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raccoon edition
my arms itch
wish i had a pet raccoon
footballs on
Women look so good with a nosebleed
no you don't
yes i do, i like the little hands they have
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watch out incel!
if banana asians exist then indians and pakistanis are chocolate asian
not overly keen on weekends, as soon as toil stops i just become completely immobile, unable to bring myself to do anything recreational or derive enjoyment from anything
POV you called her your little vanilla asian doll
haven't lived much of a life me
how can you be depressed in australia?
the sun causes cancer
Looking for bum fun in SW1
Taylor Swift is the music you could have all on all the albums as CDs and pick through them for your daily listen, and then just listen to it
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the missus
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good, gooood
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rorke on life support
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oh that terrible sun, real mood killer
nah. you dont get to be in them. you dont let brit into yours because youre so spiteful and mean to me
yeah especially when you get a great big melanoma
do you have one?
this is just you and your gay little friends from r9k/discord
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I can present as attractive enough to get a date, but can rarely close the deal because of a "lack of chemistry"
kiwis ok
aussies ok
leaves ok
yanks not ok
Don't worry, they're on their way. By 2100 they'll be to Europe what monkeys are to India.
they're evil aggressive bastards who are way too smart for their own good
yanks ok
Elaborate one single difference between a Canadian and an American.
we eat snails and horses
the second they start giving us lip they're on the menu
why would rorke care about some yank woman
canadians are marginally less obnoxious
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self consciousness
sense of humour
ability to feel shame
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Their fat is actually delicious
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Obviously you've never actually met a Canuck. You people can't tell this Canadian woman apart from an actual American.
americans can never decide whether we're inferior to them or the exact same as them
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fixed that for you
that's fictional media
add another point
canadians can distinguish fictional media from reality
youre yank lites
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This is that metal guy on the right in 1999. He actually went to uni in the UK.
You're identical to the average Minnesotan, which is to say inferior to me.
ontario and quebec are cool but the rest of your country is too much like those queers on the west coast
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God that opening ceremony was so good
cooking beef roast dinner today
I am so fucked man it sucks
>Don't have a career
>Don't have a degree
>Have to do one more semester of college before quitting
>Don't have a successful job

I am gonna be a failure everyone else will be successful while I rot
is this paralympic breakdancing
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Do you think the art work I bought for 25 quid from Oxfam on goodramgate is pretty?
case in point lack of self consciousness, shame, and amiability
Ontario is the 2nd worst and it's not even close.
Same one that bitches about not traveling europe every day? Turn the computer off and you will be fine
you know i think theres a transgender doing something in the paralympics now
yeah but awful frame
the frame clashes with the ukiyo-e art
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any fellow 1ers?
and I don't mean your looks haha
She got shot in the face
i love reggie though
maybe i have said it a lot for things that i like but yeh him
frame nonce loves his fucking frames
How is the frame bad?
I'm 31 and in the same boat haha
No I am in a college for something I hate and I want to be a HVAC but my dad won't let me or I will be homeless. I don't want to study to be a accountant because it's a useless field now
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reggie >.<
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>VGH that guitar
Could any of you Bongs play this?

It clashes doesn't mean anything
so PrEP is "pre" specifically. so this third point: HIV infection, pre-exposure prophylaxis
The risk of acquiring HIV is increased in:

