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how will the west cope with its relative decline in contrast to the ever expanding BRIC block?
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Remove cloned niggers from both sides and it would be perfect match for my harem.
reminder to everyone ITT that "h*omealone*verynight" has been the Belgium flag spammer and his samefaggot UK flag samfagfriend and hes
>posted all that shit here today (Friday) for his own reasons
>posts it on other days regardless

so whether you like him or not, if you still havent filtered him, but dont like the other flags posts, then it might be worth adding today to the reasons FOR filtering him, at least until the posts like that stop if you like "HIS" posts
even if you do like him then until the other posts he makes stops that you filter you might filter him too so that he cant just sit there and do that when he doesnt get his own made-up way

homealone should leave in shame after his behaviour today. i do know how he can act like this and be shameless about it but he should go and reflect on what he is like and how hes acting and for what reasons. its as simple as that
your life is very grim
you need to get a grip
For now it's still incredible how much it gets wrong though.
Quiz it on any topic you're very familiar with and see how many errors sneak through.

Fucking pain in the arse it is.
there goes toby again, another 6 hours
what's it like getting arrested for sex crimes?
Another parlay just hit
mouseonce that is abssolutel yfascinating tell me more
honestly think merton is the most underrated oxford college
doesn't even matter that liz truss went there
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took nonceposting to /sp/ and someone said they reported me to Thames Valley police
*lifts a jeet above my head*
*drops him flat onto my knee like when Bane snapped Batman's back*
*leaves him on the railway tracks for the next train*
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lads how do i create a 4chanx 'general' filter for comment and flag?
the guide really doesn't explain it well enough for a layman like me to be able to do it
holy fuck i want a chinese wife NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW *stomps feet in a fit of rage*
remember littlebigplanet?
so good scott walker was even the weird late stuff
"Acca" feels too millennial-coded
reminder you can just boards.4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(homealoneeveryfridaynight))
my last post to you

you have been posting race bait cuckold fanfic you wrote yourself about rape or fucking schoolgirls all day for 10+ hours because of some made-up rule meaning you "cant" post so it cant be said that im "going to have a meltdown"
which by the way literally only you fucking say - like with most of your shitty fucking gimmicks nobody cares about, which get no response, because you are very boring, meaning you have to samefag or hold people hostage in the thread for your garbage content. if you cant post the content you "melt down" for 10 hours, so no. also fuck off parasite
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nth for the baddiedem
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*laughs at you*
henry chadwick was a smart guy
fantastic post i might like you if you keep making posts that good
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It's too fucking dark at night now. Looked at the time thinking it was proper late but it's only half 8.

retards it'll just get deleted around 150 when janny decides to see it
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>just got back from abroad
>staying at mums
>she hits me with "what have you been up to all week then"
righto tobester whatever you say
hi canada
you seem to understand these things
could you please help me out with my query here >>201914365
specifically the word cans and ireland
could do with a slim, cambridge educated black girl who is socially conservative and has an impeccable fashion sense
would be good also to not be suicidally depressed
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>support rightoids in every election in every country but want orange man to lose me
just a complete pathological liar, clearly did some nonce shit on Epstein island and this week refused to say he'd declassify the flight logs were it in his power, embarrassingly inconsistent on abortion (it's murder! dems want it up to birth! but I support states' rights so I guess I don't care dependent on geographical coordinates), says he'll end ukraine war in 24 hours with a phone call but when asked how he says "we'll get it done", when there's any sort of questioning of him whatsoever he calls that person fake news

he's exhausting
got to be momala for me
everybody has him filtered. he gets no replies
he goes off-flag or takes his name off and either posts the same shit or samefags himself. or he outright starts talking to himself. i hadnt filtered him before this - i didnt care. im filtering him now because of what he posted today, for how long, and what reason
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prefer hislop personally
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Blud went full exorcist
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Love chatGPT. It’s the answer to the question everybody was asking.
>What would it be like if someone with learning difficulties googled your question for you and relayed the information to an autistic man to type a needlessly verbose response without checking for errors
do you think thom yorke was depressed simply because he's ugly?
shame he killed himself tbf altho colin was the genius behind radiohead anyway
well yeah no shit
are you fucking stupid?
>What would it be like if someone with learning difficulties googled your question for you and relayed the information to an autistic man to type a needlessly verbose response without checking for errors
no idea, let me ask chatgpt
mousenonce you were amzing today
like the way ytou spammed tha tshit
no one could hack it
really really well done
fantastic shti
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>need to pay £590 to tax my car

