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Why don't you single guys approach women in your country? What's holding you back?
>approach women
its 2024 its tinder now gramps
I can't afford high maintenace girls. they would rather fuck koschei the deathless than me because he has the money
I'm ugly
I have very specific things I want from a gf and selecting through randomly approaching women to see if they fit with me would be extremely inefficient. And as far as the idea of casual sex goes, I'd only be interested in older women in that case, and that's also not really suited for the random approach method. So for now I just focus on putting myself in positions where I meet more people.
men approach me in my country :3
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we have laws against that here
the collar on my neck explodes if I get too close to a femoid
How old do you like your woman? Do older woman have sex with younger men in Poland?
I dont know maybe im just a pussy
sometimes I see a beautifull girl and then feel bad for the next few days because I havent even tried approaching her
a very tall black man went up to me and fondled every erogenous of my body and I am straight white male timmy
my height
women approach me
I goon to imagining the female
I don't think it's really a common thing unfortunately, though it won't stop me from trying. In America I would see lots of older women on tinder, but here they don't really seem to use it. In my cunt I think in that generation there's probably too much of a stigma to be openly cougaring it up. I've gotten some eyes at bars before, so maybe it can happen, but I haven't really given it a proper shot. All the women I've dated where a few years older than me, but that's not the same. I'm gonna have a 40 minimum starting now for the next few years. Hopefully it'll work. I just want some lonely professional with lots of money, I think it can be done.
>He still uses Tinder or dating apps

Lol this shit is outdated, seducing IRL is now trending as before
It's illegal to approach women here and the apps are fucked unless you're a 10/10 gigachad.

Guess I'll just die alone
>seducing IRL is now trending as before
perhaps in congo or paris as you call it
fear of rejection and humiliation
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I do. Every week I try to approach at least one girl. I always get ghosted later if I get a number though.
Just drink bro. Just chug down that vodka bottle hahahaha should be easy.
Since when?
most of us are like that nowadays
Are you that 21 year old aussie dude?
Yes sir
For the past 2 months I have decided that when I go to university I will try to ask out a girl for her number. It has gone very poorly but I'm trying, I expect it won't actually result in anything but I can't feel bad that I'm doing nothing.
I have nothing to say or offer.
also, every attractive girl here is either a schoolgirl or a single mother
Bro! At least you're trying! I'm proud of you, you're finally putting in some effort to get laid!
To be honest I thought you would have a girlfriend by now. It's been over a month.
You should just wife a single mother and make your own kids with her desu
i'd rather take my chance with (legal) schoolgirls
>To be honest I thought you would have a girlfriend by now.
Look, quite literally every woman I have ever gotten a number from has either ghosted or stood me up. Besides one Chinese girl who was super into me and I wasn't. Which was a mistake on my part because I've had no hope since. Don't know what it is but they all seem to hate the idea of meeting up with me later on, or talking to me any more than a single day.
Hmm is that so? I've never tried cold approaching women on the street so I don't know. Is there any parties happening in your campus?
Go back to your country you retard
Why are you an incel?
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Today I have a date with a tomboy I met at the gym Wednesday. What are you talking about?
Anyway bro just don't give up. You just need to work on your personality a bit, be funny and interesting. It would be better if you go to a party or club. Girls like men acting wild and crazy.
>Is there any parties happening in your campus?
I mean what kind of party? Besides the rare club event nothing really happens at uni. I went to one with a guy I met in a course I did and it was good but that's like a once a year thing.
If a single woman in your life looked at you in an appreciative way that's not in a professional context or that's not a relative you literally always have a chance no matter how minuscule
Frat party with beer kegs?
There's no point, I don't even know what to talk about. I can barely talk to people I know without stuttering or sounding like a retarded kid. I would just be purposely humiliating myself with no chance of anything good coming out of it.
Also I'd much rather want to date women I met previously, who know me and are not complete strangers.
Not a thing here
Look bro I said this before. Go traveling. Save some money and do solo travel to south east asia. There are a ton of european girls who travels alone. You'll meet them in hostels. There's a chance you'll eventually become travel buddy with a girl. If you can't score at where you are, go aboard. Have sex with a beautiful young european girl. Trust me on this.
>I know without stuttering or sounding like a retarded kid
that's fine as long as you are good looking
I'd say I'm average despite some normies trying to tell me I'm good looking but I don't dress nicely and my body language is shit and awkward.
That's your problem right here bro. You're being awkward. Just drink, get drunk and shit will HAPPEN.
my grotesque appearance
this plus my creepy menacing vibes
Wtf I thought you Aussies would be party animals
being menacing as a man is never bad
giving off rapist vibes is not good
Yeah he's kinda weird. I chatted with him before, 21 & 6'4 or something and yet can't get a girlfriend. Dude must be socially very awkward or something.
Because l don't know how woman operates and it's too frustrating to deal with
i've been told i act and look like a literal psychopath before and it never affected much
I'm very ugly.
a psoriasis rash all over my body, empty wallet, crooked teeth, living in my car, acne scars, receding hairline, poor social skills.
>a psoriasis rash all over my body
I have a doctor appointment this 16. I really hope doc gives me something that clears it.
>empty wallet
I just started a good job that pays good money but I need to stay frugal for a month or two to pay some old credit debt.
>crooked teeth
There’s no helping this in the foreseeable future. Maybe I will get braces in 2 years if my financial situation marginally improves.
>living in my car
This nightmare may end soon. I plan on moving to a shared house by the end of this month.
>acne scars, receeding hairline
I have meds for this but I can’t apply it because of the psoriasis. I need to get that cleared first.
>poor social skills
my new job puts me in contact with people a lot. I am now going through a human nature book and I everyday try to apply it irl. I am seeing a massive improvement in the way I interact with people.