men or transgender individuals who have unprotected anal intercourse with men;
sexual partners of people who are HIV-positive with a detectable viral load; and
HIV-negative heterosexual individuals who have unprotected intercourse with a HIV-positive person, and are likely to repeat this with the same person or another person with a similar status.
Emtricitabine with tenofovir disoproxil may be appropriate for pre-exposure prophylaxis to reduce the risk of sexually acquired HIV-1 infection in combination with safer sex practices in adults at high risk. Tenofovir disoproxil alone is an alternative for HIV-negative heterosexual individuals when emtricitabine is contra-indicated. For further information see British HIV Association and British Association for Sexual Health and HIV guidelines on the use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) available at: https://www.bhiva.org/guidelines.
while theres also post exposure prophylaxis
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miss reggie so much
RIP to a true king
Also I forgot to add I don't want to be a accountant because my dad is constantly stressed and works 60 to 70 hour weeks which causes him to piss blood because of his stress
goo goo ga ga
shut the fuck up
shut up for fuck sake you evil ghoul
have you been getting jealojs on someone elses behalf
Deano be like that frame totally clashes with that picture
Now please by my Nissan
i am not a ghoul
he was pretty much the low point of Nintendo's history, everything got better after he left
those people saying it are the evil ghouls
loo kat what they have these reactions to and what they ignore
Talking to the mouse obviously
But the fact you self referenced over that is very interesting
the trannies the schools
i dont see any mice
watch out hes about to psychoanalyse you and then say that you need to have mental health teams called to come locok you up after he gaslights you because youre an evil ghoul not him
Scared mousey?
convinced that mousey calls himself an EG to feed his self hatred kink
>he was pretty much the low point of Nintendo's history
he was there for the wii and ds, the guy was there for renaissance
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>locuk you up
Women make me feel physically ill
In dire need of a world where women aren't what im romantically attracted to
Understandable that does seem pretty shit but it seems like you have a solid family, you are going to be fine. Take it from a 24 year old boomer if you are sober, debt-free, hygienic, read books, exercise and get the fuck off 4chan and any other brainrot you will be ahead of 80% of people. HVAC kind of sucks, with your accountant degree I'm sure you can get something decent. If not, there are plenty of trades you can pick up in 2 years and make great money. People switch jobs in their 30s and 40s all the time
the fact that he can be how he is and then act that way at the same time is mental. he sits there announcing reports in the thread impersonates 4chan staff and then says "scared?" and tries to call anyone else pathetic
they don't look good together, the frame primes you for something not in the print and you're left disappointed
nintendo of america is virtually a nothingburger
almost all they do is localise games that are made in japan
the impact (positive or negative) he had on the company is negligible
Do you have any money
I wanna spend all your money
at the gay bar
i'm heterosexual (only fuck lasses)
i'm homoromantic (can only love the lads)

it's a tough life
anyway that was my last post at him
hopefully he doesnt psychoanalyse you from his armchair. thats scary
Noone is impersonating staff you need to lay off the meth
Our Toby, who art in Glasgow,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy dragons come,
Thy Runescape quests be done,
On Earth as it is in Disneyland.

Give us this day our microwaved piss,
And forgive us our meltdowns,
As we forgive those who slay us in PvP.
Lead us no into laggy fights,
But deliver us from scammers.

For thine is the kingdom,
The nettles, and the Peters,
Forever and ever.
here's some psychoanalysis for you: you're retarded
wow the post-exposure medicine (or one of) has been shown to be effectiev against HBV. earlier on it mentions people infected with both AIDS and hep B
Not really you seen the news most banks are having lay offs and are already automating most of what they do so they are down sizing
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nah im not
if you sit there and gaslight people or "mindbreak" them and get them institutionalised after calling the crazy cops on them then you deserve to go to jail for life at the minimum and should be lobotomized to get started with what REALLY should be done to them. thats because theyre evil
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You reckon HIV is real, mousey?
mouse alarm !!
You know you killed this general right?
All the good posters left after you've spammed it for YEARS none stop with schizo posts
You're not wanted here
you cant post the mice
Women aren't sentient
If Hollywood told women Paul mescal was an incel they'd be like '''''oooohhh what an incel''''''
They have absolutely zero capacity to think for themselves. Their sexuality is completely driven by Hollywood
wow you guys are shit
im going to read the rest of this and go to bed after smoking while doing that too, maybe talking to the American. you are really shit people and im just going to go so that you dont get your kicks

BTW the janny AND mods that were just here didnt give a shit at all about the mouse getting posted. its you who needs to get a grip
Not bad lol
you could have a degree in BIPOC feminism and it doesn't matter. Take care of yourself in every other way and you're golden.
narcissistic personality disorder
Russel, you're fat. All you to do was eat normal but you just had to stuff your face so now Paul is the main character.
ooo watch out hes diagnosing people from his armchair
his IQ over here
*rings the psychoanalysis alarm*
i need to lose a lot of weight
but the only way i'll lose 100 pounds is at a british casino
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How do I stop these Frogs fighting? The little ones been holding the bigger one around the waist for the last hour.
he has posted a mouse
Mousey got institutionalized?
About time
genuinely wish someone called me a little kid on 4chan when i was like 20 complaining about how i feel left behind
are you sure it's fighting they're doing?
righto lads what's new
what does "have a blood pack" mean
tbt to wrestling with the lads after football practice while hot and sweaty
shut u[
not allowed
Agreed to some fucking tennis match in like 4 hours whereas all I want to do is go bouldering fuck sake
Absolutely fucked it
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and you know what you dont get to just antagonise me whenever
you really are an evil ghoul by the way

