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Cyberpunk commute edition
Previous >>201887725

I completely failed, drank these last three days.
autumn is like 2 months away mate
Good morning frens
Buona matina medtards, feeling italian today, might make a pizza later
Feels like it's already here though. It's only natural that cozy gifs posting would increase
m8 it's 35 degrees
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Tag yourselves /med/dlers
I was waiting for someone to bake.
Big Picard order incoming, I already know my freezer doesn't have enough space sadly.
Good morning /med/.
On the loo. Wish me luck.
Sexless folXs should have a category at the paralympics

Would be the biggest 4chan meetup ever
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Good day sisters. Had a really good sleep, but sadly I'm feeling really depressed today. Was close to borgir kong and I wanted to get something tasty, but didn't have time. VGH.
Also, bought an autumn jacket for mom for 20 euros. She really liked it, but by accident checked the wrong price so she thought it was 2500 HUF instead of it's real price which was 8000. Didn't let her bring it back tho so I consoomed. Yet I'm not willing to spend 11 euros on a shitalian pizza, so fucking over.

>Its about making the main character eat, drink & have sex all the time.
Hedonistchads, check in.
Today's training.
Squat 1x1 with 200 kg, 3x5 with 170 kg.
Glute trainer 3x6 with 60 kg.

I like this glute trainer, it emphasizes the stretch more than hip thrusts.
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Not here. It feels good to have some rain
Between existentialist and agnostic.
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So, of the 2 girls i went out with, one basically ghosted me from what it seems, unfortunate but it is what it is.
The other one is keeping up the conversation so it seems better, she seems on guard (probably starting again from a long relationship) but that's ok. I don't think we will go out this weekend since yesterday and today we both were busy and tomorrow it's supposed to be heavy rain.
Vabbè al massimo puoi fare qualcosa in settimana no
Infatti non è un problema, diciamo che questa apprezza le attività outdoor quindi poteva essere carina l'uscita domenicale, purtroppo non è possibile a sto giro
Non sono sicuro su cosa non sia andato bene con l'altra invece, la conversazione fluiva bene e sembrava veramente interessata a conoscermi, forse sono troppo basso boh (è alta come me alla fine, se mette i tacchi mi piscia in bocca) o troppo magro o chi cazzo se ne frega peggio per lei
Tu ti godi il lago oggi? C'è un bel sole, io andrò a giocare più tardi
So it's already over with first girl ? That's too bad, she was really hot
How does a post date work?
Like you instantly propose the next one or you have to babble for X days ?
Eh penso che nel 90% dei casi siano per cose fuori dal tuo controllo

No oggi sto ripetendo, ho un esame lunedì
It's not that other girl i've met who was really hot, this was another one, she's still pretty but nowhere close to that.
It's overall 3 girls i've seen in last weeks, the hot one went to study overseas, then those 2. One ghosted me, a little bit chubby, some tats and piercing, cute face, smelled like a wild fuck if i ever had the chance (she told me she wants to be bred), which i won't have.
The last one, which is the one i'm still hearing and will see again is a fit lass, thin, not exactly into fashon and whatnot but has her life quite in order and seems to be heavily shielded from mental illness, also had a strong father figure.
Usually generic chitchat for a few days then ask her out again, or at least that's what i do, but it depends.
Che palle, in bocca al lupo secchione
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>It's overall 3 girls i've seen in last weeks,
Yeah, i've gone out with more girls in the last month than in the rest of my life, this makes little sense but no point arguing
>she told me she wants to be bred
>Malta-themed metal from the US.
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Andalucia, if you see this, would you do zercher squats natty, or would you wear armguards?
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Big party last night that lasted until 4:30am.

When I finally got off to sleep, I had a horrible dream where France got taken over by some evil looking guy with a thin twirly moustache called "Le Révanchard". He renamed the country to something really long that I don't quite remember (something like "La France que nous les fils de le diable aimons de tout notre coeur va détruire et bruyer les ames des hommes").

