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buy 2 memes for the price of 2 edition
frying up a duck egg with some cheese toast for lunch
Let me get uhhhhhhhhhhh
One rare boat meme? And maybee something racy????
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Your meme, sir.
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Truly a 2 in 1 deal, will 5 star on yelp
gay ass
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no u
Tonight I learned that neonicotinoids and ectoparasitic mites have a synergistic impact on domesticated bees
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I was enjoying some 'tallica
Listening to the silence in this thread
finally off my ban, jeetcel janny stays seething

tfw no cuban gf to eat my ass
Sup, on my way home
From where
Conway, Arkansas
Conwy, Wales
Which release? Why hiding the bitrate lul

How does this make you feel fleshbag?
Why'd you get banned?
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>Why hiding the bitrate lul
let's say it was not my intention to hide it, I was just cropping the player
Now I'm enjoying Rhapsody
It's fine I will no longer have to pick fruits after I graduate ahah
Unless... ?
posted a gif of HYPERBOREVGH Zelensky to annoy a Russian
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Oldsmobile is the greatest car manufacturer in history
contemplating a morrowind rebuilt + openMW game
feel uneasy not drinking
not craving it per se just feels weird
yeah, that's not Buick bubs

I feel that way when I don't smoke DUDE but it goes away after about two weeks. I think it just becomes a habit and you feel uneasy without it
this album is the only one with Zoli Teglas, who replaced the main vocalist for like 2 years. I really like this album
I guess /icy/ is noooooked again, kek.

I read your arguments carefully, and it's all wrong. Exactly such considerations are completely inapplicable to human relationships.
>I hope so.
100%, 2 years ago they did a new swamp near my house, and it's made a huge difference. Especially in biodiversity.
based czechjanny being a terminal fucking nigger
We broke exactly 0 rules.
We had a debate about /int/ stuff.
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>I guess /icy/ is noooooked again, kek.
we've been nooked
It's Friday, janny doesn't have to get up for work tomorrow, so he's active after midnight.
>especially in biodiversity

think I might kill my lawn and replace it with native wildflowers, grasses, and clover

was the OP pic I'm pretty sure
>was the OP pic I'm pretty sure
Nope. The problem was the baker - he hates him.
I don't mow a small part of the garden (only twice a year), and I let tall grass and wild herbs grow there.
>he hates him
the janitor FEARS the drug connoiseur
>the janitor
He literally cried one night and gave us a lecture about destroyed families and lives.
When I told him I had nothing to do with drugs, he started another lecture about drugs and destroyed families.

I'm guessing he has a family of junkies and alcoholics.
yeah I think I was there for it, it was when he accused you of posting CP regarding the OP pic
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do you like mustard greens?
I don't like any type of greens
I think it was that night, too.
But we got a lecture on drugs in Czech lang.
>mustard greens
I don't think I know what that is. I assume it's something other than mustard?
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Toto blasting on the speakers now
>I assume it's something other than mustard?
mustard is one of several species of plant, some of which produce the seed used to make mustard sauce. mustard greens are leafy greens harvested from the plants, usually from one of the brassica species. same family of plants as broccoli, kohlrabi, kale, etc
>leafy greens harvested from the plants
for what? do you eat it like broccoli?
>for what? do you eat it like broccoli?
it's more like boiled cabbage, but yes. cabbage is also a brassica. it's one of the poverty foods associated with the South
>Nedám pokoj, dokud tebe a tvého přítele nezakážu. Už tě mám dost. Zavři hubu.
I won't rest until I ban you and your friend. I've had enough of you. Shut the fuck up.
>Zavři hubu
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You're doing God's work bro, mad respect, I'm being 100% unironic right now
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I'm really sorry that your family members are alcoholics and drug addicts.
But I'm not breaking any rules, and you can't ban me, you stupid retard.
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Silesia-kun SEETHING at the power of wage labor on 4channel.org
don't stand
don't stand so
don't stand so close to me
Jestli nezmlkneš, nechám tohle vlákno smazat. Jestli si chcete všichni povídat, jděte do /V4/. Tohle vlákno nemá žádný smysl. Zavři hubu.

