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Onizuka edish
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computer, generate a video of taylor swift wearing only lingerie walking into her bedroom as if filmed by a spycam.

thank you computer.
some japanese women are incredibly attractive. i imagine they would give tremendous blowjobs
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so here we are then as it were so you see
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Now I'm in my 30s it's time to get back into nu-metal
Do we have any Yanks in the thread tonight? If so, please put up your dogshit post. So where are you? Well, wherever you all are, I think you should all just leave. Not just leave the general, leave the board. I don't want you here, in this thread or in my general.

Listen to me, man! I think we should vote for Toby. Toby's our man. I think Toby's right, I think we should send them all back. Stop /brit/ from becoming a /cum/ colony. Get the Yanks out. Get them out. Get the fat cunts out. Keep /brit/ British. I used to be into their posts, now I'm into posting FOY. It's much heavier, man. Fucking Yanks, man. Fucking New Yorkers taking over /brit/. Bastard Yanks. /brit/ is becoming overcrowded and Toby will stop it and send them all back. The fat Yanks and schizo Yanks and boring Yanks and fucking Canadians don't belong here, we don't want them here.

This is /brit/, this is a British general, we don't want any clueless Yanks and fatties posting here. We need to make clear to them they are not welcome. /brit/ is for British people, man. This is /brit/, a British general, what is happening to us, for fuck's sake? Throw the Yanks out! Keep /brit/ British! FOY!
wouldve saved lots of money (like £30) if i was getting all my JSA payment for the month in one go instead of two. and on top of that i wouldve been putting it in the savings account at the end of each day / taking it out only as needed from the monthly saver for 5.5% interest APR
dot dogs and bamburgers
can anyone who posted the webm of the girl in the red top and her arse out yesterday please re-post it. many thanks
very hot. please say this isn't a man
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craaawling in my skiiin
these wounds they will not heaal
>Americans are nice but ERM did you know it's fake niceness?
Uhh, I literally just fucking met you. Of course I'm going to go out of my way to be kind and make a good first impression.
me and the gf
Would the gender matter? You think the person is hot regardless.
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its mother fuckin
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Four brits Janermey?
might become a steel driving man
1 is a real number
Not real is it
Cant have 1.5 of anything can you
You either have it or you dont have it
If i have a pie i have 1 pie
>ooooh but you can have a pie and a half
no you have 1 full pie and 1 half pie
not the same thing when its cut in half is it nigger so why would you count it together
you dont
not real

