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Old >>201905530
Every single fyromian I've ever met in-game has been like "eeeheeheeheee I don't care about politics"
finna drink some more milk and go to sleep
why do this to me you fucking sleepcels?
I gotta bump this all evening now?
nah I'll be here
Digimon, Yu-gi-pj or dragon ball(first part not Z), which one did you fags prefer as kids?
how nice
the exhausted bump warrior can rest
Real men drink unpasteurized milk so they'll get explosive diarrhea on bed
I was too poor for that shit
I was more of a chipicao kinda nigga
Duel Master
>last mention of chipicao was by me, 3 years ago
damn, /int/ really do be sleepin
or it was a regional thing or sommin
it's 11pm, it's not that late, I don't go to sleep before 2am
I 'member it too, wasnt much of a fan
Looool. You take me way back with this, bro
thats the new yugo mindset shining through
politix is for politicians, everyone else is a cuck that does it for free
just remembered I was too poor to collect all the croissant stickers to stick to this map thingie so I could win a disposable camera
my parents were like nigga you dumb, we'll just buy you the $1 camera stop eating this shit
that's like 8pm at most dog, 4 more hours of bump dury after that until the tranimebot takes over
Play vidya all night?
Thread is full of zoomers bro, they wouldn't get our millennial nostalgia
no I work US hours
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code-maymunic is not real work
I'd literally fly back to the 2000s if I had the chance, the world sucks massively since 2010
There was a different one which had pokemon cards, or was it the same thing? They kinda get mixed up in my head
it pays real money
viciously raped up the ass
only happeningchads thrive in this economy
For me they were shit but for you i guess they were pretty nice right before the 2008 crisis
You also were a kid back then and you probably associate it with those memories from back then while i hated my childhood. Also if you were an adult in the 2000s you would have hated it too compared to the 90s
That was specifically a chipicao thing. I skipped the whole pokemon / yu gi oh shit mentally. Too autistic for me. Chipicao cards were cool, the character changed based on how you tilted the card. Donno what that optical illusion thing is called. And the texture of it. I feel like a kid just reminiscing.
Dragon Ball
the lenticular plastic cards they gave away in the croissant packaging would make a sound that made my skin crawl when scratched with a nail
The 2008 crisis fucked up the whole world and we haven't recovered since
lenticular... so that's what it was
what an incel word
took me 3 google searches to find the word, cant even remember what we called them in croat
Bro, did you also have little lollipop packages that had footballer cards in'em?
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Could have said the same about 9/11, it was the perfect excuse for mutts to ruin the world,start countless wars(for israel) tje repercussions for which can still be felt today.
Nevermind all the soft power they projected over their vassals since.
>Roberto Carlos

Based, i always used to pick him on Pro Evolution Soccer just to see his cool freekick animation
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The only one with decent taste as a kid ITT
lollipop packages only came with those temporary tattoos sometimes iirc
youd buy ice cream if you wanted football cards
>temporary tattoos
the whole neighborhood was plastered with those lmao
lamp posts, doors, errthang
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honestly the first cartoon i remember watching was a croat dub of sailor moon
never even began for me
I jerked off to Goku slapping Bulma's cunt.
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Blondes licking nigro anuses? Yes, I jerked off to that even all da way back in 2005.
my dad used to glue them on me when i was in preschool, the bastard would lick them to get them wet instead of using water like a normal person
If I were the ENTJ fascist dictator of the balkans I would put Rasha in the Toilet Director position.
only good thing about sailor moon was the opening, the show itself fucking sucked and was super depressing for a little me
wonder who the target audience of it even meant to be in japan when it aired but here it was considered girly cartoon rightfully
Be lucky you have working toilets lil ushkubi. Cos I'd take that away from you. By the will of Allah.
Now explain me why trannies and fags are today obsessed with sailor moon lel, while I can't remember any notion to their sickness in the series
2007, and not a blonde, Sasha Grey.
it has some tranny/bi/fag characters afaik
It was made for teenage girls in japanm it also had some lesbian characters too
I remember watching the powerpuff girls on cartoon network before there was a dub and without knowing a single word in english.
spent another afternoon mechaniceling my squealing chain while you talk about cartoons
trannies are obsessed with female childhoods because theyll never get to have one
i think it had a dickgirl character too
>cartoon network
>cartoon network
We’ve always had a strong tradition in pirating digital intellectual property. Each town had a TV provider with hundreds of channels for dirt cheap. Now this is changing, I expect they will shut down the zamunda tracker eventually.
I have heard stories of niggas intercepting and splicing tv cables and shit in balkmunistan, y'all croatian poorfags weren't into that?
>In both legend and mythology, favism has been known since antiquity. The priests of various Greco-Roman era cults were forbidden to eat or even mention beans, and Pythagoras had a strict rule that to join the society of the Pythagoreans one had to swear off beans.[42] This ban was supposedly because beans resembled male genitalia, but it is possible that this was because of a belief that beans and humans were created from the same material.[43]
Ayo this nigga eating BEANS, kick him out of the academy IMMEDIATELY
I remember collecting the ones with the map of europe and the one for spiderman 3
god they were so based back then, they knew to pay attention to appearances
Only happens in shqip areas.
That's based.
>i think it had a dickgirl character too
sailor ur anus
now that's some soulful cyberpunk from shtipokawa, makedon
Eating cat food but for humans (canned tuna)
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I had a childhood trauma from the real ghostbusters episode featuring skeleton in bride dress falling downstairs after some closet got opened
never managed to find it and parents claim I made it up because I say it was in color and we did not have color tv at the time in the 90s, could've been a dream I guess
Trauma is for homosexuals that got molested
I'll traumatize your boipussy bro
Classic homosexual repeating the cycle of abuse
One hummus can touch multiple boys so if that were true everyone would've been a hummus by now.
Did that trauma made you afraid of closets?
Post it on r/lostmedia bro
Rarbg closing down was a real tragedy
Kek, when I was a kid I once sat late on TV, like 12.30 o'clock which was highly unusual for me

