come since I started posting in /brit/
i would do a big shite
but i haven't got a shit to shit
happy birthday la - leave some cake for the rest of us!!
- tom xx
is it as good as they say?
thanks lads
had sex once in uni when I was 23
I'm ugly on the inside and out
will do la x
not with that attitude!
I want to bathe in blood and build a castle out of corpses
Lennon was based

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have it on good authority that belligerent ghouls run manchester schools
Have read quite a bit. Luckily haven't had to work much throughout my life so I can dedicate most of my leisure to furthering my education. Using these habits to learn about finance and personal wealth management at the moment
>is it as good as they say?
not him but yeah its great
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>I want to bathe in blood and build a castle out of corpses
little known fact about welsh people is that they despise scousers
what a prick
super mario in real life
I think liverpool flooded one of their towns once
the females loved that
strange arent they
Lenin was based
based on marx
>liverpool flooded one of their towns
>is it as good as they say?
its everything they say.
oh yeah heard about that
something to do with a dam?
scouse tears overflowed into neighbouring wales
did you ever get addicted
haha love mocking mongs
yeah to make some sort of reservoir
dunno how they did it
its just bants, sluggy
you can apparently see the spire of the church sometimes poking out of the reservoir
i've got mental health
oh yeah. twice. one in my early 20s. again in my late 20s. and opiate pills twice. im not addicted now but ill be an addict for life and i know with certainty im not done. its just on pause.

>Tryweryn: The man who bombed a dam to save a village

>In the summer of 1955 the people of Capel Celyn, a rural, Welsh-speaking village in north Wales, learnt their home had been earmarked as the site of a new reservoir to provide drinking water for Liverpool.

>This would mean every house in the village near Bala, Gwynedd, being destroyed and all the residents being forced to move elsewhere.

>For nine years after the announcement, the villagers fought to save their homes, with protests and marches through the streets of Liverpool.

>With the future of the village looking bleak, three men decided to take matters into their own hands.

literally planting bombs to thwart the scousers
quite fond of this video
anyone drown?
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wales mentioned
hope you get clean lad
no dont think so it was a planned development that the inhabitants obviously didnt want to happen. they would have been relocated
He who can buy bravery is brave, though he be a coward
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>Ableist behavior is legion. I make it through by means of small dispensations, little pardons, absolving the bus driver who resents me...
Winston Churchill, Stalin and FDR should replace Brutis, Cassius and Judas as the three figures eternally chewed in the mouth of Satan in Dante's Divine Comedy.
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hands off, liverpuds. you're still drinking welsh water to this day
Insofar as man, and hence also his feeling, etc., is human, the affirmation of the object by another is likewise his own gratification.
For forming the post-war consensus.
>the post-war consensus
this was a good thing
okay paki
as i said im clean now. could pass a piss test tomorrow if needed. the fall of Afghan, turning 30 not long after, and losing my main supply around the same time was the wake up call i needed and i quit h. but in my soul i know its not the end of my love affair with heroin. i just hope i can stay off it till im ready to die. like they say "ill always have another addiction in me, but i dont know if have another recovery". im certain heroin is the way i want to go out but im not ready to die yet.
well that's grim
best of luck mate
is this where you got into opiates in the first place
doing a gay porn sex poo
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linkin park are back lads
last few threads have been depressing
not sure why thats grim, but thanks anyway