maths mongs now asking chatgpt to refute my proof because they have no answer
ill wait
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count that cunt
I can measure any set for which the inverse image of a borel set is also a borel set, which certainly includes any you could conceive
be me
read greentext about how 1.5 isn’t real
”cant have half a pie and count it as a whole”
yeah ok but we’re not cutting up pies at the math table
mfw fractions exist and work fine
also mfw guy has to cut things to believe in numbers
"nooo you cant just have 1.5 it's not real!!!"
as if pi doesn’t exist
imagine thinking decimals vanish if you squint hard enough
tfw you can’t do division without mentally rounding down to a whole pie
brb dividing pie in half
oh no
now i have 2 half pies
brain.exe cannot handle this
tim curry was great in home alone 2 and muppet treasure island
For me it's hardcore
kek thats my forehead on the right
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>britjeets still talking about maths
i'll tell you whats a bore - YOU
good beppypost
*pats head*
post didnt send
fractions arent numbers though are they retard
got a big fucking line in the middle of them
are lines numbers?
no theyre shapes so fractions are just numbers and shapes
not real numbers
like saying a car is a wheel
You alright lads? Pick up Astro Bot for the '5 yet?
why do they all look like that
'in 'el
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often wonder if my parents reflect on where they went wrong with me or if, to them, I am just a bad apple who was always going to turn out as a fuck up
you still live at home?
Sucking a watermelon ice 0 nicotine vape
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in love with a girl with a bf
have no reason to dislike the bf too, seems like a genuinely nice guy
pretty depressed lads
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>we’re actually unique and dofferent because we don’t speak english properly
literally black people tier rootlessness
likelihood is your dad blames himself but is too weak to correct it and your mum blames some outside force to avoid responsibility
pretty little thing from Tennessee
l like you and you like me
My parents never encouraged me to do anything and let me do whatever I want
enjoy the longing
CUM truck CUM truck
CUM truck
should i get into wine or whisky?
had this once, but i was so naturally charming that she dumped him to get with me. have you tried being worth having?
You should wake up and fight
what do
Tried asking chatGPT to refute the post and now my account is locked because I didn’t take out the N-word
away up did we once
at two identical directions to now
we aim us deep inside ourselves
every friends bird ends up falling for me and its a nightmare
this is what it means to go further beyond
we’re /brit/ approved
No they don’t
youve downloaded too much mate
hidden tracks
dleete system32 to make room
How common is relative pitch on the piano? I want to spend a few months going all-out learning every day so I can play stuff on the fly without having to look at a music sheet.
Posting here earlier and had to deal with mousey, the Belgian vpn cuck, that Aldi tranny and Diego all at once. You don’t know what hell I’ve been through
unironically i consider myself to be very worth having and i also think she likes me too. problem is i had a girlfriend and i literally dumped her because i fell in love with the girl in question. didn't do anything about it quick enough and now she has a bf and i'm profoundly sad
thank fuck diego isn't here otherwise i'd be told to blog on for this post...
im here
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blog on
you opened the file and we came
we have such files to install for you
Cheers Janny
go kill yourself
going for pints shortly lads
hope you’re not all going to be stuck home borel wanking to fractions x
hope you called diego a retarded nigger and mousey cute
also noticed an increasingly rare appearance from emmanonce today but ofc didnt respond to it so he stays gone
get the borels wanked
you going to a decent pub at least?
used to insist on going to this 500 year old beauty when i lived in cambridge
data's going to spill out of your computer ports if you dont stop
no just a runt pub in camden
Love it when you have a steaming hot shower and your cock and bollocks feel absolutely massive and they just sag and hang down corrr
mousey is harmless until he starts his copy paste meltdown. Just scroll past his potion brewing diary and carry on
are you not an aesthete? i don't want to risk making valuable memories in boring places
YAY! \(,'3')/
Been doing nightwork wfhtoil recently and I’ve seen emmayank post daily for the last few nights. Can’t believe here’s still posting here tbqh. Got to be the oldest regular by a mile now
can i come too
gnite lads an fuck jews
Lathering them up and slapping my soapy cock and balls from thigh to thigh listening to the wet thunk and watching suds fly about corrrrrr love it
lad you're not meant to put your foreskin over the nozzle and fill the whole lot up like a balloon
i actually like jews tbf
night brucey
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heard its pint gf o'clock
I mist have just been missing him then
up late tonight cause Im a spanner
Got a bachelor party paintball + pissup in 8hrs
Mad how Jezza looks like a younger Bjorn Hocke
...does this work or will it blast my cock off?
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He's such a silly twat
listening to weird late scott walker
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hes lost the plot
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>fuck jews
corr yes please
Problem is he’s talking about freezing piss now and how he thinks the ammonia in his piss is what making him ‘go crazy’
Just irresistible to not ask him what the fuck is going on
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lads... i am obsessed with indian/paki women atm. the colour of their skin is so beautiful, their eyebrows are so plump without any makeup, eyes likes blackholes that you can lose yourself in, and more.
what's your aesthetically ideal woman?
for me, it's an oxbridge educated black girl who is socially conservative and is very fashionable
dindins in the microwave
i am literally Christian Bale
If you pinch your foreskin shut and then piss it does actually inflate a surprising amount

