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File: Flag-Albania[1].jpg (68 KB, 1600x1143)
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Do Albanians care about the stereotypes of their diaspora?
No, why should we?
Kek, you dirty dog
all diasporids are scum and shouldn't be concern to people actually living in their country
We love Albanians in USA.
there are Albanians here?
what's up with the funny hats
many in victoria
No we don't care
Traditional cosplay.
I never heard any jokes or stereotypes about Albanians, I don't even know what they are
In red and black i dress
they sell ice cream and sunflower seeds and can't say L without adding J to it
Eagle on my chest good to be a RUSSIAN
Our analbanians are georgians, look the same behave the same (criminals)
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Albanians could have been so based if they didn't become Muslims. Literal illyrians influenced by both ancient greek and Latin culture for millennia
>influenced by both ancient greek and Latin culture for millennia
like every other balkan country
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For the first time this year since the Middle-Ages, a majority of Albanians are Christian.
essentially they are honorary nafri
amazing taqqiyah all with anime pics bro, keep up the good work
yeah it's sad stuff really
they all converted en masse in the 18th century. mind broken
albanians have never been proper muslim, and since the 1900s haven't even been muslims full stop. More people wear the hijab in the UK than Albania, total AND per capita.
>sir we're not muslims we're true illyrians european christian full support
literally go visit Albania
You slavs didn't even arrive until the western Roman Empire already fell

if they are as half as religious as kosovo I would say they MIGHT not blow up at a town square
kosovars are not religious, even in the 90s you would not find a hijab there. I know since this muslim kosovar told me this lmao.
you can't say albania = kingdom of illyria tho. it simply isn't true. albanian identity is medieval in origin
huh ?
Albanians are insanely proud, I don't think they give a shit
50k years ago
Modern Albanian identity yes, but it's not like Albanians migrated to the region like slavs in recent history

What do you want to say with this? Yes people existed in Bulgaria before the Bulghar and slavic tribes migrated to what is now Bulgaria
>like slavs in recent history
how do you define recent history? just interested
Haha this image is really funny
Can I save it?
belgrade is like europe's oldest settlement too (london was meme until like 15 th century)

and will be meme in 25 if it remains
Since the fall of the western Roman Empire essentially

Slavs didn't migrate to the balkans until the end of the 6th century AD, but that doesn't mean nobody lived there prior (look up the paelo balkan tribes I.e. the thracians and dacians)
>Since the fall of the western Roman Empire essentially

>An event that happened 1400 years ago would not be considered recent history. That timeframe would generally fall into the category of "medieval history" or "early history," depending on the region. Recent history typically covers the last 150 to 200 years, so events from around 600 AD would be seen as part of a much earlier historical period.

Chat GPT is wrong, talk to Mira Murati to get that fixed
>words have different meanings in different contexts
the term recent history is often used in historical works. in geology or cosmology it is different but we are talking about history. you are using the term incorrectly. some would even say that recent history is something still felt in the memory of the living. you're a clown.
balkan muslims in general are very irreligous
Why are you so butthurt by historical fact? Your current culture and language, and a good portion of your ancestors didn't arrive in your land until 1400 years ago at the earliest, what's wrong with that? It's like a Mexican being angry because you mentioned that Spanish culture/language didn't appear in the Americas until 500 years ago.

I'm just pointing out the fact that Albanians were deeply influenced by Roman culture which is why the majority of their language is ancient Latin loanwords and that is what makes them interesting and unique in the Balkans. It isn't an attack on other balkanites
>thread about Albania
>half of the replies are serbians
calling fall of the roman empire recent history to try to paint slavic migrations as "recent" is pure nationalistic albo history rape and I pointed it out. don't be mad little nazi
I'm not even albanian
You're mad because I used the term recent history? If I just used the term "early middle history", you'd be happy?
Yes after 10 shitpost you will be allowed to save it.
this always happens here. the mere mention of Albania and Kosovo seems to cause massive amounts of Serb butthurt
I'm already happy, but I would appreciate if you were being honest like that yes
They're literally so sensitive kek
they work at construction sites, have a funny accent and are insanely nationalistic. at least here in Germany.

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