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first post
can't post below this line if you're gay

i sold my last one and have been using a machete as my pdw, kid
liberal detected
>yeah im a loberal. seethe
I’m naked
canuck politics are so boring. also they're all liberals
brb gonna hang my laundry to air dry
wtf why is my post like that
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Good point
i dont remember putting meme arrows and misspelling liberal
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My next non-work vehicle is going to be a kit car. But ford also does retarded shit for attention sometimes
guys please explain im freaking out
Shut up schizojeet
That's why I like bb guns so much
im not him
aaaaaaa im going crazy!!
slingshots are fun too
trying to get a job is one humiliation ritual after another. and it doesn't end once you've got one. i think chattel slavery was more dignified than modern working conditions

Did you guys own a Saturn as kids?
take the niggerpill and just rob people then
I went to an Asian brothel recently
watching an autismo
I didn't ask recently
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how was it and what province
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How many of us are zogbots? Jw as I am a zogbot.
tomorrow is the day i stop being a loser
not no more, what mos i guarantee you're a pog
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>brother is mentally ill
>Just got out of the hospital
>Lives in a pigsty
>Fuck it, I'll help him out
>Hire a garbage service to take out his nasty furniture
>Gonna go get some new stuff
>Show up early
>He's asleep
>Not answering doorbell
>Not answering phone
>Have to send the junk people away
>Sitting here thinking I'm a fucking retard who was gonna spend a bunch of money helping him out
textnow is amazing these days
it actually functions as a fake number
sibling bonds are a meme stop wasting your time on a degenerate retard
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he has his own house?
trustfund baby?
did you tell him before hand this was happening?
what living in a multicultural, multiethnic society does to a mfer
ebil yosho
reckon he's got a negro for a step brother or something
Yeah I am, intel analyst. Wish I’d gone infantry this enlistment since it’s just a lot of annoying women who abuse people with the help of leadership any chance they get.
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thinkin of buying a Kona Sutra so that i can have a commuter bike for living in the hustle and bustle of the big city(tm).
Is Arkansas a nice state to live in?
"I'm from /cum/ and I'm here to help"
mental suffering vs physical suffering. at least you aren't doing group punishment imt drills in mopp gear and full kit because the new zoomers are too retarded to understand the concept of giving and receiving respect lol
What do you use it for?
It’s not bad, hot and humid however. Little Rock is really nice and affordable from what I’ve heard.
there's fuck all to do, but housing is cheap i guess, and you have the ozarks right there for any outdoors-y hobbies.
Subsidized housing
His residence is steadily being infested with Africans
I gave him the time and he said he'd be up
Just tried bawls soda can't say that I'm a fan so far
this nigga got bawls in his mouth
i've learned from the 7 cans of kombucha i was gifted that i don't like kombucha
Your mom had my bawls in her mouth last night
Is he depressed?
Yeah it’s all a trade off for sure. I tell that to some of the space force kids I work with, like if you think this is bad try going to the field for weeks and rucking all over that’s some tough shit at times.
i like it more than real alcohol, but less than a generic sugary soda, or a seltzer. the smell definitely lingers and makes me feel like a smelly portland hippy.
fuck zogbots
Just realized I broke my 4 year streak of no soda for shitty bawls soda
>my youtube comment got 2k likes
yep we're back
The most I've ever gotten was 30 likes I think what's your secret
Shitting is no fun without a bidet
is it supposed to be an alcohol alternative? i guess that makes sense why they taste like shitty seltzers
be early and agree with the consensus
I wash my ass out in the bathtub
for me it's the butt shower, much more compact and you contain the shit particles to the toilet instead of having to get up and sit on another baby toilet
Why was he so based
the reason kombucha tastes that way is because of the fermentation, which creates ethanol in the same way that it does for beer, wine, or other alcoholic beverages. the producers can control how much gets created and can remove most of the alcohol, but there will always be trace amounts even if its sold as a non-alcoholic beverage. i forget the exact percentage but "non-alcoholic" is more of a legal term for "less than 1% alcohol" which is why kombucha and non-alcoholic beer can be labeled as such even though it really does exist.
wish these things were a standard everywhere
>instead of having to get up and sit on another baby toilet
