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I'm not going to make the edishes I'm expected to make anymore.
poo smells
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>your complaint is very other nationish
That still feels derogatory!
If I don’t pay a parking fine from a private company does anything bad actually happen
sounds like a violation of the companies NAP
sucking a cock
Just put my life savings into something called "bitcoin" on advice from my nephew
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mikey's tow business booming
That's my dad
It's more about the fact that those stories routinely sexualize the underage characters and that this is common throughout the entire medium but keep coping pedo.
Not sure what that means mate
my little brother has his friends round and earlier at dinner my posh stepdad was saying to them all "we don't stand on ceremony here. you must have respect but we do not stand on ceremony" and clearly none of them knew what the hell he was talking about and were cringing massively
really like this english woman and her recipes… aha…. so sexy…
ask chatGPT
I think it means the company snoozed so they lose
Yeah I liked the part in Naruto when they all had a big gangbang. Freak.
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god i want to fuck a slampig braphog so bad. post some
wish somebody would violate my NAP if you get my drift
cool it with the slander of nippon culture mate . this is an anime website
Literally average 5/10 potato face fridge build bong woman with nasally standard pronounciation voice. Wish I was so easily pleased.
Hope to get in an unviolated 8 hour NAP in TONIGHT
Peter Hitchens
Mad that it's legal to park over someone's driveway as long as their car isn't on the drive.
what does it mean?
i have one friend (online)
Neanderthals Hunted, Raped and Ate Humans
for me it's green curry with fishballs and the little green eggplants
Was moreso talking about things made this century but alright grandad.
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thinking about nature
the GOVERNMENT owns your house
oblige the yanks request and I'll retaliate by spamming erotic pictures of men.
not having my posting time violated by disgusting pictures of ugly slags
Think it's a Bane quote
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so this is rorke
holy shit nostalgia bomb!!!
used to joke about this advert alot
It's so bad that america is such a shithole
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I unironically look like that
explain why it is bad
Yeah I liked the part in Jujutsu Kaisen when they had a big gangbang. Thick nonce freak.
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This is retarded. Cromagnons were in central Europe and they would have looked like a German not some kind of African.
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>He's still coping
Sweating are you?
Bet every knock at the door sets you on edge
I forgot what 18 year olds are like. Could a 18 year old knock me out?
Thinking about going out for a packet of cigarettes. I'd feel bad for wifeberg and our daughter but the urge to start over is consuming me.
the characters in JJK are all teenagers and I'm sure one of them gets sexualised at one point whatever lad you just keep wanking off to your nonce cartoons
...what was in them
We *clap* Are *clap* All *clap* Africans
i guess he meant we aren't all formal at dinner time but he expects them to say please and thank you and ask to be excused at the end. i was sat there making jokes about my past drug addiction and ironically saying i was high test and could beat all his little gym freak mates up so i'm not sure why he felt the need to tell them we don't stand on ceremony. he's such a posh twat but a good bloke
early hominid loli >.<
bet the uk police are so gay they would just go away if you didn't answer the door
cock in my arse
you should think about getting a gf
the entire purpose of being 18 years old is knocking out men and shagging women. thats why young people are always such a target of hatred by the old
I miss her…
These lads haven't died out see them down carboots all the time
Do atheists really believe this shit? How gullible can you be
Right, bedtime for you
I thought that was like 21 year olds no?
looks jewish
bet she's circumcised
>Thai Chicken Meatball Curry
is this... traditional? seems weird to have meatballs. chicken meatballs nonetheless.
do you want to go into business together?
if that was me at that dinner table things wouldn't have gone down like that. stepdad would have been battered to brighton and back
do i go for an hiurs walk to the 24 hour garage to get some more booze in or do i go to bed
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the fuck's your problem, asshole?
nugget biscuit nugget in a biscut
Bed, now
looks like someone circumcised your brain
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Thats literally just what us French diaspora look like
Do it lad
today i will read about
Antiplatelet drugs

(the other things will be read but only as i find them in the book, to source all of the problems from there and using this second source as a well for more info)
hoes love joni mitchell
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the nephilim
read this as something else
Americans now have the living standards of fucking Brazil and india
Americans are broke and only the wealthy are living good
Nepotism made it so corporate America is now a family thing
American healthcare is now worse than Mexico and even fucking china
People in America have a wealth gap that rivals Latin america and Africa
Most American states have the infrastructure and living standards of the third world
fuck off mousenonce you evil ghoul
sounds like a 15 minute drive to me lad
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I will give this nation back its self-respect. We will walk in the world with our heads held high.