TDLR: it’s hard but I am trying to turn shit around. Funny thing, I have been trying as far as I remember. Every time it’s If only I improoooooov a bit more then maybe someone will love me. It’s really stupid if none is willing to love me at my lowest what do I need them for later? And wouldn’t they let me down at the first sign of trouble?
I asked out a woman who was flirting with me for weeks, I was so sure she liked me. She told me she is gay (prob is true). I feel like approaching women is a waste of time. Why not use an app that has people who are actually looking for a relationship?
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>just get drunk
Most of the time I get depressed when drunk in social situations, especially in clubs which I avoid now. The feeling lasts for days after I sober up.
One time when I was already drunk, I spilled a bit of beer on the girl sitting next to me after which I felt so bad that I went quiet and and looked like I was on the verge of crying for the rest of the night. Funny enough later I got my only kiss (on my cheek) in my entire life from another girl because of how sad I looked.
I quite literally hate normal stuff like clubs, bars and shit. Makes me extremely irritated. Crowds as well.
And forget about approaching women outside of those places, you will be looked at like a predator.
I tried to approach women. I have only gotten rejected so far.
It's not a universal solution.
Alcohol just makes me tired and anti-social. Same with weed and party drugs makes me wanna play vidya and be alone as well.
Online shit does not work so I'm going to resort to talking to random people. Sorry in advance but I don't like it either but I was driven to this.
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>Most of the time I get depressed when drunk in social situations
Same. By making me more relaxed, alcohol also caused repressed depressive thoughts come back.
perfect, impossible to suffer in Russia
even they don't know how they operate so why would you
they're the ones ruling in the relationship & sex market, it's up to them to approach, they can keep complain on how they can't find the right guy but it's only logical when you act illogical
Not worth the time and effort, to find a women who offers more than sex is very difficult. Most women are incredibly boring and adds nothing to your life.
Y'all really hopeless. I'm gone for a month and come back and nothing changed.
But it's good to know the young aussie guy haven't give up yet. Keep trying brother. You will have sex soon.
Uni life isn't really a big thing here.
>6'4 or something
nigga i am not tall. I'm like 5'9
>Dude must be socially very awkward or something.
I'm not. I just don't really end up talking to girls. It's not deliberate or anything, just doesn't happen.
Bro please. You're acting weird. Just go to Bali or something and get laid with hot euro girls. Shit is easy.
I am dumbass
>talk to woman, we get along well, same interests
>exhange numbers
>text for 2 days, still getting along
>suddenly ghosted
>coworker keeps flirting with me
>at one point straight up fondled my stomach, "playfully" of course
>as soon as l start trying to initiate conversation or when we're alone she stonewalls me, gives one word responses
I'm just tired of this bullshit, everytime. What is their fucking problem?
Ive never date a german woman so idk. Maybe they see you as a friend, not a sexual partner.
women are full of paradoxes, which is why you should ignore the hoes
I don't really care about the sex part THOUGH. I have a perfectly good hand.
Listen aussiebro, the reason I'm on here today because it's raining like hell outside and I'm drunk right now. I'll probably won't be coming back here anytime soon but all I want to say to you is you're doing great. The first step is you're already trying to approach girls, which is a good thing. Don't give up man, keep trying. Maybe I'll come back next year, I'm quite busy with my life actually.
Never give up bro. You gotta always pursue women in your youth. Once you hit 30 it'll be all over. Don't just wait around, take action.
I'm 25 KHHV truecel and foids ARE THE ONES who's started to despise me first
You NEED to have sex THOUGH. It's different. Every man need to have sex once in their lives. Having sex will build your confident up.
> Chinese girl who was super into me

