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wormwood scrubs edish
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5 per fry up, 3 fry ups a week, 5 for ciabattas
Sam Hyde's sons
fat cunt
looks Jewish
das a hate crime mayn!
I just fell to my knees and begged the Lord God for mercy
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Yes you have to touch the bag, not push it
Your punch should be landing at the edge of your range if you're pushing the bag around like that you're too close and not hitting properly
i'm insanely skinny
just 'ejaculated', as they say, 'all over myself', as it were
dayum dat yt boi kinda cute
there was a period where the uni mongs thought it was hilarious to reply “egg” randomly in the gc
boring twats
touched my dogs bollocks by accident
Love it when Heathermong gets banned because you get to see the range of posts he makes. Calling out the Irish for loving blacks, but also spending hours making cuck edits. Curious!
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did he moan
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look at his glove on the right side. tyson literally grabbed him with one hand and punched him with the other
what is that guys deal
What did they feel like?
Doing some laundry de lads
Mental illness.
Is that allowed
he kinda yelped but not in an unpleasant way
the migrants? wanked
not my prob whether it is or not
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Yeah? Is all the retarded spam about blacks and irish just one mentally ill guy?
Mad that
very hard and bigger than mine
Complains about immigration on twitter
Cries because he saw a racist comment by Rourke
Shits himself
Yes it's Heathermong.
business idea: spamming/flooding actually gets you banned within the first 3 posts so it stops for once
anyone got the webm of Ngannou taking the full-power Joshua hit?
Wish I could put your neck on a spin cycle, take it clean off
wfh do buggar all
boss loves me
workout and run
women fall in love with me
mummy makes me dinner
Mental to think about owning a dog that has a bigger cock than you
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Yeah? Is it?
Next you'll be telling me all the conversations about boiling nettles in piss is one guy too
he only masturbates to white-on-black
are they not allowed to kidney punch in boxing anymore?
4 hobgoblins chilling in the fridge
they call to me
dont forget highly mentally ill
just 4?
Reddit/boomer/virgin beer
I had an English pointer that was getting a bit uppity so I started coming downstairs naked with my morning wood to show it I had a bigger cock and it soon settled down
get it bought then
>muh dick
Sperm whale is 6 feet long. Does the dog feel insecure? Give ur head a wobble
Each sausages is something like 100-200 kcal each? That's barely even two days worth of food
>On 12 September 1943, Skorzeny and 16 SS troopers joined the Fallschirmjäger to rescue Mussolini in a high-risk glider mission.
Film-worthy kino.
Mental to think about owning a horse that has a bigger cock than you
yeah off to the pub at 8
mentally well thank you very much, just about
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He is the janitor and this is his dollhouse.
Can't believe posters here still deny this.
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I shall be engaging in some premium continental lager tonight
scranning a poo
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just burned my bridges with the local taxi company and now noone will come and pick me up for my dentist appointment
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How'd you manage that, mage?
its 20C
im too hot. i cant believe no one is fanning me
Imagine picking up a jeet by the throat and just slamming him face first into concrete


Something to think about.
>just burned my bridges with the local taxi company
feel like SHIT
No cuck posts. Bliss.
*cleans up all the poo from the thread*
seems like its just racist
Pondering this.
You can't take shit from taxi firms
If they fuck up then you should call them up and insult them and threaten legal actions always
There's always another taxi company as they say
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>How'd you manage that, mage?
you cannot even pick your own fat ass up out of your wheelchair you racist disabled freak shut the fuck up
My alcohol tastes
>Very lush
>Very lush
>Very lush

And that's all I've tried
dunno what's weirder
calling someone mage or posting a screenshot from rs as a joke referencing it
Cider too sweet also post vagina
German is such a gay language, it's actually disgusting.


