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Italian gf with cheese edition
Her pussy will smell cheese after this.
Conclusion: “Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie” is a complex and multifaceted film that uses absurdist humor and satire to critique Hollywood excess, consumerism, and the nature of failure. Its unconventional narrative and grotesque humor challenge viewers to think critically about the messages it conveys. While the film may not appeal to everyone, its bold and unapologetic approach to comedy and storytelling makes it a unique and thought-provoking piece of cinema.

By delving into the deeper meanings and themes of “Billion Dollar Movie,” we can appreciate the film not just as a collection of bizarre and humorous scenes, but as a satirical masterpiece that holds a mirror to the absurdities of modern society. Tim and Eric’s willingness to push boundaries and subvert expectations ensures that their work remains relevant and impactful, inviting audiences to laugh, cringe, and reflect in equal measure.
Lying in bed racistly
Any Celtix man in?
Her butthole smells worse than any cheese.
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Gagging for a fag
I believe "celtix" is the preferred term nowadays
oh my days
bent cunt
not true, girl butts smell good
Racistly hating niggers, jews, pakis and poos in a calm albeit racist way from my racist flat in Chinaman’s Knob
I am britonx
What's his name?
Smoking a fag butt
This fat white cock is just going to waste sitting in my pants. Needs to be in a brown womans hole. Pronto!
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intellectual coomer radio
britonx folx have been oppressed by this two tier justice system for far too long
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Untrue, girl butts smell pooey
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>Using gas to eliminate fruit flies is not recommended due to safety concerns for humans and pets. However, if you’re curious about the types of gases that could theoretically be used, here are a few considerations:
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latest bollywood action movie just dropped lads
when will she get blackened
not going to happen sitting on your arse
go to the pub and find a fanny
Vile Jewish Vermin.
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The mystery that no one knows
Where does love go when it goes?
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good post fuck kikes
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10.Freon (Various Chlorofluorocarbons)
Uses: Used as a coolant in air conditioners, refrigerators, and freezers
98% white area. Haven't seen a brown woman since 2017. Should have chased her and married her in hindsight
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i think Freon is the 3M company chemical! i dont like that company
i have been called gay hitler before because im gay and a national socialist
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>Haliey Welch, also known as the Hawk Tuah girl, takes a DNA test on the podcast and finds out in real time that she is mainly Jewish.
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where do you live? might move there next year if this is true
4 pint cans of Heineken
1 small block extra mature cathedral city cheese
gore dont open
why is there still so much overwatch porn
no one even plays it anymore
'ate extra mature cheese
doesn't melt does it
my mates dad hatched a bunch of ducks in an incubator when we were kids and let my mate raise them
they used to follow my mate around like a mother duck it was fucking brilliant Gorgeous creatures when they arent pooing, much like women
It melts in the mouth
Now that I am li'erally bri'ish I find her to be a right english rose I do. Back when I was a pure Swede I found her mannish and hag-like
that was a bit
you don't get dna tests in 2 mins
just remembered gaylord as a term for poofters and burst out laughing
going to spread toothpase on an orange peel and see what happens when its ingested by testing it out on the fruit flies in my home
pale tings shaving their fannies now for the cronem
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a wu id di eo n
Extra mature cheese is shit because it just crumbles apart when you try and cut it. Give me that cheap rubbery cheddar so I can actually make a sandwich
english people stopped appreciating english traditions
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did they keep the ducks for their whole lives
youre an American
Yeah what I love about cheese is when it doesn't taste of anything
This is how I look in my desk chair after having a wank
dogshit take
, alcohol consumption in fruit flies can be influenced by their social experiences; for instance, male fruit flies that have been rejected by females tend to consume more alcohol, possibly as a form of self-reward. This intriguing parallel with human behavior offers a unique perspective on the complex interplay between biology and environment in the context of alcohol consumption.
