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not happy edition
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>you ready g-man?
we're only making plans for nigel
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>aromatic incel
bit pissed
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neutral evil
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mad how accurate these songs are

having a little incel break at my incel job
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Anyone who’s ever ordered a dildo not shaped like a mans penis needs to arrested and put down as a matter of national security
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r u alright mate
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why are britons like this
woke brigade out today
sick of having no purpose
sick of being alone all the time
sick of ruminating on my failures constantly
sick of not being able to sleep properly
sick of the continual collapse of this shithole country
sick of it all
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>what time will you be home, Michael?
That dude sprinkling herbs and shut on his shaved legs and defending women's body counts on the Internet
most scientifically astute anti white
I Am A Protestant That Repents Catholics
Cromwell enslaved thousands of Scots in Virginia
And theres no such thing as the "lowlands"
>and they're less Celtic than people from North West England.
Yes Duncan MacAlpin from Leuchars is an Anglo-Saxon but Aethlered Saxonson from Angle town is a pure Gael

Reminder nobody believes your Schizo Anglo-Saxon theories
workout, move country
Why do Indians insist upon using their made-up numbers
yeah? that happened did it? fascinating mate
workout is a NOUN
>times of India
Oh deary, you're an actual jeet
it's not us. It's foreigners. Invaders.
the number of rapes directly correlates with the number of non-natives in Britain.
I've never heard of a English grooming gang or a Welsh grooming gang. Have you? No. But you have heard about the Pakistani grooming gangs. Dozens of them, maybe even hundreds.
You lads see the news?
Sweden is GAY. Think about that.
Imagine getting schooled by an ESL
...prefer not to say
English people have a divine right to verb nouns and noun verbs
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>Is Emily in?
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>per lakh
Yes I uh nobody denies this there's even a play about these Scottish slaves it was known by everyone then I just uh don't understand you
angela white is the only aussie i’ve ever wanked over i reckon
so horse polio (PEM) is probably a lot like beriberi, where you fortify the food with thiamine (our bread is fortified with it i think - its common for governments in countries such as Canada and the US, UK, to fortify their cereals with thiamine, iron, etc.)
fake diego
face looks like shit
eye bags look like shit
hair looks like shit
huge nose looks like shit
scrawny skinnyfat 5'10 physique looks like shit
everything about me is fucking shit, i should legit be euthanised
no what happened
1) All numbers were made up.
2) All numbers were made up by Indians.
3) You're welcome.
lucky bastard
go away you mumbling cretin
Do you drive
how come you went from posting off your avatar flag (which ive filtered) to talking to yourself (which i hide) to starting new threads with it once those are hidden? its so pathetic that you want attention with this
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Why do women get upset that men care about their “body count”?
Men want a nice woman to spend their lives with and start a family with. A history of not having serious relationships and having sex with everyone isn’t a good indicator.
I wouldn’t be upset if I applied for a job as an electrician and the guy said “no, you have no experience as an electrician”.
Or am I an incel?
>1) All numbers were made up.
>2) All numbers were made up by Indians.
yeah he drives me insane
have you ever ridden a horse tobester?
>two examples after and
Mousey I’m worried now, are you low IQ?
animal feedstock is a hot topic in the UK (our beef is the best) and US (they are always complaining) - even the EU and then on to the trade deals with them and the UK. its also important to know what is in the foods. me i like fortified animal feedstock :)
ignoring the hardcore pol people and freak bbc fanatics i think id rather have a black friend than a gay friend, they're just funnier. not a big fan of arabs though
Hi p00m4n
>Men want a nice woman to spend their lives with and start a family with
Clearly not as seen by the birth rate
Can't say or janny will have my head. It's enough to make a grown man cry a whole TWO TEARS
ive got to include the UK because we are so good
other countries should copy us - so if we do something, it should be included, with those other countries
I am a man (penis) and I want this
I think its an american woman thing. Most women I talk to agree an insanely high body count is a red flag, for guys and girls