Fuck this gay shit country
still haven't pressure washed the alleyway this year
hislop went to magdalen tbf, nice college but full of twats
maybe can mess around with the postMessage container and :has-text but i haven't gone that far yet
eating poo
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thom's not dead? he still plays in The Smile. good band
my mum asked me what I got up to one week and I told her to mind her own business. Shut her right up so it did. Never did have a good relationship with her. She once said she didn't want anyone at her funeral and when I agreed she panicked and tried to backtrack. When she did croak I stayed home playing playstation during her funeral lmao
nobody and i mean absolutely nobody on earth, ever, asked
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It's time for those all important lie detector results.

We asked Rorke: "Rorke, is it true that your mum once had to drop off new No Fear boxer shorts to you at school on two separate occasions in the same day because you had pooed in them?" You said "No."

It says here the lie detector results were inconclusive because you lied in the pre-show questions. It says here you later admitted you had pooey pants when you took the test.
He's not dead...
would i lie to you bbc1 gtfi there now
BRICS is a massive cope. The only two major players are India, Russia and China. China and India hate eachother ro the point of border clashes and China and Russia have a lukewarm relationship that they pretend is stronger than it is. China doesnt even want russian pipeline gas and it manufactures drones for both sides of the war.
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In bed, teeth brushed and all that.
i'm pretty sure he killed himself after kid a
i actually like david mitchell shame his wife is a cunt
nah i just need someone with that sort of brain to write the correct 4chanx filter as per the guide in the image in my post. it should be easy for someone who has any sort of technical brain
bit early
/^word you want to filter$/
£0 for my little gaymobile yet I still have to go through it all and tax it. Makes no sense
kinda feels like i wrote this song lol
remember that Friday when Diego spammed his IR cuck porn fantasies here all day and tried his hardest to force you to look at them in stages as you filtered him? as the entire thread had him filtered, if not the majority for his name he got upset for not being able to post on?
remember that time he went on his own flag and spammed that shit nobody else wanted to see? thats him
he wasnt allowed to post because of something in his own head
Belter of a game
it suggests in the guide that it's possible to filter the word when combined with the flag. i don;t want to filter the words can and cans else i'll never be able to beanspost again
Jack Draper's alright isn't he??
wtf Dr Disrespect is back?
There’s nothing for me in the waking world.

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no but i will never forget the time he shat his savile row suit on the tube
i dont use 4chanx idk if it's the same process. i just slap it in ublock
Citroen C1?
don't jinx him you old poof
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH you're a bit fiesty xx MEOW!
In a gay bar area and just seen a bar describing itself as hetero friendly kek
Gayer. Toyota IQ
trump vs williams saudi final tomo chaps
dunno tbf
>teeth brushed
found the imposter
BY THE WAY >201914731
is Diego/homealoneeveryFridaynight

if you havent filtered his "main" tripcode by now then you have another reason to do so with this. at least until he stops acting out because of his "rules" he makes up for himself and terrorises you all if he doesnt get his own way
hes spammed cuck porn all day - is doing it again now hes been called out - noticing how he hasnt been posting much today (with Belgium posting lots) - and is now settling down for the night with some cans
mousenonce that was you
lmao even
u made myt psot count go straopsheric
>all these games on youtube for free

that's pretty cool, huh?
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it's almost definitely not i'm just saying i don't have the nous to follow the instructions in pic related to create a working filter and was hoping you might and could do me the favour of making one for me
Soho. 4am. Be there.
RuneScape! Yeah
Everyday I'm grinding skills

Step into Gielinor, everyone's leveling up
Looking for that XP, we ain't ever gonna stop
Got my gear on, feeling like a boss
Questing all night long, don't care about the loss

Now everybody's in the clan, shouting out like oh my god
Chat box blowing up, looking like a mod
We're training magic, casting all day long
Summoning our familiars, singing this song

Everyday I'm grinding skills
Everyday I'm mining ores
Everyday I'm fishing sharks
Everyday I'm making bank

Put your hands up, pickpocket that NPC
Cause we're hitting max stats, just you wait and see
We're in Lumbridge, partying all day
This is RuneScape, and we're here to stay

Everyday I'm grinding skills
Everyday I'm slaying dragons
Everyday I'm banking loot
Everyday I'm gaining levels

Yeah, RuneScape!

