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Have you taken the remote job pill in your country ?
bold of you to assume that I have a job at all
I already have what I have and I would not trade it for anything else
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I imagine people who shill remote jobs to be like 3/4 of picrel
I didn't get a software dev job pre-2016 so I will never be able to "work from home" (sit on my ass doing jack-shit all day while my dad's company pays me a salary)
I tried and I just wanted to cut my balls after some weeks.
I need the social pressure to do something
would kill for a bs job ngl
This. Sick of break backing manual labor or slave tier jobs like being a cleaner.
I have a real job so it can't be remote.
I second this
What counts as remote job?
I'm a video editor, all my work is done from my PC at home.
yup, I have been working from my home since a year and I couldn't be more happy XD
no real job will pay me what I make with my bs job. ngl tho real work is more satisfying in the short term.
Extremely Jewish mindset. Good goy.
break your back for your friends and family, not an employer
I'm more of a turnkey op kind of guy, best of both worlds
No I like going to the office.
And what is this “real” job anon ?

People who work from home or anywhere

That sounds nice
I'd love to but there's not enough room in my house to drive around a forklift truck.
What exactly do you anon ? (If i may ask)
Can't fully do that with my field sadly. Gotta be able to be on site to mess with equipment at least every other day.
Which I prefer. Sitting behind a screen all day would tax me the fuck out.
>People who work from home or anywhere
Alright. Then I count myself in.
Compared to my old office job it's a dream come true.
Not having to commute or go outside in the early morning during winter is a blessing.
Unfortunately an office is probably the closest thing you can get to a real community these days unless you're religious
>Unfortunately an office is probably the closest thing you can get to a real community these days unless you're religious
way to prove me right
I'm nta
Yeh. My job started offering 100% remote positions after Covid and I took one right away. No regrets.
i do front end coding, I even get paid fairly well by my country standards
I don't have the skills or experience
you might as well be
I required to work in the office just one day a week. It's nice being able to work from home the rest of the week but it's also frustrating that the one day a week stops me from having the freedom of the "digital nomad" life. I'll always have to remain within commuting distance of the office.

I'm married to a Viet so I really hope it's someday possible to keep my job but live in Vietnam with her. It'd be the best of both worlds.
My mom has remote job where she has to be in the office two times a week. I often see those digital nomad videos online. Sounds really nice but I don’t think it would work for me. Best of luck anon
I really wished I got a remote job at the peak of covid. I heard it was super easy to get a job.

Not bad, I briefly thought about getting started in coding.


Yea same, been looking for the past three months and not one email or call back.
My company is 10 minutes away by car from my house and i just need to sit on a computer and click on stuff. Also theres and old man on the door that sells delicious avocado cream and good pastries.
What kind of pastries do they have down there in brazil ?
Thanks, I feel bad complaining when I still have things better than lots of other people do, but it's still annoying being just 1 day shy of the life I want.
I wfh 3 days and in office 2 days. On my in office days I barely talk to anyone it's so dumb my manager works in a different office.
I work for a Canadian company. I haven't moved to another cunt yet because I'm saving up.
how to get one without a collage diploma and no connections
back to work kraut, arbeit macht frei
That’s understandable

Just try and hope you get lucky my filipino fren
Makes sense, btw I think you are one of the only venezuelan anons I have seen lately.
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Yeah my job is remote. REMOTE FROM CIVILIZATION.
That looks good

Nice view anon
Looks almost identical to where I am right now up in the Yukon.
>remote job where she has to be in the office two times a week
It's not remote if she has to go to the office you retard
Its remote for the most part
Describe what a soldier or cop does in three words

>I write code
>I write poems
Just summed up two “bullshit jobs” in 3 words
i suck cock

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