what are you talking about
>liberals now like dick cheney after calling for his repeated execution a decade ago
same man, it's honestly disgusting how we don't have them here
do you not know what a bidet is?
The 40 hour work week is cruel and designed to make us more machine than human
I've never seen that before. I have one that's intstalled below the toilet seat
consume less, work less
Rent alone requires 40 hours unfortunately
I could be capable of so much more yet I sit around on the computer all day
the purpose of a system is what it does thoughever
no it doesn't consoomer
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I have the shits, and even crapped my pants this morning, but I am still going to go on my incelwalk. Wish me luck bros
thinking of buying a pedo van and livong out of it
In commiefornia it does
Um... Hi (I'm friendly and cute, I guess)
I have a mentally ill friend and I don't know how to help him.
put him out of his misery or groom him to do something based
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I'm counting people I see today based on race
Not counting people in cars because it's too hard
Not counting roommates
So far I saw:
>52 white people
>5 black people
>5 pajeets
>4 brown chinese e.g. filipino
>1 chinese
>2 vaguely brown but idk
count your 25 jeet roomates
he's talking like a commie
one n-sl*r in the mirror
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my roommates are my 2 white brothers
i love kitties, yes i do
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white people owning black dogs or cats is kinda weird... like why did it have to be black particularly why do you want to own a black-coloured being so bad?
spinster's gonna go get loaded and bang the bar alpha tonight, then come here and talk about being lonely
tell me more
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Check out my most recent cat acquisition. Rate it from 2 to 13.
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im a bitch ass nigger
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He's schizophrenic, he's on lithium and another big pile of pills
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do you pay for car/life insurance? me personally nah
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black cats tend to be targets of abuse because of superstition
The King Will Come
Can't believe nobody replied to my cat post.
legit nothing to do
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You could reply to cat posts
I have car insurance because my mother got in a car accident and the surgeries have added up to high six digit numbers and the business she was going to sue is going to file for bankruptcy even though it’s essentially does business with money launderers.
And then my life insurance is basically just a tax free money market account with death benefits or whatever that I could care less about. It has a higher growth rate and reserve than the bankjews offer
Just learned aussies eat the plastic cheese too
i feel great
i lost the other half of the post and you know what i dont care enough to bother trying to write it all back out
i had a really vivid masturbation dream. it's like i was really lying in bed, looking at porn on my phone and going ham jorking my peanits (if you know what i mean)
it was so vivid and lifelike.
then i woke up to my gf playing with my balls.
i just wanted to go back to sleep and have an amazing dream cum
if my opinions are illegal then you can at least exile me
yeah but we can at least take comfort in her positive outlook and reminders that your life too can bed of clover some day (if you've got a trust fund and never have to do a days work in your life). i loathe that bitch
sublunary cat is watching you pierce the veil
had a dream that i broke a goats leg because i didn't want him to run away. he was screaming and crying really loud
one part of that post that i remember is that
white people are the strongest race and that makes nonwhites SEETHE
I dont think they would scream much 2bh Even when people break bones they'll sometimes still walk on them; when I broke my arm I actually broke it twice (the second time even reset the bone) without realizing it because my douchebag dad wouldn't take me to the hospital at first.
But if it's like bones sticking out of muscle that probably hurts more but idk
I almost had enough in crypto to live quietly in a third world country for the rest of my life at one point.
if I wasnt such a retard it would all be completely different.
yet here you are: poor, drunk and retarded
and alone
and loathed by the few aware of my existence
gods plan
and youd be trading a stock which is backed by government (and "could fall") for an even more volatile stock that you trust wont fall for you to be able to continue living on it
I spent a large number of bitcoins on drugs in like 2014 LOL
When I was homeless I lost the computer
you weren't made for a quiet life. you were made to win it all back in a single crazy bet.
>fags post porn, tranny bait, political bait, other garbage on /v/
>up for hours