mad, AI even changes the party rock lyrics to be any theme you want
your belgium one filters all belgians though, i only want belgians in /brit/ filtered
some lad posted this one a while ago and it's worked perfectly for me

Remember when he doxxed himself haha
hey mousenonce
thaanks for the acknowledgement i appreciate ti and the raid
just a few little factoids for youy my cutiep ie
i dont have a trip and i follow rules
i also dont know who belgium is
but besides that you are a fucking cool guy and love having your recomendation hope to see you again on twitch soon x
he's not a mouse, he's a mouse nonce
i usedto pretend to be asleep during uni icebreakers so that someone would make me up and i could try and be funny about the whole thing to make a positive impression on all the ladies, but they just skipped over me entirely and finished the entire induction and left with me still sat there pretending to be asleep. graduated a couple months ago having not made a single fucking conversation in 3 years
reminder that he is crying right now in real life and - parasite that he is - is trying to latch on and get that attention he craves so badly
reminder that he is obsessed with me

reminder that he probably even samefagged his own name pretending to be me pretending to be him. he is that sad and wants attention so bad
i don’t have a gf
anyone read that hugh trevor-roper book about how fake scottish culture is?
sohos is prettey dead nowerdas ngl
he turned himself into a mouse by microwaving mouse piss with the microwave door open and letting the microwaves hit him
Put a name on so I can filter you please
actually im a mouse
stop calling me a nonce, which you onyl do because poltards or whoever the fuck is adding -nonce to the end of words did it and youre a sheep
then going around "correcting" everyone
had one once but fucked it
hoping to get another soon
tho the girl i'm deeply in love with is taken
unironically just smashed my fist on my desk
>reminder that he probably even samefagged his own name pretending to be me pretending to be him. he is that sad and wants attention so bad
1. "Banished that weirdo to Varrock Square!"
2. "Teleported that oddball to Ardougne Market!"
3. "Transported that oddity to Falador Castle!"
4. "Portaled that bizarre thing to Al Kharid Palace!"
5. "Exiled that stranger to Edgeville Bank!"
6. "Telegrabbed that eccentric to Taverley Dungeon!"
7. "Shifted that peculiar being to Draynor Village!"
8. "Conveyed that peculiar entity to Yanille Courthouse!"
9. "Sent that anomaly to Port Sarim Dock!"
10. "Dispatched that anomaly to Seers' Village Inn!"
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crikey. might microwave a man who is taller than me with a bigger knob's piss myself then

i invented the word nonce
fuck off Diego you attentionwhore freak
i didnt give a fuck until today but youve really fucked over peoples mental image they had of you
Freshers week looms
u made any new tummy webms?
Get the /brit/ runescape clan made
just watched Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
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What's your favourite song right now lads? For me its: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbQYrVILo6o

Bear in mind I SHALL be listening to all submissions
toby, diego's mental image could not possibly get any worse than it has so not sure what youre yapping about
wew lad thanks
will this filter all replies too
mousenonce i will be forever your slave due to the amount of postcounts you gave me
i am well and truly the king of postcounds thanks to your allegiance to me xx
Not much choice when insurance+fuel costs are high.
Incidentally, the C1 shares the same engine as the Toyota IQ
the bonnie bonnie wanks of cock lomond
dispatching an anomaly out of my bum
sex with winona
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looking forward to the brualist tbf
first new film i've been excited about since the last malick
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sitting on the toilet and I can hear things swimming about down there after another poo
Diego's WWE entrance music
you pooing out little fish or something mate?
worms dont swim
why the fuck has my slut mother taken this long to cook me my dinner
right, we all know this cunt is fucked and it just a massive ratpit now. Where you lads dreaming of moving to? me, im thinking the states, nz or aus. Probably the states are going to be my 1st choice. Cheap houses and each state is like country, so if i dont like i can move.
fuck off you mentally retarded freak. stop start/ending every post with the same word/a name
fucking autist + samefag + spainfreak/diego/belgium/danish/everysingle other bit of cancer ITT. you get 0 replies throughout all of them
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Wish the Chinese lady would lobotomize me into the state of a feral beast that she keeps as a sex toy.
Might move to China.
mines has been crying in the shower for over an hour. should probably go check on her but genuinely can't be arsed.
alri tim
get some taste you incel freak
the chidlhood of a leader was mid af
mousenonce agro makes them win
just chill ye
maybe we can get a drink in soho l;ater tonighte? me and you just straight people enjoying it haha
Should I play Runescape or would it consume my entire life?
every time ive posted today (like 5 times) youve replied to me though
1. "Banished that scoundrel to the cursed catacombs beneath Varrock, where screams echo through the shadows."
2. "Teleported that miscreant to the forsaken depths of Morytania, where vampires lurk in the mist."
3. "Imprisoned that knave in the dreaded dungeons of Daemonheim, where forgotten horrors await."
4. "Exiled that troublemaker to the treacherous Wilderness, where danger lurks around every corner."
5. "Telegrabbed that villain into the haunted halls of Darkmeyer, where fear grips the heart."
6. "Summoned that rascal to the desolate ruins of Keldagrim, where echoes of lost civilizations whisper."
7. "Trapped that scallywag in the shadowy corners of Araxxor's Lair, where the spider queen weaves her deadly web."
8. "Transferred that rogue to the cursed lands of Fossil Island, where ancient creatures roam freely."
9. "Portaled that wretch to the malevolent depths of the Infernal Source, where dark energies corrupt the soul."
10. "Teleblocked that troublemaker to the accursed shores of Dragontooth Island, where dragonkin watch with scorn."
No, sex with Bellucci
/^Put a name on so I can filter you please$/i;

