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/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
I want to die.
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someday I will watch the Sopranos
Yes, but WHY do you want to die?
I don't know.
I'm tired of the pookraine leaf arguing in bad faith about everything
I'm hungry bros
Support all billionaires
>flour tortilla
fuck outta here with that taco bell slop
Makes me want to go to Chipotle
flour tortillas are authentic, and your elitism about tortilla preference on an anonymous image board is not appreciated, anon
Corn isn't even something we evolved to eat. At least with flour, it's been something we've eaten for thousands of years. Corn's basically inedible.
Why can’t all mex girls look like this. Shit why can’t all women everywhere look like this. Men would know no suffering if they had an angel like this at home
Bi-carbonated fig leaf
I bet her pussy is brown and hairy
Sabalenka won
Im on mobile. What flag is this
authentic according to who? corn tortillas mog the taste and texture of your processed walmart flour shit every time.
you don't even understand the purpose of flour over corn tortillas, kill yourself chicano
Island of Virgins
U.S. Virgin Islands.
>Im on mobile
back me up on this amigos >>201961932
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>I bet her pussy is brown and hairy
>asking goshpedo for help
new, retarded, anchor baby, gotta be a socal anon
It's amazing that only 2 or 3 people bother making the threads and all the other posters don't even bother.
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He’s right
Being an OP is a bitch job. They glamorize, but they're our bitches, plain and simple. Mapcel being the best case.
Canadians must be quite cold being so far north. I hope they have soft woolen quilts to keep them warm. I worry for them.
wow thanks guys
mapchad is based doe
I once made a new general but i got 0 replies and everyone else preferred a tranime new to mine. I knew then, that men are mice
i used to like baking until the retarded mods added a timer to post threads, now only weirdos sit and wait to make a new
I don't even know the discussion but I already know that you're wrong and arguing in bad faith
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I will never be satisfied
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skill issue
>took his trip off to soyjak
fucking loser lmao
Does ur bf have a small dick?
I’ve only made two or three news since the 300 second time waster became a thing. I’m too worried that by the time I make a thread there’ll already be another thread made. I’m also not going to wait that long for free, nor will I do it for un-free.
I don’t reply to tranime posters and I would prefer it if they never replied to me again.
I rarely get that timer
Good goy
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>>took his trip off to soyjak
>fucking loser lmao
They simply activate the timer before the thread hits bump limit, silly anons. Remember, people that are vying to bake the thread are autistic and pathetic.
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I have never gotten a timer to make a thread ever.
Made a spicy thread
And to think that all it takes to sympathize with black schoolchildren during Jim Crow was to physically protect them from violent lunatics.
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a-anyone want to h-have s-sex with me???
jason shut the fuck up
Rap music, thug culture, and anti-intellectuallism have destroyed African-American communities.
i'm gonna think "i need to get a haircut" to myself for the next three weeks, then get a haircut
shut the fuck up jason
The CIA, crack, and low IQ genes destroyed African-American communities
guys moms not home lets go crazy
my cat has been staring at me for the last 10 minutes
*takes out my bong and grinder*
Let's get this party started
meatball subs for dinner
rookie numbers
Both are true.
What’s something your dad taught you
agua de caca
Based! BASED!!
how do you treat carpal tunnel syndrome in your country

for me it's a frozen bag of peas on my wrist
okay, what kind of tea do you want to make
mom is cool with that already we need to do something crazier
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>it was him, officers!
What'd you do?
Don't hang out with people that wear wife beaters
Opioids, leftism, and HRT destroyed White-American communities
how to change a tire
You should treat it yourself based on advice from anons instead of going to a doctor
also kys mapcel
The seethe is strong with this nonwhite
That only women and faggots talk shit about people behind their backs
hrt helped me a lot
It'd be like that one Skyrim mission where you escape prison in Markarth and have to murder dozens of guardsmen on your way out of the city
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Do a 180, point at somebody else and say “Yea, this guy”
Royalist scum
Well obviously, who the fuck goes to doctors
I'm thinking about trying HRT.

I didn't want to be a fucking tranny, and I thought I could ride out these thoughts forever, but I heard transitioning cures brain fog and lets you stop being sexually repressed. I thought it was bullshit but I've been experimenting and it unironically helps with my state of mind. I haven't looked at porn or jacked off in weeks and that's just from realizing what I want to be. I'm going to therapy to see if there's a better fix, but I'm not sure it's going to work.

I don't want to get bombarded with YWNBAW and tranny kys comments for asking this question. I'm aware that I'm mentally fucked, and no, I don't 'feel like a woman' inside. I don't give a shit about pronouns or identities or any of that. I'm doing it to improve my state of mind.