you dont get to "set me off" and make me stay here anymore. you still have to stay here. im going to just not engage with it - ive listened to the first audioclip from the NHS video on standing up for yourself, so i dont need to take this a nymore


whoever is about to enforce the rules - please first justify these posts

not even going to give you the satisfaction, as i have said ive already stopped. your life is very sad though

please justify the above mass-quoted posts before you delete mine
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love you
bouldering, or as i like to call it, climbing for retards

dumb cunts thought that it was me (but this is an anonymous imageboard they discord all over)
>ive listened to the first audioclip from the NHS video on standing up for yourself, so i dont need to take this a nymore
very hard to read this as anything other than satire
you cant post the mice you schizoid freak
no mice
>ive listened to the first audioclip from the NHS video on standing up for yourself, so i dont need to take this a nymore
kind of felt bad for him reading this even though he's a despicable person regardless
yeah obviously im not going to go look at a self help video on the internet on YouTube or get self-help. its just time to begin standing up for myself more, being assertive, and not letting these evil ghouls drag me down (because thats what they are and what they do)
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Toby! how are you then
didn't think it was you btw aha, it was a yank you see
Fuck you that sounds like some pansg advice ngl I am starting trade and getting ripped
We only denigrate you when you critique the problems of our society
Typo. Blood pact. It means basically swapping blood to create bond
sloppy sexo with mousey
You fucking tell him Moiseladdy
Maybe I could fake my death
Then sneak off to the climbing works Sheffield
reminder that spaintard is a literal parasite and literally cannot exist without doing this to other people or following them along trying to get crumbs. hes an insecure one too

reminder that he spent all day yesterday (10+ hours) posting race bait IR cuck fanfic porn because he "didnt get his own way" and "couldnt" post in the thread because of some random rule he made up in his own head and followed - and thats why you had to sit through that thread for 10 hours yesterday
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watching the doc
mousenonce, mousenonce can't you see
sometimes your words just hypnotize me
Ahhhhh x !
The mouse has been posted.
is he getting jealous on someone elses behalf

also to everyone else, reminder to report those spam posts that are announcing their reports and impersonating staff
canada is much less of a shithole than america solely because of the healthcare system
>yeah but like you have to wait in line or something like that
be quiet, better than paying like crazy for insurance like we do
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I'm sure you'll last in the trades princess
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why the fuck two Americans and a leaf been arguing about each others countries all thread?? i typed out /cum/ and you stopped - now youve started again
you can have that discussion in /cum/, where you belong. you dont have to do it ehre where i promise you no one cares
i haven't even noticed, this whole thread is garbage except me
glenorchy getting battered
go to cum then
Love how he starts jumping at shadows
love shitting out a poo (as I am doing right now)
I will have you know I won 4th place in a power lifting and was only beaten by people who did roids
Half time

Get the slags posted
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>shut the fuck up
>shut the fuck up
>youre EVIL
>you ghoul
>shut the fuck up
>*more gaslighting*
>constantly antagonizing me all day
>being a fucking parasite
>"shut the fuck up"

