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File: thinkocado.jpg (42 KB, 1146x878)
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What makes Ukrainians so thin?
Your cunt trying to destroy them
'do 'n the 'og
he's getting rady, 2 more weeks and putin is done!
he's american doe
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you did this to them
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Holodomor epigenetics.
Holodomor survivor genes
In his case it was ozempic.
you don't just go looking like that
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Who won?
Who lost?
massive L right there
how is he gonna recover?
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Tbqh he's been shitting on Nikocado since he stopped uploading mukbangslop
How do you get a picture of my tinder dates?
Sunny is a soulless husk of a person who only seems acknowledge youtubers' capability to bring in view numbers and nothing else so barely surprising
Damn Kira really beat L
The ghost of holodomor.
Is it so hard to believe someone can just loos weight ? Also ozempic doesn't magically make you thin, there's different problems with not feeling like eating all the time.

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