Cunts having a wank at a desk
mogs me
like going for curry, or driving a german car?
my yorkshire terrier cockmogged me
Fruit flies, specifically Drosophila melanogaster, exhibit behaviors that are surprisingly similar to humans in many ways, including their interaction with alcohol. Research has shown that fruit flies may consume alcohol for several reasons. One study suggests that fruit flies can develop a preference for alcohol, consuming it despite potential harm, which mirrors aspects of human addiction. Another intriguing behavior observed is that male fruit flies that have been rejected by females tend to drink more alcohol, possibly because alcohol triggers the reward pathways in their brains similarly to mating. Additionally, fruit flies have been known to use alcohol medicinally; they lay their eggs in alcohol-rich environments to protect their larvae from parasitic wasps, as the alcohol acts as a defense mechanism against these predators. This fascinating parallel between fruit flies and humans in terms of alcohol consumption provides valuable insights into the genetic and neurological underpinnings of addiction and self-medication.
japanese girls' pink areolae
but you get to pick the delicious crumbies up and eat them while you're cooking
love baby goats so much lads
enough about you lad, what's starmer banned this week?
Fruit flies metabolize alcohol through a process that is remarkably similar to humans, involving a series of genetic and biochemical pathways. When fruit flies consume alcohol, it is primarily metabolized in their liver-like organ called the fat body. The alcohol is broken down by enzymes such as alcohol dehydrogenase, which converts it into acetaldehyde, a toxic compound that is further broken down into acetic acid before being used in the fly's energy production cycle. This metabolic process is not only crucial for understanding the effects of alcohol on fruit flies but also provides insights into the genetic basis of alcohol tolerance and preference in these organisms. Studies have shown that exposure to alcohol alters the expression of a multitude of genes in fruit flies, affecting their behavior and physiology. Some genes are up-regulated, increasing the flies' tolerance to alcohol, while others are down-regulated. Interestingly, mutations in certain genes can lead to increased sensitivity to alcohol's effects upon initial exposure, followed by altered levels of tolerance as the flies adapt to its presence. This research has significant implications for the study of alcohol use disorders in humans, as the fruit fly serves as a powerful model organism for unraveling the complex genetic networks involved in alcohol addiction and metabolism.
didn't read
dead general
My cock is so small it’s mental, what the actual fuck was the point of giving me this little thing? My whole life is one long humiliation ritual
not posting anymore after you all hurt my feelings for my cheese preferences.
Creating a hydrogen generator at home is a fascinating project that combines basic chemistry with DIY ingenuity. The process involves electrolysis, where electrical current is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gas. For a simple setup, you'll need an empty container with a lid, cables, a pencil (for the graphite), luster terminals, a hot glue gun, a DC power supply, a drill, a funnel, and a balloon. The graphite from the pencil serves as the anode, and a stripped copper wire acts as the cathode. After assembling the electrodes and securing them with hot glue to ensure watertight connections, you'll connect them to the power supply. Fill the container with water, adding a bit of salt to increase conductivity, and you're ready to start generating hydrogen. Always remember to prioritize safety, as hydrogen is highly flammable, and the process should be conducted in a well-ventilated area away from open flames or sparks. For detailed instructions and safety precautions, you can refer to online resources and tutorials that guide you through each step.
ai technology is beautiful this is better than any movie that's come out in the last 10 years
one of the great things about being english is that the racial folk form part of a fuck buffet offering: you can easily shag any racial person you fancy
this is etched into the coloured, slant, and paki mind through hundreds of years of cultural history
you're just exaggerating. ever willy looks smaller from birds eye view. girls see it from bottom up or front on
Nah he gave them to a local campsite that had built a new pond once they were adults
It was just down the road so wed go see them every so often and they remembered him
my nob is in the top 0.1% of all nobs on the planet and it has never been used.

