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First for getting them off the boats and wanked as soon as possible
no edition? silly bastard
cute picture
Parlay just hit
me and the trad virgin wife
why not wank them whilst on the boats? less risk of a sexual emergency such as raping a teenager whilst your family drown
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the modern reality
So you guys made a new one bc you didnt like the dildo shit?
Hopefully the bbc fag and Diego stay in the poo thread, so how’s everyone?
they made a new one because they LOVE the DILDO SHIT
I have a stone in my shoe
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the mushroom as it were
Oh guess he’s found his way here then, oh well that’s that dream over
I like how I can identify this poster based on the person they always post, one could say, their avatar.
Its actually allowed.
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>tfw lil timmy sent his pale pencil dick on snapchat
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nth for the gyaldem
ran over a hidden mushroom with my lawnmower the other day and it exploded into a giant cloud of spores
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That's you turning into a last of us zombie
If you breathed any in you probably have mushrooms growing in your lungs now
Is there another English speaking general that isn’t littered with freaks? Actually getting sick of some of these ‘personalities’ in here
Should I get back on the grindr?
Looks nice.
Hopefully not too many brown people there.
no, you need jesus
already got a slug in my brain mate
Good filters take you most of the way
Up to you Diego, heard there’s an mpox vaccine going around now so why not
just come back at 6pm when the toilers get off
Top or Bottom?
here we are
don't be gay
is the belgium freak a bot? seriously
/bant/ has to be the most pointless board on this site
Taken two absolutely nauseatingly smelly poos this morning

Feel bad for my housemates because I am NOT bleaching
Just left skidders for them to come discover
>posted it again award
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aint nuttin lil timmy culd do about dat
it's sometimes hard to distinguish between a bot and someone with severe mental illness
while you post on 4chan
Remember to join a union if your workplace has one lads x
Mental how those lads on border force UK can sniff out that some indonesian bloke came here to work illegally or that some other guy has cocaine pouches in his stomach, but they can't sniff out the thousands of boat people that come here and lie and say they're refugees.

