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During three days of pillaging, the Ottoman invaders captured children and took them away to their tents, and became rich by plundering the imperial palace and the houses of Constantinople. The Ottoman official Tursun Beg wrote:

>After having completely overcome the enemy, the soldiers began to plunder the city. They enslaved boys and girls and took silver and gold vessels, precious stones and all sorts of valuable goods and fabrics from the imperial palace and the houses of the rich... Every tent was filled with handsome boys and beautiful girls.

“Everywhere there was misfortune, everyone was touched by pain” when Mehmed entered the city. “There were lamentations and weeping in every house, screaming in the crossroads, and sorrow in all churches; the groaning of grown men and the shrieking of women accompanied looting, enslavement, separation, and rape"

Byzantine historian Doukas claims that, while drunk during his victory banquet, the Sultan ordered the Grand Duke Loukas Notaras to give his youngest son to him for his pleasure. He replied that “it would be far better for me to die than hand over my own child to be despoiled by him.” Mehmed was enraged after hearing this and ordered Loukas to be executed. Before his death, Notaras supposedly said that “Him who was crucified for us, died and arose”’ and urged his horrified sons to reject the advances of Mehmed and not fear the outcome. Their father's words encouraged them, and they were also “were ready to die”. They are also said to have been executed.

Mehmed stabbed to death another 14 year old Christian boy who "preferred death to infamy"
>no edition
like i swear down someonee has stolen my mustard
got the barbour bedale (classic olive) on in a sea of black puffers
Got called a nonce Hungarian greggs
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are ya winnin' son?
nay a word
any pooey arseholes about?
Mehmed stabbed to death another 14 year old Christian boy who "preferred death to infamy", edition
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Those weren't ottoman, they were us in an alternate timeline. :(
Not a fan of Bradleyposting by yanks and crypto yanks. Always seems like they get it wrong in some way
leftypol's da pov
Fuck it im breaking my diet. Going to tesco for pringles, chocolate, cocacola, watermelon, some hotdogs or cocktail sausages, and maybe some chicken kievs.
ai slop
Is this supposed to be erotic?
been in a goonhole and forgot the footy was on
sicking keir on mousey for his posts in the last thread

pol meta posts
Pasta for takeaway tonight
Why do their teeth glow so bright? They look like faggot as syntheric americans
porn is vile muck
business idea: 20% lager
If my calculations are correct, Earth is now 68.65% through the astronomical year of 2024.
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state of starmer
>cocktail sausages
Just pull your pants down, there's one in there.
it's common for a lot of women to do this almost everywhere now, they'll expect the same from you too
what do people mean, "do you know how to cook"
like, yeah, i can follow a recipe lol
*walks into /brit/ like nothing happened*
opinions shouldnt be illegal however
na i have an above average size penis
where else can you see lady's boobies and fannies though
A clue gained
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following a recipe is science
real cooking is art
Labour whipping out David Cameron's economic plan really shocked lefties.
planning on having a regular wank to a regular woman having regular sex with a regular looking man in the missionary position
Was is the most loreful massacre?
sick bastard
starvetoil continues, cardiotoil continues, veins everywhere, abs starting to show, no bitches yet
gay post this
Dunno, not a freak who knows this stuff off-hand
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Saw a gang of blacks/arabs in my posh earlier. They littered, threw two cans on the floor. I took a picture of their registration