>guy posts wart removal video
>reminds tranny janny of their own festering open wound
>gets deleted in less than 10 replies

really makes me think
I bought bitcoins in 2017 and I used a fake name on my account so I got permanently locked out of my bitcoins
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white people be like, sorry honey I can't take the kids to soccer I need to get inescapably lodged the nutty putty and fucking die
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>white people explore
and yet, nonwhites have to go to white countries so they dont die! interesting!
holy shit you guys are losers
nonwhites be like
>muh dick
>white people explore
>white people climb mountains
>white people conquered 30% of the world for spices and didnt even eat they spicy food
any more?
bear in mind that you are posting from a white country and had to leave yours
good morning ma'am
welcome to the club. never forget. you're here forever
Young people are getting less bright and historically aware. If I make it to old age, I'm going to unironically tell people I was in Vietnam.
i have a different backstory for every idiot zoomer i meet, you'd think being raised on the internet would make them more skeptical but it's the exact opposite
that's such a loser thing to say
I NEED a hapa daughter
Kids have always been stupid and always will, you just didn't notice it as a dumb kid yourself and your parents didn't tell you the whole story of their childhood so that's why it may appear like a decline to you, but it's actually not. Stop skressing over nonsense like that, life is too short for that
holy based kek
Congratulations, you're both officially unc status
go lurk the /gif/ or /trash/ thread that is about blapeeppolpul FEMBOYS or TRANNIES for a while and look at the posts that black people make there by the way if you are still disagree with me
I think their innate intelligence hasn't changed, but their motor skills and attention spans have
Kirjutasin veebikonstaablile su kohta muideks
hapatütred on literaalsed inglid
that "weres costco guys" kid is a freaky little gremlin thing and i honestly hate him
>/cum/ - toby the pedophile ratfucker and estonian zoomer general
hea küll kadakas
>t. gen alpha "le wrong generation" 13yo
My observations
I think you guys are pee pee heads
Yeah Italian Americans are like that
>source: my ass
Should have said it like it is tbqhwyrn
Median intelligence is lower than previous generations.
Demographic consequence?
im white, so of course i bring 3 triangle sandwiches to me at the mages guild wizards while i use prayers with priest/monk robes on to use all my prayer to 0, to create the deficiency in the inventories/banked in what i do in this gear, so that when i switch to ranged gear i can (eat the food if i need it or would like to) i can do an inventory with 0 food, to work off a part of that deficit before going back with a FULL inventory and taking out food
which is also a simple dark number (in that its just a division/subtraction, and doesnt use ratios or multiple runs/at scale)
doo doo head headass nigga you smell like you farted nigga ikea shoe wearing ass nigga
I have approximately 21% of all /cum/ posts filtered
only 13 year olds in my life are the ones locked in my cellar chud
I've tutored.
By how much?
It's actually higher, google the flynn effect
probably all of the lavender marriages into other families for the name and wealth
or to keep themselves Italian
Anon, if you lived in the 1980s and 1990s, you would know how far things have declined. Yes, we have the internet and impressive screens, but people are fatter and dumber than ever before across the board.
how are you not aware of your own logical fallacies then?
You're either 13 or 30. The second option is way worse.
A rubiks cube could actually be a pretty secure key
wrong on both counts, you're not as smart as you think you are, thirdie. go back to your containment thread
Ah, yes. I was hoping to converse with an underage Estonian today, said no one.