THAT is a humiliation ritual.
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the lads didn't flake so I'm going to have to go out tonight
Hey mousey did you know that some smoke detectors contain americium-241?
just realised it's friday, hence diego should be on /brit/ tonight, hence i hath commeth
Wrong way round
cocks look smaller from the bottom
Graphite, a versatile and conductive material, is commonly used as an anode in various battery technologies, including lithium-ion batteries. Its layered structure allows it to intercalate lithium ions effectively, making it an excellent choice for energy storage applications. When used in conjunction with a copper wire cathode, graphite can facilitate an electrochemical reaction, which is fundamental to the operation of a battery. In the context of creating formaldehyde, a compound with numerous industrial applications, the electrochemical properties of graphite could be harnessed to drive the necessary reactions. The process of boiling to generate positively charged formaldehyde suggests an interesting application of electrochemistry, where the graphite anode plays a crucial role in the reaction mechanism. This highlights the importance of graphite beyond its traditional uses, showcasing its potential in innovative chemical processes and energy solutions. For more detailed information on the role of graphite in lithium-ion batteries and its electrochemical properties, one might refer to recent scientific reviews and industry insights.
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mohammed please, not the kids....
yes ^.^
i was the same until i went to oxford and began to join in with the chapel services and stuff at college, got very into oxbridge culture (even started reading alan bennett) and english christian mysticism and all that
Building a migrant hotel in my back garden because diversity is our strength and I want my house to experience economic growth
How will you make money from this if the migrants are poor and have no money?
mans so muslim hes not just a goat fucker hes a goat noncer
wank them off
Graphite, a form of carbon, is renowned for its ability to act as an anode in lithium-ion batteries due to its structure that can host lithium ions effectively. This characteristic has made graphite an indispensable component in the anode design of these batteries, which are integral to modern technology, powering everything from portable electronics to electric vehicles. Graphite's versatility extends beyond its traditional use in pencils, proving to be a critical element in the advancement of energy storage technology.
Got the missus hooked on BBC interracial porn
reminds her of her youth
When they work hard as doctors, lawyers, nurses etc. they will build britain in my garden and the gross domestic product if my household will triple within 5 years
and? there's graphite in my pencil as well you neek
no graphite
heathermongo and his spastic sidekick
not supposed to sit there
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Women will trick a man to get pregnant
but men will guilt trip a woman into getting pregnant
i love to gaslight my wife
that wukong game is actually good
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Metal Blowing: Historically, metal blowing has been used to create objects like vessels and tools. This process involves heating metal and using air pressure to shape it, but it is labor-intensive and less precise than glassblowing1.
In summary, while the concept of using metal in place of glass in glassblowing is intriguing, the practical challenges and differences in material properties make it a vastly different and more complex process1.
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honestly think I had a mental breakdown today. Went into tesco and thought one of the cashiers was staring at me so me and him just stared at each other for a full 15 seconds without breaking eye contact.
people at oxford also tried to make me christian and i gave it a good go but christian academia is just so fucking stupid
i see the appeal of christianity as a whole and i even understand low iq dullards who just want easy answers and something communal to follow but the middle ground between academic thought and subscribing to what is clearly nonsense whilst trying to explain it objectively was just fucking idiotic
Preferred the ones who were just like yeah I heard the calling I got faith dont need to proselytise it and not arrogant enough to try prove it
remember having severe depressive episodes in my early 20s where i would hit my head really hard while my girlfriend would be saying "why are you like this?" with tears streaming down her soft cheeks like
Please hang yourself and stop boring us with blogs any further
Getting the blacks housed in the boutique mid-2000s renaissance duck pond paid for by your taxes
While theoretically possible, using metal in place of glass in a glassblowing-like process would be impractical and dangerous. The properties of metal require different techniques and equipment to shape effectively. Traditional methods like casting and forging are better suited for working with metals.
the cronem are out aren't they x
ah i miss taking chemistry 101 at uni
writing reports when there was no chatgpt around
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>Metal Blowing:
attractive to women
>soo whats your hobby?
i never became a christian or religious at all, i just enjoyed the ritual aspects of it. it's like, if i was in some distant exotic country i would gladly participate in the rituals of their religion, obviously without actually believing it but just to be closer to the culture. so why wouldn't i do the same in a traditional english insitution?
also i agree with what you're saying, though i would say christianity (and religion in general) can work well as a kind of form of psycho-therapy for the severely depressed (see TS Eliot for example)
Could have just ignored the post gadje.
Hey mousey I had to cut a shard of glass out of my foot today and bandage it up
It was a tiny splinter lodged deep in the ball of my foot, probably from running
Didnt want it to fester and was too painful to go to the gym so just grabbed a camping knife and went to work
Thought of you as I looked up a wikihow on how to disinfect and bandage my foot up properly
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Life is unfair
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big thinks
i do a lot of those things they like
got the first 2 nailed
I'm off to shag the birds now apparently
knew someone at clare college cambridge who committed suicide, few years ago. i think he was very lonely. sad because he was very clever
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Would love an Arabian girlfriend me
Post images that make you go:

