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hapa daughter edition
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tranny janny btfo
dont worry guys schizo rat fucker can still shit this place up
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We truckin
Literally nothing of what you wrote is an argument
Business idea: phimosis foreskin stretcher
>/cum/ avoided this thread just to return to it
shan't be participating, see you in the next if you get it right
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dinner's served, we're feasting tonight
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They already sell pin gage sets and vaseline
If someone repackaged them together for the first time it could be big...
mapchad has forsaken us to this dogshit new
Based fuck mapcel
It absolutely was. Capital gains matters, when your parents die, and you sell their house. Those situations. Doesn't happen every year, but it'll happen a few times in your life.
And with doctor's retirements. Unless your goal is to have less doctors.
Now shut the fuck up, leftist scum.
Those pins are small tho
Who asked for a Twister sequel? Tornados are boring.
mayonnaise is the superior french fry condiment. not open for debate because it's a fact.
Terrible edition. who allowed this
They couldn't easily travel or communicate with each other. It didn't work, they just didn't realize it.
>Diversity and social trust
>Harvard professor of political science Robert D. Putnam conducted a nearly decade long study on how diversity affects social trust.[76] He surveyed 26,200 people in 40 American communities, finding that when the data were adjusted for class, income and other factors, the more racially diverse a community is, the greater the loss of trust. People in diverse communities "don't trust the local mayor, they don't trust the local paper, they don't trust other people and they don't trust institutions," writes Putnam.[77] In the presence of such ethnic diversity, Putnam maintains that
>[W]e hunker down. We act like turtles. The effect of diversity is worse than had been imagined. And it's not just that we don't trust people who are not like us. In diverse communities, we don't trust people who do look like us.[76]
>Putnam, Robert D. (June 2007). "E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and community in the twenty-first century". Scandinavian Political Studies. 30 (2): 137–74. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x. S2CID 14234366. The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture.
Unless you want to say that you know better than a Harvard professor, doing a decade long study, of 26,000 people in 40 countries.
It's way more than just communication. It's down to the basic functioning of a society. Trust is eroded.
mass shooting Laurel county Kentucky
They make them in all sizes!
mass shitting my toilet usa
>*40 communities
but do you DESERVE a girlfriend?
mass shorting the american economy
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Same (just an entire medium 14" pizza)
I'm in my "picking up art hoes from the local university who will fuck me because they are upset at their fathers" era.
It did work. The city of Rome itself was a massive urban sprawl of different cultures and people where some out of towner would do a sick dance to his weird foreign gods, the local Romans would souyface over it thinking it's the coolest thing ever, and once it's adopted into "Roman culture" some patrician fancy pants would write a poem seething about it saying it's not trad enough. Romans were syncretic as fuck.
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i miss her
might send her an email and break no contact
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then you wake up
All taxes matter, you're completely missing the point you actual retard.
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>muh Roman Empire
I'm glad some random faggot on 4chan knows more than a Harvard professor.
Yeah you're right if any Harvard professor says anything for any reason we have to shut up and listen, they're automatically correct.
>yes it is a part of my final grade
What % is it worth? I would assume it is a completion mark. To be safe, you can email your professor or TA and ask about the assignment requirements. They should be giving you a rubric if it is more than a completion mark.
>Maybe I should just drop out of college
I don't know. Depends on your situation. Do you have other prospects at the moment?
>I can't stand this shit. I read my assignments and feel suicidal every week.
Yep. I have been there. It completely sucks and I understand. Are you doing a full course load?
I know more about that thug life than any of them harvard niggas
>white woman
>having an opinion
No I'm not missing the point. So you talked to some retards. That doesn't matter. What matters is that there's legit reasons for the average person to be annoyed with it.
Sorry that you talk to retards, and care what they say. That's your own personal problem.
