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I found a dead turkjeet under my fridge today.
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atleast you guys are using your country's flags for this fight this time
usually we find you guys dead under fridges or in the sea trying to cross the aegean into white man's land. why cant you turkjeets swim?
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Why does that Greek fella have Turkish flag?
Thanks for informing us that you live in unsanitary conditions
if you the subhuman shitskins to reply to me, I'll tell you , they seem to actively trying to avoid getting into any kind of conversation with me...

wonder why, I really wonder hmmmm :P
well how can we compete with you greeks in swimming
all you do is trying to invade anatolia by swimming and then getting swept back to sea and swim back to your islands
of course you are better since you have been doing that for so long
Did it have eggs inside?
turkjeet, tell truth why you drown trying to reach escape shitskinland? why no swim turkjeet?

thought shitskins were supposed to float cause shit float , hahahahah joke I did
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Greek supremacy, honorary thirdies
greekjeet be honest now why do you keep swimming back to your shitskin islands if you want to stay in anatolia so much
why do greekjeets love istanbul so much its a historical turkish city and has been capital of ottoman empire for 5 centuries
based, I'm starting to have fans overseas too
turkjeet tell truth
whats the point of shit on skin
if you no float?
how you get dingy boat across agean and claim asylum?
Good to see I am not the only mentally ill gayreek in this gayboard
shitskin greekjeets just another type of balkan/caucasus gypsies we have to deal with
its not our fault you subhumans got conquered by us
its the law of nature
superior races enslave lesser races
come on dont be a fag, you can reply to me , dont be a subhuman shitskin, prove to us youre a well behaved white person
greekjeet shitskins obsessed with us
why dont they live like normal shitskins doing shitskin things?
feel bad for greekjeet shitskins
not only they are shitskin greekjeets but they also have their whole nation built around being enslaved by a superior race for 5 centuries just like other balkan/caucasus subhumans do
tuno yunan kardas
go fuck already you homos

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