Should have went through with that plan to drop anthrax on them all in WW2, sort them out.
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are you that poleaboo fella?
Bizarre post.
My alcohol tastes on a Friday night? Fucking get on it
Love scotch
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It does seem feasible now that I've thought about it and done some research
dunno what's weirder
being a yank or posting in a british culture thread while being a yank
>they arrest you if you say you're Christian online
dadberg has lost it
which alochol tastes best? the one down my throat
maybe i'll fall in love with you ~
Not really gay though is it. It's just different from English.

Not personally interested in learning German but I have nothing against the language.
german sounds cool while english is a phonetically inconsistent mutt mess
curry and a pint right now i would lose my mind
don't drink alcohol me, vile muck
breaking: horse cocks are now alcohol
t. Indian assassin sent to canada to kill more Sikhs

Fuck off Gupta, smelly little freak.

*slams you into concrete*
I danced in the morning
When the world was begun,
And I danced in the moon
And the stars and the sun,
And I came down from heaven
And I danced on the earth,
At Bethlehem
I had my birth.

Dance, then, wherever you may be,
I am the Lord of the Dance, said he,
And I’ll lead you all, wherever you may be,
And I’ll lead you all in the Dance, said he.
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theres yanks posting here for like a decade 0_O
No, I hate that disgusting freak.
it's literally the fastest thread on an american website and isn't even about british culture 80% of the time
>THREE missed calls from the GP
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>don't drink alcohol me, vile muck
k pop general is faster go post there
when did you last shart urself
I'm British tyvm
They just really want to let you know you're in perfect health mate
Not really a woman though are you. Just different from human.

Not personally interested in your blog but I have nothing against you committing suicide.
you had tests done recently?

blood in your poo?
Got my knees out
They're dead knobbly
In medical terminology, “blas” is a term that was invented by the 17th-century scientist Jan Baptist van Helmont. It refers to a mystical spirit or vital force believed to govern various processes in the body1. This concept is not commonly used in modern medical practice but
phoned for a taxi. didn't show up. phoned a second taxi. The two taxis showed up at the same. Started having a go at me for ordering two. One of them said to the other "you know what we should do? just drive away". So I replied "that's ok, you look like paedophiles anyway".

Probably blacklisted now
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Currently researching which nationalities I can overhead press
k pop general is specific
this thread is literally just a native english speaking /b/ on an otherwise worthless board
sikhs are bro tier
lmao based
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what do you chaps think of these fly kicks then eh? eh?
Why did they look like paedophiles? Do you look like a child?
How many days since you've made a poo joke on 4ch brainlet
spirit aqueous s vitriol! SULFUR! mwahahaha!
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>So I replied "that's ok, you look like paedophiles anyway".
Work in a doctors surgery, been calling some of the patients multiple times and dropping the call after one ring. Third time I leave a message asking them to call us back URGENTLY.

I need to ask them what type of magazines they'd like to see in the waiting room.
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>2 taxis turned up

This ever happens you just tell the 2nd one you're not the person he's after.
you could have the most sad pathetic life but as long as you have good friends who you regularly do stuff with it somehow feels fine
Our Toby, who art in Glasgow,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy dragons come,
Thy Runescape quests be done,
On Earth as it is in Disneyland.

Give us this day our microwaved piss,
And forgive us our meltdowns,
As we forgive those who slay us in PvP.
Lead us no into laggy fights,
But deliver us from scammers.

For thine is the kingdom,
The nettles, and the Peters,
Forever and ever.
>shoes that you cant wear
black people...
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i wear them though? bitch ass nigaaaaaaa
the mossball 3s
How is it weird?
The board is literally called "international"
how easy / hard is it to change a headlight bulb in a car?
ay, ay, ay, ay
this nigga dun did me wrong
jordans look pretty alright but you will look weird as a pasty white guy wearing them
just something you dont do
depends on the car
calcium has an effect on insulin. maybe thats why MILK (monster energy drink and milk) is so much better than just energy drinks
just need to make it through the next hour
rorke logging onto his japanese website, clicking on the international board created for the sole purpose of discussing foreign language and cultures, and then getting mad that there are foreigners there.
you unscrew the housing and pull out the bulb, either by pushing in and pulling or just pulling
not hard at all. just cover your hands or use gloves so skin oils doesnt get on it
that answer doesn't fucking help me does it you twat.
mtn dew + milk
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good thing i'm not a pasty white guy then
>t. 4c
This poster has sub-80 IQ and a poorly developed frontal lobe
Fancy a pair of boots, seen these Timberlands and actually like the colour and look of them but maybe they're too gay.