no. never been. i just saw the writing on the cards for quality heroin.
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the Australian column is honestly very accurate, fair play
love a really hot day so long as its dry. Perfect beer weather
anything under 25 degrees is jacket weather however
your H didn't come from aghanistan, your dealer likely told you that to make an impression on you
smart schoolboy
Yeah, still remember 2021 when it was 40 degress that one day. The air felt like soup.
the addiction and looming dread that comes with it was the grim part, not you being clean. Keep it up and best wishes
Have you ever worked while drunk? Or drank at work.
most of it comes from turkey or pakistan as I understand it
image always cracks me up
worked in about three offices that had a beer fridge, yeah
and worked at a few places where we'd go across the street to the pub for lunch on fridays
wouldnt dream of it but i turned up to school on all sorts including drunk
Yes, used to work at McD's and kept a bottle of whisky or vodka in my bag in the locker room and would take it to the toilet for a swig or two every 15 minutes or so on some shifts.
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if i go into a pub and ask for a whisky i dont need the landlord to show me the label on the bottle to know when im drinking single malt or a blend. both will get me drunk but there is a difference.
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I don't have any beliefs
why do you believe that?
Do you want some beliefs? I can give you some
no pls don't
have a system of values and thus many beliefs that are spun off of that
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I find it comforting. Knowing its always there for me. When I need it to slip into the great abyss. The permanent nod. I only worry ill end up too old and/or sick and be stuck in a hospice incapable of obtaining heroin.
>yeah man my dope comes straigt from the afghan fields, right off the poppy!
>how do I know?
>the dipshit scumbag drug dealer who's after my money told me so
there's a strange lump on my
based and grecianpilled
thats so fucked up why are they fighting why cant we solve our problems without violence
can see what the one lad had for breakfast at 0:03
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cheers lads
a toast...
to /brit/
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kitten play is much less innocent than the name implies
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what does it involve besides the usual hurr durr me so stupid daddy noo ur a good girl haha
are anthony
the world will move on after you die
too fucking right m8
out of order innit?
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Two tier woke n safety gone mad
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Nell Tiger Free
the gril he's holding is 16 in this webm
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>this is the bloke trying to kill the internet archive
hope he dies in agony
Just want it to be over
Saw a teenage girl with the most voluptuous breasts today. They were literally jiggling as she walked
i hate the beatles so god damned much
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This chinese AI is off the chain
it's made from pork, la
maam, need redeem this maam
Love the way that women's bellies have that little curve down into their tuppence.
he doesn't like that people can loan books for free
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de palma > scorshitse
Makes you think doesn’t it
Indeed it does
Get Wi-Fi anywhere you go!
grow up
Genuinely convinced that most vegetables are bad for us.
because they're sprayed with unhealthy chemicals/bioengineered seeds?
Possibly, mostly through experience. They're a chore to eat and they make me feel bloated.
Convinced that only food that is enjoyable to eat is good for you. No other animal eats food it doesn't enjoy.
This doesn't mean that ALL food that is enjoyable is good, especially when we're talking about processed food.
food being overly prosessed doesn't make it bad for you
what the hell are you eating?
veggies are light stuff
prostitutes eating food at mcdonalds
nothing better than an ice cold beer
fat bastard
Need to do some clothes shopping
No, but a lot of processed food is very calorie rich and conducive to obesity. Fruit is the most common source of sugar in nature and it is very difficult to become obese eating fruit, but it is easy to become obese eating confectionaries.
Broccoli and Sprouts and Cabbage makes me feel like utter shit. I like peas and carrots and potatos though.
need a poo
all you need is meat and potatoes and occaisonally a carrot or two
I'm 6 foot 2 and weigh 13 stone
>Sprouts and Cabbage
ah, didn't think of those
they're known for making you gassy
but i love a good bit of cabbage
how to let go of regrets
Idea for a song parody: Boulevard of Broken Dream and that one lyric of "I walk this lonely road" is changed to "I wank my greasy chode". That's all I got so far.
I like Christian women, but when a girl's first line on a dating profile is about Jesus, it's a bit too much for me
So when do you graduate highschool?
>Christian women
>dating profile
I mean, if you're a Christian you literally believe that all things belong to Christ and will eventually be reconciled to Christ, every grain of sand and every blade of grass.
So it shouldn't be surprising really should it?
Yes, and?
are you jewish
Doesn't need to be your entire personality though now does it
>i wank my greasy chode
>the only chode that your mom's ever known
why would a christian woman be on that den of vice
Yes, it quite literally does.
Did Jesus not dine with tax collectors and prostitutes
wanked out of a car window once
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get BACK motherfucker you don't know me like that
normally people just wank out semen
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mental that youtube will be 20 years old next year
founders sold it for peanuts compared to what it's really worth
not sure what i'm supposed to be looking at here
yoko is really sagmaxxing here it's unreal