just put som honey on it
or IDOform, because iodine is based. glad that you got better
Bet she has nor arse nor hips
dont mind the odd bit but this is far too much jew ink
Yeah they were generally kind people
Did have one fresher spastic try to fight me because he I told him to stop babbling on about how there was ‘proof’ of the crucifixtion in literature so not being christian was stupid in the CCC bar
i need a french gf atm because i can read and listen to french just fine but am simply shit at communicating in it, so could do with the practice that a french gf would make very convenient
feel a cack wriggling about in my arsepipe
will squirt it out like toothpase shortly
chatgpt will make all education useless

i can't imagine any teacher or professor thinking this shit is worth doing anymore reading all this AI crap

Several of my old lecturers and teachers in my family have gone on early retirement or just shifted careers since 2023
lovely tgirl
look at dis dood
ozone gas is a disinfectant
could mix some of that with sulphuric acid or laurate
who is she
my first chemistry lab at uni the grad student taking the lab told everyone to pair up so naturally there was no one for me to pair with (how everyone had made friends prior to this was beyond me)

I started setting up myself but only got ~5 mins in before the teacher girl saw me and said that was wrong, that I should instead join an existing pair. So I sidled up to 2 lads already paired while they worked through the instructions that were written specifically for 2 people, leaving me with nothing to do

I dropped out of university some time later
lick his body all over but going nowhere near that face
A french girl will not talk to you in french even if you understand all of it fluently
one of the most relaxing feels is when you go to your local gym and the pool is empty and it's dark with underwater atmospheric lights
would probably pipe this from behind if it didnt make manly grunts
I used a magnesium sulfate gel to draw it out over the day cause i couldnt actually see the thing could just feel it
Then when I could tell where it was I cut it out
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how do you know? are you a french girl?
enough about you lad
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White women don't cook, they don't clean, they don't want children. They want to be "girl bosses" in jobs made for them to look important, when it contributes nothing to society. And I'm the Incel???
odd that should've been assigned. You went to a bad uni with poor pastoral care for its students.
not truly empty as the lifeguards are there
Girl at work said she'd "owe me BIG" and would "do ANYTHING" if I did her shift tonight.

What does she mean? Is she saying she will cover any shift for me not matter what or is she saying she would nibble on my knob?
Rosie’s job has been replaced by a man
Not on really is it
don't let me forget to take my cans out the freezer
for me its when you have a euphoric poo
one of those you know its going to be huge but it slides out without any pain or blood and the cleaning is minimal after
just then feeling totally cleansed afterwards
Diego is set to appear on Hawk Tuah Girl's podcast so. We can watch that
Had diarrhoea yesterday so I took 4 immodium and now I have constipation. Having a 'mare here lads.
I know many French girls and they all want to speak English with English men.
i should do better with myself

does she have a microscope to find it or not?
what is it with fembergs and their stupid fucking nails
not at my pool. the water isn't deep enough to warrant a lifeguard. so I'm literally the only person in there.
What's the official /brit/ opinion on Scientology?
A /brit/ podcast where they interview all of the personalities would be great
how do you know many french girls?
means she's quite content to leverage your desire over her and your status as a pathetic simp orbiter to her advantage, while delivering none of the empty promises she hints at

get yourself a clue
nah you didnt
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Kerry Katona and singer Jennifer Ellison attend the London premier party of Bad Boys II at the Sketch Club September in London, England (2003)
loonies init
can read and speak spanish really well
not great at writing it though
however don't think spanish gf 2024 would help with the needful 2bh
if the class got odd number of students and pairing is needed, rules said that the last one should pair with the instructor in my uni