I think there should be a lifetime ban for posts like these
I have autism and hate social interactions.
And alcohol makes me extremely tired and I will literally go sleep on a bench or on the grass somewhere after a beer or two.
I did.
She was working in a cafe near a place I interned at. I was thinking about her after she served me during lunch so I looked for her after work.
The cafe had closed by then so she was resting with some of her colleagues. I asked if I could speak with her on the side.
She said
>how do I know you're not gonna rape me?
I replied
>how did you guess?
We ended up in a largely satisfying relationship for four years.
I'm not even doing anything like trying to rapidly shift the relationship from colleague to bf, everything flows quite naturally "wow l'm so glad l can talk about edgy 2000s anime to someone in person, you're the first one l met like that anon"; thats why l'm so puzzled at this. Also you know when you fumble your joke but she still laughs at it?

Starting to agree
Noice. Very noice™.
Huh. Seems like you have the opportunity but blew it up somehow. I thought German were really open about sex, BDSM and sheit?
They're all ugly as shit. I need a continental wife both as a means of escape and an object of infatuation.
I genuinely wonder what people typing these posts actually look like, i've seen quite the hideous poor mfs hanging out with women like quite frequently
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I want a gentle femdom mummy gf and I don't know where the fuck to go to find one.
I don't even get a fucking opportunity because this always seems to happen. And it's not like l miss signals or misinterpret them, l have loads more anecdotes, but it's always the same story of woman comes onto me -> l reciprocate, succesfully -> suddenly nothing
Hmm well clearly women are interested in you but I feel like you screwed it up somehow.
I cope with telling myself that she was just shy or something. The thing is she was still nice to me throughout and basically still acted the same to me in the company of others, complete with flirting. She even insisted on hugging me once l stopped working there and was basically begging when l said no, like how am l supposed to interpret that?
Bro.... You're really clueless, you know that? I think she likes you but you're being too blunt with your approach. If she doesn't like you she'd probably ignore you. Wait for the right moment and ask her out.
they now only want men with pretty boy features and wide faces with fwhr > 1.8 I and blonde curly hair and 190cm height
I already told you l don't know how they operate. Besides l dont even work there anymore
>Besides l dont even work there anymore
At least did you get her number? Please don't tell me you actually screwed it up.
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>3d women
I never even asked lol
Germanbro you really missed it all, the hints was there all along. You had one job bro, ONE JOB.
Just watch Lady Chatterley's lover. It's a good film for you ;)
Well in my mind it was a done thing, could only expect uncertain noodling from her and got sick of it.
Or maybe you both just have autism or some shit. Jeez, you should have ask for her number. Now you're here pondering what went wrong with your dating life. Shame isn't it
I can rent a better ass for 60 euros with minimal talking and guaranteed sex in my favorite positions.

Why to waste time and brain matter on a random woman ?
too ugly and weird to get any