fuck must've been bad then
Having a black mate is based, they make you feel so cool. One of my flatmates in uni was Nigerian and when we all went out together to the student union he gave us such an aura boost
SUV drivers are the biggest mongs on the road
gormless cunts
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ever had one of these mousey?
All cultures can agree that mincers are fucked. Even if you say you don’t mind gays, you’re still gonna feel disgust when a bloke tries it on you
horse fact: horses communicate through vocalizations, body language, and facial expressions.
ktim I drive a dacia duster and I’m a fuckinh awful driver
what would you call them then?
blog on you sinffuerably biring bastard
they're all out on the roads again the morning and late afternoon doing the "school run" now, most entitled and shite drivers
So you're saying if a horse winks at my wife I should knock his block off?
I'm looking good personally and I have a slim 6'3 frame
how is it a blog if im not a horse
ew that looks like one of those with the horrible layer of white cheese at the top
sucked a willy and swallowed cum before
had my arse fingered by a fella while he wanked me off
pissed down a lads throat and over his arse
shagged a lad while his partner watched
HOWEVER seeing two lads being romantic in public or the thought of kissing/cuddling one utterly repulses me
BMW drivers are arseholes but at least they're otherwise competent drivers

SUV cunts are inept AND they're arseholes
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>it’s a woman driving a Land Rover episode
Up there with cyclists when you live near a lot of country lanes
Not gay but I would be flattered if a little bent fella flirted with me, would feel validated. I would politely turn him down of course but still
Any one that I'm not obligated to marry cause I don't want to leave a child without a father
t. pathetic little toyota aygo driver
woman + suv = legitimate safety hazard
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Hello, good sir. Emily is in her bedroom. Would you like me to call her down for you?
Diego lying down and sticking his legs in the air to take photos of his bumhole to check if he's still a virgin
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They fear the volvo estate driver
eeeeeeee i just got a little bit of acid reflux in my throat from my spit which burned like acid or heat on its way down and giving me heartburn then shortly afterwards causing shortness of breath from that "heat" i felt
everyone ITT wears a fedora
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rorkes on a mad one
need a shave
Is it possible to still get free SIM cards that don't need activation by paying and giving your bank details? The time has come to risk the plunge into the world of online dating but i'm not using my real phone number for that
looks like a hearse bet it handles like one too
toby!!!!!!! :D
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>it’s an old person driving 20mph on a narrow/one-way road episode
Men having high body count = good, feel like an alphamale
Women having high body count = bad, she's gonna cuck me for alphamale

Me = sex outside of marriage is a sin
horses are the complete opposite of fedora. none of you understand
Almost had an environment kill for triple points
is there anything gayer than a man saying he "giggled" at something?
grown men don't "giggle". they laugh or chuckle or whatever. get a clue you deranged paedophile, throw yourself off a bridge.
is there anywhere/anything good in the UK?
cities - shit
towns - shit
countryside - weird/old people
Things I’ve done in the past year:

>clipped about 6 wing mirrors (I take a pretty narrow road to work that has a school on it and all the mong parents park on the road and make it difficult to get past them)
>went in to the back of an old man at some lights really late at night. He was fine but I saw him get out of the car so I overtook him and sped off so he didn’t get my insurance details
>driven drunk at least twice (after maybe like six pints so not wrecked)
>speed on the motorway every weekend

Points on my licence? 0
bro drives a ford ka and thinking he the king of the road :skull:
Getting absolutely hammered by toilberg for something which isn't my fault. Can't be arsed arguing and throwing someone else under the bus. Wish I wasn't a thicko and had some desirable skills so I could tell him to shove his job and fuck off somewhere else. Alas.
Yeah think 3 will still send one to your house for free, just search free SIM card. I used to go through them at one point
ohh that is very unfortunate for the other guy
but he got hit whilst clearly trying stop or pause the fight again after falling down. the person who got hurt was hitting a begging man
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nth for the baddiedem
women don't like men considered players though and if you've slept with women within their social mileu they'll be put off by you especially if you haven't treated them well
up to futurama season 8, kind of lost its charm when it became modern
thinking of helium asphyxia this weekend.
>is Diamonique in?
Giggling while I goon like some kinda clown
fucks dogs. VERY CLEARLY gets fucked by dogs
You can buy prepaid sims on Amazon (if you count that since you’re not giving your bank details to the phone company only to Amazon)