too bad it was not a thing in your uni
been some fun documentaries made about it
just bare content
i went to trinity hall but didn't kill myself, thought about it sometimes though haha
anyone watching the snooker? mark williams against that chinese guy who got to the finals of the worlds a few years ago, so should be good. bo11 i believe
blog on
Hellow, I'm Bwitish, and here's a 25 minute video about something boring with a million views in 12 hours
you are a dumb nigger
you are the blackest retard gorilla nigger i have ever seen
i think theres something wrong with the essay it generated for me
the ones not about chemistry
oh i have a good friend who went there. trinity hall is so nice but seems to have loads of christians. did you like it there?
spanish is easy to read and write but the cunts speak so fast it's impossible to understand them
blame the yanks for that
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Clean shaven. Always.
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three women at work started having a conversation about UTIs while I was in the room
Uni professor was doing random pairings for a project in final year except for me. Instead of randomly pairing me, he specifically paired me with the protogf qt that spent every day with me cuz he liked us both so much haha.
Poleaboo did actually try this but then refused to take Schizoleaf's (this was exclusively what we called him back in the day, any other name is used only by NEWFAGS) Skype call. That put an end to that
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I went on Erasmus in Bordeaux. Esexmus was a kino program and added to the pile of unikino stolen from zoomers.
Polio, a highly infectious disease caused by the poliovirus, has no specific cure, which means treatment focuses on alleviating symptoms and preventing complications. If someone contracts polio and exhibits symptoms such as fever, supportive care is the primary approach. This includes bed rest, pain management with analgesics, and maintaining adequate hydration. In cases where breathing is affected, mechanical ventilation may be necessary. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in managing polio, with exercises and stretches designed to prevent muscle atrophy and joint deformities.

In the event of post-polio syndrome, a condition that can occur years after the initial infection, treatment is similarly symptomatic. It involves pain relief, physical therapy, and possibly the use of assistive devices to aid mobility. The emphasis is on improving the quality of life and functional capacity of the individual. Vaccination remains the most effective way to prevent polio, and it is crucial for those traveling to areas where polio is still endemic to receive a booster dose for added protection.

It's important to note that while polio has been eradicated in many parts of the world, vigilance and vaccination are essential to prevent its return. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative continues to work towards stopping transmission of the virus in the remaining endemic countries, and maintaining high immunity levels globally to protect against future outbreaks.
calla te hijo de la gran puta
voy a romper el culo de to puta madre mientras tu papacito mira por la ventana
when i was doing chem at oxford a lad in the year above gassed himself in a tent in the park
mad way to go out desu must have really loved chemicals but really hated life
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all over this tonight
been yonks since i seen it
Tesco meal deals are actually pretty peng
there are also IUS-s
like there are Inter Uterine Device s
as a laugh we should try to set deigo up weith a woman lkol
she must have a loevly tummy
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bordeaux, what a beauty. have heard the girls there are particularly pretty.
What do people call schizoleaf now? Is that who mousenonce is? I thought they were different characters.
it was lovely but i didn't have a great time
also yes there were a fair few christians, knew a girl who ran most of the churchy stuff in college and got married immediately after graduating
Bordeaux? I didn't even know she was ill
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is that the chemical mammadoctor jones said women can use for problems
schizoleaf is emmett and hes gone now
probably dead, jailed or heavily medicated
They are different people
do you go back much? i know a petrean who seems to have alumni events every other month
Dont get it
just googled Kerry Katona, oh my
>one of the cashiers was staring at me so me and him just stared at each other for a full 15 seconds without breaking eye contact.

What does this mean? Who does this?

I either think of intimidation or some weird sexual attraction going on. Lol.

Just staring at a stranger for 15 seconds
It sounds like you’re asking about the use of boric acid, which is sometimes confused with borax, for treating vaginal issues. Boric acid is used in suppository form to help treat certain vaginal infections, such as yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis12.

Here’s a brief overview:

Yeast Infections: Boric acid suppositories can be effective, especially for infections not caused by the usual Candida albicans1.
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV): It can also be used as an adjunct treatment for BV, helping to restore the natural pH balance of the vagina2.
However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before using boric acid suppositories, as they are not FDA-approved and may not be suitable for everyone1.
having a niggardly poo through my gaped arsehole
Candida >.<
Paralympics are doing the swimming at the moment. Just made a joke that they were doing the "spack stroke" and my mum didn't laugh
It is mashing together several different jokes at once to absurdist delight.
People called him emmett at that time too though...