If you won't shut up, I'll delete this thread. If you all want to talk, go to /V4/. There's no purpose of this thread. Shut the fuck up.
>this thread makes no sense
it's been up for seven fucking years bud
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such a gorgeous plant though
and also bitter, do people do anything else with the leaves besides boil them? I happen to have shitloads rn
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These days were pretty windy and I used my blowtorch lighter. It finally worth the buy.
I'm glad you finally found justification for the purchase.
Hey Czech
You're Czech
I am
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Nike has sneed employees or advertisers
something funny happened at work but I'm forbidden from posting about it
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I don't think they do, maybe use them in boiled meat wraps like you would use cabbage? you have to boil them for a while to get rid of the bitterness. I'm honestly not that familiar with it, leafy greens make me gag

well there's two reasons; if it makes the news tomorrow it'll be doxxable info
but my company specifically told us not to post on social media about it or any pictures
though I dumped some pics in my groupchat
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dadrock time
This isn't social media
bucks I'm watching the news tomorrow
consider yourself fucken doxxed kiddo
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I'm watching my favorite Russian normie
trying to work up the energy to make some pizza dough but the thought of dealing with wet dough right now isn't appealing to me
just make it on flatbread
my digits are better than yours
read em and weep
you eat man booty
check em
incorrect but I have sucked dick
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why do so many american rednecks convert to Islam despite muslims make up 0.1% of the South ?

why do so many [things that don't happen] happen in your country ?
prove they're converting to islam in significant numbers and I'll both answer your question and give you a (You)
why do so many muslims leave the faith the second they taste civilization
I have never met a Muslim convert that wasn't black
NOI are to muslims what mormons are to Christians
I had a boss whose family founded the first NOI mosque in Arkansas
I mean, you're right
but my point still stands
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My father bought 20 kilos of fertilizer to boost the garden
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>to boost the garden
is that what they're calling it now
also no anime in /dixie/, please
I am not a muslim
>20 kilos of fertilizer to boost the garden
Jesus... I never do that - I like it to grow slowly and not have to do more work, kek.
I've met a few white converts but yeah, they're mostly blacks who convert in prison
it's for my garden, my friend
>turf grass
genuinely replace that with native grasses and wildflowers, that shit's terrible for the environment. it wouldn't need fertilizer if it were meant to live in Brazil.
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okay, you're in command, I will obey
I have never met a white Muslim
Whites who get tired of being baptist either become atheists, Catholic, or Orthodox
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thank you
every blade of turf grass you kill makes an ameriboomer cry as his property values decrease
>turf grass
My shit is 90% Bahiagrass
they converted for marriage but idk if it was serious or not, I wasn't that close to them. generally the ones that do that are lukewarm at best and weren't serious Christians to begin with

also for me the pipeline followed exactly that, baptist > fedorafag > CatholicLARP > Ortho
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>Jesus... I never do that
My father is exaggerated but his ideas always work out
I went straight from Baptist to Orthodox
Protestants always had this weird kneejerk reaction to Catholics that probably turned me off from it.
My brother became Catholic after moving to Latin America tho
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I never encountered the Catholic hate growing up but that might be because there aren't that many here besides the Mexicans and a scattering of Italians. they did a lot of mission trips to places like Mexico though, maybe I just wasn't paying attention to it.

>settles on what's probably the most conservative non-schizo faction of the faith
life's a JOKE
and more importantly, it's his project and his work, so you can stay in lazy mode
I don't like all religious organizations. I think it's one big scam.
I don't need an organization or a priest for spirituality.
It wasn't hate, it was more like complete confusion
comparable to Mormons
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My father is Catholic (and his uncle was a Catholic priest). To this day, I still think he is not a Christian.
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I'm exactly a janitor (caretaker or so) in my own house, as my dad's office is here too.
If I was a normie I would be a lawyer with him but I'm not
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many people feel the same way for a variety of reasons but that's one of the main drivers of the modern loss of community and atomization of individuals

the most I ever encountered was jokes about priests diddling kids
not like preachers are much better