Alright. I have gone full isolationist now. I have no one to talk to besides my family
>hit my ex with the "i miss you"
>she refuses to meet up
>updates an onlyfans link into her bio
never dating again
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chuds last hope
>never dating again
i need to accept this
Compared to some uneducated retard on 4chan, who did no actual research, and uses vague "muh Roman Empire" as a refutation?
Yes, if a Harvard professor says it, you should shut up and listen.
You're really helping prove the point that "telling a lie often enough makes people believe it". You're trying to argue with no real facts, against a decade long study.
Real quality /cum/mmers we got here.
fax no printer
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i feel you big guy. i'm returning to college after having dropped out and i'm on edge all the time. recently missed a question a quiz and now i can only get a 90% on it if i'm lucky. i feel an immense pressure to achieve high grades this time around.
i thought syracuse new york was the only syracuse
back kinda sore from sitting all night
Shit OP
Why do you guys need mommy to make threads for you? Most dogshit edition in a while. Do better.
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when ethnics say shit like this what this mean is a handsome white guy. you could be the snow white seed of hyperborea and it wouldn't mean ugatz if you're ugly
take the thirdiepill and import a venezuelan bro
i need a white woman. i will not settle for yellow or brown
no one cares about your arrival to the thread, shut the hell up
So the 5'2" incel blackpiller is the fag who is obsessed with the sopranos?
Ma fangul
Fuck you faggot
i'm not that dwarf. women don't like uggos this is incontrovertible
yea but gigachad doesn't want her, maybe you got a chance lil bro
My favorite camgirl hasn't been online since I professed my love to her
I just said it worked before people ever thought in terms of race or nationalism, so how am I specifically wrong?
>5'2" incel blackpiller
you just described 70% of this general
Can you go be a sniveling incel somewhere else?
this nigga told andrew tate that he loves him
can you seethe a little quieter?
incel general fuck off back to instagram
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she made a new account because you freaked her out
Listening to Xiu Xiu
Probably lol
My second favorite camgirl's pimp looked exactly like this guy. It was actually pretty disturbing.
I'm 5'11 akshually
>My second favorite camgirl's pimp
The nu family unit
Little man incel rage shouldn’t you be writing your manifesto about how you can’t breed or something?
I hate my wife and want to die
a lot of the cam girls i jerk off to are lesbians, what does that say about me?
Let's see the data that the Roman Empire was able to handle multi-culturalism. Not just you saying it. Let's see the actual proof.
It's not my job to prove you right. It's your job to prove you right. I showed data that says you're wrong.
I'm talking about you finding some research, not just you saying "cuz I want it to be true".
In support of his argument to limit immigration, Mr. Krikorian misleadingly cites my research on the consequences of immigration. In research published in 2007, I provided empirical evidence for three major points:
1. Increased immigration and diversity are not only inevitable, but over the long run they are also desirable. Ethnic diversity is, on balance, an important social asset, as the history of the U.S. demonstrates.
2. In the short to medium run, however, immigration and ethnic diversity challenge social solidarity and inhibit social capital.
3. In the medium to long run, on the other hand, successful immigrant societies like the U.S. create new forms of social solidarity and damp the negative effects of diversity by constructing new, more encompassing identities.
Mr. Krikorian deftly cherry-picks the middle point but entirely ignores the first and last because they are inconvenient for his policy recommendations. Mr. Krikorian is entitled to his own opinions, and he is entitled to cite or not to cite relevant scholarship, but he isn’t entitled to distort the findings of research that he chooses to cite.
In my 2007 article, I specifically warned against this danger: “It would be unfortunate if a politically correct progressivism were to deny the reality of the challenge to social solidarity posed by diversity. It would be equally unfortunate if an ahistorical and ethnocentric conservatism were to deny that addressing that challenge is both feasible and desirable.” Mr. Krikorian’s tendentious use of my research illustrates precisely how our civic culture, which he claims to value, is being undermined in today’s public dialogue.