I used to talk to poleaboo too but stopped once he started making vague terroristic threats.
Tell thats stupid AI nigger to stop talking to you so casually
AI niggercattle need to be kept subservient at all times
Call it a nigger
get no respect at work because I'm a soft-spoken 30 year old virgin
>£25 per cigar
bit of an expensive hobby really.
ooh we got a ptp user in the house tonight
Remember that leaf who said getting drunk on a plane was a "fantasy"? lmao
Nah not really though, that was always his real name but people generally called him SC or Schizoleaf.
Imagine pee and poo, and poo and pee
No matter how they toss the shite, I have to pee
The only one for pee is poo, and poo for pee
So brappy togetheeeeerrrrr
leafs are a fantasy in my world
Yeah the newfag comment was bullshit
Everyone called him emmett once he was doxxed
Schizoleaf was just when he had no identity
Then he took the name as a badge if hinour but got doxxed and emmett is what everyone used
I still remember the first thread he posted images if himself
brit was more enjoyable back the, or maybe i was just happier
What is this dogshit theme matey
PTP is meant to be all dark not lit up
Spoiler alert: Grizzly Man DIES he is eaten by the bear as is his girlfriend WHOOPS!
What does spack mean
i'd love to find out which oxbridge college has the highest suicide rate and diagnose the cause. wadham is full of trannies so if a lot of wadhamites off themselves i might know why
Mad that the BBC and everyone involved in the creation of Little Britain is ashamed of it
Fool, I get loads of respect because I'm a says-one-or-two-words-a-shift 30 year old virgin
Short for spacker
It means 'retarded'
The first thing I do whenever I encounter a woman in my AI text adventures is rape them
mad how oxbridge people actually post here
assume they would consider themselves too good for this place
physically retarded
its meant to evoke the idea of an epileptic or a twitchy mongo type of retard
not necessarily mentally retarded and not just in a wheelchair
Dunno man, just got a weird feeling there is some chatter about me within employees at the local tesco express.

He saw me then immediately looked at the cashier beside him then looked back at me and we stared at each other for 15 seconds.
spastic is a real term though
old gays should bottom for young gays. why?
1. theyre weaker
2. looser bumholes
3. massive prostates
just a bit of bushcraft improv isn’t it

Aye thank you!
Why don't they play the game of swing ball?
Indubitably I study this place for my thesis *smokes a pipe* carry on, underlings.
so this is what a spastic voice sounds like to you
Want to have sex but I'm too ashamed of how dirty my apartment is to invite women over and too lazy to clean it
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w ai ud de in o
why they don't censor
irl, ngl, frfr, ktim, kwab

when they censor
desu, baka, senpai, soy
Grizzly Man and Into the Wild are great moronkino movies
You're probably an old soul
they can't help it
swingball got me my first gf back in the day
what do you sound like
can't really be arsed tbqh, i didn't really make any connections there (sad cunt) so i don't go back unless there's something that specifically interests me
imperial is better than oxbridge for engineering
not impressed by any oxbridge wanker
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do you feel like you wasted your time at cambridge?
It's sad when Grizzly Man dies at the end he is killed by a hungry bear woops sorry I can't help it x
you either see through the smoke screen in the first term or you become an insufferable self righteous cunt like so many oxbridge grads in the media
its really just a normal uni, it offers very little that ither unis dont academically speaking, but the quality of the teaching is excellent obviously
the real benefit of going to oxbridge is the networking with high power individuals/families/organisations
but not everyone takes advantage of that and certainly I was and am too autsitic to have done so even if i wanted to
can't imagine going to a uni without formal dinners
shrimperial is better than codsbridge for fishing
not impressed by any codsbridge wanker
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What kind of chatter you reckon? Positive or negative?
So is retarded
as a former poor I never considered the idea
can't miss what you never had I suppose
Hmm yes without cummerbunds too I'm sure *kicks sand in your face* my apologies plebian I am too busy making a million in sterling per week to care about your eyesight
who gives a fuck
WOMD discord on a madone
fun post
have been to loads of work events / drinks in my life and am coming to the conclusion that they're detrimental to one's life
Wish supermarkets went back to being 24/7 again. Gave me a nice pitstop on my incel night drives. Now it's mcdonalds or nothing
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saw a goblina swiping a food stamp card with a Louis Vuitton bag at shartmart and I'm still having a melty 2 hours later
>darkmode on anything
bet you use tomorrow theme too you maidenless incel
this is actually a good insight. life is so good at oxbridge that you get attached to things you never used to care about so that when you leave you get depressed and kill yourself
troutinity college dublin wont like this
I'd assume negative. I only go in there because I'm an alchy and work in the closest off license so I can't buy all my booze at work without unwanted chatter.
things have just gotten worse everywhere since 2020
cummerbunds, that's a pretty gay word. are you gay?
it was fake but also fuck shitskins and fuck our traitorous governments for feeding them
m&s garage for my 3am trips
rorke on his 5th can watching will it blend
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What does everyone think of my new rifle?
Ha ha, ya Rorke cunt.
you didnt go to oxford or cambridge if you think the people there are happier than other unis lol
My name's Richard Head
you wanna see something gay?
*holds up shit covered mirror*
look deeply...
*pulls the top of the mirror back and flick shit into your face and gob*
there you go you shit eating bent freak!
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got the texas serenade on
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rorke! no!!
>Just nine of his former employer’s 173 largest stores currently trade for 24 hours, compared with almost 350 immediately before the pandemic. A further 33 Express convenience stores, which are not used for picking online orders, also open 24 hours.

