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The Otter edition
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>the thread won't get yeeted like the last one

It's that fucking crazy janny isn't it?
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>otter edition
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What brought you here mr Anglo?
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Reading girl feet.
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Then how about you people fucking do something about him already? I am tired of this faggot terrorizing our V4 threads....
good luck my fren,
Czech janny nooked /icy/ last night
in /dixie/
>how about you people fucking do something about him already?
like what????
Fuck, Didn't know that this issue was so serious.
>lmao what a meltdown
I helped him a little bit. >>201922521
Nigger literally marked the OP picture as child porn - I got an automatic permaban...
Moderation Feedback? No one reads it.
+ he's banned me many times, and he's only used false accusations.
>I would not be surprised by a drug related death
I already think so, too.
>It's clearly personal for the janny
100%, but I don't understand why he's connecting me to you - we both have completely different "positions"
>made pizza
>At the beginning we both had a Czech flag, the janny made a wrong connection and the rest flows from that
That's fucking unbelievable, and probably true.
>this is salami and there's also quattro formaggi.
properly thin dough, a little too cheesy for my taste
sounds awful lot like complaining about moderation instead of debating international topics
howdy janny
again, making schizo assumptions
In a way, I always look forward to your visits
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here we go
Sure, you?
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Rate/10 /icy/ bros.

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0/10, not my taste, sorry
What's your taste?
Gives me the shits but i like it over sweet
Gay shit like this?
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I was just warming up my dinner, and meanwhile the traditional slaughter had begun.
not bad, 5/10
nejsem slepý
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mój webm!
the ice cream I had in the afternoon gave me a tummy ache

also, listening to Papa Roach again, and again, and again
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keep up the good work
I'm leaving here now, I wont come back, you can be chill
Indie is gay
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baza teraz się nauczy pepik normalkurwa, że z trvecelami się nie zadziera
borec podle mě přepnul do režimu trollení
I thought jannies aren't allowed to publicly admit to being jannies or they'd be fired.
yeah, they can not
As you can see...
Did he get fired?
he can not ban you
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Jannies ruined /int/
and what is happening now,
all posts deleted
Reported him for admitting to being a janny.
same + feedback
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4chan, LLC
Volunteer Moderator Agreement

The following are the agreed-upon terms pursuant to which you will be volunteering with 4chan, LLC (“4chan”) as a Volunteer Moderator:

3. Identity Verification. Your service with 4chan is contingent upon your providing legal proof of your identity and your representation hereunder that you are authorized to work for 4chan. Prior to starting the Moderation Duties, you must provide 4chan with a copy of a government-issued identification document (e.g. a passport or driver’s license) in a form reasonably acceptable to 4chan.
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i bless this thread with chicken fried steak so that it's deliciousness will drive off the janman
janny's getting his ass kicked today
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just use desuarchive
if a certain janny doesnt want his discord leaked then he will fuck off

as for the rest of the thread you should really merge with v4 and stop shitting up the board with pointless offtopics

dobrou noc
back in Swiss?
>as for the rest of the thread you should really merge with v4 and stop shitting up the board with pointless offtopics
Nope, /icy/ is only nightly general
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wtf how new are you?
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Is the Swiss a mod
I was referring to the Czech janny if so, I love you
Half of /v4/ is Hungarians posting Asian girls. No Czechs or Slovaks there. /icy/ has Czechs and Slovaks
and Brazilians
just make /czechoslovakia/ instead of this shit "& friends*
But this general is for all the insomniacs
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>if a certain janny doesnt want his discord leaked then he will fuck off
post leaks
i will love u long time
Of course. How could I ever forget?
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just merge with another general that dies in the middle of the night like /balt/ + /ausnz/ did, i can think of several
While I like the idea of a /c+s/ it would probably be in Czech and Slovak languages, like how /skandi/ manages to communicate with each other, and I don't want to disrupt with English posts or use Google Translate.
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just goon before sleeping to some good porn
learn czesky
it isn't that hard
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prawdziwy polak z polski? ty jesteś ten od fishtank live?
>it isn't that hard
Wendish hands typed this post
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a nie, to kanadyjczyk xD
i remember picrel story
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janny is busy at work tonight. Janny, when will you understand you can't win this and that rotating to a new proxy is nothing more than a mild inconvenience?
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boleslaw coleslaw boleslaw coleslaw
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it's not a meme
it's a ritual post, we have a lot of them
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that CP charge is nonsense that this janny used to abuse your system. The picture in question is this one https://desuarchive.org/int/thread/199938053/, feel free to view it, it really is no CP. The pic was used in /int/ for months, if not years, every day. Saying this is CP is absolute nonsense. Obviously, unfair bans that abuse the system to pursue a personal vendetta will not be respected. You should remove this janny for abusing power and creating his own rules on top of 4chan and board rules.
Hello, I'm a moderator and I've spoken with the Czech moderator. It seems that you, another Czech user, and possibly a Brazilian living in the US have been involved in posting inappropriate content such as child pornography, illegal substance use, and off-topic threads, as well as evading bans. I want to help you as much as I can please, but it's important to address these issues immediately. Please refrain from posting such content, I insist. I strongly recommend that you use the /v4/ thread for your discussions. Can we reach an understanding? Thank youuu
>I'm a moderator
you are not, and if yes
see: >>201961015
>child porn
it's a false report, the OP pic he gets mad about is an adult model in czech themed lingerie. it's not particularly suggestive but it wouldn't be a problem to not post it