I will liberate man's soul from the darkness of ignorance. I will build schools and universities for all! This will become the golden age of learning.

I will bring the law within the reach of the common man. There'll be work and bread for all! This nation will prosper because it is a godly nation, and because we walk hand in hand with the Lord! I swear by the name of the living God that I will see this nation properly governed if I have to do it myself.

God, give me the strength to do it. Oh, Lord.
You could go back to Brazil any time
>Americans now have the living standards of fucking Brazil and india
stopped reading right here
ngl if I was an American I'd probably have shot myself by now
not because I'd be American just because Id have access to guns yknow
yeah mate i don't care about how good some gook family's life is on paper when they're all total NPC soulless freaks. if i was suddenly turned into those people in this webm you constantly post i'd jump off the nearest foxconn building pronto
*freeze frame*
*record scratch*
narrator: turns out, he was bullshitting
constantly I literally posted it twice
had this exact thought earlier on
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Alright lads let's keep the energy up yeah..? Fucking hell
Where is she?
dementia cancer stroke heart disease
there's about a 90% chance you'll experience one of these
shut up
even if this was true you didn't answer my question
want to wear stan smiths but i'm 5'7 and need a better height boost
Actually Chicago NYC LA all have higher murder and robbery rates than Brazil and some of them have more homeless people.

Actually the British people are doing better than most Americans it's bad because Americans are now struggling to get by even with high incomes
ride the donut
in another life I'd be a yank who has a big house and a yank wife who does and says yank things and we own a yank boat and a big yank truck and we take our yank kids to yank football games where they do the cool fly bys with the yank f35s and we celebrate yank holidays like the 4th of july and thanksgiving because we're yanks
need to shave my mustacho again
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Vicar, 78, who claimed his 20-year 'periodic' drug habit helped him relate to followers is EXPELLED by Church of England - after police raid uncovers stash of meth and ketamine

Police raided the home of Rev Geoffrey Baulcomb, 78, and found a meth stash

He later told church officials he had used drugs, including heroin, for 20 years

Vicar had retired from St Mary the Virgin church in Eastbourne, East Sussex
America is a country in which the rich can live in beautiful utopian standards while everyone else struggles to live. The rich will fund wars in Ukraine and Palestine while Americans Can't even get jobs are target or home depot
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Give me 3 - 5 more years and I'm certain I'll be locked in a mental asylum
god invented opiates THOUGH
used to think england was a shithole but spending a month in india was a whole different exposure to what an actual shithole is

i mean we're grimmers, but even the most povvo fueled council estate in hull mogs the average spot in india
just invented socks with padding to make me taller
>a country in which the rich can live in beautiful utopian standards while everyone else struggles to live
literally 90% of countries
it's the same here, it's shit for a lot of people but the rich have it good
Good place to be a murderer and a robber, not a good place to be a pussy bitch complaining on /brit/
plus in India there's a 100% chance you'll be raped
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dadberg says that Ukraine should've just let Russia take over, he says Ukraine fucked themselves big time
yeah that's why they're all here
based and citizenwatch app-pilled
only if you're a woman, white men (especially british) are treated like actual gods by the locals
i wish she were still here i would wife her instantly
he's right
fucks sake turns out they already exist
why compare ourselves to them though why not other western nations who we should have a similar if not better standard of living
explain WHY this is bad
Vermont seems like a nice place to live. If I was forced to live in yankland it would be my state of choice.
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i would choose Michigian
tied up naked in my goon chamber
i would live on one of those remote islands if i was a brit
alri "Slim Shady" if it was 2024 and you were asked where Dre is
why is the bear moving away
Because Americans could be a utopia now we are living in third world living standards it's so fucking wild. Louisiana and parts of the southern us never recovered from Katrina, flint Michigan and parts of the rust belt have lead and methane in the water and parts of America now have the violence rate of third world nations
Hey guys so I am 5,8 but wear height insoles in my shoes to make it look like I am 6ft. My reactions and quality of life instantly changed, had more responses from girls and put it on my dating profiles and received way more matches.