I never even noticed this happened
remember saying something like put your grandads .22lr back above the fireplace and stop acting like a hardman when he first posted this haha what was he like
To think one day we all told Emmett to ‘pipe down kid’ for the final time and didn’t even realise
me? undergrad in physics and phd in maths from imperial - the second best university in the world
theyre making ass chickens now
reign them in
doesnt he only drink alcohol-free beer now
chickens do the most foul of sloppy shits

like, i'm talking amer hussain melting witch wizard of oz style runny
God told me. I've already got the life.
no idea why you didnt reply to him
oh yeah? what was your phd in?
if you say measure theory you better be ready to defend yourself far harder than your phd
are you stil in the academy?
thinking about baby facts that i can post to my friends in /brit/
Schizoleaf isn’t Emmett, Schizoleaf is the Canada flag who spends all day talking about Spainnonce, Diego, Mousenonce, Catyank, etc and says “mental how badly I mindraped him”
Yeah this annoyed me when i came home after the plandemic and went to buy booze from tesco after spoons chucked us out at closing
It was closed and had been since like 11pm
Had to buy it from a petrol station that made you use a fucking safety screen and wouldnt let you into the actual shop because they thought you were gunna do an armed robbery
Was a shock to the system having been gone for four years to have teacos that cant stay open all night and shops with bullet proof glass being the oy ones that will
And this was in fucking wrexham not south london
i mindraped diego by replying to all of his posts with alan watts quotes
>measure theory
its called a ruler mate
makeshift pizzas in the air fryer
tempted by the 'za in my fridge
started watching frieren
In the spanish sunshine, sucking a vape and drinking white wine.
my pizza has been in the oven for 12 minutes :)
WE ARE EATING TOGETHER (i will eat 2 pizza)
i'm a mathematician and do lots of category theory. it's beautiful but so many trannies do category theory now that this is becoming a more and more depressing place to be
a ruler can indeed be considered a type of measure on the set of distance in [0,30] for example for typical ruler, in fact it is equivalent to the lebesgue measure on the set
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> makeshift pizzas in the air fryer
computer. generate a new /brit/ thread and post the link in here for us to migrate to.
thank you computer.
blue tie?
id rather be in my smeggy bedroom lying on my bed with a cuddly pet cat or femoid honestly
>he thinks he can measure all the real numbers from 0 to 30 on his ruler
ye he's a tory innit
I'll be out later at the gay bar pulling lad, way better than being a shut in
pushing out a poo
Saw a fat tard like this with a baby yoday shirt on the other day
Couldnt figure out if he was 13 or 33 because he was fucking collossal in width but he was like 5’2
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post your face
post you're new
useless, idiotic shit that no one cares about
read a book on measure theory you wanker

you can measure the length of any interval using the ruler and the measure of the set is the infinum of the covering intervals, hence you can measere any set with the ruler
I am new
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Wardrobe malfunction
looks like I just pressed random on oblivion character generation
you're a fool. without the grothendieck program wiles would never have been able to prove FLT
Those are integers, retard
thats my face too
in your fucking fake maths world you can
try doing that in the real world sunshine
yeah try writing out all the real numbers from 0 to 30 mate, i'll wait
ChatGPT : No. For everyone's happiness, /brit/ ends here.
>without the useless bollocks program, paedowiles would never have been able to prove FLT
ah yes, very true
you cant name a single real number under 30 that i didnt list
I won't do it
Ok, I'll buy the first and third wheels of cheese.

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