Their MOT is due Wednesday, I'll report them at that point for driving without an MOT
she needs that massive arse to run about five metres.
im going to the gym tomorrow
hvavent been since april
sick of rotting away
white people are the best race and it isnt even a discussion
*posh neighbourhood
How come my parents have had the internet and computers for just as long as I have, longer in a lot of peoples cases, yet they are so shit with them and can't do basic things?
on a Sunday?
even God took a day off, your new life starts Monday morning
Watch too much porn and now I'm insecure about my willy
start monday lad nobody starts gym on a sunday. may as well have a few bokkles now as well since you're not going tomorrow
My gf is skinny but has a disproportionately big arse that jiggles in her pyjamas bottoms and I just constantly want to shag her.
reporting this post to the UK ahutorities (where you live) for racism and living in a white country saying this. hope you can get a plane ticket back home to go seethe about whites
they're tier 1 so they'll be fine
Forgot your vpn spaino
>Mental note
>Stay away from kurwas
Shit opinions should be
Do you have a bbc fetish too
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piss off you devils
This is when you realise that your parents are brainlets who slaved away for their entire life and were happy, and some people of their generation were just smarter and more inquisitive workers. It's an inability to learn and refusal, I'm not sure why it exists. My parents are the same.
I'm so jealous, my last gf had decent boobs but a flat hank hill arse, I hated iy
>the left try to make laws
and how would "shit opinions" be judged? dickhead
i dont get why retards feel the need to make these up
genuinely what kind of cunt goes to the gym on a sunday
just resigning yourself to have no enjoyment for ever
Have a paid subscription to BLACKED
how do people sit and watch films without browsing /brit/ or watching youtube at the same time? simply can't be done
Any opinion that belongs to you, dickhead
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turn on sky atlantic, it's chrissy's intervention
Find that things are more enjoyable when I don't go on /brit/ or 4chan
get them bloody housed and get the houses furnished at a cost kept private from the public it's only fair
Stop watching captain America films perhaps?
Been in the kitchen since 2 on the cell. Battery just ran out so I guess I'm going back to bed until it charged.
the elites are laughing at us
theyre making us dance or putting us up against one-another and watching us, to laugh
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white boi blockers
dont know what any of those words mean
It's not made up, Google search any of what you think is made up and see for yourself
yeah? are "the elites" in the room with us now?
It's not like people are turning down invites from their mates to go to the gym on sundays.

The people going on sundays don't have mates but they are of the opinion that getting hench will eventually see them in a position where they have mates and or a gf.
not me, they fear me
white people are the strongest race on earth and it makes nonwhites SEETHE
I outta suffocate you you little prick
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Finally you figure it out, Toby.
Church, gym, movie night with gf.
You wouldn’t get it
He’s living in your head rent free
I've had black men and arab men and indian men inside me
yeh a lot of poo particles floating around in the air these days
Find a new kebab shop lad. Too far that is.
I do all of my gym/cardio work on Mon-Fri except for an hour of cardio which I do on Saturday mornings. Just makes sense to keep weekends free for other things.
was was he, barking?
alri leftypol's da
>going to the gym that many days in a row
your muscles need rest time after a session to grow
Not impressed
I do a gymtoil every other day myself
just cant say any of that as much as you cant be racist because both are equally as bad in their eyes. they wouldnt have a problem ending someone who openly recognizes it - but if i am making illegal opinions then i will also post that. and yeah i was reminded, today, finally
why is there a new joker movie
Listen lads, you have to admit that it would be unutterably peng if she were impregnated by a muscular black man.
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He’s right init
Fenian have taken over English football.
1/2 the team is Irish and the manager is Irish. This is truly disgusting
I will never have sex
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The more images of naked women I see, the less I care about seeing naked women.
Onlyfans is a psyop to turn me gay.
Poor and gay.
That’s the worst type of gay.
Shut the fuck up you fat mutt cunt
Nah, Japanese are superior
that's the laundry on
yeah and they do, it's about managing intensity. proper reddit nu-lifter opinion from you mate, disappointing.
got lines on your frog there mate
right here
I could beat a Japanese fella in a fight thoughbeit
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Sick to bastard death of it all
Oh I would absolutely recommend that you do
I’m not American
I don't believe that anyone honestly sees someone on a six figure salary as rich if they don't own property and all that
if you're just a lad getting by in london on six figures you're surviving just like everyone else
sacked tranny looks like THAT?!
Genuinely find this penger than a woman
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cute cat
Is this how the Chinese think toilets flush?
that's a nice shiny cock
you post race bait and cuck prn all the time
the absolute state of you and your life
why do women all have massive cocks these days boomers had it so good
they're getting a great social life with lots of activities in London, in the middle of the world and surrounded by connections and opportunity, and probably putting a decent lot away into pensions and savings, they are definitely not just surviving like the rest of us lmao
yeah that's called "homosexuality", it's fairly common
Told my parents I got invited out tonight but I didn't really so I ended up doing my hair and getting a shower and cleaning my teeth and ironing clothes and getting all dressed up to go for a walk for the next 6 hours.