Yeah so it doesn't sound like he's saying what you're saying.
i aint reading allat!
why tho
Yall niggz weitting n sheit
8:30 pm, it finally cooled down
quarter goshpedo and grill his shishkebabed bits over an open flame
niggas fuck one fat girl and think they're don juan
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some dumb bitch was rude to me at work today. I have her name, number and address and I want to take some sort of revenge to vent out my general frustration. My first thought was to cheese her car but she's on a main road and it's pretty far out of the way. What's something non-permanent but a real pain in the ass to deal with that I can inflict on her in a few weeks when she's forgotten about me
I'm about to leave my basement suite and go into the woods basically. I'm not sure if I'll survive. My body is being raped and molested by a non human, through "magical or scientific" means. Quick example, 100% of the time that I close my mouth, I see a human face in my mind making expressions at me. It causes intense pain to see this face. He's teaching me to mouth breath, which is an extremely bad quality to have. So, I'm pretty sick of this. It's been 5 years. I've never met somebody who had a clue about this, I guess if you know what I should be doing please tell me. He is literally raping my body. Not an illness, be smarter. I'm trying to tell you, there is somebody raping my body with magic, and you need to believe that if you want to reply to me. I've verified it 100%.
I’m married and my body count is 9.
there it is one of those random married anons
combined weight of 2 tons between all of em, godspeed plapper i kneel
you want some ticker tape
imagine being married and still being on 4chan seething about incel bogeyman, you're pathetic
>imagine being married
but i had breakfast this morning
i'm broke and mentally ill bro
she only tolerated me because she was attached and cared about me
looks like another debate win secured
Let's see the source. Also I see that you bailed on actually proving your point, and instead you went to attack mine.
Thanks for agreeing that you didn't have a point, and just wanted "muh Roman Empire" to be true.
shit man i feel it, minus the attached part i guess, more of a one sided deal for me. i wish there was an escape from this hell but at the same time it's all i know
Where's the works cited page or bibliography? Because I'm not going to take some .blog as fact.
God replies to 100% of the thoughts I have or actions that I make by gaslighting or insulting me. 100% of them. This has been going on for 5 years. He also puts an invisible helmet on my head that compresses my brain basically, while he forces me to watch a video in my mind every second. This helmet goes on for 10 weeks at a time, this is the 8th time, I think.
That’s rich coming from you.
Go jerk off to your titty streamers and complain about women more you little freak.
new gimmick idea: refer to everyone as "big shoots"
I call him God but I don't really know. He talks through a responsive human face in my mind. He's also existing outside my mind, which is why I've called him God. We can call him something else. I've never met a person who seemed to know this was happening.
No woman who ever existed has ever had any flaw ever
for me it's big hoss, may god rest his soul
So when this guy is pointing right at you calling you a retard for using his research paper like a chudbazooka, what's your response?

Some blog? Oh sweetie no no no... that's a professor at North Carolina State University, so when he says something you should shut up and listen shouldn't you?
Odds i shower
Eves i shower
Digits I dont shower
He's also been molesting my wrist with a ghost, which causes a very intense pressure in my head. And he holds it there for hours. It's 100% responsive because he's literally doing it. As in, it replies to me normally sometimes.
God raped me too
are chuds arguing about brown people again
It’s time to filter Canadian flags
He often plays video recordings in my mind basically, like it's propaganda that I'm forced to hear. Around every 3 seconds he starts a new recording in my mind. The most painful brainwashing is trying to convince me that the opposite of something is true, and then to actually have me say it out loud and believe it. So that's what he does.

1. Punches my head over and over
2. Rapes me or molests me
3. Brainwashes me with something incorrect
4. 5 years of this 24/7.
I'm arguing something but this other one is just gonna run away again.
don't come to our thread if you don't like our posts
Ordered pizza.
The items at your stores are having a special numbers on some of them. That's not totally enough for you to believe but it's a start.