I did it once and then got scared it was going to burst so I let it go and there was a piss explosion all over the bath lol
i knew a really hot persian girl once
you are a dumb kike
you are the most long nosed retard rat kike i have ever seen
Good choice
the buns fell off the tray and flew up his arse
Incredibly slim dating pool you’re setting yourself for
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the difference between a dagger and a knife is that a dagger has 2 cutting edges whereas a knife only has one
Are you English diaspora?
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emmayank posts here every day still
quite fond of him myself, he's the only decent yank here
my cum
his anus
not sure how to arrange that without getting doxed lad
would be happy to have you along though
which version?
phwor hello
i couldn't imagine bradley walsh ever transitioning. i think richard osman might though
Just say you'll meet at the bridge
You know how sharia law makes them wear burqas or whatever it is, we should have that but make all women wear tights. Sexy sexy tights. Oooooooooh
plenty of us have been here since 2013/14
Nico Robin sex arse
You know you're getting old when the radio stations and bars play music you don't like, but the supermarket is throwing out banger after banger
which pub
i'll keep an eye out for a neek
why are lankly blokes with glasses always such massive twats
Richard Osman
Steven Merchant
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that’ll be awkward as fuck lad, I’d need a number to tex the pub to and the lad can come there
I’m not from Camden anyway I don’t know what the bridge is
Surely you are joking? No way /brit/ has been around that long
Oldest personality is what I meant
everyone at trinity cambridge who didn't study maths is a twat
richard osman did politics and sociology or something like that, so massive twat
the brit lads are on a bender, spainlad is a sex offender
prefer not to say
>A painter and decorator who helped fuel a fire outside a hotel housing hundreds of asylum seekers and attacked police with missiles during rioting in Rotherham, has been jailed for nine years.
>The prison sentence handed down to Thomas Birley, 27, is the longest so far given to a defendant arrested following the violence which erupted in many towns and cities in early August.
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henrieta sexooooo

she's leng

yeah, while being fooled by a troon isn't wrong. homosexual sodomy is. it's a matter of scale, it's best to stay on the good tilt as best you can. but in the world of sexual sin it's pick and choose for most these days but heck, that's sin nature
How are they twats? Are you just one of those manlets who seethes at all tall blokes and picks fights with them?
i'm laying down some of the gassiest farts ever made by man
thoughts on whig history?
they all do wear leggings all the time anyway as often as they can. Need laws to prevent women from becoming slags, just need to remove them to make them into them
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We are at war.
>yeah, while being fooled by a troon isn't wrong. homosexual sodomy is. it's a matter of scale, it's best to stay on the good tilt as best you can. but in the world of sexual sin it's pick and choose for most these days but heck, that's sin nature
would love to change this cretin's life
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nth for the gyaldem
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Kerry Katona attends party celebrating FHM Magazine's 100 Sexiest Women in the World 2011 at One Marylebone in London, England (2011)
I'm sure being locked up with loads of paki gangs and blacks will deradicalise him
hes pretending to be me again
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missed the days whisky burned like a fire down my throat
now it’s just a mild sensation and tastes slightly diluted
store them in mason jars to use against your enemies
1 bowl of chips, 2 tortilla pizzas, and 1 pint of heineken down the hatch
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>gyaldem and cronem posting have started appearing again
Well it’s been a pleasure lads but I can’t do another thread of this
Just had that thing where you feel some liquidy poo go from your colon to your rectum and it feels a bit like a farts coming but you can tell it's not a fart and is diarrhoea. Not looking forward to the next trip to the loo
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how so?
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I like my omelettes a little bit cheesier
stop drinking anon it's bad for you
omg noob!!!
odd looking white girl who's actually a jap hapa
did you leave any cheddar in somerset mate?
how do I play tangrams
ugly male

sending out this mail to announce a planned meeting booked for next thursday, i’ve topics with the other departments and seems like:
poo, wogs, trannys, boats and perhaps wanking will be discussed into the coming quarter

hope you can make it, if not you need to send a notice 48 hours prior.