I just want to know I'm not fucking my life up permanently if I'm going down that route. I'm fine with having a small dick, and being impotent, and being a freak if nothing works out.
Watching the fifth element on youtube ngl
You have posted this here 4 times now
Sex with Leeloo
Down bad today aren’t we jason
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that nigga lacking, if it was a real snake he'd be done for
you guys are such fucking losers holy shit
>put phone in shitty phone holder
>the holder presses the home button and the phone starts alarming and attempts to call an emergency number
jesus christ
How on gods gay earth did society decide to shit on android phones instead of this retarded bullshit
Get off the internet and go to the gym
I said that already
Can’t argue w that
you guys are such fucking losers holy shit
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*eats all the rice*
this is a PEN
*throws pokeball at cop*
the dark knight trilogy was pure kino, it doesn't get the recognition it deserves
just saw a lifted truck flying a giant half usa/half israel flag out of the bed
astolfo is so hot
these fights are boring. normally i would level this complaint on /sp/, but i'm banned
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This thread is most gay on Wednesday night, but it's pretty gay every other night too.
you guys are such fucking winners holy shit
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Girls named Stephanie or Steffany are ALWAYS fat
I'm secretly bisexual
fact check: false
why did men develop romantic attraction if our biological imperative is to spread our seed as much as possible
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why do you never post the full video OP?
Men never developed romantic attraction. Stop memeing.
room smelling like shit, what could be the underlying reason? i did NOT shit myself
ok jason
my wife has my phone and is letting me text with an old hag to hook up and wants me to fuck her and then come back and fuck her, does that happen in your country?
only certain men who get attached to one women (usually men not hot enough to get multiple)
you shit the bed
Clean your sheets, sick fuck
do you have pets or dirty laundry, or a sewage line capped off in your closet
that's why they're training them
you are, you just haven't realized it yet
Who's that?
I'm high key bisexual
speak for yourself
My heart is broken
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How do I approach milfs at a bar?
Just say hi and then continue talking if they respond enthusiastically?
your invasion failed get fucked
i like girls doe
Tell them that your biggest turn on is spending money on other men's children.
you better have something besides "hi"

dis nigga finna be caught lackin fr fr tho
Did him
resisted it just to become Bombay 2.0
I haven't spoken to a girl in at least 5 years
Don't think Brazil 2.0 gets to talk
You're joking, what the hell else am I supposed to say to a total stranger?
i support the revival of the british empire
latinas are hot though
if i ever get hot again should i get a fwb harem or a wife?
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>anon approaches a total stranger
>doesn't notice she has a wedding ring cause he's caught up in his milf-lust
>he's thought up the coolest, suavest opening line in history:
>they awkwardly say "hi" back
>stutters, mumbles, ummms and awwws
>runs away pissing his pants

I have forseen
fwb harem
Post more lame and cringe anime pics
Name an opening line that isn't "hello" or "hi"
test acknowledged
I don't like Latinas, they're too loud.
Damn baby you fart with that ass or what
>ma'am is this feller bothering you
that makes them even hotter
ordering a drink next to them and pulling out a giant wad of hundreds to pay
I know they are excited since their clitoris pops out like a sore thumb
imagine i'm posting that picture where it's like good opener and it's hello with a handsome face and bad opener hello with an ugly face
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once you piss yourself in embarrassment you'll never be able to go back to that bar again you know
my face when i see a canadian
chat is this true
you guys ever have a girl hit you with the "No." before you can even say anything? happened to me once
Actually a reasonable post from you for once.
If I say hello and they are attracted to me, they will indicate they wish to talk to me. Pick up lines are stupid
i've never asked a girl out so no
not literally but in a figurative sense yes
Yes and it hurt
Girls approach me, it's based
You ever get approached by a girl who was dared to ask you out? Happened to me before
dozens of times - i was a weird asocial kid
hasn't happened since I got my shit together
I am sofa king whore knee
Same I don't have to do much
They always want to touch and comment on my hair
Is this a Mexican hapa?
Never even approached girls so no.
its literally me
odds and I get pizza for din
evens and I get pizza for din
Shes a 75% amerindian 25%moorberian mexicana
I wonder how many women are afraid of men, percentage-wise.
im not gay but i would suck a dick for 100k
so would I
not enough
Almost all of them I'd imagine.
why is she cute
I've done it for free
100k is a lot of money
We got some Giga Chads in /cum/.
watchin this show "slow horses"
it's kind of shit
theyre larping
25% of American women are on SSRIs. I'd say that it's not going to be all of that 25%, but I'd say it's a safe number to assume.
u r a bucket of crabs af
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I'm pretty sure the lass who sat next to me in class thought I was autistic. She's a teacher (not a professor), and she was oddly kind to me. I wasn't sure if it was because she was into me, or if she was just being nice; but then I realized that she either thinks I'm autistic, or she's applying what she learned in dealing with kids with me. I'm only a few years younger than her btw. Nothing came of it; she dropped the class, but it felt oddly nice.
it's entirely based on height and face, literally nothing I can do about it because I have bad genes
Some nice crispy fish and french fries
You can keep making bitter posts while other people have sex and get chatted up by girls
Happy 4:20 PM!!!!
>you can keep whining about not being an nba player while I with the athletic genes and massive height continue to make millions
If everything you can't do is a larp nothing would get done
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You guys are making me feel suicidal
like a world-class athlete telling a disabled person how bad they should feel about themselves for something that's entirely outside of your control
You guys saw nikocado yet?
if digits, i will have a lovely salmon dinner
otherwise, i will have leftover kebab
i want mommy to come back
He's a master troll
Some people just have it easier in life. There's no point ruminating on that. Comparison is the thief of joy or however the saying goes. Either cope by [action]maxxing and maybe getting pussy or become an incel shut in for the rest of your life.
normies REAL quiet after this one
two steps ahead
welcome new indian friends
Nickado put on an act and got millions from it
because he's right, they refuse to believe it's over for some people and that they live in a completely different reality
I've seen his butthole. Was that an act too?
I unno
cum is a blackpilled incel general
No, but he would consider it a win that you're talking about it.
he's set for life, cope and seethe
Trying to make a new thread on /v/ but it keeps saying "502 Bad gateway".
He's still a mentally ill attention whore with a humiliation fetish, he's just self-aware about it
We are a sexhavers general that has been infiltrated
>Trying to make a new thread on /v/
don't bother
And you're a mentally ill NEET talking about the mentally ill attention whore who is self aware about it. What of it?
I have never had sex. I'm waiting for marriage.
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cry about it little bab, he's too rich to care about his coinslot living rent free in your otherwise empty head
I also don't believe in sex before marriage. I've been married many times, and divorced just as often.
if you're brave say the n word
I hope he puts out new nudes now that he's skinny.
I've never had sex
does Verizon send people out canvassing or was that fool casing my house?
i'm curious to see how they handled all the extra skin
he's part of the group that's stalking you. we've been watching
bro actually thinks it's not just a video he recorded years ago
I used to do political canvassing holy shit that was the worst job
Didn't mean it like that. More power to him. I just don't think any part of devoting his life to youtube fame was an act.
just saw some dude in a camper steal about 5 of the "no overnight parking" signs in the walmart lot lmao
if you're a sexhaver you gotta go
Do sexworkers count
I want to die
Former sex haver and now incel.
I'll be staying
i just had sex with my hand
This quite honestly. No hard feeling, but they are unclean and must leave.
what is the statute of limitations on incelibacy