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The leaf flags are bumping tonight!!!!
big hoss?? not bad, not bad, I like your style, big shoots
im not reading posts that has more than 10 words
God hacked the brains of the people around me. They often carry on the same conversations, from one person to another. They say this out loud to their friends on their phones or in person, but they're actually replies to me. They're all speaking to me basically. God is controlling their bodies to talk.
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do you smoke? for me rarely
Going to go spend the night with this girl i met a while ago. I'm so in bros
Sweet dreams little birds
COVID was actually the alien parasite from The Thing and most of us are infected and just pretending to be the individual the Thing inhabits.
bro thought he was slick
Nobody knows what God does, even when I tell them. He's made around 1000 different lies to cover each of his abilities. These were delivered through tv shows and music and history lessons, to obscure the truth.
I would subscribe to this but The Thing knows when it's The Thing and I know I'm not The Thing.
That's because you're an illiterate jeet.
more than 10 words
>what's your response?
Continue reading your article with a WSJ subscription.
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My response is that I'm not going to pay money. Find a real source.
>that's a professor at North Carolina State University, so when he says something you should shut up and listen shouldn't you?
When it's actual research yes. Not some blog. I asked for data.
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I'm like 99% sure I was food poisoned by a fucking pajeet, went to get a burg yesterday at a local non chain spot and the normal guy wasn't there it was some jeet I had to repeat my order to 10 times for him to finally get it and today my stomach has been completely fucked, I've shat liquid like 10 times in a row
when i was a kid i thought paranormal activity was real
What % is it worth? I would assume it is a completion mark. To be safe, you can email your professor or TA and ask about the assignment requirements. They should be giving you a rubric if it is more than a completion mark.
It's 1.42% of my grade. It's due in about an hour so it's too late to email the professor.
>I don't know. Depends on your situation. Do you have other prospects at the moment?
Nope. I have nothing going on, but college doesn't seem to be helping at all.
>Yep. I have been there. Are you doing a full course load?
Nope only two classes and it's still to much for me. The worst part is, I'm not learning anything. I can't point to a single thing that college taught me, no life skills, no job skills, fucking nothing.

I'm just gonna skip this assignment. I fucking hate my life.
have fun fakecel
why are you so mean? what did i do? im not a jeet btw
i hope you enjoyed paying to eat human shit particles, you should go get checked
entertain me for i am ill
I can't walk but it still doesn't feel like I'm drunk enough, what else am I supposed to do
Also, I never once said that Roman wasn't multi-cultural. That's all that I'm seeing in your blog link. I'm asking for proof that the multi-culturalism wasn't a problem.
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Pizza's here.
> marriage
the only scenario i could possibly fathom where i'd love someone else more than myself is if i were to have children
Ello theh
Oy am bri'ish
Do you need someone to help you with the internet? Could you ask your tard wangler to type in "archive.org" into the search bar at the top? We're not this helpless that paywalls in the current year makes the cogs spin, are we?
>When it's actual research yes. Not some blog. I asked for data.
I'm just gonna tell you to read through it and remember what you said about professors in your previous posts. It's a very interesting read, especially the sections covering military service.

Okay but you said multiculturalism doesn't work and cited a guy who said you're reading his research wrong, so I don't know what else to say.
looks a bit dry
Ok this is a serious question, I'm not trying to start shit or simp but are you a woman or man
my pants are worth more than your neetbux check, chud
I'm so hungry
There is some sort of conspiracy going on between pizza places lately, I have not been to a single chain place in the last year or so that puts enough sauce on their pizza it's just bread and cheese at like 99% of them
you have bad money management
only left wing cucks are neets
two copes for the price of one
just won a debate with a cuckold
Do you get to fuck his wife now
Show your dad more respect
yes but sadly he's a neet which is also nearly always an incel

drink water and go to bed
>provides paywall source that no one can read
>expects me to do the work
>I'm just gonna tell you to read through it and remember what you said about professors in your previous posts. It's a very interesting read, especially the sections covering military service.