simple as
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that's kind of you anon, I'll let it lull me into happiness
Haha yeah bro you'll totally love the film!
Anyway I'm off now. Have a good night.
oh you're fucking with me, me who opened me heart you wound me
fine I'll go play with my sims dolls in my perfect fantasy
Well it's not not like that would have been a guarantee for success. The other times l got a number it went like l said in my post further up. You might think l'm some sort of autist but even if everything goes well, lm suddenly ghosted. Even if we're just friends and we went to a con she will randomly decide one day that l don't exist anymore. It's irritating and honestly a little hurtful, so thats why lm not even bothering anymore, atleast for now
can you not just leave?
if you're no chad it's over for you in 2024
Don't worry bro you'll get there eventually.
I will leave, and probably won't comeback here, for real this time. I've got big things to work with in my life. My dad is getting anxious that I havent married and have kids yet, that I'm fooling around with foreign women. Anyway I'm kinda sober up now but I feel like the people in this place will eventually move on and get married and start a normal life.
Well thanks for listening
It's cool bro. I was killing time anyway. I used to go out all the time. Sitting all day in my apartment feel kinda weird now lmao.
>why won't you engage in time wasting activity?
associating with women is the most self destructive thing you can do. they scare me and I pretend they don't exist.
Many things. I have severe anxiety and fear of rejection, plus unironic aspergers.
I'm a manlet, not physically fit, but I signed up for nutrition and physical fitness training. Start in a few days.
Really I'm just a very timid, and passive person. I have extremely low self esteem and confidence in myself. The one time I tried asking out a girl (who liked me and made it obvious) I could only do it online and vomited from the anxiety before. She immediately ghosted me and never contacted me again because I was too much of a pussy to do it in real life. That was 10 years ago in my Junior year of high school.

I've lived inside my room my whole life, I started a business but I only make $20,000 a year. I'm 27 and a kissless virgin, but that girl who liked me gave me a hug once. That's the extent of my experience. I live with my mentally ill alcoholic parents in a dilapidated run down house.
My mom didn't take care of me the first 3 years of my life because of severe depression. She thought having another baby would make her happy but it didn't. I remember being hungry and asking her for food and she would tell me to go get it myself, I think I was around 2. I don't remember much, but I'm sure that had a impact on my brain and personality. My dad was neglectful. Not severely, but he never really praised me, or teach me anything besides moral lessons, and manners. We never really did any father son activities especially outside of young childhood. Never went fishing or anything like that. He didn't teach me how to shave, how to talk to girls, nothing. He would scream and yell at me when I wasn't doing well in school. That got worse when I was in middle school, and was bullied severely. I was bullied and humiliated more times than I count. 8th grade it seemed like it was every day, if not multiple times a day. Lessened in high school, but It still happened time to time. My lack of sex appeal to the opposite sex and weakness/unmanliness was a common vector. I felt lower than the dirt at the bottom of my shoe. Not worthy of life. Subhuman vermin that needed to be exterminated.

I still have that self image today. Few years ago, I overheard my own mom saying I was too weird for a girl to ever want me.
The black men already approach women what's the problem?
>Implying they need to bother
if youre this retarded lets be real you dont deserve to have a woman anyhow
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maam, you got a fine ass right there
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>What's holding you back?
Fear of rejection and be exposed in social media as a creep and pervert
>Why don't you single guys approach women in your country? What's holding you back?
I hate myself too much to let anyone else be burdened by it. I already fucked too many people and mad their lives worse
No it isn't tinder was good in fucking 2017
too bad a body like this isn't natural
I talked to a cute girl on campus the other day, but I forgot to ask for her instagram.. it's over...
>but it's always the same story of woman comes onto me -> l reciprocate, succesfully
There's your mistake. From now on start treating them like shit. It's already over for you and you have nothing to lose.