*turns to look directly at you without blinking*

>A video example of anal sex between a man and woman with ejaculation inside the anus.
if you have a sibling, how often do you message/call them? we have a family group chat, but id never contact my siblings directly. only if we need to organise something for our parents.
No it’s radically different depending on the model. Go look on youtube
I’ve had easy cars and my current car, a Subaru, is very difficult
I babysit for her sometimes
how easy / hard is it to change a frontal lobe?
in the 1 row myself
It's literally just lego. Open your bonnet, find the screwy thing that holds the bulb, unscrew it, remove the old bulb, put in a new one, screw it back in.
rorke forfeiting his right to a safe, ethnically homogeneous nation because he ate a curry
Fascinating. And the reason you decided to post that here?
>im a brain surgeon
>here to diagnose you with mental disrders over the internet
screwing my legos
im so fucking awkward when I meet new people. Just a mumbling dickhead
>very difficult
lmao what
but yes looking on youtube for specifics is good advice
look a bit like duck boots
if you think they'll go with stuff you own then why not but i wouldn't get them myself as they would not suit me at all
the colour blocking doesn't really appeal to me
Just got an MMS
Just held my arm up to my screen and I'm closer to the background colour than any of the skin tones
You failed to make a simple inference and immediately became enraged, clear signs of low intelligence and poor impulse control.
maybe there are some people who support abortion but not full term babies. maybe different people want different things. also they didnt tell the full story
life feels like a never-ending series of things needing done, needing fixed, neeing tended to

cannot be arsed with all this. Will be a relief when I'm dead and it's all over
yeah i used to sit and headbutt tables a lot as a kid
Only colourways worth getting are wheat and black nubuck
Those look tacky
>tfw 1h
You get a bulb yeah, you look after it…. What’s going on there?
You're doomed
poject on
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its fine
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Last hour of toil
damn, the place with the most foreigners per capital is a shithole. spells badly for the future of those other countries with less
no actually more of them is a good thing
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If someone is making a cake and they finish mixing all the ingredients and put in a tin ready for the oven, then someone comes along and slams it onto the ground.
Would they say “you’ve ruined my cake” or “you’ve ruined what was going to be a cake after it was baked in the oven”?
Much to think about
measuring the amount of sugar in my piss and working out how much tax the government would charge on it
per capital
remember seeing a video series ages ago where some fella had a discord channel or something where like 12000 people were all playing as different kingdoms and shit like CK3. watched a few of the videos and then he said there'd be a delay in the next one and i never remembered to check back on it until now. and now it's impossible to find because of minecraft lol
the heat of the womb cooks the cake mix
i love cake
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says he was born into islam but sounds like any other white aussie?
toby ^.^
at around 36 weeks baby starts drinking and pissing!
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Genuinely hate cooking so much it's unreal, I consider it such a waste of time compared to literally everything else. I'm not even bad at cooking since all it requires is timing and being able to measure shit out accurately which any retard can do. I still just hate it, the idea of being a chef and having to cook all day sounds like hell, I'd rather clean public toilets.

Forget sports cars and shit, if I ever win a decent chunk of change in the lottery the first thing I'll do is hire a private chef to just make all my meals. They can come over on some nights and cook me meals right there and then the rest of the time they can just prep shit so all I have to do is throw it in the oven or microwave for 10 minutes to heat it up.
me? i enjoy cooking
I don’t mind it or even enjoy it but cleaning up afterwards or putting food away is annoying
in another life, I would unironically take that job
the way I see it you have to feed yourself every single day, might aswell find some joy in it
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the cake is a baby...
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For several years now I have eaten dinner that requires no cooking beyond opening packets and putting things in the microwave.