Or buy them at supermarkets in cash

Why do you care so much about them having your bank details? You can get a Lebara sim now with like 6gb of data for 1.50 a month
I sNigger at things
think its just down to different logic and reasons between the sexes
I do a little mutley laugh and then shake my head in gentle derision
dont do that
people actually need helium
hope you dont kill yourself at all but yeah who am i
Giggled at this
you lads ever done a poo mid wank? or alternatively started a wank mid poo?
>I want a SIM with data on and it’s very important that there is no link between it and my name or bank account

there's no where i want to live in the UK
it's all so shit
think the smell would put me off desu
watch a film with a cup of tea instead
When I was 20 I drunk drove absolutely hammered and lost a tyre mid journey. Still carried on driving and there was sparks coming from where the wheel was scraping the road. Got away it somehow and the worst I’ve ever got is a fine for driving a diesel in Bristol because apparently you’re meant to know if a random uk city was ULEZ or not
post a horse fact
MI5 need to keep an eye on this post
would get one of those 3 year 4chan passes if bans weren't handed out so arbitrarily
There's most "players/fuccbois" aren't alphas. And that clique thing girls have got going on is gone after some drinks and Chad charisma. People are fickle, if alpha tried it she's hopping on
I tried this but when it came in the post it said i still need to register and activate it by putting some money on it (thus giving my details). Don't want to give my details because if online dating is a total fail (likely) then i can always restart with a new SIM
If i can't get a free one i guess i'll just pay in cash then. I don't need any data just need a random SIM to register for this modern world bullshit
you arent allowed in Bristol
youre driving a disel so you cant come here. not allowed in Bristol (to drive a diesel)
Might move to China.
Came whilst shitting when I was a horny teenager when I was looking for the ultimate pleasure but it was obviously mad hassle aligning the two perfectly. Just have vanilla sex + wanks now but worth a try if you haven’t just so you can tick it off the bucket list
good post
one thing that i thought weird on the RSPS was the day after i killed lizard "people" for 14 hours straight (in their own homes!) and looked the next day to see that i had 8 lizard "people" "pets" from doing that. i think it was pretty sus
With a post like this I can guarantee you're having zero success on dating apps
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Here she is. The both of you have fun
It's not even a full fur suit
Plenty of other reasons lad
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Got a ban for racism the other days for saying I hate non-whites. Utter state of it
shes literally perfect by the way
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the gf
Corrr i hope so
Imagine having a bird like that you know she’d be up for anything
The Nonce is posting weird shit gimmicks no one replies to again
I hate women so much but I love them so much at the same time.
Diego calling others boring. Pottery.
goon owned
Watch this and let me know if you like them
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on the bus lads
Yh take it like a good little cuck that’s it
who is barming my poo
needs a good hiding
Probably. I was in some very LTR (5+ years) and i've never used any dating apps and i suck at first impressions as it is
>working on a Sunday
youd think that a large bottle of green liquid would take thick and sludgy, like nuclear waste. but it doesnt :). thats my favorite thing abt mtn dew
mad how much you've changed swedelad
>mamma Misato
>her son Naruto
so cute x
Mum makes me wear my high vis when I go to the corner shop because it's across the road :/
Psycho vibes
Literally said i don't need the data, just to register to hese apps. If by miracle there are matches and hit it off i'll just give them my real number
how many sexual partners can a woman have before it starts to cause doubts in you?
i am hungry for cock
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disgusting art style
captcha related
not going to piss in bottles for my mtn dew
im too much worried about the contaminations in there that might be from my immune system
Is this a riddle?
innit, clue gained perhaps
How old is she
Depends how old they are. If an 18 year old had 5 partners I'd judge them, if they were 30 I wouldn't think anything of it.
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molested as a kid
least evil brit poster
heathersubhuman you are mentally ill
Depends on their age, but as a 22 year old I'd say more than about 5 I'd raise an eyebrow
^ not me not my post
Any at all
If a woman isn't a virgin then she isn't with me
*opens brit*
*sees a bunch of autistic freaks posting*
ah.... yes
can't stop thinking about my fish n chip lunch yesterday
was well nice
u spastics dont get it
it's good that whoredom is popular now and women brag about hteir sexual partners
you now know who to avoid
and who the genuine decent people are
Fucking weird bastard you are mousey. Bet you reek
is this satire
*opens 190s arse*
*10 litres of African semen inside*
nah not anymore but im glad you made this post to remind me to shower today like i was meant to 2 days ago
You say avoid like you have the choice to decline a woman
im literally Christian Bale
playing a poo like a harmonica
i assumed not everyone here would be permanent incels but you are right that was a silly asusmption
So you reek then
Can't stand freaks who take work too seriously. Unless you're a doctor or work in any other field where a mistake could kill somebody, you need to fucking wind your neck in and relax.