Fuck off ffeak
the most intolerable annoying freak in the world: JUST BANTER BRO HAHA
i say less because i wont think of what to say for you to get hurt
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bloody hell he does not look well there
something seriously wrong
it's real haha wow
you tell that miserable twerp tobington
actually, the crazy thing that it was is, whether you keep going or not - or if youre not here (wherein i just copy-paste AI replies ITT at the same rate), i keep going, at the same rate, and kept talking anyways. it wasnt even you making me keep going or anything like that. i did it anyways
Ozempic has been a disaster
good for him but he's still a mentaly ill homo
Bet tobes is all fired up cause he was out snorting ching and downing bucky
Good enough reason to throw away your pampered life to get exploided by Boomerstein until you have destroyed knees in your 40s. Get your degree and go to law school.
shut up nigga
throughout all of you not being here, you coming back (and instantly choosing violence like you do every day), causing shit within the hour like you did yesterday (in less than 1 hr), my posting rate stayed the same. you didnt matter. youre still a parasite that CANT exist without a host though
Dance monkey

his entire reality is made up. wow
get them told
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>throughout all of you not being here, you coming back (and instantly choosing violence like you do every day), causing shit within the hour like you did yesterday (in less than 1 hr), my posting rate stayed the same. you didnt matter. youre still a parasite that CANT exist without a host though
>youre still a parasite that CANT exist without a host though
You're on benefits
If you eat healthy you will be fine retard
ask him to prove that hes a human being. tell him to prove hes not a robot
do we know for sure that its a person and not just a spam bot made by 4chan that runs off CAPTCHAs
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Done him
good post
cant stand the trades will destroy your body meme
Im trying to help but alright
Not all, but HVAC will
youre a fucking janitor on 4chan on int for the /brit/ thread and you hold that power over people. thats all you have and is the only job youd get (and only because /brit/ can take it - not you), and you are still a net negative for it. you still fuck it up - you are there to fuck up, actually. your "job" is jannying 4chan. not globally, either, but this shitty fucking thread that you make worse and inflate with garbage content
I'm schizophrenic
Parasitic Mouse
get the poo barmed
>with all your projection you constantly make
>making this post

brother you are a JANITOR for 4CHAN and make the place worse, wanting to say im on benefits
wales people be like
>hello i live in cum brown
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shhhh, everyone be very quiet, Flora is asleep
I like the mouse
toby living inside a block of cheese, eating the walls, while muttering about parasites
I'm not a janny nor have I ever claimed to be one
You just don't like the truth
Fucking this.
youre the 4chan disability and inclusion hire. oh you want me to stop now
well i am going to - but you didnt carry on and i did. you didnt matter in it all this time

kill yourself
This is a hell of a bustout, innit??
Psychically heemed this freak
Keep replying to yourself more
went to the shops and everyone there was heinously ugly, young and old
Ram him.
*goes into my soft baby voice*
aw he a lickle fuzzy kitten
went to the mirror shop, eh?
those sting of posts were all very cringe
also shut up. i bet most of you have been egging him on when hes here every time too
tf are you even talking about?
Very cute :3
mouse poster can you recommend me some nhs materials about depression
shut up you french
why don't you do the +1 postcounts anymore?
Desperately need HIM back to sort thid Toby incel out
the wii sucked
thats an entry on bnf.nice dot org
wont link it
Fucking this.
wish i weren't so afraid of other people
might kill myself
I stumbled across Geordie greep in the smoking area of Trisha's 2019. I was off my head on some of Micheal Lavorals magical elixir via Joe lahrichi.
Anyway, that's besides the point, NATO and Russia weren't at war at that time, and the mood was fairly good.
Anyway, I called Geordie greep a fat neek and then he started swinging at me
Oh shut up /v/ tranny contrarian
just got back from the club
got a cute girls number and danced with her a bit, also danced with a few other afterward which she saw so she probably isn't interested anymore
don't think I'll bother texting her tomorrow
this is a virus don't go here
because you AKA not the Canadian AKA Diego AKA spaintard AKA 20 other "personalities" here got jealous and started crwwying for literal months and shit up the thread so i stopped trying to even resist the bans
Back from the G club
That's not true, that was a lie
He didn't start swinging at me
baby console for babies
Another thread you've conquered.
prove that you are a Canadian or are in Canada. on a secure tripcode if youd like- so i dont kee asking you
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>and shit up the thread
The absolute zero lack of self awareness makes me think it's some sort of performance art taken to the nth degree
Any shite lifers in?
How do you keep going mentally?
just remembered about praune2forever
Why did I agree to tennis toil in three hours for fuck sake.
Going to bed now bye
He's just retarded
you are retarded as fuck and its unhealthy for everyone and every thing around you
just finished watching all of futurama
i've decided i hate it, too many celebrity guests
scared to kill myself
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I just remember I'm not him
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Video games
Whatevers my flavour of the month crap hobby
in de club
in de club
spaghetti was 20% off so I bought like 10kg
just made financial sense
I live in some kind of daydream like state, sometimes I snap back into reality and it feels pretty horrific and I have violent reactions
i could have saved her
alri disassociatedlad
based cannibal putting that yank bitch in his place
that post he made is him being a retarded idiot who needs to fucking grow up but not one of the more bad traits or habits which i think a psychiatrist or therapist would focus on to try and use to open up other cases using that as an example
never understood those people who break spaghetti before putting it in the boiling pot instead of just letting it melt in
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>baby console for babies
You can't post the psychoanalysis
i have a reason but i dont remember