simply become an excelmonkey and spend years refining the same spreadsheet in peace for $60k a year like ME
>I would be a lawyer
That would basically be the worst decision of your life. I thank myself every day that I dropped law school.
>I thank myself every day that I dropped law school
I'm somewhat glad I decided to just pursue maximum economics autism instead of becoming a lawyer, I've seen the sort of work the mediocre ones do
It's 1:51 am, my window is open, it's not heating season, and I started to smell very intense smoke.
Either my roof is on fire or my neighbor's house.
Even my air purifier has detected that something is wrong (the usual value is 1-5)
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I finished the course but never got the degree (printed itself).
>simply become an excelmonkey
I'm a real estate monkey (inherited enough properties to live simply [not luxury]), it's been a decent path for me
I knew a Baptist preacher who did it
Never a Catholic
no thotposting please, it also brings in low-quality posters
I'm hoping to be able to be a consultant for 1/3rd of the year and rent homes on the side

do people ever burn yard waste there
I guess it would be weird to do at 2am
where is pole
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>no thotposting
stop me
>do people ever burn yard waste there
No, it's illegal + each house has 2 free bins for BIO waste, 1 bin for plastic and 1 bin for paper.
>I guess it would be weird to do at 2am
my hairy gf, debbie harry, is NOT a thot
>No, it's illegal
remain convinced that the entirety of Europe is a neo-bolshevik hellstate
civilization began in the Anglo New World and has yet to reach yurop's shores
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>no thotposting please
I'll try so, I don't have a posting pattern, usually I don't annoy either greeks or trojans
>I'm hoping to be able to be a consultant for 1/3rd of the year and rent homes
Yeah. Everything you can do to work less and have more free time is worth it
>remain convinced that the entirety of Europe is a neo-bolshevik hellstate
That's what I think, too.

But the waste policy is great. Waste is sorted, recycled, and it saves nature. And the taxpayer pays nothing (the cost is covered by the reused waste).
I haven't been shooting in a while
I need to shoot
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Semi cloudy, 18C
I enjoy working on certain things so I wouldn't mind having a job so long as it isn't every single day. it brings in capital to do other things, and I grew too depressed when I was a NEET with nothing to do

I liked what I saw with waste in Britain but making it illegal means you can't make biochar out of stuff you cut down on your property

what if we all had guns
I have enough guns for ever dixie reg to have 3
I have one (1) gun and have shot it a total of two (2) times
>you can't make biochar out of stuff you cut down on your property
You can. Basically, you can't burn leaves and grass, but you can burn branches and dry wood.
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>I enjoy working on certain things
I mostly like a estate of "non-doing".
But it's a difficult path, I had to train my mind to stand still, to live with less money etcetera.
To me "getting bored" is almost the natural state, but I found a way to take advantage of it.
I was unable to locate the source of the smoke, so at least I'm walking the dog.
>To me "getting bored" is almost the natural state
It is a very natural state. Any activity is essentially a disturbance of the peace.
>but you can burn branches and dry wood.
slightly less of a neo-bolshevik hellstate than I thought but still would despise living there

I think I would handle it better if I had some income stream to rely on, I lost my job with no warning in the middle of the pandemic and it really fucked with me

what breed is (s)he
>slightly less of a neo-bolshevik hellstate than I thought but still would despise living there
When they banned it, the unpleasant smoke-filled days disappeared. Our towns and villages have a different composition than American ones. (my property, 2000m2, has 8 direct neighbours)
>what breed is she
village mixture
>raining again
>have to wait ANOTHER day before I can mow or the grass will be too wet
brb about to go punch God in the fucking throat for this
he does this to persecute me, specifically

I live in the "city" and just tell my neighbors to lick my fucking balls when I burn
>It is a very natural state. Any activity is essentially a disturbance of the peace.
yes, but it's a fight with our inner demons to set us free
you're my little whore
thanks daddy
luv u uwu
helo gretings from Punjaab ... !
ignored that reply because it was either a woman or a homosexual
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good night to silesianon and frens
good night sir
you will never be white

night bud
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i am 100% hyperborean-mississippian DNA
the alpine mongrel conquered the nordic race which labeled them as such
nordics are super intelligence... what kind? autism? the southeastern natives were the tallest people in the world
average height in alabama is 6'0
it is not the dutch
think about how easily i could fuck in europe
foreign women talking about american men mean the alabama man
/dixie/ oblivion npcs
Saw a Yankee the other day. Horrible creatures.