And he had these elite shock troops called Mirror Men, who marched around holding these enormous mirror shields. Le Révanchard said he was going to make France the new Germany.
Well, not by me specifically, just that she wants children
Isn't the point or zercher to get tough? Why would you then wear some gay as armguards?
I was on board with everything until the comparison with Germany
Horrible stuff indeed
I had a horrible dream today too, you just reminded me.
I don't remember a lot but it was a low stake one where I wanted to do something but there was some hipster faggot that stopped me from doing it, I think it was related to getting a job but I'm not sure.
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I'm babby and I already wear gloves on all pull days.
I resisted a demon in my dreams last night (an Asian model who was my teacher and a whore asking her students for their email to fuck them after class. I repeatedly denied. She then ended up at home (kek, dreaming of a place that now currently only half of it remains) sleeping in my parents' bedroom. I stormed the kitchen to shout at her but it was my aunt and I didn't realise so I apologised profusely for shouting at my aunt.)
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>He doesn't have seggs even in his dreams
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All those muscles and yet it's still not enough to get past one skinny sandal-wearing tofu eater.
Perhaps we can interpret this to mean that you fear your immense physical power is still subject to the whims of lesser men.
>Perhaps we can interpret this to mean that you fear your immense physical power is still subject to the whims of lesser men.
True, there are many times I think about how people disrespect me when I could easily hurt them, but I contain myself because I don't want to face the legal consequences.
That's fine.
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>even in his dreams he resists the temptation of whores
If there is a Kingdom of Heaven, St Peter will bow as you walk through its gates.

I do not have the mental fortitude to resist when I start having a girlfriend dream.
Good choices

>Just noticed I forgot to tag myself
A combination of hermetic, neoplatonist, determinist, pragmatist, hedonist and transhumanist here
What a pleasant dream (:D) <3
I'm heading straight to hell, Catnigga.
>when you make an offer SO bad not even Indians apply
I hope the 1 to 2 €/h thing is a mistake.
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Is a vampire an athlete?
Looks more like a werewolf to me
It's progressive at least
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>also had a strong father figure.
huge green flag
Picard order still not delivered when it was due this morning.
And no update on Chronopost, I hate that.
I bow to Le Révanchard and his mirror knights!

I dreamt I was a poor mexican woman in a village overlooked by a giant mansion where a drug lord king.
Some paramilitary group came to storm the mansion and steal everything and just like a Black Friday crowd, all the people from the village came during the chaos to steal stuff.
Some friend told me and I arrived. As we explored the mansion, we didn't meet a lot of resistance and most fighting was upstairs. Paramilitary soldiers were among us, kinda trying to herd us toward the basement.
As we headed there, it looked like it was a bit flooded. And it looked more like a big scientific lab than a basement. I saw some alien looking nests in the water just as a few people started wading in. Then of course some facehuggers jumped out and started attacking people. I left in the chaos, just as my POV moved upstairs in the mansion.
I was the leader of the paramilitary group attacking the mansion and the drug lord was before me (he looked exactly like David Guetta), congratulating me on the attack and rewarding me for bringing so many villagers in the chaos, effectively confirming that the whole thing was a setup to infect as many people as possible with experimental face huggers.
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I would have sexed her until I came in my dreams
you have good restraint
Lol, what the fuck...
You can earn more per hour by being a beggar on the street (right?)
Would you be willing in general to move even to Germany?
Yes, i do like that, in fact she's refractary to anxiety and all sort of tipical female insecurities, the other side of the medal is that she seems a bit on the colder side, we will see
She also holds a strong prejucide against psicologists and all that stuff: "my dad used to say that you have time for all this psicological stuff when your back doesn't hurt from work."
I would for a living salary.
Any German state you would like to move to in particular ?
Or avoid ?
None, as long as it's a decently sized place with all amenities easily available I don't care about the place.
It wasn't a lucid dream so I had no control.
>15€ for kebab + fries
The revanchard won, it's over Catnigga.
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Should I call Chronopost even though I still have remnants of phone phobia ?
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I overcame the phone phobia but they said they're closed so I have no way to know where my package is
Had a couple of coughs that prompted a burp kek.
'cado just lost the weight.
Didn't see this one coming.
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just had a big Anglophile moment
my ratio of Portuguese to English books got worse
I just made a script that finds which accounts don't follow you back in instagram. Found the honorless thots and fags that did not followed me back and unfollowed them. That'll show them

Good luck bro

I was talking about a date with a girl last week. We had something booked for the previous wednesday (28th of august) but she cancelled like one hour before the date telling me she was busy with work and that she'd text me next week (the week that just passed). She never did kek
My ex returns to athens this week, might ask her out. We talked a bit during the holidays and she was open to us meeting again.