I wish I was American ngl
I actually was born in the wrong generation, THOUGH. I should've born in 1990.
cmon man both of the things you said are very weak fallacies. At least try harder when you're caught lying on the internet and not mentally mature enough to admit it. One day you'll grow out of it.
Tatt või penskar? 90ndad olid väga vittus aeg Eestis võrreldes praegusega.
I could never be a criminal. I look suspicous . i've been falsely accused a couple of times
I thought I was casting more bets not votes jajajajajajajajajajaja
What are good websites that spit out blogs/text walls that are useful?
Maybe how-tos, mental health awareness, philosophy, psychology, etc.
I want to import them into my ereader app (LingQ) and hit two birds with one stone: Improve my English and learn something new.
Also, is the English used on the average wikipedia page good, or is it diluted and ESL'd?
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I wish I was Japanese
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You mean blogs and articles? Brain pickings maybe
AI written text is so recognizable i am going to shoot my self in the foot if i try to emulate it
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my dad has not been to the states in red
what a shame, he's really missing out on... trees and plains
Read classic literature. That will strengthen your grasp of English.
There are plenty of 19th century English and American works to study.
Does anyone have the balls to meet up at the new haven heckin barcade and accept my marvel vs capcom 2 challenge?
Or are you all chickens?
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i have not been to the states in red
it's getting hot again, almost 85 right now
well do they?
You can actually download wikipedia using kiwix or something
Even with pictures it doesn't take up too much space, but I'd still recommend putting it on its own hard drive or USB.
Personally I find youtube videos to be more useful than websites because youtube is basically a media aggregate so I'm not browsing a website that only specializes in a certain topic. One thing I do is copy and paste video transcripts and have AI remove the timestamps and put everything in paragraph form, I think there's even an AI program dedicated for that too.
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good morning
hey i live in one of those
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everytime i crave a beer i end up regretting opening one. shit tastes so bad
there's a song from one of the tony hawk games where this word is lyric, anyone know what I'm talking about?
what is your wendys order? currently eating a spicy chicken
wendys sucks in my opinion
oh my god people are so disgusting
spicy nugs and fries
i used to get a baked potato from there but the quality has gone down so much in the last decade
you sure you dont remember which game it was
im still probably gonna try listening to all the soundtracks though
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That's a fairly small amount of Cane's for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it.
this is a good post, btw
it's an appropriate amount for me, but i also have 3000 Calorie workouts
this shit is so bland. why do people dicksuck it
>3000 Calorie workouts
highly unlikely
how does that fried chicken actually look crispy
canes fucking sucks wherever I've gone, and their bread is floppy too. I always go to popeyes. And I think the mccrispy is okay too, but I really don't trust mcdonalds workers to make food. Plus where I live all the minimum wage workers look like druggies except for popeyes
Never played any of them, just watched my brother play them sometimes
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You no take tendie
i like zaxbys
they have the coke freestyle machines inside too so i can get a cream soda which is my favorite
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What happens in the Idaho panhandle?
>inb4 incest
I want to know more
nazis apparently
zaxby's is kino, so is bojangles
this is perfect shorts with a hoodie weather
Rewatching Duckman after someone posted a screengrab from it recently
Havent seen this shit since i was a kid. Kind of shitty but finny
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>zaxby's is kino, so is bojangles
is this one it?
I've never seen a black person at zaxbys
i know right im so excited
No alcohol today bros
Going to try my hardest
I've had maybe 5 sips of alcohol in my entire life
good luck anon i believe in you
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Not sure what this dude was doing but I know a guy that's a doctor mind you, who was in the Netherlands with his gf and on coke. Had to shit but for some reason couldn't figure out that he could go in a cafe and ask or something, so he literally put his hand in his pants and stuck his thumb in his literal asshole so he doesn't shit himself. Walked like that through the city for ~15 minutes until he got to the hotel to shit. Not sure what to tell you. Fucking drug addict.
What’s the consensus on Busch
pastoral pepe
i don't drink
piss water
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>brats and sausage aren't on sale at aldi
Piss water
Yeungling, gennessee honey brown, and balantines are the only drinkable quality american macrobrews
You're not missing out on much anon. 100% grape juice hits different doe and makes your brain coom.
>umm 80 degrees actually isn't bad
that's because your skin is melanated. for white people it's fucking intolerable
i live in the south and it's 95 right now, it's fine
>the south
I rest my case
No I remember it being more upbeat than this
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ok well i need to start getting ready im going to an escape room today and im gonna just walk around downtown with my friend and maybe do some karaoke ill see you guys later
brats are cheap though
brats are brat
enjoy having sex and being normal fake femcel
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Not all of them
You don't drink alcohol because you're trying to stay sober.
I don't drink alcohol because it tastes like shit.
We are not the same.
what kind of retard would buy that ugly doll