My life is a nightmare of my own doing.
get my willy sucked
get my willy wanked
get my willy sexed with a wet fanny
it's my human rights
something to do with global warming I think
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this morning had two bowls of muslei (that is 5 months past its bbd) and then had 6 scrambled eggs cooked in butter with chips for dinner. the farts have started already and they are 10/10
rorke blud, get it together
You're standing right now with nine delegates from 100 gangs. And there's over a hundred more. That's 20,000 hardcore members. Forty-thousand, counting affiliates, and twenty-thousand more, not organized, but ready to fight: 60,000 soldiers! Now, there ain't but 20,000 police in the whole town. Can you dig it?
What is this gypsy of a spelling
lol loser.
On my 18th birthday I told my mum I was going out with my mates and walked around on my own from 9pm until around 2am
that's the best you could think of, go for a walk? I'd go see a film, get dinner at a restaurant somewhere
after the last 2 days im absolutely shagged and cannot be dealing with /brit/ shenanigans.
*shoots you*
need an excuse to not go to a large family party next week because I hate being judged for being NEET (not on bennies), so probably going to start my week of sickness tomorrow with the initial symptoms
>scrambled eggs with chips for dinner
how inconceivably grim
You're standing right now with nine degenerates from 100 grooming gangs. And there's over a hundred more. That's 20,000 hardcore nonces. Forty-thousand, counting imams, and twenty-thousand more enablers, not organized, but ready to cover-up: 60,000 wog lovers! Now, there ain't but 20,000 police in the whole town. Can you dig it?
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You reckon HIV really causes AIDS? this is a mag cover from a decade ago and still...
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need an excuse to not get a large family bucket from KFC
Africans hated the Brits because they ended child marriage, banned domestic violence and made it so they weren't allowed to have slaves
hello clarice
remember when sacked tranny took mousenonce's legal advice and everything got worse
based jezza
best girl from TP, and she turned into a milf
rizz level: leftypol
i cant search it up because it's literally fake
post it yourself if you have any sources for it
Whatever happened to Kirsty Gallagher?
japs are just jews of the orients
Read of a gay lad who topped himself because he was the lucky 0.1% that is immune to hiv/aids and then all his gay friends died around him.
bokmiye mate!
I am sorry but after being in alternative school and forced to be around black people I see that they are uncivilized and their culture is inferior could easily be as civilized as us if they were given the proper guidance
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rorkes fingers
Corbyn fits in brit
he's too based for this world
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daft cow
planning on having a nice all night goon session you lads have any recommendations
TikTok or depop wank for me
reckon I could
yeah, kimtoy69 on pornhub. she's got a nice video of her and another girl doing feet porn that I've spaffed to numerous times.
She getting dicked down by Johnny Nelson
Sacked Tranny: 2538 results found
Mousenonce: 14655 results found

Quite remarkable how much time has been spent posting about these people
need a really cool slick film to watch
someone post the jezza nonce alarm story
can't tell you mine
the aviator is pretty slick and cool
watched it recently on brits recommendation
porn is fascist and based
hornswaggling a poo
Oceans 11
Pokemon the movie
the Jews: noooo goyim love thy neighbour! the holocaust was real, Hitler bad! you are so evil!
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Peak 90s cool. Awesome aesthetic
wish this dreadful yank would stop posting whatever spice head bollocks he keeps coming up with
is it immoral to dump a girl because her arse is too flat?
Jews have gotten into my central heating pipes again
Despise them (Israelis and their supporters)
Yes, slim bums are better.
i like Jews
I support Israel
i dont despise you (a white person) over two desert people bombing each other or whatever theyre doing those 3000 miles away
JFs are so cringe
if you don't fancy her you just don't fancy her lad, nothing wrong with and she'll find a flat arse lover at some probably
left it too late to start a film so looks like I'm just posting on /brit/ this evening
her bum isn't slim, it's just flat and has no shape
It's 7pm on a Saturday
why is there smoke coming out of your oven seymour
i hate the EU (mostly for that reason where all the white people are fighting over the interests that dont align with them at all)
Don't think theyre just trying to tunnel into the synagog they're banned from entering
I ate too much special fried rice and now my head hurts
>a white person