Who the fuck is diego?
So bottom nice.
Good luck on your quest.
it's propaganda to make the boomers think anything happens on the border
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you have toxoplasmosis
Never owned a cat nor scranned cat poo
is there a union for smelly incel NEETs?
you have toxoplasmosis
Getting their haircuts trimmed, yeah?
there is no cause for alarm
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>getting their haircuts trimmed
No I take Prep for that.
reminder that the "teen girls" in his fantasies are 16 (schoolgirls) and thats who he is talking about getting gangraped by "goons" and that violates US law
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But I love topping?
i read in a book that "the brain is sanctuary for AIDS"
also the both of the disease are related to one-another as immunocompromised people (such as those taking Prep) are at a higher risk for getting toxoplasmosis
also that pregnant women should stay away from cats- did you know - also - that pregnant women in the US are tested for toxoplasmosis
it’s a travesty that British people sit in warm British built homes whilst the wogs of the world suffer homelessness
no Brit Siri’s be housed until the wogs are all housesd
sometimes I don't know why I bother
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odd post
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cope on esl paki
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Top me then.
Right here in front of everyone.
I can't unless you can fly to Gran Canaria right now
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>he saying all this shit out loud
Oh my days
Scranning a halal snack pack
literally their own fault (and nobody elses) for them building their houses so that for half of the year their house gets washed away in the rain in their country when it rains
That’s actually sent me, the bbc fag is saying goons ravaging white girls and lil Timmy out loud all day everyday for his mum and dad to hear ahahaha
one person makes half the posts here
Rorke sitting in his smegy bedroom, never achieving anything or going out but also somehow keeping the IQ of brown people lower than even his using some kind of magic. He must be stopped.
fucking roaring
sitting in his smelly incel bedroom talking about his black male fantasies out loud in his incel cadence
nobody wants to come to a site for that. so they leave. so more of the posts become him - and the need for him keeps on existing. its "fixed"
>big black batons
>>sorry, what was that dear?
>oh nothing mum just talking to my mates online
got feelings n shit
Lord Toby, we support your war on Belgium the cuck. We support you.
Had a ciggie now I stink of ciggies
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no i mean even without the race bait posts. nobody likes his posts. none of the posts get replies
That poo was a two parter
DAYUM this mtn dew gets heavy towards the end. physically heavy
that too was a poo parter
scranning a halal sausage sarnie
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lunchtime walktoil? dont mind if i do
Is it still gay if I don't swallow lads?
On the white Wine
why are you obsessed with black men
Whose cum is it
got socialising toil with some lads I don’t know very well but I said I’d go out with
on the plus side at least it’ll help counteract the freaky mannerisms that accrue from spending too much time here
Sick of you lot to be honest. Might go sort my life out.
i would rather have shit food and everyone be white. if you want good food then you can go to the places where everybody goes to get those foods, or some kind of international diner
Lads is it weird to go to the pub with your parents?
i cant wait for the internet to loop back in on itself again, where everybody goes back to their own separated parts of the internet and keeps to themselves. i miss like when games didnt have to be for everyone or American politic elections werent a UK/global issue
Some guys
the dinosaurs didnt die, by the way. now the left has talked shit
True, birds are dinosaurs!!
Don't even read the news, me. If it's relevant to me and my life, I'll find out about it somehow.
rorke's da is a dinosaur
EW caught off-trip?
where do indians that live in cities go to poo if they dont use toilets? do they have designated squares to poo?
Freakish little runt cretin you are
that post twasnt me
Designated shitting streets
didnt mean to say twasnt
but im not deleting the post
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*smeggy incel bedroom
the women go in my mouth
blog on you insufferably boring bastards
find it pretentious when people consider themselves arseholes
get over yourself, you clearly think you’re doing the right thing even though you know everyone disagrees. don’t attention seek with this navel gazing.
Sounds like him
would imagine any city with infrastructure would have toilets
on that classical binge today
(blogosophere manosphere non eucliedian geometry)
Now imagine a teen blonde stacey sucking between his legs
cities are having toilets now this is racist comment to indians
Not too fond of her lads.
He should've stayed with Diana.
imagine me fucking your mom. doin your mom doindoin your mom. that songs playing while im doing it. doing your mom. doi doi doi doin your mom
Bet she has a cracking set of norks
drive faster uncle
in a bit of a state
My car is everything to me
reckon a "thug" blackie ass fucked him or something
Feel quite bad for Indians
normies have patched the wmaf glitch via widespread shaming and popularisation of the term Oxford study
it’s so over
might scran some fried chicken and get my haircut trimmed
reckon it wasnt even special or anything
he probably just did something like 100 of them in a line and he was just a number. now hes this
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I'm not going to be the person I'm expected to be anymore
Are you Irish diaspora?
Finally applied for a job have we?
Mental how many fucking RETARDS don't pay into an employer-match pension
It's free money nigga!
handsome man
from the BOSS adverts
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this is my life today
thinking about the ol’ bastard life of mine
Belgium flag got done in bum by a big black man
often do this after popping a velo
Sometimes I find it helps to crouch down and stare life up the arse
he's dead now
Belgium the puff the "puff the black man dragon"
was going to go to a turkish barber but reckon they only know how to do that one haircut with the fade
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Irish diaspora in his happy place
No one messaged me on grindr and all the lads on it are immensely fit and out of my league
Do benders have leagues? Thought they just shagged anything
look at these kids that are smiling. one of them isnt white ONE OF THEM ISNT WHITE. THEY ARE DIFFERENT COLOURS
pales in comparison of ponderance to a smoke, but it’ll do
Can't believe there aren't better things to do
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Irish diaspora kids be like
Yes, the muscle gays and the like won't look at you if you're average
Instagram algorithm now suggesting me asian thirst trap videos

Just cant escape them lads
next up: i hate black people AND kids
horrid person
cold out
*slips into a pair of pooey longjohns*
ah thats the ticket
*strolls out the door*
Why is this loser downloading pictures of literal children
should do things but cba fuck off
Not illegal is it
can't wait till i've finished season 2 of prison break
well, i can, as it's gotten too dire to watch and i'm dragging it out for ages
but when i've finally finished these last couple of episodes i will be hugely relieved
"Two Tier Keir" is a racist dogwhistle
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Why don’t more 4chan autists with extreme verbal intelligence leverage that to lock down a comfy yapper email job?
Seems like the easiest way to just coast through life, especially in the modern era
are you irish diaspora?
spoilers: it turns to shite
There's power in a factory, power in the land
Power in the hand of the worker
But it all amounts to nothing if together we don't stand
There is power in a union
Where do you find cute twinks in Britain? Everywhere I go it's old fatties and deanos
guess what dickhead i said it already has in my post
me at a puppy store: get me the most aryan hyperborean agarthan antediluvian dog you have
>Sir Keir Starmer took the extraordinary decision to remove former 42 Commando General Gwyn Jenkins as the UK’s National Security Adviser on instructions from Labour’s Chief of Staff Sue Gray, backed by her faction at Party HQ.
Replaced by another non-military Blairite apparatchik with zero experience.
Reminder that Sue Gray is effectively the real prime minister and that every government policy that has (or has not) been implemented has been entirely down to her and her stranglehold on the civil service. This is something that former politicians and civil servants have straight up admitted.
Can't say I agree with wanking immigrants on arrival but I am in full support of Poo Barmer's plan to make pensioners freeze to death this winter and tax the fuck out of their properties and pensions.