I have had sex with 12 girls in first 3 months thinking im 6 ft, once in the bedroom and lights are off they cannot tell.

The issue is that, now I have been seeing this girl seriously and she wants me to go to a graduation celebration at the beach for her sister and I would look clownish wearing my insole shoes at the beach. I already tried ditching and she felt pissed “trying to bail on something that meant alot to her”. Also she is 5’11 so if I get exposed it will completely ruin the relationship. What can I do to keep this jig ongoing?
Colorado looks decent. went skiiing in Vermont once, was nice.
easily one of the most bizarre memes the modern female has ever devised
but why is that bad?
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ah... hello all
wow its like MGTOW but WGOTW how original and thought provoking
i dont think thats the present Putin we have
tldr kys
id just be a hobo. riding the rails. learn to play banjo. doing odd jobs on farms and what not. head out to California in winter.
Btw DeSantis introduced a new bill or law or whatever yanks call them down in Florida which now allows them to build roads out of radioactive waste material in that state. Not even kidding.
suppose you think there have been a dozen paul mccartneys as well
it never ended it's still going, here's a headline from literally yesterday

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if russia was allowed to peacefully take ukraine then they would be in poland, czech/slovakia, and the baltics by now
respectfully I ain't clicking that shit
Ruby hated Little House on the Prairie because this book - written in the 1930s and set in the late 1800s - contained racist language. This is a common, blanket criticism from her about a lot of older books. And sure, it's natural to feel uncomfortable when seeing racist language in print.

But for someone who pretends to LOFF CLASSIC LITRACHAAAR and who signed up to study AARLY MODARN LITRACHAAA because she claimed to ADORE THE SOBJACKT, it's hilarious that she seems hopelessly incapable of considering the historical context of when books were written or are set while she's critiquing them. Instead, it's a recurring judgment from her regarding books written before the 21st Century: "THIS BOOK FEATURES RACISM AND SO IT IS BAD AND YOU SHOULD NOT READ IT."
nah he had MK ULTRA braindamage though, maybe from the LSD brainwashing
I would live in LA or Miami
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>graduation celebration at the beach
nice blog Hemingway
morning, hope you have a restful Sunday pal
what the fuck
and that's a good thing
simply love pre-autumn <3 my most favourite demiseason
this subreddit is the womens version of mgtow
what does it mean?
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Because Americans are suffering and the world can see that this country isn't a city on the hill it's a trap that makes you miserable parts of America look worse than the deindustrialized parts of Russia. This country is over the American dream never existed now Americans are waking up to how awful the country is by going to actual 1st world nations
Why does Macron have a jew nose
wtf are you on about
it was cp'd from reddit
haha good stuff
wake me up when there's a war that isn't slavs vs slavs or semites vs semites or some other infighting
longe longe longe longe equus
cheers lad, got a little bit on but not too much
hope you have a good weekend
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>And sure, it's natural to feel uncomfortable when seeing racist language in print.
I actually cannot fathom being this wet
alright lad
and what's wrong with that, exactly?
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been a while since i've seen ruby posting
equus quest qu'est equus s c'est equus
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Whatever I do, whatever I try, I can never feel wide awake anymore.
Every day from waking until sleeping I feel like I'm in a tired haze unable to think clearly.
Excuse me?
My back is completely fucked, so painful tonight.

Not sure what's done it, the good shagging I had early or the 9k I walked on sand
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gchq, this one right here
watched the tomorrow war
good premise but dog shit execution
love chinese culture especially taoism and buddhism. also love chinese trad music. also love cantonese cuisine. don't have yellow fever tho, that has rien à voir with all this
they do this
That's just what it's like being an adult
did you try stretching?
what about painkillers?
Is it true your wife is a transsexual?
thesis: its based to have alzheimers because you can't remember being cringe
owned that faggot
Your diet is probably dogshit full of grains, sneed oils and cans
French people are ethnically jewish
>good premise but dog shit execution
so so
drinking a beer
in bed
NHS idea: give ppl with Alzheimers GHB so they forget they cant remember
thesis: its based to have alzheimers because you can't remember being cringe
rio bravo is on tomorrow at the bfi, dunno if that's worth watching or not tho. only other hawks film i've seen is scarface and that's a masterpiece
Buddhism is Indian mate
Greeks practiced it before the Chinese ever did
deary me
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the cop(e)
sorry sir
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have you ever felt rejected or dismissed by a girl because of your height?
only 2 fruit flies left fucking around nice since i absolutely BLASTED them with a can of deoderant i used as a flamethrower. felt pretty good and im glad it was effective
talking about chan buddhism mate
don't give a fuck about the earlier forms which are too magical for my taste
it's called aging lad
Gonna stretch now.