>substance abuse
the proxy czech occasionally posts about using drugs but it's nothing that isn't discussed elsewhere on the board. nothing about where to get them

>merge with /v4/
/v4/ has a different culture and is full of thotposting
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>to address these issues immediately
kek, I am sending you feedbacks every night, with links and you are ignoring it
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>/v4/ has a different culture and is full of



when appealing my permaban over IRC, mods wanted to know the source of the photo. Like the photographer who took it. I tried to explain that it is not even clear that it's a real person in the image, but the mods never saw the image to understand how frivolous that report and ban were
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thotposting attracts poor quality posters
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thanks I have trouble making eye contact
Chciałbym zostać Polakiem. Zaplanowałem przeprowadzkę do Polski około listopada w tym roku ale miałem wypadek, i większości pieniędzy co oszczędzałem nie ma już.
Wybacz(cie) mi mój słaby polski.
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spoko spoko
lol so even the talk about otters was deleted, as well as a photo of pizza and other forbidden talk. The janny got completely off the rails tonight.
ironically this shot that no longer exists is still here, lol
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>completely off the rails
they just deleted the posts made by that IP, it wasn't specific
this stainless steel spoon was such a great purchase, it gives me great pleasure. It performs fantastic and it's very satisfying to use

quite possible, though at first the janny was removing comments by hand, the mass purge came in later
actually, it makes sense. They were purged at around the same time as my Colombian IP was banned and I switched to Korea. It would seem that the janny dished out a ban, purged comments and left, that's why nothing posted from Korea has been touched
you give me great pleasure
I love you

it's happened to me before. they've caught threads I made on /int/ when I was spamming gay porn to annoy some retards on /fit/

also it's hilarious czechjanny got his panties in such a twist they had to bring in another mod lol

>switched to Korea
you would have switched to a WHITE MAN'S proxy if you had some self respect
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thanks fren, I love you too

>czechjanny got his panties in such a twist they had to bring in another mod lol
we've got receipts now (picrel), I hope the drama calms down going forward as long as I don't post photos of needles sticking from my arm.

now I need to resist the urge to shoot up some more, want to go to bed early today and bring my tolerance down over time
I don't know what to say to make it easier but I hope you stop doing the harder shit and get better man
what the hell, Korea? Canada to the rescue!

no worries, I don't know if I'd call this harder shit, it's probably somewhere in the middle. It's a short-acting stimulant that you want to redose just like you want to do another line of coke once you start coming down. Tomorrow I'll wake up fresh with no hangover and no impulse to do more. I can understand why some people get hooked on this stuff, though. That rush is addictive, within 30 seconds you start rolling like on mdma (rush of energy, euphoria, blurred vision, desire to move and do things) but this best phase only lasts 10 min.
shrooms helped me a lot with depression and working through some mental stuff but I don't think you're even capable of getting addicted to it. weed I only smoke when I have fuck all to do at home but I have no trouble putting it down for months at a time, just get a bit anxious for a few days because it forms a habit when I do it after work every day
>you will not post content that violates US law
weed is legal here
psilocybin cubensis is decriminalized in Washington
You can't argue with me.
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I've never had shrooms, and the LSD that I got once was a total dud and didn't work, so I'm missing on a whole class here that I've never tried. My poison of choice going forward is ketamine but there are some issues with my order so I have to order from elsewhere

kek please tell me you're just larping
>so I'm missing on a whole class here
the best part btw
I reordered LSD again but had some mail seized so that didn't work out. I'm now creating a new order, I'll try to throw in few tabs to test
almost thought that was serious

>I've never had shrooms
it basically just induces sensory overload and makes your vision swim. after taking it I was able to go off my anti-depressant for like 6 months tho
>almost thought that was serious
No, even he's not that retarded.
I'll definitely get to try it in the coming months. It's a bummer I did not get to do it in summer when one could walk through the forest that's behind my house.

There's been a lot of research recently about the use of ketamine for therapy, It is said to cure depression, suicide thoughts and addictions, including alcoholism. K is pretty based and I hate the goverments that I can't just buy it at a pharmacy with guaranteed origin, purity, sterility and dose. It would be expensive (compared to sourcing from darknet) but it would have its benefits (purity, minimizing health risks, no wait time). IM ketamine it is for me, now I just need to finally get some. At least today I recovered $100 from a seized shipment that I can now spend again.

>Press X to Doubt

most people grow it or forage it if they don't have a hook up but I have no clue what the legality of getting the spores in the EU/Czechia is and I'm not going to discuss it due to >>201964785. it's easy enough to research online.
>and I'm not going to discuss it due to >>201964785(You)
nigga, I was only joking
I'm aware but I know some mod is likely checking this and I don't feel like being banned for the next week or for however long it takes my IP to reset. I don't know if resetting my router does it, I have a new ISP.
spores are not controlled, just like cannabis seeds, for example. Many shops sell them, e.g. https://kouzelnehouby.cz/

the crazy czech janny has left the moment he banned me and I switched to Korea. He might be back later, though. But I'm pretty sure he's not here lurking as he'd already reveal himself to us

this is a canary
call it an overabundance of caution then
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It was fun tonight, gn

Should I refrigerate my pizza or leave wrapped in foil at room temp? I'm undecided
I post pics of my anabolic steroids occasionally and never got banned for it.
I suspect there was a drug related tragedy in janny's close circle, probably family, and that scared him for life.
oh fuggggg, I got my plug banned on a market place
GN /icy/, it was fun tonight

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