>two desert people
Israelis aren't from Palestine and that region no more a desert than Spain is you fucking halfwit
weener weener pumpkin cleaner
Israel is based and fascist
you silly little thing
I was at an Italian restaurant on Stroud Green rd the day after the election and Jeremy Corbyn came in with his son. Most of the restaurant gave him a round of applause. A few people even tried to start an "ohh jeremy" chant. He looked embarrassed. I was dying of cringe.
yeah nice threat mate
Hört auf du Juden mit diese scheisse
Are some of you really not white or is it an ongoing joke?
Still Israel has no right to exist only reason it exists because of a British mandate it has no right to exist.
i'm culturally irish
on th ebooze haha
(*) he hit me and it felt like a kiss (8)
allt hat msg tlad
if it isnt a desert then its because the Jews actually did something, unlike the other people on that massive chunk of land. still the desert and i dont care about what their doing (unless i live in an actual utopia in my own country (i dont)). not my problem
More like chalk white me kek
>allt hat msg tlad
I dont speak swedish
I have to be up at 5:30am to get ready for church.
as a male, are thirst trap tier instagram stories useful for shagging or are women not reactive to it?
I thought Corbyn was a vegan or some shite
Israel made it so they drained the swamps and got proper irrigation techniques from the South Africa and Australia.

Btw before the Israel came most of Palestine was a swamp full of Malaria and cholria
>thirst trap tier instagram stories
I don't know what this means, explain
well I'm half white
They do pasta and pizza and stuff I didn't look at the vegan options but id be stunned if they didnt have some.
dont see how this isnt an argument FOR the Jews
but whatever. it is also very cringe for nonwhite people to be int he country asking for refugees. they shouldnt do that
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stop yelling at me I told you my head hurts!
>if it isnt a desert then its because the >Jews actually did something, unlike the other people on that massive chunk of land

yeah mate you're right until 1948 there was nothing in Palestine, there were no ancient cities and millions of people just twiddling their thumbs waiting for Jews from Europe to culturally enrich them
if you are a big gymcel, will posting a shirtless mirror picture of yourself actually be seen as an attractive thing and increase attention from women? (assuming you have a decent face)
squishing a poo betwixt my fingers like play doh
Men du önskar att du gjorde det! :-*
well vegans can't eat cheese, cream or eggs so that's like 90% of the menu gone in an italian place lol
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Former colonies did so much better with British and french government. When they were given independence the first thing they did was destroy it and fleed to Europe to get welfare
fuck off mousenonce
people int hose countries do nothing and twiddle their thumbs
they dont build anything or do anything
you live off benefits and freeze your own piss
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Greater Israel will be realized. From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.
heh fat pussy
lasagne out the air fryer soon
they sat and twiddled their thumbs waiting for the Jews to show up (in the desert) and start building machines and irrigation farms to automatically farm tomatoes
>freeze your own piss
t. someone whos ancestors sat in the desert and twiddled their thumbs for thousands of years doing nothing
*exhales smoke*
Yep, I had my peen in a vag once.
visste du att din nationalitet är namnet på en rotfrukt på engelska?
Bought my lotto ticket
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i'm just a silly boyfailure :3
guys we did something
but at the same time you freeze your own piss and thats weird ew i dont like that (im going to use it as an insult(?) too). also >why cant >why dont they - because it has already been tried and much smarter people before you have tried it to see if it works - IT DOESNT WORK

patterns of behaviours
>someone mentions gaza
>tranny spam immediately begins
every time. there's something going on around here
Israel won't survive the century, the refugees will return, eventually the majority of the population of the new state will be Palestinians
decided to watch the lincoln lawyer (2011)
I have a deep feeling that the Turks never got their just comeuppances for their centuries of abuse against christiandom and want to see them suffer
I don’t care if Mehmet is now some soyboy IT professional playing DOTA or whatever I still want to see their nation and race suffer
Det beror på vilken Engelsk dialekt du menar (swede/rutabaga)
they have a big menu. 10% still offers plenty of variety
I win.
>trammy spam begins (like 1 post in you say this)
you better be on the side of the trannyspammers
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When Brits came to India they made it so people weren't allowed to burn widows or allowed to people to fuck animals
There’s not enough Jews and they’ll be fewer in the future
suck my poos out my arsehole mongo
I'm sexy and I know it.
I saw her bum in that Saint Maud movie
got the gay 4k hdr japan travel 2024 | Heavy Rain Walk in Shinjuku(新宿)Tokyo | Relaxing Natural City ambience on
came up with a... lets say... an interesting concept
politics? you know that stuff? well in my opinion, politics is capeshit for 25 to 35 year old angry men
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I will give this nation back its self-respect. We will walk in the world with our heads held high.