They've had their time, they need to go asap. Absolutely any policy that makes a boomer's life more difficult is a net benefit for literally everyone else.
With enough aspirin even you can open a portal to hyperborea
didn’t fully read your post just saw ‘prison break’ and replied
one little runt like rat creature coming up
keep watching it gets really good again in season 11
Yeah great plan mate, I'm sure pensioners are the reason you're a fucking loser destined to become a demographic minority
Good lad
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Irish in their happy place with their intellectual equals
it is of no import
they say moses himself owned one of these
watching mr bean lmao
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Always wonder what sort of rootless, tranny runt you'd have to be to make these posts
wtf I responded to the wrong post again
ah yes the Israeli Lionhound
loool mr bean xx
Bizarre how much clout and funding this organisation gets when it's clearly run by mentally ill hebrews
mr bean. funny.
Mr Bean had a gf
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Warm today team
>called out by HNH
screaming, he's definitely being monitored by MI5 then
Bizarre pattern on that neckline
get 'em out for the lads
Fucking hell, old Albert and Margaret have connected to their care home wifi and they're on a mad one!

why do you sound like a male incel that watches anime
>John bauer
swedish win
Come kill me then nigga
Post your chebs on an adult board and link them x
Arthur was a cuck
>adams apple just out of shot
also only a tranny would wear these sort of clothes
Diego using an entire bottle of Alpacin caffeine shampoo on his face in the hopes he can grow facial hair one day and people will stop mistaking him for a 15 year old
ex gf once shoved her whole fist up my arse
arsehole has never been the same
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What's the most money you've ever completely wasted on something?

Note: spending hundreds on gear doesn't count since you sniffed and enjoyed the gear. I'm talking about opening your wallet and your money blowing away tier wastes of money here; situations where you can say objectively that you made a mistake, lost money and gained nothing.
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need to be utterly alone. completely isolated from friends and family so that I can finally let out the cringe without repercussions.
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*turns your central heating off and opens the window*

You'll be dead by Saturday morning
wanking myself gayly
somewhere between £3k-£5k on bad stock investments
unrealised losses but will never realistically make it back
Sacked tranny literally wearing the same clobber as that binary creature webm I saw yesterday
*cancels your tenancy and keeps your deposit to remove incel stench from the carpet*
*shits myself* UHOH
stupendous neck width
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they're absolutely wanking themselves silly rn and every time you (You) that picture they get another burst of stamina
Absolutely despise poles
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mad how some people can literally just msg their mate now "pint?" and in a few hours they will be having a pint with them
what a life that would be
bought the expensive bog roll
hope my arse is thankful when i squeeze out this shite
An incel walks into brit, the incel says
. |
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paid for escorts twice and couldn’t get my wilberton stiff
omg do you mean it????
Fun fact: If Robert Jenrick becomes leader of the Tory party, we will have a Prime Minister and a Leader of the Opposition who are both raising their children in the Jewish faith
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what a unit
piss in a bottle
add some cups of sugar after getting the ammonia and urea out
make the solution more aqueous if you froze it
add some alcohol too - or hand sanitiser!
add toothpaste/fluoride and Chinese orange peels and leave in the sun
take the alcohol portion off and drink the water
Bought an Xbox One brand new when Halo 5 came out. Played it, thought it was fucking SHITE and never touched it again.