What? Who do you think I am?
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Contemplating a move...
The diego special
daydreaming at work? in China? Jeremy...
>drinking a beer
GOOD lad
these would surely fuck your feet up badly over time
what does it feel like to get fucked in the arse
Imagine these work and you get back to start the shagging and you chuck your sock across the room and they go *thunk* an she's like "what was that??"
Did you know the 2000 sci-fi movie Battlefield Earth was funded by Scientology was included subtle pro-scientology references throughout to try to make you to subliminally want to join their cult?
Like pooing backwards
The American empire is collapsing and the world will celebrate it's sad because China is winning the only thing the us has is the military and even then no one wants to fight for a country that treats it citizens like Jews in nazi Germany
Meds and BBC ... NOW!
they've been showing various maggie cheung films at the bfi recently
saw this one tonight called song of the exile
good stuff, quite emotional but also had some funny moments. it's what's left unsaid that was important
Everyone knows that mate
Tight and like pressure as you get opened up. And then a warm feeling I can't describe when it hits the prostate.

pretty mental the absolute number some lads have done on them by height anxiety
Sorry, but theres a Brit living in Spain who sometimes posts here and is married to a Spanish transsexual.
He was really open about it years ago but now he gets angry and denies she's trans when you bring up his old posts.
spaedo on a mad one
>someone links an actual 'safe space' subreddit which you need individual mod approval for
>the mod is a troon

fucking clown world

Like man I wish this country was even half as good as Britian most people here would kill to have what you guys it's somehow even baffling that nhs is better than American healthcare
Right. I'm just on my hols lad and I don't touch trannies, it's men for me
wow theyre still shilling that Witch movei
After Earth with Will and Jadon Smith is also a pro-Scientology movie
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Yeah it's sad but most lads are spiteful shitbags who would stab you in the back for a whiff of gash
So their suffering is enjoyable
want to learn chinese for various reasons but afraid people would take me for someone with yellow fever which is simply not the case so i'll wait until i get a white gf before i begin
dad choking in his sleep gasping for air once again as he ignores my please to lose some fucking weight and fix his sleep apnoea yet again
if you learn Chinese then everyone will genuinely be impressed with that
I’m 5’ 8”

While I can’t control my height, I sure as hell am not going to be short and:

- Fat
- Dirty
- Weak
- Insecure
- Dressing Sloppy

The stoics were right, control what you can, let the rest be what it is.
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Carmella soprano absolute MILF
You were bullied at school and uni and in the workplace weren't you
that's so racist
Mandarin is useless unless you want to become a political tool for the communist party or do white monkey adverts
Cantonese is also useless nowadays too unless you plan on being a black market arms and drugs dealer or bodyguard for gangs
If you want to be popular and fuck and get far in business, then learn shanghainese
You seem unsure so I'll answer for you: yes
imagine she steps on it in the dark and looks at it and thinks it's a mouse and she goes EEEK and jumps up and screams and you have to comically act like it's a real mouse and you're taking care of it and catching it and then you do and you go "QUICK QUICK OPEN THE WINDOW OPEN THE WINDOW" and she opens it and you chuck your sock out the window
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My family were either convicts that got sent to Australia or came from Birmingham. What do I do with this information?