Fucking pathetic, who are they trying to impress? The only reason I go to toil is because it pays more than I would get on benefits. If benefits were higher I would pretend I have chronic back pain and cheat the system as much as possible to suck money right out of the government with ZERO shame.
Stinky! Get in the shower before your council worker has to hose you down in the garden again
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call becky chi chi man
no because i am literally so covered with a thin layer of aluminium everywhere on my skin except my penis and balls
New security scanners at Luton Airport lads. Don't need to take out laptops or liquids out anymore, nor do you have to use a clear plastic bag. Security checks were a breeze.

Air travel is healing.
I feel like chicken tonight
just dislodged a bothersome bogey
omg i love luton now
oh wait i'll never fly from there lmao
>Fucking pathetic, who are they trying to impress?
they've been buck broken by their toil masters
replies that hes gotten: 0
>hmm maybe it is the flag. let post without the avatar flag for a moment. thats why im not gettnig replies
Crazy thing is I’m not 100% sure this isn’t someone pretending to be Toby or just Toby lying
pulling bogeys from where they should not be and putting them where they belong
Had one of those good ones with a crusty end attached to a long thick gooey one that seemed to pull out from the bottom of my soul.
Felt like a new man afterwards
acetaldehyde metabolites and not acetaldehyde itself is responsible for ethanol-induced lipid peroxidation

if you wrote this title and cited a similar paper - or wrote it by putting together references for information, then you can own little part to go do experiments with, by using not acetaldehyde (so anything) to test with after you do your own tests to try replicate their results
Luton goons impatiently waiting for palegyaldem to finish school for today
might go for a wlak in this lovely morning weather
airports make me anxious man last time i went they delayed the flight, then undelayed it so suddenly i was late, then kept being iffy about letting me through like bro....
How long should you work at a job you hate before looking elsewhere without it looking bad on your CV?

I've been at my current job for 8 months now and it's destroying me. I hate the environment, hate the culture, hate the "not my problem" mentality I get when I ask for help.

I'm strongly considering just asking to go back to my old job but that might be embarrassing.

God I should've studied something better at uni.
while you post on 4chan alone
omg same
thought about taking a drive somewhere for a proper hike but i cant be arsed. or maybe ill change my mind.
its 11oclock but go nuts
a black physician from alabama is still richer than a richest european viscount
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Oh mate just changed whenever. Gf’s sister does it every other month and still finds work
chiseling the crust of bogeys that hangs beneath my nostrils
not clicking on /gif/ links mate sorry
she also fucks dogs btw
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Rebecca's not here at the moment
Okay paedo
feel bad for lab technicians and researchers who have to work with and kill mice, i certainly wouldnt be able to take it
>spider season has begun