Packet of chicken, tub of potato salad and a bag of veg.
clean as you go mong boy
That's because you don't have an internal monologue and can't enter flow state while you cook
It's meditative
I don't mind cooking but prep and clean up can fuck right off
alri andrew tate
sad really cooking is quite fun
Third Trimester (Weeks 27-40)
Lung Development: The baby’s lungs mature and prepare for breathing outside the womb.
(Positioning: The baby moves into a head-down position in preparation for birth.)

(it didnt want to tell me about the amniotic fluid when i asked)
It's completely normal to think of a black man when you see a pretty girl
really wish mousenonce wouldn't talk about pregnancy
You look like a retard
i think at this time (27-40 wks) the baby is going to be making the ductus venousious (in its heart), for the lungs and i think to connect with the mothers body. also the umbilical cord has 2 arteries and a vein!
Evil ghoul
They're not too gay for you mate
Diego putting one of those small round plasters you get after an injection as a kid onto his bumhole before he goes to sleep so he doesn't accidentally lose his virginity in the night
fuck off mousenonce you evil ghoul
being dragged out for some poncy woke food with the gf which I was having a tasty curry instead. Chicken Vindaloo, peshwari naan, lemon rice, aloo gobi and onion Baji yes please.
Weird how im 22 now and older than alot of the people that post here now. Yet the 1% of 40yo oldfags shant dare let me into their club yet.
why are you fantasising about my bumhole
Linkin Park fans reacting badly to the new female scientologist singer
did you know that in development, the oesophagus (windpipe) and the intestines then to the colon form as the same pipe- from the belly button?
i would say
u wot m8
leave the babies alone toby
what does woke food entail exactly?
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This woman is from Newcastle

She found a Turkish husband
don't talk shit
>Chester died 7 years ago
the ductus venous is what shuts (obliterates itself) when baby is born to open up the lungs when its outside :)
then it sometimes coughs up some water and then finally breathes for the first time
some asian fusion taster menu with loads of little courses probably not going to fill me up
Guaranteed you can't cook for shit and you eat shit food constantly
I'd also wager you're fat
This place takes years of your life, physicially and mentally.

If ive been here from jsut before the 2021 euros than i would say im an oldfag now
just put a scoop of vanilla icecream in my cold glass of coca cola
decadent but I think yanks have it right
obliterate yourself
Good post
i jsut like it how the heart valve becomes OBLITERATED
mousey letby
lots of sperm in my goolies
been posting on 4chan since about 2007 me
not funny
Watching Peep Show for the first time in years

Mark's Australian 'girlfriend' just asked him to fuck off so she could dance with Jeff
you will die a terrible, terrible death
going in the shower, does anyone want anything?
a willy wank
actually i think helping babies is a good thing
I dont think the site changes much when youre past 3 years into browsing
Youve been through nearly a whole american president cycle at that point.
I am a veteran of the site. I will take it from here and guide the way for gen alpha
mountain dilk
All death is terrible, Jeremy, that's why we have a funeral wake and not a funeral fiesta. Although no doubt your last wish will be for me to organise a funeral orgy in your memory.
and with him they crucify two thieves, the one on his right hand, the other on his lieft
that show reeks of reddit
So do you to be fair
Hating everything is a dogshit personality to have
actually this story is pretty deep for telling on how in the olden times things used to be "its ghosts" and thats what the word in brackets meant. now they can say what it actually was, with those words still in tact so we know
but it is pretty cool that it can be something specific inside now with what has been learned in these years
what does reddit smell like?
been doing a lot of brooding on life lately
have come to the conclusion that thinking too much is not all it’s chalked up to be, and in fact better avoided
outed the reddit drones
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012), maybe judged too harshly in our time
Based knowwr
Now I'm watching the episode where Mark gets raped
20 cans put in the fridge x
why not give type 2 diabetics some milk, then take their blood, and give the insulin portion (maybe its in the plasma) to the type 1
and they can treat diabetes that way
or do it during blood donations if someones diabetic
refuse to curry made by indians, i only eat white man curry
having a smeggy wank
Blud really using his phone to samefag
Right I suppose it's just going to rain all day, isn't it, splendid
My landlady had all summer to fix the fucking roof and now I'll have to go through another winter with it dripping 24/7
give it a wash sometime then it won’t kill you
how would you cure cancer toby?
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ello chaps
aaaaaaaa hehehe
put a bucket under it lad
cat looks a bit depressed ahah x
>why not
>why don't they
>why can't
because it doesn't fucking work, you spastic
if it worked then smarter people than you would've made it happen already
arrogant little gimp, shut up
if i got cancer i would go insane
and ive only read about lung cancers so far (and still havent learned meso the liaoma or whatever it is)
proof? provide me with evidence to support your claims
gone off Primitive Technology completely
yeah mate do another mud pot that'll get them back
in London no one cheers when a pint gets dropped, didn’t know so I let out a big waheyyy and then felt awkward
>go insane
it's cos you did it mate, no offence
Never said it was bumrape Mark
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I don't bloody well think barmer allows it
Guaranteed you're the jeet I sent fucking flying earlier when I accused you of being an assassin in Canada killing Sikhs

