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Washing your ass with WATER every time you take a shit makes you a more civilized person
I wish I could but I live in a barbaric country
at least the cartels beheading school children have clean asses
This but 100% unironically

Imagine taking a fat steamy shit and cleaning your asshole (full of hair) just with paper. It's beyond disgusting
Why has no one ever thought of combining these two appliances? Seems like a simple enough thing to do and would save a lot of space and money. I sense a market gap!
I just use a small watering can. Kek.
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I don't really wipe my ass cause my hand doesn't reach back there
>Washing your ass with WATER every time you take a shit makes you a more civilized person
Based Mexibro
Just by a longer shower hose and use it on the toilet to clean your ass. No need to install a second sink, just for cleaning your ass.
No washing makes it worse you're going to dilate the poop and it will get everywhere and evaporate
How much you weigh you fat pig?
Do you use your hands with that thing?
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you're right, leaving shit stains on your underwear and pants is way more hygenic
I think so too
But I shower after shitting
>full of hair
I shave tho
What if they made one of these where they combined them into one thing and even better it could heat the water and even the seat so it's always cozy.

Oh wait they do the nips had them since the 70s.
also bidets don't really get rid of everything, you still have to wipe afterwards
i shower after every shit, we live in a civilization
having a diet that doesnt give you constant spraying diarreah makes you a white person.
when was the last time you shat a log and not spray or cream?
>that flag
>fat steamy shit
not everyone is homo tho
no you're just a pajeet, you're just shitting in the toilet instead of the street but the hygiene is the same
yeah honestly I never realized how gross it really was, now I hop in the bathtub and clean every spec of shit off every time after I shit. I feel better knowing my ass isn't full of shit
unless it's one of those shits where you wipe and the toilet paper is still clean then I don't bother
are you one of those people that thinks touching your ass is gay?
Do you not touch your ass when you shower?
No I'm genuinely curious as to how you use a bidet.
First thing I'm going to buy when I move out.
I VILL be civilized.
you don't always need to use your hand sometimes just water is enough, some people have a dedicated soap for the bidet.
also women use it after they pee and their vagina doesn't smell rancid.
Buddy of mine only caught his stage 3 colorectal cancer because blood appeared on his toilet paper after wiping. There was no blood in the bowl, it was inside his turds.
Good luck finding that if you use water to spray your ass like a fag.
after having wiped with toilet paper you sit down, ass to faucet, blast water on your asshole and clean it with ass soap.
I guess you could do it without using your hand but it wouldn't clean as much and I don't know how you'd apply the soap
Japanese style ones you don't need to use the hands by design, though as a hemorrhoids haver strong jets of water on my asshole are not my friends, I much prefer to use my hand.
Am I the only one in the whole world to wipe with wet wipes
You wipe your asshole first and then you clean it with water, retard
I saw in some thread before, that one German anon do that.
no, I use them if I have to but they don't compare to a proper ass washing
Especially after years of using them I associate the smell of ass wipes to shit, that alone makes me prefer the bidet which makes the ass basically odorless
Then whats the point? Just wipe twice then.
I use the tap in my bathroom to lightly moisten my toilet paper and then wipe.
No expensive wet wipes or bidet needed.
Would you clean yourself with a paper towe only l if someone smeared shit in your face? Probably not, you would use soap and water
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What's the problem with washing your ass here?
so you're telling me that if you had to grab shit with your hands you'd wouldn't wash them but just wipe them with paper?
I really don't understand how people go around without washing their asses after shitting, every time I do I can feel my dirty, itchy, smelly asshole until I shower, and I have very dry shits.
it's fine
start eating nordic food and not muslimsloop so you can cut clean logs? good, you might actually become (mentally) swedish one day.
You're putting your farticles where you bathe
>I have very dry shits.
You might want to hydrate more
I shit basically rocks, the asshole still reeks of shit if you don't wash it, simple as
so you never wash your asshole is what you're saying, grim
Thanks for politting our season with microplastics guys
If you wipe your ass properly you wont need to throw water in your asshole