kill me lads
can't stand the 8 legged cunts
the rjork stalker
China floating on milk
semi-skimmed China
semi-skimmed Chinese pepo
while you post on 4chan alone
Another day as a lab technician. Today I was testing how many mice you can smash with a hammer before your wrist gets sore.
university of mousenonce
just discovered this enormous pile of horse poo
doing science’s work, friend
China but Muslim
Reckon it wouldn’t so bad after a while, dogs and monkeys would be a whole new ball game however. And don’t know how you could work in a pig farm
So Indonesia?
Kazakhstan innit
i utterly condemn the far-left buggery
They're called wiggers aren't they? The Chinese have been rounding them up into camps
idek what that fucking country even produces. at least other China makes semiconductors with random under the sink chemicals
Corr imagine how big that horse must have been!
tonights scran sorted
im a sensitive unemployed young man
Cuslims actually
cronem working out and getting their trim lined up before slapping their thick meatlogs into katy's fanny
Leftypol snickering to himself looking at r/greenandpleasant on his phone at the back of the bus and all the other passengers look at him like he's a weirdo
you're a boring blogging bastard
yeah a bit mental how they did that and no one cares
care about Russia and Ukraine not really
actually it is fully mental for them to be doing that
Making a core2duo with dettol and a brillo pad
Should be on the market by 2026
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Be home by 6.30, Rebecca
wake up, protein shake with water, banana, lift 1h, work, protein shake with sardines and apple, run 9k, work, whatever mummy makes for dinner, sleep
They make those indomie noodles which are banging to be fair
it's hard to go back to dating british women. they're so boring and tasteless.
HAHAHA yeah we both know that aint happenin x
those pads are aluminium though
and thats useful
i mean the under the sink chemicals where there are no limits for long enough for it to turn into that
Coffee and faces in the Manchester gay scene
rorke sitting on a bus breathing heavily as he’s reading another wikipedia article about ww2
cannot believe that people unironically believe in jesus in 2024

>Police have arrested a survivor of a migrant shipwreck on suspicion of raping and murdering a teenage Iraqi girl who was also on board.
>The man, also from Iraq, is alleged to have strangled the girl to death in front of her mother while the boat sank.
>According to Italian media, the man had just watched his own wife and daughter drown and he ‘vented’ his aggression on the daughter of another survivor.
go stupid go crazy
"wormwood scrubs" is the most apt name for a prison ever
or any religion for that matter
Brazil makes the majority of the worlds coffee! :)
would have been cracking open the first can shortly with the ex gfberg if she was still about
don’t really fancy it by my lonesome, will probably just until after toil
lol you got that right
becky will be at the brixton traphouse all nite long
so are most foreign women desu
Swediod actually sitting on a bus because they wouldn’t let him in the work van
wogs really are a baffling species
what makes yous ay that?
yoiur a weird little rapist midget
if i was swedish i would be riding in a sleigh
On the agenda
im gonna say the nword
ah yes, ‘vented’ his frustration
the cronem finna run a train on becky's tight quivering pussy
project on
She die of alcoholism or something
species that needs culling pronto if you ask me
I'm 32 and have had 2 sexual partners. Girls at toil younger than me have all had minimum 20 because we were discussing it and I was embarrassed and said I'd had 8 and they still thought that was hilariously low
make sure you reply to the right post, don't waste your nigger
toothpaste on orange peels would be good to have in the event of
blog on you insufferably boring bastard
straw-hatted white boomer cuck lmao
i'm 27 and i've had 0 sexual partners
it does sound like something out of a fantasy novel
>The dank dungeons of Wurmwoode Scrubbs, the foullest prison in the seven kingdoms
Unironically someone doxx the Belgian VPN poster so we can get mental health staff to him asap, cunts been talking to himself all thread
making fart noises with my armpit
ive slept with 3 girls
1 i regret
blapeppo telepathically knowing which post
>caring what moids think

Mad how people do this
might start calling my anus the ‘fartpit’
with belgium and diego filtered the thread is actually alright
Best of all aint nun he cud do
utterly sick of it all
If you could quote him in your posts when you're talking about him so that they get filtered too that'd be great. Cheers mate
dick sheath would be more appropriate for you lad
i just straight up admit i'm a virgin these days, i have zero dignity left to protect
in a way, i suppose thats why he does it. to give him credit for taht
farting into a machine that runs on farts
clever one
howling this is me
extra funny when your mate outs you and some perosn u dont know very well is like "nah sorry not, no way, not possible"
lol, lmao even
>i suppose thats why he does it
don't get duped, if that were true he wouldn't post his catchphrases or signatures during the week
blog on you boring gay freak
Indonesia is akshually more Indian than chink, genetically, culturally and linguistically

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