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you gay retard
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fuck off to /brit/
law enforcement officers give up their right to be safe from being shot at the second they agree to work for ZOG
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too full of yanks
hanged, shot, stabbed, poisoned, drawn and quartered
high elf, breton, or dunmer mage?
filthy casual

obviously crack addict though
breton are sort of mutt cuck creatures though
if I'm going to be an elf I may as well be a proper one
I suppose I'll do dunmer
bretons are just a group of "men" for Th*lmor apologists to point to and say "See, some men hate Lorkhan too!"

literal metaphysical cuck race that needs to be exterminated
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Man this website is shit. I'm finally free
Please do not swear
A black physician from deep south is still richer than a richest european baron
the poorest most negrified American is worth ten thousand of the best Europeans
America is my city
You're French
I'm white
Neither are my problem
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This me
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Flag of Béarn

They like cowes
Florida sucks donkey balls.
Czech janny noooked /icy/ again yesterday, and then came threatening here.
He's probably trying to get a raise
I feel bad that trouble came with me to /dixie/.
Well it's time for a couple hours call with a friend to teach me maths
Later nerds
Anyway, have you started exploring the island?
As long as he doesn't nook /dixie/
But this is probably the least troublesome general of them all
>As long as he doesn't nook /dixie/
And that's something I'm not sure about. I should disappear for a while.
No because it was harder than I thought to find a fucking car insurance
Too many options and companies and I had to ask them all one by one in order to see which one was the cheapest
I finally found one and it'll be settled after the weekend

It's illegal to drive without an insurance here and also the drivers here behave like animals compared to the mainland so I'll wait
>It's illegal to drive without an insurance here
This is illegal in the entire EU.
>drivers here behave like animals compared to the mainland
I'm not surprised. I know scooters are popular in southern Europe and small islands, and that is something I would NEVER risk.
woke up drunk lads
>This is illegal in the entire EU.

I guess idk
Wasn't illegal in NZ although I still got one
>I still got one
Because you have a functional brain.
Served me well considering I did have an accident and killed my van, which was then entirely paid back by the insurance kek
10 years ago I made on the highway from 5 meter car, a 3 meter car (engine space and trunk gone), kek. Damages over 200k EUR, all paid for by insurance.
>from 5 meter car, a 3 meter car
How exactly did that happen
It was +/- 20-car accident on a clogged highway. We were all fined about 40EUR "for not keeping a safe distance" kekekeke.
0 injuries, but all the cars completely wrecked.
czeski film
My car was completely repaired, and the funny thing is that the next owner was selling it as " not crashed" and with "clear history and maintenance records".
>and the funny thing is that the next owner was selling it as " not crashed" and with "clear history and maintenance records".
Lololol, some Pole must have bought it
>Lololol, some Pole must have bought it
Unironically, I think it's very likely.
I'm going to inspect the Czech-Polish river in a few minutes. I hope the Poles have cleaned up their part.
You don't "clean up" nature, it's nature
There are old tyres, other plastic waste, and banks full of invasive weeds from Asia.
Listen here, Henry, it's spelled 'tires'
Yeah, natural Polish habitat, krtek
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Fortunately, the evil EU will teach you to take care of nature.
nice thread, retards
girl boobs
on my way to the nature
boobs are nature
I'm tired of seeing
see deez nutz lmao
too tired sorry
Think I might go back to sleep, niggas
havent slept for 72 hours niggas
get a job
but i have a job???
literally just got home from it...
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gm dixie
get a REAL job, canuck
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you too
I'm drunk, I'm going to sleep
I love you, maple syrup addict
get some help
I now know MATHS
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did you know this?
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That's all.
those are weird looking cats
Yeah I don't see no plastic
Next time I will prepare a comprehensive photo report for you. I didn't have time today, I wasn't alone.
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Silesia uber alles, btw
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There's nothing you can do about it. Silesia has an excellent future. And I understand you're jealous. We don't like non-Silesians.
People are "expecting" things to be better because there's a lot that could improve
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I've just placed a bid on a very rare Soviet watch. I am going full sperg
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This is it
If you told me exactly what you were looking for, I could probably give you some good tips on our market. We have a lot of autistic people collecting and reselling it.
Anglophone markets are the worst markets for this stuff.
I was the one who discovered it
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oh shit!!!! i need a watch that plays dixie
truth was, dixie was playing us all along
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t. indian
7-11 or feather?
I'm about to make it your problem
>I should disappear for a while.
don't, he can go fuck himself
it's fine anyway we'll just keep making it, it's not like we do anything except boomerpost here. he'll get tired of nuking a completely unrelated thread eventually, we've dealt with it before

