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because han people are genetically superior to sea subhumans
Because singapore has western insitutions that people trust their money with
Lee Kuan Yew. Singapore was a backwater prior to him.
Because Malaysia's an idiot to kicked out their most lucrative port after Brits developed it for centuries
I don't know but I somehow mistook the thumbnail for porn.
Established port, thanks to based UK. Aceh used to have one but maybe the dutch prefer to do mass killing instead of developing it.
>he believe the ooga booga singapore meme
coomer brained
Why are they only so rich now then kek?
Even back then Singapore were a lucrative port you fucking dumbass
Just because they tore down the traditional village housing to become soulless concrete jungle doesn't mean they weren't prosperous back then
Because instead of their wealth getting sucked out to their Brits (or Malay) overlord, they can now fully enjoy their wealth without anyone demand a single slice of the pie
Singapore is literally majority Chinese since the Brits founded it you retard
Unironically delusional
Historylet cope, even Churchill ashamed of their inability of defending Singapore during the war
why do you speak English
Singapore was a regional capital of the British empire and a major military base
Why don't Malaysians get mad at Singapore for being colonizers? They are not indigineous to the land.
Ok bud sure
because they didn't let Japan finish the job there
>Largest British naval base in the orient
>"backwater we wuz built up by our bootstraps and shit"
why follow thier account
Are you saying you're not in the business of parasitizing the planet? Or is he wrong for pointing it out?
Now just imagine how poor they will be if a retarded communist or a third-worldist ruled Singapore instead of him.
Basically true th0

Straight doesnt benefit malaysia and indonesia because muslim inbreeding genes too strong so they followed bad economic policy instead
Singapore was created by europeans to be just that- a fortress city port that was the gateway to and from east asia.

And since the city state never rebelled, it still has that privilege.
The funniest shit is that he takes credit for Singapore adopting english, mother fucker english had been the administrative language and lingua franca for a CENTURY
This is at least 90% of the reason.
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indog cope
Pre-LKY Singapore might have been a decent city by Indog standards but that was still a shantytown compared to Western cities.
Yeah? The international trade (and internationalism in general) booming after WWII makes everyone richer
What are you trying to imply here?
Just to correct biased western history propaganda. It was always a strategic port founded during Indian Empire.