how long after you have sex do you become incel again
Being a bitter virgin isn’t a virtuous trait
at least 5 reincarnation cycles without sex
no statue of limitations. you can be an incel one second after ejaculating in a female. most of this thread are permavirgins althoughbeit
me too. wanna make a suicide pact?
If I was on a date with a girl and she called me an incel I would probably cry. Not in front of her tho, later.
i've accepted it at this point
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Business idea: anime
business idea: an umbrella for the sun
it's raining ash in my city
it's so over
im addicted to hentai
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I've been cooking all day
I'm feeling a little musciad, somebody tell me a funny joke
Spend 6 months learning to code, it could change your life.
(it didn't for me)
>The parrot used its Geass on 'cado to stop being a fatass.
You can't look at the parrot's eye and not tell me he's the true mastermind.
Can't believe he still has the bird. Imagine how much greasy gay sex it's seen.
Business idea: Hentai addiction treatment
stop doing this
Why did the scarecrow win a Nobel Prize?
Because he was outstanding in his field!
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Good one
why do gay men have a lisp
the chicken is thawed but i have lost the will to cook. think i'll just put it back in the freezer and have some microwave food instead.
i'm cooked
nobody called me all week
how many layers of irony do i need to larp as the joker without being cringe
only thing i remember about capybara anon is that he mentioned having cockroaches in his house before
I always thought you weren't supposed to refreeze meat?
who successfully taught chuds to hate unionization?
i made that post to demoralize you
nobody has called me in years
i'm liked but not well liked
i'll call you

give me your number
I did not but lol for trying
Big business. Also, union fat cats aren't helping their case. The unions of today defend the worst laziest workers.
(202) 456-1111
you did tho
they're retards who want to go back to the times when the company paid in coupons. pretty sure this is how my great grandfather was paid as a miner. what a grim existence.
Americans are immune to salmonella. Every so often on of the immigrant factory workers decides to piss into a batch of Romaine lettuce and everyone gets contaminated with something. Our immune systems are actually pretty robust, we've never had a plague, unlike those unclean Eurofaggots. The only thing we can't handle is the lead content in our water.
But no I didn't
probably not but idc
fuck you
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this is projection
unions in muttmerica is synonymous with shady mafia members, chuds think crime = bad, therefore union = bad
there is plastic in your balls RIGHT NOW
you're an absolute retard if you don't understand what unions have given you
im not doxxing myself dude
I just noticed when I'm drunk I don't have anxiety and depression
the unions of today abandoned it all. you're a fool if you don't see that
who's gonna care dude
Might go for an incelwalk presently. I wanna listen to more of my audiobook.
i dont have balls
so true I'm gonna embrace the gig economy just to spite the unions
we're not using this
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you probably are
what audiobook?
Can an American flag make the new please
Probably am what?
my dad used to work in the steelmills outside of detroit, used for car manufacturing. he always talked about how the union members were the lowest performers and dragged the rest of the plant down because there was nothing the managers could do to replace or punish them.
Hold on i'll make it
mapchad where u at
back at the old w-mart
/cum/ threads made by non /cum/ flags are not /cum/ threads at all.
an autist
mommy save us
Why do you say that, dubs of dubs?
where's the new goddammit!?
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Fuck you

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