You think ?
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there's no proof of this
Do I have anhedonia
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take me to the river, i wanna go
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anhedonia is a common symptom of depression
also a symptom of being gay
wtf which one is it
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So do I like already have aids or do I have to apply somewhere?
hey, gaylord, touch the grass or clean your river
Neither shall happen
It's gay depression
Depressed about being gay
Hmmm how would you know huh?
I know only happy gays
Just get some black bull to poz your neghole while you listen to Jefre-Cantu Ledesma

I am only moderately happy
Listen to what? Also what's a neghole
>to what?
some stupid /mu/ meme, people spam the catalog with BBC cuck memes that mention him

>what's a neghole
an asshole that hasn't been declared HIV+ (positive or pozzed)
also a retarded BBC cuck spam meme
Very interesting congay
>I am only moderately happy
You're probably not a proper gay
it's retarded /pol/ drivel

jammin https://youtu.be/53GrVNFArHQ?si=K7PQVAeO-zG6J9EC
Try this melody
this song represents my life philosophy
The sky is blue and gold,
white sunshine,
hot temperatures and festive dress,
noise and sweaty faces.

I know what will happen,
the bull is already jumping,
who wants to can go away,
I will get glass of wine.

The thirst is big, my life is running away,
let me have a nice dream.
In the shade under the figs listen to nightingales,
sing with them and drink.

Women are beautiful and shy,
many have fallen for me.
Eyes like two wells,
hair like raven wings.

I know well what does it mean
to fall into traps of girl's lap,
someone likes affairs,
I prefer glass of wine.

The thirst is big, my life is running away,
let me have a nice dream.
In the shade under the figs listen to nightingales,
sing with them and drink.

The thirst is big, my life is running away,
let me have a nice dream.
In the shade under the figs listen to nightingales,
sing with them and drink.

The sky is blue and gold,
Women are beautiful and shy,
Mantillas, festive dress,
Eyes like two wells...

I grew wiser away from people,
I am like the shady garden.
Who wants to can envy me,
I will get glass of wine.

The thirst is big, my life is running away,
let me have a nice dream.
In the shade under the figs listen to nightingales,
sing with them and drink.
page 7
It's a common dixon malady
that's what you get for having a BOOMER GENERAL
This is definitely not a boomer general.
we're boomer at heart and always have been
I am more like optimistic doomer. I still hope for an open conflict with the Russian Federation.
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i'm trying to climb out of this abyss but every time reality touches me I get stomped back down
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>climb out
Maybe the solution is to climb down.
I don't think so. I've got my old man as an example of what I will become if I don't get my act together. Completely alone, fat, hedonistic, impulsive and bitter.
I'm going to think about the answer.
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women really are children
everyone is right about them; the muslims, boomer cartoonists, 1920s marketers
I'm not saying they shouldn't work and stuff
What happened
more of a "support proxy wars against our enemies and just use America's infinite money to destabilize them because we can" man myself. they hated Fukuyama because he told them the truth

also we should just send A-10s and F-35s to go fuck up the Russians in Ukraine and then claim with a straight face to not have anything to do with it because they launched from Ukrainian airfields, let them lay down another "red line". what a fucking joke of a country