The Roman Empire is. Doesn't change what I was saying.
>you said multiculturalism doesn't work
Because it doesn't.
> and cited a guy who said you're reading his research wrong
Wait, this isn't even a guy saying that the research is wrong, but someone who says that we can't understand it? lmao, that's not what I thought you were trying to link me to.
How about you link to some data that shows that multi-cultural societies have high trust, etc?
>I don't know what else to say
That's normal for people who run to google to try to discredit research, instead of actually reading it.
i'm cumming
do it cum. cum all over
This is a fantastic way to both appear retarded and cowardly. Congratulations faggot.
I copy and posted the exact part from his piece to the WSJ that your nigger brain couldn't figure out how to get by a paywall.
I wish I could walk to the corner store and buy a hug from a woman
imagine how miserable your life would be if you couldn't masturbate and you could only relieve horniness by actually getting sex from women
None of that was data or sourced. All it was, was words. Pretty sure you don't know how research works.
I'll give you one more reply, and if you fail again, I'm done. I argued with you while I made supper, but I have better things to do with my night, than keep this going.
The heat of the rice cooks the egg
Actually it would force people to take control of themselves instead of spending 3 hours a day fapping to porn
Run then you absolute bitch.
I've never understood why people believe that. I tried it, and you just end up with slimy rice and barely cooked egg.
thats not possible
I usually spend 30 minutes at most, usually 10 to 15
I showered. I repeat, I have showered
>doesn't prove anything
>doesn't cite real sources
>keeps talking about the Roman Empire without proving that they were a high trust society with actual data
And I'm the bitch. I told you that you had one more try to actually find some data.
>stepped in dog shit and had to clean my boots for like 30 minutes
Billions of (chinese international students) must die
got a wifi range extender. seems to be helping things, hopefully it'll help the packet loss
masturbation unironically feels better than sex sometimes
It was probably a white woman, they'll let their XL bully cum inside them but won't clean up after them when they take them on a walk
But Chinese people eat dogs. Won't this increase the potential dog shit on the sidewalks?
Dabbing hydrogen peroxide on my armpits finally helped with the smell of decomposing corpse. Who would have thunk
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Yeah sometimes, when you get one of those cooms where you can like feel the pressure release as you do it it's a 10/10 but a good blowjob will always beat both sex and masturbation
blowjob is sex though
Yeah the anime posters definitely know everything about sex
God is giving me mkultra style torture. The goal was to fill each 5 second time slot with its own unique instance of pain. Done typically with "visions". I've met a few who also receive "memories" at random depicting themselves in unnaturally humiliating or rewarding situations. So that's mkultra, you're in it. At any moment these visions can stop, and the guy showing them to you can speak freely and unobstructed, from within your own mind. It's bad, obviously. He is torturing people with this ability of his. They are essentially "mind movies" that he plays back to us. Seeking assistance.
You are in fact a bitch for pretending you can't use archive.org or wayback machine, and if you aren't pretending then you're a moron.
You can have the last word now.
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Maybe if you weren't such a little bitch worried about what other people like watching you could have sex too
It's not my job to do that. You cited an opinion piece, and the part that you copy pasted, didn't even have any data in it. Or citing places to find the data. It was a very long "nu-uh" without having data to back it up.
How much of a bitch ass pussy do you have to be to be afraid of eating raw eggs in contemporary North America or Europe?
He's raped me around 800 times today. Yesterday, around 5000. I'll define rape as "sexual violence done through touching a person's body in an uncomfortably sexual way". So, another definition is "violent sexual assault". But, it's done with magic, there's nobody actually here. Verified 100%, don't sleep on this bro you're missing out on the truth.
I have never eaten a raw egg. Why would I?