It's Veitchmong posting random video screencaps again, disregard
feel like SHIT
she's so brat
lennon's politics were very unsophisticated. I think Ringo was the smartest of all the beatles
any discordian man in
In Australia, religion is treated as a personal thing. People quite often get put off when you broadcast your religion to everyone, so I totally back this lad
might have a non-alcoholic beer
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Dro blunt and a cig in order
that explains a lot about australia
Have gone the longest without watching porn since puberty. 3 weeks without porn lads. Can't tell you how much better I feel.
yeah why?
reduce stress/anxiety
remember when Nigel Farage said his daughters were really into black rappers
Reminds me of video I watched of an American preacher on an Australian bus yapping and no one was going for it then he lamented the hearts of these people are some of the most closed off he's ever seen
Putting things down my willy hole
I'm a Christian and I try to balance the fact that it is the most important thing in my life with the fact that many people find religion bizarre, alienating or annoying. I just try to be as kind and generous a person as possible and occasionally bring up the Bible when the opportunity seems right.
I'm not diego btw, diego is...strange.
If anyone in this thread is genuinely interested I'd recommend the book Through New Eyes by James B Jordan. It's a very rich and poetic book that explains how to read the Bible.
yep instantly made me think of interracial sex
what have you got against normal beer
I'm on DNP right now
can't drink normal beer or I will die
at Deano's new gaff
the bible is full of perversions and anti-family nonsense how can you ever think it's worth talking about
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totally fair enough mate
bunty man
the boys are back in town again
they're hanging down at deano's
Sean Connery was an open wife beater
two poo kier
still giving handjobs at the truck stop?
he was a cheap scottish hoodlum
entropy is the key to understanding the universe
alri Lovecraft
black music
Guess that our ancestors were wrong for almost 1400 years ay?

pinnacle of british music
Anyone on the Suck Dick September?

its why life exists, shine a light (energy) on a muddy pool of molecules for long enough and they'll start using it
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funny menme
More of a (bug) clit man myself
Big clit*
>shine a light (energy) on a muddy pool of molecules for long enough and they'll start using it
that's a fascinating
american idiot quite a good song desu

has those joe strummer clash vibes in some ways but updates for a new pop punk /nu metal / post-grunge era
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Don't wanna listen to American Idiot
*Da na na na, na na na na, na na*
I genuinely wish I was dead, I don't enjoy life, I can't see a way out of my situation. I feel like a slave to everything: people, my work, my impulses, my inclinations. I can't take much more of this. I don't know what to do.
Can't wait for Destroy Dick December
Every day, you wank one more time than you did yesterday
Wish I were dead*
Hypothetical, subjunctive mood
wss ad thing is even if you make it out of this situation we all dead anyway

just a sad life

veey few people live the good life

thats why i am an antinatalist
bros thinking about bug clit
drink more beer
Well, it won't be hypothetical for long.
Indeed, one good thing about being a worthless incel freak is that I won't produce another worthless incel freak.
Atrocity Exhibition
Heart and Soul

Means to an End
The Eternal
Twenty Four Hours
Alright white boy nice music lmao
Good album that.
Your disposition is all wrong. You need a purpose, a reason to live.
What motivates you?
what am i doing dubai
at the prime of my life
Hypixel has gone woke
Happiness is warm cum
Good guess
Rebel Rebel
We are the Dead
Sweet Thing / Candidate / Sweet Thing
Rock n Roll with Me

Cracked Actor
Panic in Detroit
Aladdin Sane
Lady Grinning Soul
Candy Says
Some Kinda Love
What Goes On
Pale Blue Eyes

Beginning To See The Light
I'm Set Free
That's The Story Of My Life
After Hours
>people, my work, my impulses,
just got rimmed
Bowie sucks

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