Didn't get a response then did I? Because I was right.

he’s working to toward improving the metalworking infrastructure lad
yes the last thing was a clay pot its purpose was to blow more air into the furnace
>concerns himself with the opinion of the sheep
Shoulda doubled down when you noticed
23 and sunny here in northern England
Lovely stuff, thanks God
Southern poofs getting rained out?
Lovely stuff again
cant think of a channel more one dimensional than his
if you seen one video you've seen them all
almost like prebronze age tech has a hard cap
had a napstein
feel weird now
grim af down here
not had a single ray of sunshine in 48+ hours
Wheres commielad?
Faced the wall
least chip on shoulder northerner
that's not the reason
he could easily narrate and talk about the things he does in depth but decides to be a mute that uses captions instead
its actually a lush summers days here
unlucky mush!
how was your brat summer?
cant even face sitting in my garden despite it being finally a bit dry
thread moving incredibly quickly on a Friday night in a general full of self proclaimed shaggers is it
Diego replying to himself again, pathetic sight really, feel a bit sorry for him
pretty shite really
so i guess that's brat tbqh
I lie under it with my mouth open
it's moving at a snail's pace
shagging activities do not start until 7pm x
just learnt that night means 4pm
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he thinks that shaggers are out at 4pm trying to pick up women
can tell that you're a massive virge
fake diego putting in a long shift today
what a cope
just learnt that the canadian flag poster is a jeet and when you point this out he goes silent for a bit, presumably to run the posts through google translate first and then speak to his handler about what to post next
tell me why a shagger would be out at 4pm?
most shaggers finish work at 3pm on fridays
twat summer for diegs
most people who are socially active go from work to hanging out almost instantly
i did that all the time in my teens and early 20s
you are in fact coping
>the singular canadian flag poster
does what interests him. Metallurgy progression isn’t really possible since he’s just working off of a little jungle patch in Australia
I think it’d be cool if he did boats and sailing and stuff but that doesn’t seem to be his thing
>the cute canada
I knew that it was a fake diego as soon as he started posting all the homosexual pop music
the real diego would never do that
not at 3pm on a friday they don't
I'm a shagger and I will be having pre drinks tonight from 7-10 at my mate's flat and then we'll be going into town to the clubs
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i told you that i wasnt the fake homealone (nor am i the peter/dragon poster)
but noooo one believed me
i would even say that its "Canada" posting all of those things
he's perfectly capable of repressing his latent homosexuality himself (if you ignore the resulting alcoholism and horrendous personality) without you butting in
we knew it was spainmong the whole time
don't worry lad
howling what a derranged larp
>the last ever /brit/
good riddance
>I'm a shagger
how dare they not be out clubbing at *checks watch* 4.30PM

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