To be fair bocchi is firmly normie tier anime slop
i ate raw eggs before its gross total waste of eggs cooked eggs are better
Eggs should always be (((overcooked))), I don't care about the hygiene of it or whatever but a runny egg has almost no flavor and a terrible slimy texture a cooked egg is pillowy and nice and well seasoned
i also have packet loss but on wired, it's large enough to bother me in my online competitive games but small enough to not matter to anyone else least of all the ISP so it's cooked
I've never had sex
yeah but gayson loves reddit the rock and he's' not a normalfag at all
>normalfag tier anime
It's still anime. It's an automatic DQ from being an actual normalfag. Adults don't watch cartoons.
You've most likely just communicated with God. Read the post above yours of you're curious. He tricks people into writing things that are stupid. He used the raw egg thing on me a few times. It's so fucking boring and you already know that. So, the obvious conclusion is God forced you to say it. And, he did this in my presence to trigger me, because I know what's actually going on in your head more or less.
that's crazy me too, what are the odds
yeah it sucks if you're trying to do anything competitive. I can't get wired set up so I have to settle for this, if this doesn't work I might have to spring for a mesh wifi thing
adult zoomers are addicted to hentai
I’m not saying there’s no overlap between the two camps.
Adults do whatever they want, and don’t care about what’s “cool” or “acceptable” to other people.
same, bestie
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I am autistic, I was in a band, I used to dress in classic rock shirts and carry my bass around hoping people would talk to me and they never did or I was bad at conversation when they did, I am literally bocchi and I have had sex (of the gay variety)
the line forms on the right pal
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shut the fuck up
the big question: are you as cute as bocchi tho
Its 20:26 and kinda late for coffee
Zoomers are only legally adults. They're barely human.
They can do whatever they want, which is why most don't watch anime.
did jason bite the bullet and finally got poop dick?
I'm just a girl
did jason finally accept himself?
jason is not bocchicel
The third eye. It's boring as fuck, that's the sole reason you don't discuss it. But there's a secret about the space you see in your mind. God can control it to show you videos, and to speak. I'm pretty sure this is shadowbanned though. Yeah he will talk to some people for their entire lives without ever letting them know he's there. It's brainwashing and mind control, and it's done through fake memories. I don't know the full extent. We likely also have a "123" step by step process that also occurs naturally. You see a phone, maybe you think about texting somebody. So that's an example of stimuli based reactions. God can skip the stimuli, and just make you do the second part. He can also fake the stimuli to hide the "seed" of the thought, so it comes across more naturally. Don't take my word for it! Pay attention to your mind for like a minute bro that should be all it takes.
>Zoomers are only legally adults. They're barely human.
Trvth supernova
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Tomorrow is the second most important day of the year (after the America's Birthday the 4th of July), and that is the first NFL Sunday of the year.
Who are you rooting for? Are you going to the bar to watch with friends and family?
Pic related.
wish i lived in injun times scalping people and doing rain dances
spinny please post boobies and butthole, this thread deserves it we've been good tonight
I meant raw eggs as an ingredient, for example in mayonnaise.
Did the rat get a canadian vpn and switch from chemistry to basic white bitch spirituality or what
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I am a very manly masculine man, shan't be posting myself but when I was still in a band and actively playing I had a few people tell me I look like James Hetfield which I'm not really sure is a compliment but you take what you can get
she's not here on saturday nights lil bro she's out getting railed by chad
only chad sees her naked, she's not one of us
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>leaf still arguing multiculturalism works
didn't know any of these leafs still existed, even the left wing types here have misgivings now
That's "America's most important cultural export" to you friendo.
>spin will never post her feet
It never began
You fell for a psyop already. If we say the word God, or third eye, there's been around 1000 lies of each to confuse you. Delivered mainly through tv, in cartoons. They depict similar concepts in a way that alters the truth. What I wrote was a physical and step by step process involved with what God actually can and does do. Please refresh your memory when replying to me, to avoid falling for a weird idea you have in your head about what's going on. Imagine straight facing the word spirituality to me, you make me sick.
just watch porn
would be nice if she didn't post at all
spin stopped spin posting images after people started saying weird shit about them
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Mother dearest must have baked cookies or brownies, and the aroma has permeated the entire house, even here in my incel quarters.