Singapore = Singha Pura
>Indian Empire
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keep the cope coming
>shantytown compared to Western cities
So? Almost every "rich" city outside of Europe are also like that you dumbass, that's why the term "modernization" fucking exist irregardless of the actual prosperity and quality of living
Next time you tell me that Tokyo is a backwater village
>"hmmmmm I will compare a port city located in the most busiest trade route imaginable to countries that are located in desert, freezing tundra, jungle, savannah, or in the middle of the ocean"
You are a genuine retard
That's what you get when your country is centered around superstitious worship of a Semitic sand god from an ocean away
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post your next cope, indog
that twitter account is no doubt a chink shill
singapore get their benefits from the singapore strait which is literally on the center of international trade, not from malacca strait
in revenge zanichi chinese made japan less japan
Pretty sure Malaysia has weird ethnic autism that's actually codified in the laws, and the Chinese majority in Singapore were very against it.
You mean the route that also goes through Malaysia and Indonesia?
once Thailand builds their canal, its joever for sinkies
nobody parks further from the ramp from their rest stop at the highway. it's simple braining
only indonesia but we're too late to utilize it because dutch were dumbass who only build infrastructures in java and some parts of sumatra
our version of singapore (batam) was founded in the 1970s when singapore was already chosen as the main trade port
I checked the map and the Singapore strait has considerable amounts of Malay and Indo shoreline
>because dutch were dumbass who only build infrastructures in java and some parts of sumatra
build it yourself instead of complaining fucking indog
not all shorelines are suitable for port
Man why is every third world discussion centered on what Europeans did in their land 80 years ago
Muh important port city built by the Europeans meanwhile China built all of Shenzhen from scratch right across from Hong Kong
>only indonesia
Are you indonesian
first mover advantage + a two century long history as a major port, as well as any of a dozen other reasons
they're also possibly the least retarded SEA nation because they maintained a lot of Anglo institutions Malaysia and Indonesia never had that allowed them to easily maintain integration with the Western world
Turd worlders want to blame everyone else for their own problems
you're both right and wrong
only recently shenzhen can replace hong kong as a main port
but even it takes china to take over hong kong first
Because Shenzhen has other more important reason to be built other than just become an international port, you retard
dude the population in 1819 when Raffles arrived was around 150 at least for the south city center. you call that thriving? some poor kampongs villages in the mountains have more people than that.
According to then Acting Colonial Secretary of the Straits Settlements Hayes Marriott, when Stamford Raffles arrived in Singapore in 1819, the estimated population size was around 150, including 30 Chinese and the Malays who had accompanied Temenggung Abdul Rahman when he settled in Singapore in 1811.
Marriott, H. (1991). The peoples of Singapore: inhabitants and population. In Brooke, G.E., Makepeace, W. & Braddell, R. St. John, Sir. (Eds.). One hundred years of Singapore (p. 341). Singapore: Oxford University Press. (Call no.: RSING 959.57 ONE)
don't care + have sex
and by early 1900s it's already the largest dry dock in the world, the third-largest floating dock, and had enough fuel tanks to support the entire British navy for six months.
I'm talking about the pre-independence Singapore, not the moment when Raffles stepped his foot on the island
Beside Singapore are always a strategic place for the region, that's why Majapahit attacked it before and Parameswara evacuated himself to the island to make a new kingdom there
>data = gay
>gets called out for being an annoying nigger
just have sex, I beg you
who are they to say no lmao? malays are literally toothless. Their PM anwar just said we agree to disagree on
Israel-Palestine, no objection to our support of Israel. not to mention the complete cockup of their military
Cope harder. In 50 years the world is gonna say America was parasitizing and getting rich off others and you're gonna realize it's just shithole coping
still waiting for your 4th (fourth) cope, indog: >>201968000
we won't
we are cucked and buckbroken
You're kidding, right?
Thirdies should be thanking the UK for having colonized them.


>multiple evidence of colonial singapore being one of the greatest naval base and port city in the orient
>"n-n-nuh uh it doesn't count!!!"
what caused this mental illness?
ruh-roh, janny got toasty
we could have could have chose to throw it away as soon as you left but he forced to speak it over our mother tongue
>mut sallehs flood thread to defend their sinkie pet
classic /asean/ thread
Lky is the biggest filter of midwits
don't see why military buildup has to do with development. american bases in aghanistan still didn't make them a women respecting non autismal first world country
Tbf that makes sense, it's either you speak English or Malay as lingua franca, and your people clearly preferred to speak English at the time
Beside your mother tongue isn't Mandarin in the first place, but multiple regional southern Chinese language
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>Go to Jakarta
>100 km traffic jam
>Rampant Internet censorship including 4chan
Let's be real. You guys couldn't do anything right
the real truth is that both are true
chinkapore is a tutorial city state with high iq chinks running it along with being the prime western outpost with all of the benefits that it brings.
Indonesia is too large, has too much people, and too low iq(like my country) to catch up.
it's over for us seamonkies
that is why we eliminated all the leftist che guevara "liberator" hardasses politically
>buttmad pinoy busts in to rage at his superiors
Zainichi Chinese invented japanese cuisine
It's SOVL, you wouldnt get it
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dios mio, la creatura is in the house, we need an exorcism
Haiti was the pearl of the caribbean before the revolution
Malaysia would be majority/plurality Han if it included Singapore
>they're also possibly the least retarded SEA nation because they maintained a lot of Anglo institutions
they're the least retarded SEA nation because they're ethnically Chinese lmao

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