The mirror men sound based desu. Reminds me of the looking glass knight from ds2
What must a lowly Englander do to acquire the coveted Med wife?
I don't know how to get a Med wife, sorry.
your brains is a mysterious machine that takes in cat images and spit out kino
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we'll let you know when we figure out how to get women.
I heard you were all giga chad womanizers. My whole view of the mediterranean has been shaken to its core.
We have a lot of normies in here though
and I've heard you were all classy blue blooded noblemen, but turns out the "true brexit geezer" is a more accurate depiction of the average Englishman
so I guess the lesson is don't believe everything you hear Nigel
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This is what comes from watching too many horror movies. It stimulates your imagination and produces dreammade horrors beyond our comprehension.
Hopefully by the end of the dream you had stolen enough from the mansion to become a rich Mexican woman.
Which British writer are you financially supporting with your recent purchases?
>Be me
>Naturally yellowish skin
>Spend a few days working outside
>Sunburn face and neck, nose peeling, arms tanned and brown

Wtf, medbros our response?
My countrymen are a struggle I contend with daily. Take sympathy on me.
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it's more the subject of the book than anything, I bought a copy of "The Anglo-Saxons: A History Of The Beginnings Of England" by Marc Morris
so to answer your question I guess I'm "financially supporting" Oxford University historians now
Spent the whole morning until now playing AC Odyssey.
It is fun /med/slop so far and I get to be rude to people and be a fit as fuck peplum chad.
And that's why everyone should watch them to get fun dreams!
I'm not sure it ended well for my mexican woman self insert, sadly. But the paramilitary agent provocateur insert probably got out ok
kino prompt
based, let it happen fren and take the anglo/lit/pill
Just saw a tummy gf

I wish I wasn't a manlet every living second of my miserable life
im 5'7"
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Would love to hike there with medders
been edging for two hours, i wanna bring my endurance up
i suffer from PM its hell
>My ex returns to athens this week, might ask her out. We talked a bit during the holidays and she was open to us meeting again.
Not into this second try type of things, but still wish you luck as well.
How tall are you? I'm 5'8'' king of manlets
Ahn, ti immaginavo alto più di 1,80
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Just named my intelligence agency in LOTR the "Secret Elf Xecutive Organisation" - or "SEXO" for short.
Dump the fries, they're a waste of calories. Even in the dystopian nightmare state of London, you can get a respectably sized kebab for £7, so I imagine they're inflating the price with those useless potato fingers.
C'est lui...Le Révanchard.
>The Anglo-Saxons
Know thy enemy, know thyself, I suppose.
I did notice an uptick in Saxonposting recently, so I suppose this has become your new interest. Perhaps with some research, you could trace a common origin and point of divergance with the Suebians of ancient Lusitania.
I enjoyed AC Odyssey right up until the end, and then it killed my desire to ever play another AC game ever again for as long as I lived (I played Unity and Syndicate the following year).
I am 165cm/5’5, I wear 7cm lifts which make me 172cm/5’8 but I still feel short as shit even with them
172 cm is 5'7".
I didn't buy it, it was near a stadium, hence the price (+ the olympic tax)
Magari, con quella spanna in più probabilmente avrei un po' più di appeal, non sono un nano ma poco ci manca
>I wear 7cm lifts
What happens when a girl sees you taking them off?
Ah e prima che tu possa pensarlo, no, non ho il bel faccino
L'unica cosa a mio vantaggio ora come ora è lo status lavorativo di prestigio, ma perde 10-0 contro altezza e faccino
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I like the more specific historical books that are often only in English
I had it in mind to buy it for a bit, I guess what's on my mind influences my posts
I genuinely don't understand people who only focus on one aspect of history like Rome or WW2 and then never read about anything else, I'm on a bit of a medieval history bend after I read a bunch about ancient Greece and then moved on to ancient China earlier this year
Anglo-Saxons are up next, it's a simple as that Harold Catwinson
What's your job again ?
Sorry, that i won't say
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Lifts? Does it work?
>right up until the end
hmmm... was there something particularly bad about it? I know the game is bloated as fuck so I'll play once in a blue moon, as a bonus game to my main ones.
>I played Unity and Syndicate the following year
Did you like them or did you painfully, robotically grinded through them like a chore, which is the classic AC experience?
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Went to the city lads. These past weeks whenever I'm among other people I feel more autistic than usual and feel like I should just fuck off to bumfuck nowhere Alaska and live where there my neighbour would be 5 kilometres away from me.
good afternoon everyone
ayoo, dis nigga using hig heels
just let it go dude
t. 170cm manlet
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I'm watching some Chris kino.
This one is like a horror movie
Hello Booma, what's up?
Just a question of habit. You should hang out with more people and the feeling goes away
Never seen so many brapzilians irl (being near the stadium of paralympics)
salut Gman, hope you're fine
it it Independence Day here today, woke up late and went to the supermarket... it was packed
now I'm watching some rally and thinking about preparing lunch, meat is already seasoned