Treat them like shit, make her realize that you're not desperate and high value. But keep that shit subtle. Women view men as targets to concur and the men who don't simp around them really get under their skin.
What do you mean? She probably edited it but you can get close enough
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>just be confident bro
why do you think im here you twat
>he doesn't know
she had bbl(ass and tummy), boobs surgery, hips surgery
Whenever I go on a date with a bitch it's boring and I wish I spent the time at home on 4chan unironically. Went on a date on Monday and it sucked. Idk why I keep trying.
I skip the middlewoman and just jerk off myself. Much less trouble
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i do all the time. i have sex once in a while, but 95% of the time i get cuntmogged and disrespected. sorry to break it to you incels, but it literally never gets better, even when you start having sex. all the sex haver normies you idolize spend an inordinate amount of time, mental energy, and money in order to have sex with disrespectful and demanding women once in a while.
Never heard of literotica?
Go read some nakige bro
Did you just hack into my brain and steal my memories?
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How can you tell that immediately from looking at some random hoe? It's more likely to be some AI filter than multiple surgeries on every woman who posts her butt online
No anon, they are all mine. If you had the same experience as me, than I am truly sorry. I would reach out and hug you if I could. This is not a life I wish for anyone.
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>How can you tell that immediately from looking at some random hoe?
because i know from the get go that shapes like that aren't achievable natty, then i reverse searched the picture, found the leaks of her onlyfans and it confirmed my thoughts
picrel is exactly like the post op pictures of a bbl, the shape of her boobs are not regular sillicone but the surgeon took fat belly and put it in her boobs and ass/hips
there might be some filters to make the skin more natural
it doesnt work
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>Really I'm just a very timid, and passive person. I have extremely low self esteem and confidence in myself.
Same, although I'm the average height, but it doesn't really make any difference, having a shitty (boring, timid) characters does much more damage to your chances of getting a girlfriend.
I don't want to write yet another essay. I fucked up as a kid, my parents also fucked up, and now I don't even know how to unfuck myself.
When you have such a creepy aura that people look at you like a mass shooter before you even talk to them it kinda demoralizes you
Today I was walking bybthe street and a bunch of teenage girls started to mock my appearence and lagh at me.
I have never gotten a date when approaching a woman. Every single gf I have had was when I was drunk off my ass and the woman approached me. Probably why all my relationships have sucked so bad.
I'm sorry anon, I've never actually talked to any kind of mental health professional about my sexual problems and how much that relates to my overall sense of self. Next time I do I think I'm just going to open it all up and spill it out. I can't get any lower.
they dont like strong smell of piss i mean beer i mean piss
bumble is even worse. Because the woman has to initiate conversation they just say hi and put absolutely zero effort to anything after that.
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i have approached about 310-320 girls and all of them rejected me and my soul is very damaged from these experiences. I m dead inside. Dont approach random girls unless you want to become depressed for life.
>Because the woman has to initiate conversation
not anymore
men don't approach anyone anymore
they're all doomers these days
Those feet are janky as hell, nigga kill yourself
I did not care about it
took my 10 years to find it
Forgot about it in 10 seconds
Simply isn't worth the humiliation, effort or risk of being charged for harrassment.

Women are too defensive and not worth pursuing anymore.
afraid of rejection
It's literally pointless. Unless you are 10/10 chad aproaching a woman in public is seen as being creepy. Any woman can find someone that will bang her on tinder and the ones who are wife material are already married or in a relationship.
>approach a woman
>exchange few meaningless sentences
>you both feel awkward
Tinder is good for easy hookups, relationships not so much
Lack of experience regarding socialization because I was ostracised as a teenager.
Fear of rejection and the fact that I don't have much to bring to the table.
Can't blame people for trying to find happiness in life.
A lot of white women seem to be into KPOP and KDramas, aren't Japanese women more into Korean men now than whites?

Seems pretty hard to find an appealing white girl for some reason, all my friends are dating asian women and are hitting it off pretty well with them.
I wouldn't say they have yellow fever one of them is tall and looks decent he dated a white girl but it didn't work out and he didn't get into a relationship with the first asian girl he met.
They've all been pleasant company in social events, no drama so far. One of them is Korean and surprisingly cheeky.
I met my wife at work. I suggest you do the same.
I'm shy and don't know how to do it. Also, all the women I've been with approached me first so I don't need to.
why do normies make the distinctions when they still do hook ups
like, you met a woman at x place but she is only "for hook ups"
then you met a woman at a different place who also went to x place for hook ups but since she isnt there then she is relationship material?
“Seduction” is just grooming you predator. Adults can be groomed too
isn't it risky to have your gf at the same work as you? except if you don't see her 24/7 there?
Its the right thing for the world
I keep telling myself that
But where does it go and where does it end
dont have a place of my own
my dick is ugly
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Keep at it mate.
Tip: You must plan something in person with her before or when you get the number.
Organising anything over the phone afterwards has never worked for me, not even once. But organising it at the time works 80% of the time if she is keen, if it's within a day or two and if it's a good interaction.
Try it out and let me know how it goes!
It's not for me.
I'm too old for that sort of thing.
It's not about the place it's about the person.
Not everyone will fare well in a relationship
I'm an ugly retard
>Why don't you single guys approach women in your country?
i can just as well try my luck in the weekly lottery.
I'm ugly, uninteresting, nonwhite (probably doesn't hold me back as much as I think), with delusional standards.
You must be talking about at least HTN or 8-10 Kpopmaxxed Chads.

Do you really think foids are genuinely interested at average 5'7, flat-faced ugly g00k with small yerrow cocku?

