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Why do people deny white privilege??

White looking Brazilian videos: This country is wonderful!!!

Brown Brazilian videos: This country is very xenophobic and I was very mistreated

browns are obviously more insidious and are just racebaiting in their videos
Just use skin bleaching cream or go back to the jungle, Pretinhx
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Where’s the Portugal video where we’re abusing both?
Whites are more attractive, its literally browns fault for thinking that
hehe. based Portuga.
Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes (Brazilian Portuguese: [ʒeˈɐ̃ ˈʃaʁliz dʒi meˈnezis]; 7 January 1978 – 22 July 2005) was a Brazilian man killed by officers of the London Metropolitan Police Service at Stockwell station on the London Underground, after he was wrongly deemed to be one of the fugitives involved in the previous day's failed bombing attempts.[1]
He died because he looks arab. Every fucking time.

you are brown
It's almost always brown people discriminating other brown people and almost worshipping Whites. It's silly for people who create situation to talk about Whites having and privilege. They should go after their own people for being such cocksuckers for wypipo.
Portugal confirmed for the most fair country in Europe.
Xenophobia and racism are deeply rooted in their cultures, please understand.

Then again, why on earth would you want to go to Europe? It's well known they hate nonwhites
Teach us your way massa. I heard some frog-munchers bark their vile """language""" today. I think we should show these (((people))) that they're just as much Ausländer as a Pole, African, Albanian or Chinese
Reminds me of Christiano Ramos.
>watch a brazillain vlogger about turkey
>there are no scams here, scams are underrated I never got scammed I don't know why you guys warned me
>see face: motherfucker looks like a native anatolian
>no one tries to scam him, no one approaches him saying "hello saar buy chinkshit carpet saar"
>people speak to him in turkish in restaurants
unironically this. I wouldn't be surprised if one white person looked at them in a way they perceive as "funny" and it made them feel super conscious about themselves and their surroundings. hell. look at what brown people post on /int/ all of the time.
You just don't get it. It's not about race, it's about propaganda. People who encourage losers to leave the country make money doing exactly that: encouraging losers to cling to false hope.
People who actually make a living from working abroad make videos about this reality. Some try to lie out of shame, but end up breaking at some point. White brazilians with shitty jobs live badly anyway, brazilians with skilled jobs live better, but they are not seen as locals you will always be a alien to them.
I don't think migration is a good choice unless you is about to starve or a extreme political persecution, that is what made europeans come here in the past.
Not reading all that lil bro
don't bother, whites will never understand our struggle
Maybe it's because br*wn things do literally nothing but complain all day?
Are we hating browns more than blacks this month? I'm fine with it, just asking.
Your country is very welcoming, including browns.

y'all mockery of us in this thread is quite baffling, but it's understandable when living a life of privilege to be with your head perpetually inside your ass to better sniff your own farts
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>get in here and do a striptease for us

Impossible to suffer in Austria
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brown brazilians are probably getting mistaken for menas
happened to a chilean piiano player in poland years ago
1 month in Portugal they already came back because the salaries were shit and the renting is expensive
No, they're not coming back. The vast majority stay and continue to stay and the number of Brazilians in Portugal only increases. In fact, I would say that in less than 100 years at this rate Portugal will be completely replaced by Brazilians, even if the immigration rate is low for the total number of Brazilians exponentially, the bill is very high for the small size of Portugal.

Also, I hope it happens.
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i remember few years ago some portuguese tech recruiter reached me on linkedin about a position in Portugal, they unironically offered sightly more than what i earn right now working for a brazilian company, and i had to move to Lisbon within 6 months. I started ignoring every single portugese recruiter since them.
If I see brown I think arab and bully, if I see black queen I think wife and I fall on my knees
I saw a video of an African American living in Italy and she basically said that she doesn't know why anyone would wanna live here and that only the most hardcore Itaboos can cope enough to stay.
Med Europe is hell on earth.
>Minimun wage 740,83
>average renting in Lisbon: 600

It's the same shit in Brashit lmao
Impossível. Achei salários ali uma bosta na moral. Todo mundo vive no aperto.
São apenas os números.

A grande maioria dos brasileiros vivem com um salário muito pior. Se eu fosse favelado de um salário mínimo eu sairia do Brasil também.
Portugal só é bom pra favelado. Não acreditem ou confiem em quem diz que é diferente.
tip for brownpipo, wear a cross
it's been nearly 20 years, let it go
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A Rita Lee white moggava quanto % de Lisboa?
Not surprised desu Portuguese companies pay people pennies and treat employees like shit while expecting them to be grateful for it
>the number of Brazilians in Portugal only increases.
unfortunetly... but if it reaches a certain threshold I'll probably move back to eastern Europe.
Brasilians are amazing people but their open personality and appearance (brown) is a hard no for me.
This summer I worked at a factory where this Brasilian dude liked me so much that he wanted to match me with his daughter lmao
As my colleague said, as long as Brazil is flattened by Uncle Sam, there will be poor Brazilians going to Portugal.

If the US manages to convince Brazil to go to war with Venezuela as they dream of, then you'll see a stampede of Brazilians to Portugal, literally flooding the West.
A mais pura realidade
He didn't even ofer to show them his basement. -5/10 true gentleman are rare today
If everyone were truly equal, and any deviation in outcome were exclusively the result of the way we treat people, you would have a point, OP. But the unfortunate fact is that people are not truly equal and some people are better than other people.

As long as people are different, have different capacities and different skills, there's always going to be inequality of some sort in the world. Your mistake was not in thinking that whites aren't overrepresented, your mistake was in not realizing why. Its not a conspiracy, they're more attractive, intelligent and business-minded and it gives them a clear and present advantage. Instead of whining about prigilege, be better.
He is married to a Lithuanian.

Mutt's law
Outrage sells
What about asian looking
Asian Brazilians hate Europe and say it's the most racist place in the world. So that's the answer.
Damn, those are some ugly pardos, the pretty one's all go to florida instead
Oh you scratch huh
Asian Brazilians prefer to go Japan or the USA.
A maioria volta sim, e quando não volta vai pra outros países
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I hate this shit so much. It's not my fault I was born brown and in third world.
that's just american influence
victim grifting
Shut up faggot.

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