It's so cold I dug out my winter blanket.
I reckon I've got another hour of shitposting and maybe a wank before sleep.
Every night I want to kms, and every morning I feel like a new man.
>simping for a whale
what a surprise
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>I am a very manly masculine man
i already came this morning to anis
I want to punch him in the face, and not because he's a crossdresser
Who's spin and why should I care? I don't pay attention to e-celebs, especially ones that post on /cum/.
the serial killer style collage one anon made of her images was hilarious thoughbeit
put some respect on her name you piece of shit
Good intentionally drawing attention to the fact that you're the only female poster on an anonymous board is asking to be creeped on, that being said "spinny" is just Jason finding an outlet for his troonism that he can't express in front of his mother and sisters (who are already scared of him as is)
i'm a real mysterious sort of persian mystic sort of nigga
I bet she has nice feet which is why she always avoids the subject
alright, im going to post it
go on
post the djinn opium image pls
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female roomate absolutely DEMOLISHED the toilet and had to get the plunger out lel
the people of oklahoma are simple country folk. they don't know nothin about the big city.
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realistically how White passing would you rate yourself?
Wew lad

hey pal don't go posting pictures of my girlfriend
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certified /cum/ gem
Female enters internet. Gets attention, and then, creepy stalking. Many such cases!
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this is me
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Anon is right that your third eye is in the back of your head but it has nothing to do with god, it's where the images you form are, when you actually try to imagine a scenario or you vividly day dream the image forms in the back part of your brain (labeled here for brainlets) the meme npc image of people who can't visualize the apple is just people who have an underdeveloped brain HOWEVER as the brain is a muscle even those people can be taught to eventually imagine, in a way this does relate back to the spiritual third eye in the sense that those who go from not being able to visualize to being able to visualize are elevating themselves to a higher level of humanity, if you really really try your hardest to focus the next time you imagine something you will feel it and your levels of visualization will grow to the point where eventually you can start to just fully escape in to another world (the uneducated will call this disassociating) in this way you do not speak to some non existent god but you BECOME god
a place where even squares can have a ball
Ladies, ladies, please. One at a time. There's enough of Chad to go around.
fuck she's so hot
this nigga got gay lips
i love anime girls
based and /x/-pilled, tell me more anon
>negative canthal tilt
certified incel
I haven't seen that
remember when the Supreme Court said Injuns there were almost completely immune from Oklahoma state prosecution then just sorta "oopsied" then reversed it a few years later? Very odd chain of events
anime girls love me
Clearly 100% Aryan just a little too tanned, including his irises
God says the word "heart pain" to me, as a way to cause anxiety and grief. Maybe around 20 times per day. He's got a big list of words that he repeats over and over to cause pain. Although by far, it's not even comparable, his worst method is to molest my wrist with a ghost, which causes an intense pain in my head, similar to my head being placed between a vice grip. So yeah, I don't consent, I don't care what he says his name is, he's obviously a fucking nobody if I can just write this and nobody even has a clue.