It literally nevER began for 99% of ricemen. Only top 1%, cream of the crops will get some decent pussy. Simple as.

> One of them is Korean and surprisingly cheeky
Of course she is, that's what you can expect from Kimchiwhores
I’m ugly, stupid, not funny, and really have no redeeming qualities.
I don't want to open myself up to possible legal issues by asking random people if they have engaged in actions I disagree with.
Random is risky.
There are better ways to meet like-minded people.
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i'm so happy to read this post, i genuinely feel proud of you, anon
>I have a doctor appointment this 16.
>but I need to stay frugal for a month or two to pay some old credit debt.
>I plan on moving to a shared house by the end of this month.
>my new job puts me in contact with people a lot.
that sounds like a lot of progress, and i surely hope everything goes well
i too started working recently, a few months ago, and it helps a lot with getting used to interactions, way more than college or just "going out" can, simply because you're doing it way more often
Yes and how are the dating apps working for you?

We've been over this. I don't want any of the basic things that women want out of life. I don't want to get married, because the laws are fucked up and unjust, I don't want to have kids, because: it's expensive, I don't want to have to worry about other people, and there are far too many people in the world already, and I don't want to (((buy))) a house because that would involve going into debt, and I don't believe in debt.

Furthermore, I actively refuse to use social media (4chan doesn't count), and I genuinely dislike the sorts of social activities that women seem to like. Also, I don't have any interest in coupling with an unattractive woman. I find it disgusting how men settle for ugly or fat women. I simply prefer solitude to that.
but you want a partner, sex and love. thats the basic women want too

Of course, but the other person would have to be genuinely okay with no marriage, no kids, no house. Ever. And no woman is "genuinely okay" with such an arrangement, since there's nothing in it for her from her point of view. Also, since I've never been in a relationship, and since I'm a very selfish person, I know myself well enough to know that if I were ever to get into a relationship with anyone, I would immediately chafe at having to deal with them all the time, at having to get to know the other person, meet them halfway on things, compromise with them.

I don't want to change, and I'm doing everyone a favor by not seeking sex or a relationship.
I don't want to waste my time hearing women nonsense
They believe they can only meet someone through a dating app, and refuse to entertain the idea of just going out and talking to people because it's scary.
Queue the cope responses from people who have no idea how to socialize.
I've seen nothing worth the effort.
I was sooner approached by women on the other end of the world than see any interest from women here.
the women have shown that they dont need us
if they did they would approach us, since we now live in a equal society due to feminism any gender can approach, no dropping the handkerchief needed.
women are getting by fine without us, whether it be using simps for money and remaining single or most women sharing the same few chads
either way, they clearly dont need or want us, thus as we have nothing going on we might as well pull out of society and become neets
They prefer rich educated guys
>the other person would have to be genuinely okay with no marriage, no kids, no house. Ever. And no woman is "genuinely okay" with such an arrangement
it's much more a thing than you think, tons of women see having kids the same way as you do, also with an excuse about ecology and their career
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I have no friends or social life, I don't know how to talk to people or maintain a conversation, let alone an actual relationship
Experiences of life advanced emotion, have determined that i, in my own skin, i am considered ugly, UGLYYYYYYYY. He who posses the aforementioned disease, will be avoided by everyone, the world is against me, the child of a middle class marriage, just a good boy, just a repair guy.

And loneliness hurts, its cruel, ohhhh nature is cruel it hurts like a bitch, spontaneous migranes whisper the hemispheres of my brain, taunting my abscense of love, my unatractive doom. Call me a loser, rip me apart like a rabbit which fed the pack of wolves. But i asure you, NO ONE, has suffered the curse of ugliness like me.
I'm not interacting with them until the right societal circumstances are met (I have the right to rape and kill them)
You literally just described me and I'm a 25yo khhv

Autism is one hell of a drug

There is a solution though which has been instated before, or rather is the natural state to begin with: completely disregarding what these whores want or need and just raping them
thankfully they don't, tons of girls like mid guys, i want to say just go outside to see but since i don't go outside that often it might come as a bad advice
Fear. I've always been brought up to fear everything and be afraid of everything. And the “don't approach women on the street or if they're working” bullshit helped a lot
Approached 3 women this year

Perhaps in France, not where I'm from.
>Approached 3 women this year
Im an obese socially awkward bastard who shouldn’t even be allowed to breathe

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