just easier
Got this problem also.
I can't do this.
Also have this.
This is big problem I have.
Disturbing that I relate to most of these.
>you did this and i didnt do anything back because you have won. you have beaten me and "conquered this thread"
grow up
fucking idiot
you dont need to be insecure about me and im not here to oooo "challenge" you and "compete" for whatever it is. same with the diego persona, same with Canada, spaincunt, and all the others. you dont have to feel like you are competing against me because i dont fucking care!!!!!!!!
I like SEL and I sometimes use linux but I either don't recognise or don't partake in anything else apart from thinking templeos is funny
wii remains a baby console for babies
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Feels good to have a day off tomorrow. Hopefully it will be nice weather again.

No taekwondo this week so i'm going to swimming. My mental health improves with every breast stroke, i feel.
It's as if you're Caesar in Gaul and /brit/ the powerless senate back in Rome!
now to find the other to see if he can prove that he is human
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>wii remains a baby console for bab-ACK!
Might just shag your arse one day.
Fucking this.
Wind him up, put him down, set him off, and watch him go.
you legitimately do the same things (to this thread) as what terrorists do when terrorists dont get their own way. to everyone in here whos just trying to post on 4chan. and theyre innocent
bloke in a dress
wish i'd get summoned for jury duty
you do what terrorists do here to the posters here when you are upset or not happy
are you insecure about enjoying a nintendo product bugman? in an undiscerning universe there is no ultimate judgement that will come down on you for it
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>are you insecure about enjoying a nintendo product bugman? in an undiscerning universe there is no ultimate judgement that will come down on you for it
study law, become a judge
every day is jury duty
but that's ok
I'm sorry my lord.
how many wojacks do you have
you are trying to say that i think im above you, and yet you call your own outbursts "tantrums"
that's too much work
>my lord
Are you a man of noble birth? Do you own land? Are you a knight by any chance?
Then get in line and say m'lord as is custom amongst the peasantry and laymen.
talking to yous makes me feel better sometimes
>he doesn't know
My lord I did not mean to upset you.
/brit/ is the only contact I have with the outside world
at least it isnt heheheheeheh "no u" again
and i get that autism exists and that youve probably had a shit life that i wouldnt understand, but you are almost 30 years old. grow up
>my lord
Are you a man of noble birth? Do you own land? Are you a knight by any chance?
Then get in line and say m'lord as is custom amongst the peasantry and laymen.
Who are you talking to?
Fucking this.
wish i'd become a victim of police brutality or negligence so i could sue them for millions
How old are you tobes

proxy yank
hes obsessed. hes obviously reading this. sitting there, reading them all. of if not then im not talking to anyone
gay porn dancing lessons next week
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judging is not work
it's duty
i hope you get a good laugh out of these threads at least
hello lad, how are you?
/brit/ is the only contact i have with the incel community
if anyone should be summoned for jury duty it's me, i'm a waster and most criminals are wasters and the jury is supposed to be composed of the accused's peers
I'm not terrible, thinking about making some flapjacks tomorrow, how about yourself?
/brit/ is the only contact I have with the inside world (internet)
yeah I would agree, it's really not aged too well which is funny for a show set that far in the future
and another thing about hepatitus B and AIDS together is that when there is significant risk of viral transmission, theyve got to keep an count of their HBV antibodies, which i read in another book

having a clear out and taking stuff to the dump
what've you got to take?
wee woo wee woo early alert

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