genuine skill issue
just job hop every year until you're making enough to not worry overly much about money, that's the #1 cause of depression
nothing per se
I just wish I was one of those people who were content outside of relationships. I've spent the vast majority of my adult life thus far dating or with someone and it's always just me putting in effort and I'm beyond tired of it
I have no hope for it anymore and my idealization of romance and a woman who cares is just a fantasy and it's becoming clearer and clearer as I've got older
So in what way do they not care? Because you hear this from women too, that men don't care and put no effort in
>more of a "support proxy wars against our enemies
you should do it better
>also we should just send A-10s and F-35s to go fuck up the Russians in Ukraine
Definitely. NATO could (and should) have closed airspace in Ukraine in the first week.
bcs Russia is
>fucking joke of a country
I don't really believe it much from the other side. I think there's a lot of stereotypes that women have for men that is just perpetuated by social media and larger culture that haven't been much true. Every man I know in a relationship is by far doing all of the heavy lifting; I'm sure there's biases but the crazy shit I hear from women or see online I have not really experienced. But I have experienced women warping a situation or suddenly proclaiming an ex boyfriend abusive when I know they haven't been
The men I know, including myself, seem to always be doing the "emotional labor" in the relationship while the women trill on about some retarded fancy or resentment
I don't want to talk about it anymore. How is POLE doing?
we should have a consistent foreign policy. I don't care whether we go isolationist or actually start punishing dictatorships by just completely embargoing them. let them suffer without access to the American market. I'd honestly prefer it if we just completely cut ties with regimes that don't agree with our values so long as we blackmailed the EU and Japan into doing the same

I hate the EU and Europeans so goddamn much
>How is POLE doing?
I don't want to talk about it anymore
contemplating making a tiramisu
>we should have a consistent foreign policy
>go isolationist
I think that's a huge mistake, especially for your market and stocks.

Even a small country like Czechia gives you billions of dollars every year.

You should do what you do best (unlike Russia, China,...) - offer win-win solutions.
by "isolationist" I mean stick to the New World and stop fucking with the Latin Americans all the time so they can actually develop and become our new cheap manufacturing base. Europe can fuck itself for all I care, the big players are just as hypocritical as the US but somehow think they can condescend to us when it comes to morals

If I were God Emperor of the US I'd issue a list of requirements regarding basic personal rights for us to do business with other countries. Tell Europe, Japan, Latam, etc that they can either keep doing business with us or they can do business with regimes that have human rights abuses. Issue a complete and total embargo and travel ban of shitholes like the Middle East, China, Russia and countries that do business with them until they clean up their acts or collapse into ruin without access to Western and Western-aligned markets. Dictatorships shouldn't be allowed to benefit from the civilization we built. I'd infinitely prefer that to having to intervene in God-forsaken shitholes every decade.
is the zoomer term "chat" to start a sentence referring to a livestream chat?
>by "isolationist" I mean
I see, make sense.
>Europe can fuck itself for all I care
You can't afford to lose us.
we can afford to make you choose
I'd rather crash our economy than continue doing business with the Chinese and Saudis as they are
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I will burn this country to the ground before I give a Chinaman another red fucking cent
I don't know. I just think you're making mistakes in relations to the EU.
It is more profitable for you to fuck the EU, and develop bilateral relations with individual countries. We are not union like you.
how many floridians have to die
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>you're making a mistake
it's the EU's business if it wants to keep supporting dictatorships, not mine. I'd just cut ties with them if they did. I'd sell it exactly like that too.

my autistic power fantasies are much more based and internally consistent than anyone else's and I will NOT be disuaded from them
university of south florida... more like university of south idiot
But it is a mistake not to distinguish between the EU and individual states (which have independent foreign policies).
btw someone should bake. Not me, I'm an easy target for a czech janny.
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obviously. Hungary's significantly more retarded than the UK. I would gladly fuck over France if they keep dicking around in Africa tho
European retard number one. I really hate them.
i made indonesian buffalo tendies
>btw someone should bake. Not me, I'm an easy target for a czech janny.

>Hey Orban, what if we acted terminally retarded and made our allies so sick of our shit they seriously consisered kicking us out of the alliance or disregard us entirely

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