I will liberate man's soul from the darkness of ignorance. I will build schools and universities for all! This will become the golden age of learning.

I will bring the law within the reach of the common man. There'll be work and bread for all! This nation will prosper because it is a godly nation, and because we walk hand in hand with the Lord! I swear by the name of the living God that I will see this nation properly governed if I have to do it myself.

God, give me the strength to do it. Oh, Lord.
>desert people wont freeze their own piss
yeah ok buddy pal whos ancestors lived in the desert - no wonder you came here - you cant purify water (piss)
didnt the arabs or someone also tan leather? did that using PISS? you are a little freak
That means America has collapsed
Japanese fella reading the instruction manual to his new microwave before taking it out of the box and plugging it in
I want to fuck Wonder Woman is my response
stuffing maltesers in my gob like a gay fella stuffing other mens poo
Saxon women are made for big Celtic willies.
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good post
Italy phenotype ^
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hey dudes
*puts on my cape*
*votes Tory*
i'm a hero
you are a unique breed of reprehensible evil and i will stop at nothiung until you cannot cause more harm to other people - including myself
shall make myself a nice drink
hey cody bro long time no see dude
>Which charity are you playing for, Denise?
>The Afro-Caribbean Leukemia Trust
Gave up with online dating, had one date that led to ghosting, and then more ghosting in conversations.
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suh dude
*slams the button*
code red!
*slams the button*
code scran!
you got that good good cough syrup my boy

these are the nonwhites living in this white country by the way. they think whites are evil and wont stop any anything until white people are gone - living in a white country

remember that ^.^
you know what you have done to me because it was YOU who did it
also you cannot post the mouses - they are another sign of evil
the mouse spreads sickness and disease. you do the same with your talk of piss - -its not safe for people.
get down the pub or club
much easier to meet girls if you've got a little backbone
going to Las Vegas dude you want in
i was taking you seriously until this/last post but now i am simply just going to ignore you and now you dont exist. you are a clown though
Don't you just meet working class orange girls in pubs and clubs?
the most brutal blackpills come when i start to think i might have a chance
You're all living in the rat race.
I'm laying at the side of a gentle flowing river bank chewing on a piece of straw.
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This is so tiring. Even in conversation, you know she's still entertaining other conversations the whole time and constantly looking for more or even just more novelty, once your hour or so is up. So fucking grim. It's fucked. I don't want to sound like an incel but how is it possible that this is 99% of experiences? Is this just an app problem?
no? everyone goes to the pub lad
why is mousey suddenly all chuddy
I have in my head this idea for a short film. Got scenes laid out and stuff.
Gord-cum Ram-it-into-mes
Mousenonce for PM (coalition between the magpie party and reform)
this is one sign of mental illness/depression
or at least just because you think failure is the end or are scared of failure
Yeah it’s largely an app problem however most women are on those apps if they’re single and most women still have plenty of suitors at any given time
ktim, every single time I get humbled
I don't drink
do not ignore me because i might save your life. its not okay to drink piss - I did it once and i got sick. in facts its specifically banned in law (at least in wales and enfland) that you cannot serve wee to a paying customer so WHY WOULD you drink it yourself or freeze it
ok whatever dude me and jessica are gonna get married by Elvis
*slams my cock in a car door*
code AUGH!
The users are mostly men, women get bombarded by hundreds of messages and likes a week so they just pick the 'chads'. The incel theories are actual true and backed up by statistics.
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haha comfy saturday evening with the lads on brit
Honestly, it's more like hundreds per day. I'm not joking. It's so fucked.
online dating?
how about online fucking
still get replies
and arguments, and support as well
really makes me think that if i wanted to then i could go turn my life in any direction. that is just inspiration from what i saw NileRed do when he figured out that hes an influence on the greater outer sphere of his own niche, and i admire it a lot with everything he does. not to copy him or anything but that is where this thought comes from, and if i were being "chuddy" then i could very well change my life and head in that direction

nah i will ignore you

god it feels good to be white
Have you tried being in the top 1% of attractiveness?
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I'm gonna get a 23andme to see if I'm actually mostly British by blood, if I am I'll move to the UK.
Don't think I'm going to do much with them though but it is nice to play with the scenes in my head
strike 1
Friend of a friend works at Bumble. He is gay but said they know it doesnt work. For men or women. But its profitable.

All in here

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