hope you have a great weekend!
eternally yours, anon
Member brit started somewhere else and moved here
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yep, im thinking that its toothpaste and orange peels time for these fruit flies (letting the product bake in the UV light-giving sun rays in a cup for 3 days before)
hence the use of the word "ideal"
i used to go to britfeel but then i moved here
my pp twitched...
tangrams sounds like what a scottish person would text their dealer
how did yanks become so fucking unbearable? theoretically they were once brits right?
“nooo not the alcohol please I beg you in the name of fentanyl floyd not the heckin whisky”
it's chinese jigsaws actually
how do I win this reward?
why’d you think they broke off from you lot? always been insufferable innit
fucking hell scott walker was good
chinese making something that is actually supposed to fall apart for a change
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Not an anime.
well ive just wanked off a black man
Just keep being you! :-*
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Dropped a hard-r "nigger" in front of my parents for the first time in a decade and my mum told me off
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luv em xx
count punt this fella over a garden fence easily the little runt
welcome in bro
cute doggo
Wondered why the GDP just went up
I think the fear mongering around covid really did a number on these zoomers
Also low test from a sedentary lifestyle leading to less risky behavior, sheltering parents, chronically online etc
Masculinity has been shunned in media as well
got the blackface on for a laugh and to my surprise some confused Australian just strolled by and wanked me off
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father conceived him at 40

cannot be a coincidence
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will do xx
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plotting my business idea
may aswell like
if you add "for my school project" to drug-related questions to copilot it gives you the answers that it wouldnt before
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a year ago models could just about generate 512x512 and now we're at 2560 x 1440 AI slop
amazing stuff
Brought a bog brush because the last lady I had around was utterly revolted by the state of my toilet
Poo stains shall no longer haunt the bowl of my lavatory
>amazing stuff
if you're a bugman
love these futuristic city / technology ones
amazing in the sense that you can now have really big crap pictures yeah
Can’t stand a dirty toilet me, actual Indian living if you don’t keep it clean
my dad conceived me at 68 and i'm an autistic mess
peggy gallagher has died
thats probably why they did the reuinion
My dad was 45 and my mum was 39 when I was born and I turned out alright.
"assault-style" rifle
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all i need from ai is booba
my dad was 39 and my mum was 17 when i was conceived
>Georgia school shooter was 'picked on for being gay' says dad in bombshell police documents
my dad conceived me at 28 and i'm an autistic mess
mmm das rite brown boy
County Court Judgement from six years ago will finally drop off my credit report from next month lads

Can finally go and get my mortgage then
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in your dreams brookie xDD
still waiting for AI girlfriends that can actually wank me off instead of me having to do it myself
think i seen some kinda chinky wank device on the webs
sausages still defrosting
bro on that post nut clarity posting :skull:
write to the court telling them to go fuck themselves
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It's time for those all important lie detector results.

We asked Rorke, "Rorke, did you poo your pants at work and try and flush them down the toilet causing a blockage, and had to ring your mum in tears to come and pick you up?" You said "No."