what about you?
hues dream of going to Paris (me being one of the few exceptions)
add that to the olympcs/paralympics and you have it...
Good afternoon Booma
I hope you enjoy a great meal for this special day then! What are you gonna cook?
For me it's a fine saturday. I've been lazying about, playing games and watching some tv series.
wtf is this real?
also hello Moselle
entrêcote, rice and beans (ayoo) as usual and some lettuce salad
Of course it is, and these are Portuguese women of course
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Similar vibe
how does this make you feel?
Me on the right trying to get giantess pussy.
Both could abuse me in the bedroom :D
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The answer to both webms is "aroused".

However, I am often disappointed by the slight frame of giant women. I wish they were more proportional, i.e. a little wider, a little more muscle mass, not quite so gangly and fragile looking.
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It was meant for >>201949499 but well anyone is welcome to answer.
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That's one for the magyar and Andalusianon, I think.
You didn't react to this accurate depiction of you
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Why the fuck is youtube recommending this shit to me?
Picky gentlemen.

In dubio, pro sexu
>You should hang out with more people
Too autistic for that desu.

Imagine her cupping your balls if you don't get an erection and threathening you she'll destroy them. So fucking hot.
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>Imagine her cupping your balls if you don't get an erection and threathening you she'll destroy them. So fucking hot.
Today's been a day of hangover

Wouldn't, that's too much.
Cool place
A jordanian dwarf lifted 270kg fr
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Did you know that lionesses bite the balls of lions when they want to have le sex 40 times a day?
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Anyways, Brune ROCKED or whatever it is that you French people say.
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I kneel
Oh no no nonono andaluzsisters...
i've read a indian article about it and apparently the dude thinks he's smart or something
Nikosharto Ozempicado
He even spat out the parrot
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just fuck a dude at this point the face is nicer
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normgroids just can't into cado
he's just a troll and attentionwhore there's nothing genuine to anything he does
it's like joke bbcposting on qa eventually being taken over by retards and thirdies that don't even know about the joke and do unironically
many such cases
that's what impresses me the most
I have no problem believing he did it on purpose (never watched a single video), that's what all youtubers do
still wouldn't do that shit for money fr fr
now yeah, people that get fascinated by this.. lmao
Mesmerizing webm
Any idea what language is used on pic?
Occitan perhaps?
Not Occitan
Maybe Catalan
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was his gigantic blown out anus getting spammed all over the internet part of his plan tho
was it an act of moral terrorism against humanity as a whole?
immortalizing the cruel absurdity of nature in one picture?
truly one of the most fascinating artists of our generation
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I like the steampunk monocle, very fitting.

What I'm slightly less enthusiastic about is the woman with three legs in the background.
Or if it's Occitan it's not the main dialect
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Had to take this up two floors through the stairs.
Never get unemployed my dudes.
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Checked like 20 seconds ago because I remembered I can ask chatgpt desu instead of nagging /med/ders. According to it it's the Provencal dialect of Occitan.
>Provencal dialect of Occitan.

Provençaux in shambles
They really, REALLY don't like being called Occitan because Provence and its language have a strong identity and standardized their written language before the other dialects did, so even though it's classified as an Occitan dialect they see themselves as separate culturally and linguistically

To be fair that's also true of Gascon and Auvergnat
The standard for Occitan is Languedoc but there has never been any kind of unified Occitan state and some of the "dialects" are as different from each others as Occitan is different from Catalan

Occitan is a convenient linguistic term but becomes problematic when trying to make it a political or cultural term

t. Languedocian
I forgot about Limousin too
Everyone forgets about Limousin
(that's where Varg lives)
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Occitan speakers in shambles when you tell them to say the same thing in Occitan.
Kek I didn't even notice, an extra feet for you to sniff
This is now a Gasconese-Limousinese-Auvergnatese-Languedocian-Provençal thread