is this it? how to filter that exact same post he makes as if hes following a script?

also fuck off diego i said last post to you. you get no more posts
god how annoying, i feel for you bro
screenshotted and added to my collection of media recommendations from 4chan
over 100 images now
not watched or read a single one
I played it for about 3 months and managed to quit, was fun for the time but I can see how it would get addictive if you have nothing else going on in your life. Very comfy game
mousenonce you gave me so many postcounts i can only love you for that
i went from zero to hero as theys ay thansk to the increase in postcounts due to you posting with my name x
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It will consume you but it's fun
so youre a different person then maybe? fuck off with your clown show
my mum is dead. you lads should treat them with more respect before they're gone for good
for filtering any post containing a specific phrase all you need is /phrase/i
>the chidlhood of a leader was mid af
haven't watched it and don't care to. the director is still young so obvs still learning his trade. just cuz his last film was mid doesn't mean this will be. anyway i'm mostly interested cuz of the subject matter. also i probably have better taste in film than you
i sometimes forget that there are some seriously mentally deranged people who post in these threads
Thanks for sharing but I think these are both rubbish
nah fuck that cunt
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its really time to start filtering by this point because its the only way to deal with the literally ONE person whos 90% of the problems ITT
>never seen his films before
>sure this one will be good
>c;laims he has beter taste on that bsis than me
lmao evne
state of you
BELLOWING at mum to make a brew, fucking gasping here, not on is it
you havent had time to listen to either of them however
Jump off a bridge x
First, Lincoln's establishment of Thanksgiving as a national holiday enshrined the New England Anglo-Saxon festival, vaguely associated with an American strain of Protestantism, as something of a national origins myth, in the middle of a divisive Civil War when even some Unionists were becoming concerned with rising non-Anglo-Saxon immigration.[198] This coincided, as Ceci noted, with the "noble savage" movement, which was "rooted in romantic reconstructions of Indians (for example, Hiawatha) as uncorrupted natural beings—who were becoming extinct—in contrast to rising industrial and urban mobs". She points to the Indian Head coin first struck in 1859 "to commemorate their passing.'"[199] Even though there was only the briefest mention of "Thanksgiving" in the Plymouth settlers' writings, and despite the fact that he was not mentioned as being present (although, living with the settlers, he likely was), Tisquantum was the focus around which both storylines could be wrapped. He is, or at least a fictionalized portrayal of him, thus a favorite of certain politically conservative American Protestant groups.[y]

All of it
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>my mum is dead
diego my brother in christ i said i was looking forward to it i said nothing about its objective quality
This is exactly what I imagine he looks like. Spooky.
Haven't wanked today and even having my coffee without feeling like it, I think I can go the distance today
he made up something in his own head where if someone else is there he cant post, and because someone else was here, in this thraed he "loves" he posted race bait non-stop to it for more than 10 hours today - wanked off a couple times - and is now drunk/posting ITT
get a grip
imagine bradley actually laughing at you after you tell him your mum is dead
so... thoughts on anal?
is it worth trying with the gf, how do i not get poo on my willy?
Flicked through them, not good stuff I'm afraid
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uve been done
mn love you making me the highest post counter in brit history or bristory
all fake economies dependent on the west
my mum's dead as well, doesn't mean her inability to pull herself together didn't completely ruin my life from day one
a black physician from alabama is still richer than a richest european viscount
flicked your mum and she wasn't that good either
i licked my gf's asshole once and she got all coy
so no never done anal but have thought about it
you need like a week to prep for anal if you don't want poop on your dick
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show me your dick or stfu. i dont care about that other shit
>my post count
is that why you are jealous? because i staretd my own namefield to try and get the highest postcount in the thread
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There's been a few cases where I've been told horrible news and I've had to hold back a laugh cause I think of sinister bradding
Heard it just makes things smell like arse/poo. I was keen to try it until I heard that.