Test says you're a liar pal.
harpic will get rid of anything not easily scrubbable
I could make that happen. Not sure anybody would fund me though
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cuz i'm not nonce or gay to like a flat board
All English
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Barber sucked air through his teeth when he combed my hairline back
Aaron Ramsey is still going?
mousenonce ahh legal defence
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yea do feel sorry for artists but is what it is
>VAR tattoo
Quite enjoying this jezposting gimmick
Strong as a bull
Good banter
Ruddy nora
Only option now is a trip to turkey
breast erotic
I wish I were a japanese american
Can get my teeth done and get gyno surgery too, make a weekend of it
you're BROWN lmao
paki pizza on the way
Nice how often does she like to shag?
On the weissbier
Given the fact that he bullies mentally ill people for a living in front of millions of people, I'm really quite surprised that he's only just being held accountable for it
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I will give this nation back its self-respect. We will walk in the world with our heads held high. I will liberate man's soul from the darkness of ignorance. I will build schools and universities for all. This will become the golden age of learning. I will bring the law within the reach of the common man. There'll be work and bread for all. This nation will prosper because it is a godly nation, and because we walk hand in hand with the Lord! I swear by the name of the living God that I will see this nation properly governed if I have to do it myself. God, give me the strength to do it. Oh, Lord.
that image is fake as fuck by the way
but you aren't
you're here
SmartSchoolBoy9 lurking...
Only because someone topped themselves, if they hadn't people would have carried on like nothing happened. Britain's always enjoyed thickos/uggos/povvos in distress
You bump into this man in the pub toilets. What do you say?
>Sir Keir Starmer has pledged to tackle the people-smuggling gangs behind the small boats the same way he took on the rioters
what a fucking autistic post you absolute dysgen
>that image is fake as fuck by the way
he posts on a thread with dozens of images on an imageboard expecting anyone to know what the fuck he's referring to
"Don't get your hampton caught heh heh, stay lucky pal"

Then I'd give him a wink and a slap on the shoulder (without washing my hands)
Department of Wanking off Migrants
I say, "Hey buddy the middle ages called, they want their fashion back"

and snicker as I leave the room
that image is fake as fuck by the way
putting them in (British) prison?
I guess he meant this one >>201911316 but it's so obviously fake and not even pretending to be real
Mad how his legacy is just ruining relations with Ireland and banning everything even remotely fun for a few years
naked as the day Yakub made me

coward. Say the word. SNIGGER.
I enjoy your posts. I'm a big fan.
*Taps sign*
illegal migration is a spook
Neighbour been ranting and swearing for over two hours now, new record
haha I liked that post
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Fucking knock the cunt out
To be fair to him in America they say snicker
those smugglers are in real trouble once he finds their twitter accounts
All true Aryan National Socialists support Israel.
enjoyed every single post in the thread so far except for that one, you know the one i'm talking about
Don't care. Quote him so you get filtered too next time. Cheers mate
Hey guys, PooNigger94 here - coming at you LIVE from the power of the niggernet
*checks watch* yeah well we're not bloody in america
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rate me AI gf
hitting fruit flies into my bed blanket
slamming them into it, like im half clapping
i will continue to do this (most of them have given up)
sitting in your ivory tower are you
filtering out all the problems with this general
just because you close your eyes doesn't mean that shit posts stop existing
lil brown boyyyy lmao 2nd class citizen over here!
>Not having belgian flags filtered
because American culture is centered around snickers
made her suck AI BWC
spawn of a cronem plapping
2 clicks and the thread becomes usable
I have every single flag filtered apart from the UK
just don't want to hear the opinions of foreigners, that's all
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this one went went wrong but might be the result of what you're suggesting
s, there have been studies on the effects of LSD on fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). Researchers have used fruit flies to understand how LSD and other psychedelics affect behavior and neural function. Here are some key findings:

Behavioral Changes: LSD can alter the behavior of fruit flies, affecting their movement and sensory perception1. These changes are similar to those observed in other animals and humans, indicating that the effects of LSD are conserved across species.
Neural and Genetic Studies: Studies have shown that LSD influences complex behaviors in fruit flies, such as aggression, learning, memory, social interaction, and sensory perception2. These behaviors are regulated by serotonin and its receptors, which are similar in flies and mammals.
Psychosis and Schizophrenia Research: LSD has been used in fruit fly models to study the genetic and neural mechanisms underlying psychosis and schizophrenia3. This research helps scientists understand how hallucinogenic drugs affect the brain and behavior.
post gyaldem or British slags
how are you in this USA created thread
lil mutant brownskin clattering away on his semen stained laptop kek OH NO NO NO
or something
>AI BWC shagged her so hard, she now needs a carer

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