Not even exaggerating, the console was on for about 2 weeks while I played it for an hour or so after work and then as soon as I finished it I never turned it back on. Dogshit console.
Yes we know
Sick to bastard death of kiwis and their silly accent (or accseent as they would say)
diego crying about not having any mates and then acting like a vile cunt to every person who speaks to him on /brit/
This bitch is fat now
piss in a bottle
add some cups of sugar
drink it
You do now!
i got the toothpaste#
i got the toothpaste
i got the oranges
i got the toothpaste to put on the orange peels
i got the toothpaste
i got the oranges
i got the orange put some toothpaste on
could you not have returned the console and game?
who is she? how fat?
is that how you craft a vial of stench
britten's billy budd is underrated
there i said it
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Don't like it either.
That and Australian accent. NZ accent is the worse of the two.
i want to get some ammonia ssniffing salts to see if i sometimes go mental because of the ammonia in piss
or if its the ammonia evaporting and carrying some alcohol with it
*pops knob in gob*
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literally no one other than diego would make this post which is why you are such an asset to brit
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i have never had sex
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no shit you have to show your virginity to get in the door of /brit/
Interacting with browns on a daily basis turned me from a leftypol to a rorke in less than a year.
Genuinely just want them gone.
i don fucked up at toil
Do you a deal
If neither of us have had sex by the age of 25, let's take eachother's virginity
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a clue gained!
*dodges you with home ownership* your spells only work on rentoids, buddy.

Jokes aside though, I actually bought my house because the guy who had it before me was a 90 year old man who died. He didn't die in the house (or at least that's what I was told, estate agent was probably lying) but everything inside was dated as fuck.

Carpeted bathroom, that shitty bumpy wallpaper on every wall and ceiling, fucking railings everywhere and emergency panic buttons wired around the house in case he fell. Spent about 20 grand tearing the place apart to make it liveable.
going to mix some mountain dew with milk later
i also need potassium citrate but i cant afford that
Have you considered you’re ‘going mental’ because you have a mental health problem and not because you can smell piss?
ktim when my neighbour orders uber eats and has it left on his doorstep
what have you done you silly sausage
youve built a teepee instead of a house?
Yeah but you still like chinks
show me your psychology degree
I'm 31 and a virgin
Say what you want about mousey, but he was right about mountain dew. It's a lot less sludgy and syrupy than I imagined. Very sweet but someone still tastes refreshing. Starting to understand how yanks get so fat now
Who gave you the money to do all of that
Presuming you're not a boomer yourself
who is this guy?
Psychology is a meme
Only actual doctors like neurologists should diagnose mental illness
Tastes like what I imagine acid to taste like to me
Vile stuff
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the greatest sci-fi writer of the 21st century
Show me your chemistry degree
got it
>im not a psychologist
>im actually a neurosurgeon so there, get diagnosed btw
mountain poo
Only had mountain dew twice in my life and both times it made me feel ill and gave me an upset stomach. It's hideously bad for you.
Going to give my flat a ruddy good clean this weekend
i cant look like this something has to change (preferably hair to stop falling out)
people who were born after a certain year literally cannot drink mountain dew. its like blacpeopo and milk
>May I ask, is there a centralised space where feedback/ questions are being collated as a part of this process? personally feel like there's a bit of information overload, and I want to ensure that the feedback from myself and my team is represented in a space where it can be recognised by the relevant groups involved in this pay negotiation? Thanks!
Yeah bitch! Join the fucking union you stupid cunt!
For me it's
>hoover every week
>mop every few weeks
>alternate each week between cleaning en-suite and bathroom
I'm fortunately not a messy person so the flat always looks clean.
Hop on fin
hope that you get told on for this corporate espionage leaking things to 4chan
Could have but I guess I always thought "I'll play something else on it in future" and then just never did
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even him?
I'm glad she will see this post and it was therefore worth posting
be pretty fucking pointless and stupid otherwise
Going to give my arse a ruddy good clean this weekend
Where do you live, Bradford? I've never been into a chinky takeaway that doesn't have a Chinese person behind the counter.
why go outside when everyone will treat you like a freak for being chinese
what if toothpaste was in brine? what would it do?
reading level: 0
Bored out my skull at toil
Feck all to do
there's loads of hong kong rapefugees round my way now
Lived with my dad until I was 25, he only charged me £200 a month rent and that included food. I was able to save close to a grand every month after I bought random shite and went out drinking.

I also live in the north east so house prices are ridiculously cheap, even in a nice area. I'd probably be doomed to the rented life if I lived in London.
you see more chinkies than whites in York
Have a wank in the toilets
he just wanted to be racist
Never been, don't really know Berkshire
I'm in Swansea and there are loads of East Asians here, I assume they're Chinese but don't really know because they're so insular
I see so you have a boomer to thank for your home ownership, get to fuck crypto-boomer

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