You'll have to make your gf evacuate her bowels and then douche (mad gay blokes have to do that every time)
Just shat nuggets
I should stop eating so much outside food
get hornier and hornier each day that goes by and I get no fucking attention from women on the apps, grim
ghoulish hairline
amusing seeing the ""personalities"" fight with each other when they're both equally sub human garbage that belong on r9k.
diego located
eh... not worth it.
would like to tickle/finger her bum during normal sex, but even then i'd get poo on my finger
take it to /tv/ they'll crown you lad
is that charles vetch
I'm 34
Earn 23k
My parents fell for the equity release scam

a clue gained
you need to get a grip of your emotions. and by the way im going to make everything i can worse for you if it relates to the computer/4chan things, because you deserve it, because of your actions today. you made up fake rules for yourself to do whatever you want based on anything you choose anyway so i think you were expecting negativity if i was here from the start. if you stop being a faggot i will stop
does your gf have a nice asshole?
the asshole of my ex was amazing and i regret not utilising it more
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the TRUE emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next
I tried to pop a finger in there once and she went mental at me. Might just have to accept its off limits (though she did start off not liking to give me bjs and now she begs to swallow my spunk so who knows)
mousenonce i loveyou for how high you made my mousecount no one can beat me now im the super highest brit poster
haha x
haha it only gets worse
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King's Lynn
go to bed with your girlfriends already normalcunts
or go out drinking with your friends
dont care just go AWAY
some days diego behaves far better than others
do you think he's manic depressive or something?
wet bum doodoo
at least you have you hair line, right?
glad you don't like it having just listened to the one you posted. would have me second guessing it if you did
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>Why yes I do earn 30k per year. Why don't I pick you up in my 63 plate Corsa, bring you over to my rented second floor flat, put on a Netflix movie if my flatmates aren't using the basic subscription package and eat some rice that I've bought in bulk and seasoned myself.
I'm charging up to take a really great pic that I can use for a while(rate threads, sending to gal, etc)
mousenonce you are my biggest crush i love what oyu did to my psotcorm4m8
>equity release scam

it’s not a scam; they just care more about having new cars on the drive and 2 holidays a year than about securing a future for their son
scrutinising a roger scruton book
>My parents fell for the equity release scam
That's genuinely devastating. I actually feel sorry for you lol
The low salary and renting is something you could live with knowing inheritance is coming. You should consider unaliving
>does your gf have a nice asshole?
yes. i really want to circle it and tickle it when doing it doggy... should i just go for it and wash my fingers after?
>does [insert namefag] have mental issues
silly question innit
I should probably message the arranged marriage girl before it's too late
1: that wasnt me posting with "your" namefield on
2: im not the peter/dragon poster. also i think you are - and you did the above. but i might be wrong
3: i didnt know what was going on and arent even paying attention to things that only other people are bothered about. you should of told me that sooner and you had nothing to worry about in the first place even before that (when you were)
had a huge instagram comment discussion/argument for the first time ever with an indian girl from kerala about porn and why it's bad for relationships/leads to infidelity. she was a model/actress and her account filled with OF porn tier photos but kept telling me that she didn't do that. she was attractive, and well spoken, but so fucking stupid when it comes to arguing for a point. actually mad that Indians have to deal with this, seemed worse than western women with the circles she was going in.
rummaging a poo
size 12 creps ordered
women see this as an ick, in see a man who's smart with the little money he has.
i'd scrap the netflix even.
(8) Tell me that I'm the one
Say that you love me too
Kisses don't come for free (8)
wot 1s
>im not the peter/dragon poster
come on blud we know this is a lie
going kayaking yeah?
a d a m shut the fuck up