smdh women...
Most of the top collectors on the bratz forum are men
My collection is pretty big but i don't have this yasmin
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alright, I need all the boys who failed Penis Inspection Day to come with me for a minute, ok sweeties!
When was the last MapChad thread?
rate my blaccent y'all
That was peak makeup style.
Hotgluer spotted.
post a vocaroo then dumbass
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWko5bkG5Uk /10
i don't wanna waste my time be another casualty of society i'll never fall in line
i'm a triathlete, if that convinces you
i'm a triathlete too, smoking drinking and fucking
I'm sure you can get ChatGPT to do the rest.
I used to be in a dragon ball discord server full of brown and black people saying the n word, and there was a white mod who would always upload voice messages of him speaking with a blaccent and it was the cringiest shit. He reminded me of the rapper Logic
what do you guys do all day (normalfags need not respond)
>try to write or draw something sexual
>mental barrier prevents me
>He reminded me of the rapper Logic
Logic is half-black you retard. He just rolled the genetic lottery, and has white skin.
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Reading and hitting steamroller in backyard. what are you guys doing?
>southern California fire still 0% contained
>Just got an evacuation warning on my phone
Is it over for me
Torrenting, youtube, yardwork, housework, gaming.
lie in bed and think aw shit i gotta do that today
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>rancho cucamongoloid claims he doesn't live in sodom
>now he's on fire
If I lived somewhere that has regular wildfires, I'd always have things like my family photos, external hdds, and anything else that can't be replaced, all packed in boxes and tucked into some corner.
So when the yearly fires started back up, I'd be ready to take the most important items I have with me.
Hope you're safe, /cum/bro.
the reason why redwoods and shit are so big is so they can survive natural fires
garb your pokemon cards and run
Line fire?
Bruh get out of there if you are near this orange blob
I live off the corner of one of those streets in the image, unironically
soon to be 2 fatalities
watching an old documentary and it turns out gangsters were the original incels, I will not elaborate
Is that why new gangs require you to rape or kill someone to enter?
Every single tobacco store in this city is chinese owned now.
watching someone buy one of those japanese baby trucks rn, what a lucky guy
I tried out a new supplement and i feel amazing 2 hours after. Too embarrassed to say which
You can thank New Popular Front for that. Maybe next time don't let the leftists run your country.
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You guys are my best friends and social interaction while I play mermaids
what the fuck is mermaids
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Would you?
He lives on the Virgin Islands, it's probably a tranny game.
You swim around and pretend to be a mermaid
If you praise a woman who aborted her child because "she did what was best for herself.."

Then I hope you are praising men who "abandoned their children because they did what was best for themselves.."

You can't have it both ways..
I want to lick the sweat from those massive hams before pounding the pussy until it's black and blue if you know what i mean
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pooping right now
You would be a merman
he pretends his toys are mermaids, when I was a kid I used to pretend my toys were dragon ball z
>he thinks leftists have real standards
If leftists didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.
I dont think the right of investing and owning businesses to foreigners is their doing
Letting the foreigners in was though.
polschitzo is back
>In 2011, Hamas successfully used an Israeli hostage to secure a major prisoner exchange, swapping one Israeli soldier, tank gunner Gilad Shalit, for more than 1,000 prisoners, including the current Hamas leader, Yahya Sinwar

funny that they have ham in their name but can't actually eat it
I like Israeli food like falafel and shawarma.
they must really care about their own people.
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look how cute, i've never seen one irl
Why would someone purchase this vehicle
Abandoning a child doesn't erase his or her needs.
where's the new spinster?!
But you're aborting an under-developed clump of cells, not a child.
oh right just murder it instead
Why import these when you can have a V8 Ford F150
it's 4wd, it cam climb a mountain better than the new ford bronco or tesla truck that you don't have
You're backwards ideology will never be accepted in the western world. If you think abortion is murder, please move to a more conservative country like Poland or Saudi Arabia.
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watching destiny
It's actually super hard to import those, and also we can't build similar things because of government regulations about fuel efficiency that backfired because of retarded democrats
Abortion is murder thoughbeit, and I support it
pretty good troll
It's not murder, but it's definitely a moral grey area. It's absolutely a medical and societal necessity, but it does make me uncomfortable when women brag about having them like It's a badge of honor.
>spawn killing isn't murder
If I punched a pregnant woman in the belly and the fetus died, I'd be charged with murder. Abortion is murder, and I support it.
>spawn killing
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>the evangelical is back again
>Abortion is murder, and I support it.
this but for brownoids
It's weird how evangelical moral values increase net suffering in society. They are massive hypocrites, and a blight on the republican party.
abort your next shitpost and make us a new thread retard
umm, based department?
Before viability and especially before brain activity it's not murder. It's tragic sure but sometimes bringing the baby to term would pose a danger to the mother.

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