I changed channel and there was Nightmare on Elm Street, dunno what number ,at the scene where some dude was going into some changing room and Freddie Kruger comes and slashes him, I got scared shitless and turned off the TV

Needless to say I had nightmares that night and the next one lmao
they all would claim make up they also saw it and make a youtube video research with ominous music playing in background about it
Crazy how zoomers had access to internet gore and hardcore porn when they were at that age.
The first gore i ever saw was at 14(dagestan massacre) though the dnipro maniancs which i saw a year later fucked me up a lot more as it was just a random guy riding on his bike
Luk at this pejl hoholian einjel

watch this teen years classic brO
It's funny how that shit and meatspin was considered a shock video back then and now it wouldnt make anyone bat an eye.
just saw a bearded soyboy and a twink handholding on my second bikeceling adventure, mood ruined
Are you jealous?
the internet was a different place overall back then
can't tell if better or worse
I remember 4cuck sending you back to page 0 or some shit after making a post now that was retarded
It was better in terms of not being so censored at the very least
trve, half my youtube favorite videos playlist has gone MIA over the years due to censure
are you?
Spics used to upload gore videos on youtube and they would last for weeks, nowadays you can't even say "rape" without a video getting deleted.
I uploaded this out of boredom let's see if it lasts

>smegma male routine
Don't think there's that much that would take it down just animals pissing , the sigma male one is more likely to get taken down
Ah can't sleep

Seems you can't either
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>came in a fluffer
I love america, feminism and americna culture
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tfw wont be gangbanged for my 30th birthday
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Have you showere dmore than her in 2022?
how did slutwhore shit only 194 times
we didn't have any of these
Roughly once every 2 days? Seems normal to me, i also shit like that.
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I gathered the entire album at 4. But they didn't give me shit, then my mom got angry and destroyed it in front of me while I cried like a bitch. That was the end of my collector & pokemon period.
I watched Nickelodeon cuz it had sexy girls.
Time to extort strangers via phone.
scuffed cheap chinese cards with 5 digit stats is where it was at
It was kino from DM to Zexal
A black physician from deep south is still richer than a richest european baron
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i say i sorry a million times
i can't sleep i vish i vould die
i go on cigarette valk
i khave no one to talk to
i am stuck in my mind
i say i sorry i act like a bitch
she say it's vater under the bridge
i cannot get past it
i'd rather bypass it
vot if zis sing collapse
Power Rangers
I shit twice a day sometimes once
What language are you learning?
What the fuck
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Its noy a joke mbors. Went to Belgrade. Every second person on the street speaks blyat
where do they get visas and dengi to live in vucicgrad
We should thank them for their service to their country
>Saving this sehitholes demographics
>Saving this sehitholes economy, all my friends have a job where they serve them overpriced hipster coffee/sandwiches/craft beer
nothing is forever
so never say never
this is your life
and hold it together
do what you want
say what you please
multiply the virus
spread like disease
who said it was fair
yourself you don't trust
like everyone else
made from water and dust
Are they Russians from Rus or Ukrainians? I can't tell the difference really
based serbs milking
Are you going to pristina queer festival?
All my NGO friends are going!
Thats probably worth money
>Less than one shower a week
2014 slavs in tracksuit memes made more damage to eastern europe than ussr. I even saw a party here years ago with slav specific, if you were dressed in full adidas tracksuit you got few drinks for free
Went outside: 52
Pooped: 180
Socialized: 52
Worked: 0
Took Adderall: 0
Drank Alcohol: 0
Danced: 0
Had Sex: 0
Cries: 0
Wrote: 0
Gamed: 0
Had A Good Meal: 365
Showered: 52
What's the plan for today, umbros
New DJ Rasha just dropped???
Went outside: countless
Pooped: 360
Socialized: definition unclear
Worked: 365
Took Adderall: 0
Drank Alcohol: 20
Danced: 5
Had Sex: 0
Cries: 0
Wrote: 0
Gamed: 100
Had A Good Meal: definition unclear
Showered: 365
Romanian anon!

Where are you. I neeed to say some things to you. Preferably instant messaging. Where are you?
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So which one of you is this
Rasha's answer would have more alcohol than poops, works, good meals and showers combined
where aare you?? come to me?
Let angrybey in peace you glownigger piece of shit

Also, kill yourself

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