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American women <3
(8) purple indigio (8)
30 minute warning
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prolly just got a good dicking today
Time to disown them
They don't care about you
forgot that felicity jones went to oxford
she went to the gay college too
If you're going to unalive yourself then you might as unalive some bad people first e.g. paedos, paedo politicians, etc.
Was gonna post this lmao
diego hasn't been here for fucking months
adam has been impersonating him ever since
God I love best Emma
i am going to starve to death if mum doesn't serve me my fucking dinner soon
don't think about the past
parents talk about this sometimes and I just seethe so fucking much
be right back you fucking retards
What is equity release and why is it bad?
all this would be cleared up if /int/ had ids like /bant/
Doubt it lol :/
stacy martin is very attractive
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lads what exactly was Stonehenge? just can't wrap my head around it
bunch of stones innit
Parentburgs flat should be worth something
miss the threadmeister personality myself
it's still there mate, just a big pile of stones, same as it ever was
love when a new ai slop generator comes out and /brit/ has to be inundated with it for a week
dinky poo bumbafarts
pagan stuff i reckon
calender and ritual celebration site for the summer solstice mate, not rocket science
(8) meet me on the beach it's me and my bikini the one i always wear (8)
Part of the ley grid
>Hungarian star priest who blessed the prime minister's office has resigned, after it was revealed that he has been attending gay parties.
Equity release allows homeowners to access some of their property's value without selling it. There are two main types: lifetime mortgages involve borrowing against the home, while home reversion involves selling part or all of the property. Basically, they no longer own the house fully, meaning no inheritance.
I wish I was born female and hate my rigid square shaped rough bony male body
I yearn for the wide hips and curves and soft skin of the female body
The female form and figure is so beautiful and jaw dropping and I need to have it
diego knows about this kind of thing
If you have a paid off house the bank loans you the value of the house now for you to spend and then after you die the bank owns the house and sells it at a higher price.

So instead of giving your children a house you give your bank the house.
you wearing women's clothes now you big poof
I I hate this fucking BRICS, retards in my country spend hours talking about this fucking forum led by China as if it were some kind of NATO
Why cant post on the loo KEK
if mods on this site had any sort of sense /brit/ would be perma'd to trash for a few months until people smarten up or fuck off
the absolute most cringiest name possible though
mumberg's got bargain loving brits in the sun on
opening pandora's poo box
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dadberg watching tim pool highlights on his ipad again
9pm on a Friday night.
Hot cup of tea, nicotine pouch and about to cuddle up in my fluffy bed with pillows just sprayed lavender essential oils. Cheeky bit of ASMR on the cards too if I'm feeling wild.
the entire homealoneeverynight gimmick is someone just sitting there being happy and people going past him with some random mean words or being harsh to him and those people saying that hes got no friends "and yet" hes mean to everyone
proper mind rot that show

watched it a few times at my grans and can feel my brain dying in real time
think that was the point
I can't of get it. But how come the bank keeps the profit if you sell the house?
How can you equity release 200k for example, sell the house for 300k and the bank keeps it all? Wouldn't the bank just get the 200k they loaned you?
The single greatest hot drink in the world also having no calories is proof of a loving God.
ever thought about shagging her
l've watched all the good tv shows
screaming at this fucking shite, same here
no football on tonight
/brit/ will be dire as all the deanos and shaggers have gone out
ok pal, good luck for your SATs by the way
Tea mogs.
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Give me a personality idea
no but thought about shagging my aunt
churning a poo
Finally a decent tune
tried pretending to be mousenonce once but it's quite difficult
im in bed with a nice candle and a hot chocolate, myself
yakking it up with my pals on the /brit/
fucking yes mate
bit weird
Fat virgin who uses a VPN as a substitute for interesting posts
which one?
I like tea as well but I need cream and sugar with it
Feel good about myself seeing someone appreciate my tastes.
What? The bank owns the house in exchange for the equity
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watching france vs italy me
My mum watches shit like 24 Hours in LIDL, Secrets of Tesco and How to Lose Weight with Air Fryers

Absolute melt so she is
When they eventually sell the property (either voluntarily or upon their passing), the proceeds will go towards repaying the initial amount borrowed, plus any interest and fees that have accumulated over time. If there is any money left after settling the debt with the lender, it would belong to your parents or their beneficiaries. However, if the property is sold for less than the outstanding loan amount, the bank typically absorbs the loss.
brother went there and hes not gay so its a myth ackshually
does she like skin a&e? mine's watched all 6 series of that over the past couple of months

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