Factually correct
Me ? Oh non ahah I have an excuse both my parents were from another region :)
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Souviens-toi bien qu'il est possible d'avoir beaucoup de bonnes choses. Le trop et le trop peu sont deux tetes au meme chien.
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Almost done working, now I just need to throw some trash.
That's not bad.
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I got sweaty.
I went to university to avoid working a physical job.
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>cat nigga writing in froggish
vous voulez retourner aux temps de Guillaume le Conquérant, chat-noir?
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That happens.
Is that the horse from the opening ceremony?
Yes, feating assassin's creed on the right
>feating assassin's creed on the right
I didn't see him kek.
i'm dumb, assassin's creed was the torch-carrying fella, not the rider
I didn't see the figure to begin with.
when i took my first pics, me neither desu
It is your photo? Cool.
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>vous voulez retourner aux temps de Guillaume le Conquérant, chat-noir?
Guillaume le Batard n'est pas mon roi. Il est un voleur, un menteur et - c'est le plus pire, le prochain - un anglophobe sans égal.
>Club de Football Nord ? Pas un fan.
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Had 4 buttered toasted bread slices and a protein shake for dinner.
Classic Argentinian gastronomy
Don't like my dinner?
Where fibers
>Guillaume le Batard n'est pas mon roi. Il est un voleur, un menteur et - c'est le plus pire, le prochain - un anglophobe sans égal.
it is once again confirmed, this is catnigga:
I don't
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Just returned home from a dinner at arestaurant.
Had a special francesinha (two breads with one beef steak inside plus sausage, bacon, linguiça (spicy sausage), paio (another type of smoked meat), ham, cheese and a fried egg on top, with special francesinha sauce and a ton of fries. Topped it with two half litre stout beers and a coffee.
The duality of man
I can't afford expensive food.
Does this general welcome lebanons?
I personally would welcome any lebanons I see. Them people are cool, fr.
Not cheap, but not expensive either.

Lebanese are /med/.
Of course.
Lebanon is by all means a Mediterranean country, besides refugees are welcome to /med/, see >>201959669.
>not expensive
Rich scum.
I enjoy having this (the toast but with less butter) as dinner from time to time.
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Bro doesn't even open the packages before eating his Kinder bars
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>wasted another exam period
>getting kicked out of uni next September; no chance of me catching up
>tutor's mostly abandoned me
>order my Saturday small Italian pizza (trying intermitted fasting or whatever it's called; eat only once per day, for dinner, and smaller portions), and do it much earlier, to sleep early and wake up at 05:00 tomorrow
>they take an hour to arrive (the place is literally in the next block), they bring me a wrong pizza, I have to wait another hour for them to bring me the right one; end up eating at 23:00
>it's nearly 01:00 and I can't sleep
I think God exists, but he's actually Satan... I can't plan the most inconsequential of things. It all always goes wrong. Everything always goes wrong. No matter what I try, it all goes wrong. I pray to God every night, and I ask him to either kill me or help me, but He keeps fucking me in the arse...
Feeling your pain except for the pizza part, why not going pick it up yourself if it's very close ?
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I leave my house only once per week for groceries. I also had just showered, and I am very prone to earaches if I'm not properly dried. I cut my hair once per 2 months because I'm afraid of getting infected again (which sucks as I'm heavily balding and the treatments help only so much). I haven't been to the sea since 2015, and I loved the sea. Everything I love or enjoy, God takes away from me. I am His plaything.
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I try it, but it passes after a while and I'm back to wallowing in my self-pity. I go from manic and thinking I'm God, to thinking I'm the Anti-Christ, to "following the Divine Plan", to not caring, to feeling like a worm, and then it all repeats again. I'm tired.
Have you grown tired of living in your country?
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That's literally me, except I'm speaking an Ancient Brythonic language and yelling at Sassenachs for invading me country.
>Bro doesn't even open the packages before eating his Kinder bars
Do you have any idea how long it would take to unwrap 24 Kinder bars? He doesn't have the time for that shit.
Sometimes, yes. But I know that life can be shit in other countries too, so it is what it is.
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I'm completely ambivalent. This is literally my reaction to the concept of existence.
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>un anglophobe sans égal.
putain, j'aime Guillaume et les Normans maintenant

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