To be honest lads I wish I lived in Birmingham. Then I could've moved to a comfy little quaint town. I am stuck in Australian suburbia and it's horrible.
I'm confused. Did she actually go all the way into Oxford to film herself sitting in one of the libraries and pretend to study or was this old content that she did when she was a student there and decided to put up? I mean, she titled it Live. Unless I missed something, I don't think she went live for this. When she used to do this there was a chat on the side. I don't get the point of her latest video. I am guessing she took a trip in and filmed herself to continue to feel like an Oxford student, even though she isn't? That is so messed up. And what is with all the sudden Harry Potter references again. When is she going to grow up?
I wish everyone was poor, fat and retarded around me. Unfortunately, they are all rich chads and I am the loser incel freak.
Look at the little man lashing out
*pats your head*
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I'm taller than you
i love whygena
birmingham is a shithole be glad you got out
> And what is with all the sudden Harry Potter references again
isn’t her channel literally called Ruby Granger
why do you care what other people think of you so much?
Back is just pain
you see i don't give a fuck about nowadays
i want to be able to read classical chinese texts and poetry
and also see the kind of cognitive impact learning such a different language might have on me (i already know french which is too close to english to be linguistically interesting to me)
Cope on midge
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I don't think I would choose california

probably somewhere east coast though
I want 4 seasons
have a codeine then you runt
is that like an indian saying vagina
ba daka dow dow dow daka bow wow wow ba dadada da baaaadadada da da da brumpadum doo do doo
Dada doo doo
Dada doo doo!
wasnt me
Wtf is with her? This is the kind of graduate Oxford puts out? I mean, omg, she is just sliding back into pure childhood again, at this point, and regressing more and more each day. What are her nutcase parents thinking about this? That it is charming, cute? I mean, they dressed up for a freaking Jane Austen tea for her. They've all lost their minds. This is beyond pathetic. Seriously messed up woman.
Intrinsically, in my soul, I fear naturally superior to Americans. I wouldn’t say this about the Irish or the Aussies or even Canadians.
But yanks? Just feel it in my blood.
i hate that
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You need to get a clue
Why's diego pretending he isn't a goblinesque pipsqueak
I only have ibuprofen

ik i shouldn't but i think it stems from having an extremely authoritarian older brother growing up and the associated trauma
i'm more successful than 99% of people who have ever lived yet i'm still full of insecurity and frequently have extended depressive episodes. i have suicidal thoughts at least once a day for the past few years too
wish I was clever enough to make a joke about spain and pain but alas
Yeah save the trauma dumping for your therapist
Many women of Ruby's age regress like this
I think it's an adaptation for childrearing
i am 5'7 but am well funny so it's alright i guess
very much a "the grass is always greener" post this
there are lads who would kill to shack up in an aussie suburb
he can never run or play sports again
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quattro whygena
your inner fear exposes itself
what is my fear o.o
ok well stop that and just learn the language you gimp.
Adults don't need to run or play sports
if you really want to impress people learn Swahili, Igbo, Hausa, Xhosa, Zulu, Fulani, Yoruba
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>there are lads who would kill to shack up in an aussie suburb
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Ruby Granger
Sex is a sport
Spoken like a true fatarse
she probs lives in or around oxford. i guess she made lots of friends at jesus while doing her mst and didn't want to leave. i felt the same way after i did my msc there and spent a year depressed after i left. btw once you've been a student there you're free to use the libraries forever.
that wont do much. go to your doctor and tell them your an old man with back pain for the reasons you described above and that the ibuprofen didnt work and the doc will give you a few codeine
Diego spinning in circles holding onto his arse like a dog chasing its tail trying to look at his own arsehole to check if he’s still a virgin.
horrible fat cunt
ahaha good lad
>Gets old
>Falls over
>Legs fucking snap in half
desu I don't think grunge music is that great
love to pin her down back there and have pooey blood lubed anal fucking
be honest is there a single person that wouldnt spunk in her
My doctor is a 4 hour flight away
he meant run from the police
im 6ft but obese and have no charisma
bizarre frumpy woman
ruby granger gibbymoo threesome
she still lives with her mummy and daddy in her childhood home (mansion)
she is such a loser
:p :O :3
wow mousey spaino and heathermong
the gimp trifecta we are blessed
U need a slap u little gimp
honestly anyone can do a masters at oxford these days it's basically a money making scheme for them (maybe with the exception of the proper subjects like maths, compsci, physics etc.)
going to oxbridge is only really impressive if it was for undergrad or phd
Get an ancestry passport and move over here in April next year.
pooey fingers
the only people you're impressing are people from those countries and other lanaguage learning autismos who flaunt about hiw many dead langs they know
imagine fucking fucking her fucking fuckhole off
only reddit likes oasis desu
who’s the third

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