I can't use toilet paper, wet or not it always breaks apart into a thousand separate pieces when I wipe my ass with it.
You need to use more layers, fold that shit
I wash my ass in the shower because I don't have a bidet at home
Rather there than in your ass though
I use like one packet a year, and when you have to wash babies or old people asses you don't have much alternatives, but, you're welcome
Again, This cope is insane. Such a solid stool is symptom of dehydration, and I would argue a dry dusty smear of shit is 10x times more difficult to clean with just paper and stinkier than a squirt of liquid poo incidentally wetting your cheeks
I don't know how to use it, I prefer to take a shower.
People here are taught to pour some water on a hand and then scrub their asshole clean with it, I'm not kidding
do straight pipo really not clean they asses?
no you dont. rocks dont leave stains or smell, simple as.
i guess its just a coincidencd then that the bidet popularity almost completely overlap the so called mediteranian diet where a large part of it is olive oil aka a laxative mixed with pasta and white bread (gluten reactions are real...) and wine.
compared to meat/fish, potatoes/root vegetables and brown bread up north.
one diet gives you clean shits one doesnt.
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How do you not clog up your pipes this way?
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>mediteranian diet
>low meat consumption
I wish it had a laxative effect
sorry but no matter the cope, your ass will smell if you don't wash it, just like your armpits and balls, only there's shit involved too
Turkey is the leading superpower in pipe construction, we can flush everything
I have this.
Easy to install, easy to use, would recommend
no such thing as a bidet in my rental apartment, dont think its a thing here as none of the apartments ive stayed in so far had it. I use wet wipes in the morning and clean with soap and water in the shower when i shower at the end of the day
>only focus on my mention of meat
look at your bread vs ours
your oil consuption vs ours
and fish..
when im off beer, usually on weeks where i work 12h shifts away from home, i literally shit 2 times a week, its solid af and the wiping is clean and dry at the first wipe.
>inb4 devydrated
hydration dont come out that hole when its pure hydration, only when its oil, grease, alcohol or other pollutions in it.
I actually want one. I think they stopped them in Europe due to taking up a lot of space. Dunno, I'm not sure really but I tell ya I would love one, I waste so much TP on my anus, it still fucking smells after and most of the time I wipe again an hour later and there is shit on it. It's got to the stage where I have to make sure I shit before my shower so I can cleanse my anus that way. Bidet are based clean the anus and less wipes. Might get a bidet function in my next toilet, lovely bum hole vibes
sorry but it's getting bit late for literal shit posting but tell your buddy here >>201921294 to fix his Nordic diet then, cause he has a bidet
Genuinely good for you if you shit the cleanest shits in the world though
I wipe until no traces of poop are left in the paper (it takes a long time) then I always take a shower and clean my ass with water for several minutes. Even considering I'm very meticulous and wash it real good, if I just wash without wiping first it will stay somewhat dirty. Traces of poo will show up on paper if I wipetest, and I think it smells a bit too.

This is why I don't know if bidet countries are doing it right. I also don't understand how people do it in countries where you throw paper in the toilet, do you throw a bunch or paper in the toilet? Do you keep flushing a lot of times? Like, it's a LOT of wipes until it stops staining the paper. I have a feeling nobody wipes until "clean" to then shower and I'm destroying my asshole but any other option doesn't really work
It's a bit ironic that the same people pushing bidets also constantly stink like shit
idk why people overcomplicate this shit so much
Spray your asshole to remove any chunks first then just wipe with TP
Never had an issue with this method
he is sooo wrong and young. bidets had a short hype here in the 90s but no one had any use of them so it died off.
only muslims still use them to wash their feet.
In a first world we only need the faucet to put water on the paper towel then we can clean our ass like that.
if only you could shower only the specific part of your body which needs cleaning after shitting
>Shave ass, takes four strokes to get it
>Saves 62 percent more t.paper
>Shower before bed, slide soapy hand into crack quickly
itt: whites taking pride in not cleaning their assholes
kek truly clown world
You are white.
You may not like it, but you are white.
euros don't bathe
I just take a shower

Saved billions in tp
yeah you're right
We have this too, but plastic

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