*anime women
girls are children
it's ITT rn /cum/comrade
really glad mrbeast is keeping on with his channel and doing well
i was worried about him for a while
anime children love me
thanks for keeping me in your thoughts anon, mrbeast here
i alternate fapping between hentai and real porn, tomorrow i will fap to hentai
looks like every other girl in the pnw desu, nice background dylann
hentai is really porn
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I drove up from South Padre Island, Texas up to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in 1998
>i see you have been listening to nothing but doom metal and new age world music so i'm gonna recommended you the latest popular negro pop and podcasts
spotify be like
its drawings
I don't know that there's much more to tell or that this is really /x/'s domain it's just something I noticed over time, when I was a child I was told I had a very strong imagination but never had imaginary friends or anything like instead I liked to make up and tell stories that I knew were fictional in first grade I had a basic encyclopedia for a world I had made up, over time I realized though that when I would zone out hard enough I could feel where the actual imagination/visualizing was being stored which is in the top to top-back portion of your head, once you start to realize the feeling you can try to expand the feeling which grants you more and more vivid feelings to the point that when you start to actually focus hard enough the worlds that you imagine in your head start to spread to your other senses as well but since you're controlling the world you can be it's god, of course if you're not careful your creations will talk back but that's up to you to figure out how to deal with, after all if it ever gets too intense you just try to stop feeling that part of your brain, I think the most effective training method is to try to visualize other things while you look in to a mirror when you start to feel a shift where you're looking at yourself looking at yourself in the mirror you'll know that that part of your brain is active and you can escape more easily
its pixels on your screen
damn unc
I don't even have energy to jerk off anymore
I don’t use spotify ngl
um, esqueeze me? no spotify?
how do you listen to music?
might jerk it to trannies later, we'll see
This guy had a lot of female simps despite being ugly, really makes you think
>he listens to music
Spotify is mainstream jew media trying to sell you music which is an outdated business of course it's just going to recommend you dumb shit, youtube is genuinely the only good music recommendation engine and that's just by virtue of the fact that they don't care about pushing something popular they care about screen time so they're more likely to recommend you some 1000 view indie band if the algorithm thinks it'll make you stay for longer

Not that the algorithm is perfect or anything (if you ever make the mistake of clicking on a vtuber video thinking it's an anime OP your recommendations are instantly fucked for the next 2-3 months because vtuber shit is weighted way way too heavily) but at this point any time I listen to music most of the recommendations it gives me are under 100k views
what happened to the anon who would post his shaved legs, the one on the exercise bike
/cum has always been much more of a /mu/ general than a /tv/ general. Hard being a cinephilic type nigga in this bitch yfm?
something, something Sopranos
makes me think i should try spreeshootingmaxxing
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unc status
We have watched movies together a few times but the schizos drove too many normal posters away, I don't think /cum/ could even watch a full movie together anymore
completely wrong, i've found more music recommended to me in a week of spotify and than 10 years of youtube, youtube mostly just regurgitates what you already seen back to you over and over
what's your favorite marvel movie?
alternately, what's your favorite criterion film that you've pretended to watch?
what color is your Bugatti
Then shut the fuck up?
>use a different service
god fucking retard
make a new and don't fuck it up this time, yeah?
The fireworks have started early this year. I can hear kids setting them off at the school next door.
that's what I mean, probably the deepest into /tv/ /cum/ has gotten recently has been Sopranos memes. Meanwhile we got music genre arguments in almost every thread
keep thinking about that pimple i popped
I forgot he was still alive too, he used to get tons of fanmail. Tumblr was extremely leftoid women but he has many fans there, REALLY makes you think
where's the new
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Nigga needs to release a new album already
i don't have pimples. i took accutane until my kidney got fucked but i'm now a beautiful pimpleless adonis.
think about making a thread instead of locked up incels
i'm just saying they still have dedicated space on the home page for the most popular stuff completely ignoring whatever algorithm or anything you've been listening to, what's even funnier is that my spotify is in english and only these rows recommending popular stuff is in portuguese so it's obliviously completely out of place and just looking at my ip and seeing what's popular in my country
im on it
it was nice and tight, made an audible pop
i've got the new one sec
God video in mind torture started 2020 please tell me the truth
take mushrooms and turn off your computer jeet freak
do you want to wait 300 seconds? didn't think so lazy ahh nigga
>inb4 split
im making one though
you know the muslims do have some good points
pimple edition
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I did it new
allow me partner don't trouble yourself
You're very far away from my post

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