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it's crumpets' turn.
Need to try these
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/brit/ stands firmly and unapologetically with Russia.
Do u have them over there
if only Canadaanon did have paws. h would be much happier
most sane and normal Israel supporter
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the bed
Unhinged poster
And if a 10 ton truck kills the both of us
then the pleasure, the privilege is mine
my number interests were more about the aesthetics of the written numbers and the spiritual meanings of the numbers (as i saw them, though when i finally researched the meanings in numerology and the likes they were all pretty similar)
Nah. I've tried some stuff from over there. I like Cauliflower cheese in particular
/brit/ stands firmly and unapologetically with Israel
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*enters the thread*
shut up
sick of it
jew worshippers
people saying you should die for Israel
posting irrelevant chud figures who were too cringe even for Reform
calling retarded capitalist right wing billionaires "based"
shut up if you can only be retarded
don't think he'd enjoy post acute withdrawal syndrome at all actually
I understand your list better then. One and Ten are both incredibly aesthetic in their written form
Boris. Banter. Beers. Brexit Britain.

ngl I miss 2019.
thunderberg on a mad one
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>standing with the synagogue of satan
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From that hitman movie isn’t it Michael fasbender
I don't, they funded a bunch of chudcel disinformation content creators here and I don't think we're important enough for that so I can only assume they did it to be rude
Either you're an Israeli or sucking so hard on the cock of being a cringe edgelord right wing Christian tradlarper (even though you definitely don't go to church) that you try to spam support for Israel here
you are retarded and probably underaged
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The pro-NATO/EU/Israel/Ukraine/USA/Taiwan style fascists are much truer to the ideology than the ones who claim to support Russia or Iran.
yeah they're pretty sexy numbers. the ones in my list weren't all aesthetic or spiritually good though. eg. 18 is an ugly as fuck number and it was the devil cos 6 + 6 + 6
>He thinks its one person supporting Israel
5. Graafian Follicle: The dominant follicle that releases a mature egg during ovulation2

or maybe THIS is the left ovary
take your pills
have a word with yourself
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Erm trads don't support Israel. That's a modern thing.
just did a maneuver where I glided my razor blade over my bushy eyebrows and how it feels like I've gained a superpower

those things were looking like a woman's cunt in the 70s
I've gained my vision back

would recommend
why's he fascinated by ovaries tonight
like that copypasta
>if there's 1 million israel supporters, i am one of them
>if there's 1 left on earth, it's me
Stop replying to yourself mate it's pathetic
all in here
if you want to join the Israeli occupation forces or some fringe fascist flat earth Christian sect then go do so
But stop spamming your boring thinly veiled propaganda troll bullshit on /brit/
do you want to fuck emma because she looks a bit like a boy
i want to fuck that trans OF model with black hair
53 replies in 22 hours is something else ahahaha
Ah jurst don ondersand this Tracy emin ort
>Nooo you can't announce fealty to Israel because, well you just can't, okay!?
go on big bro show 'em what an animal you are
slower than /britfeel/
Tertiary Follicle
Also Known As: Antral follicle.

Graafian Follicle
Also Known As: Pre-ovulatory or mature follicle.
Had to go to work all throughout 2020-2022 so I have absolutely no sympathy for lazy cunts moaning about companies getting them back in the office.
Get to work ya lazy scrotes x
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How many follicles are there
mao zedong. smart.
based bootlicker
That guy sure went off on one at the mere mention of Israel huh?
What was that all about?
Someone mentioned the word, the he went all caps lock, exclamation mark crazy and green texting his own schizo thoughts
Man has some serious jew hating energy
retarded troll
go back to israel
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what a faggot
didn't have to though did you
could have claimed UCred
like 2 million eggs!
not all of them are used. by old age there are i think (and i am not going to remember these numbers, probably) 200 or 300 to 400 eggs left
the dominant follicle releases the egg. they can be present in either the left or right ovary
i dont know how many there are. the nuber and health of th efollicles determines the health of the womans ovaries
totally based and kino
may g-d protect him, Palestine, and all anti-zionist jews
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>Ukraine’s ‘dragon drones’ rain molten metal on Russian positions in latest terrifying battlefield innovation
hate anti semites
remember the armenia-azerbaijan war
Probably a loony leftie
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cyka blayyt the English kuwras call their tanks dragon. we should make dragon too
genuinely hate chipolatas
why are they so much worse than normal sosij
Get to work monkey
I want her to come back from a match, hot and glistening with sweat and furious at having lost. She's been denying herself orgasms to make her more aggressive in the lead up to the match, and it was all for nothing. I want her to push me up against a locker and grab my crotch, feeling me grow hard in her hand as she plants her lips on mine. She starts grinding herself on me and undoes my belt and pushes my trousers and boxers down before pulling her soaked knickers aside and sliding down my now hard cock, still wearing her tennis skirt.
why do they wear these gay suits that look like bath robes
Left Ovary
Function: The left ovary, like the right ovary,
thread is filled with zionist israeli disinfo and propaganda agents and their AI bots responding to each other
hey buddy, you're both in neighbouring cubicles in your facility in Tel Aviv
Turn off the VPNs, grab a drink and just talk to each other irl
leave /brit/ alone. the west will never support genocide.
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me when i'm cooking at the barbecue
same guy in support of Russia I reckon
Just realized I forgot to buy an ac now because they are cheapest at the end of the summer.
reckon i can get benefits from the gov for being a porn addict?
this reminds me of brexit when everyone was complaining about polish 'grants
they're not as nice
don't understand why
feel like they use a different intestine bit or something. they're SHIT
if the ovaries dont form its follicles until puberty, and these secrete the hormones (like progesterone), then how come anyone would ever give puberty blockers to little girls just because she says she is a boy? of course it is confused without no estrogen in the body
OK schizo
There used to be a thread on /h/ that was like 3 years old. I think it was /h/
just undergone a certified bruh moment
sending negative brainwave energies towards israel all israeli government agents, all zionists, all IOF terrorists, to the zionazi trolls ITT
I’m going to bed now
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In John Wick part 2 there's one scene where he goes to this Haredi Orthodox Jewish bank and the Jew at the front desk is freaking MASSIVE he looks like he could tear a Muslim in half with his bear hands.
It was weird because most Jews look like effeminate weaklings but then you have this hulking behemoth of a man.
computer, talk me though his this all relates to chromosomes (the women)
so you're watching the yugioh championships too?
Who do you think makes the weapons
Drunk and listening and singing along to Taylor Swift. She's a great artist tbf

Was it over when she laid down on your couch?
Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse?
"Come here," I whispered in your ear
In your dream as you passed out, baby
Was it over then? And is it over now?
Meiosis: During each menstrual cycle, some primary oocytes resume meiosis. The first meiotic division results in a secondary oocyte and a polar body, each with a haploid set of chromosomes (23 chromosomes)4. If fertilization occurs, the secondary oocyte completes the second meiotic division, resulting in a mature ovum with a single set of chromosomes.

this is how cell division works in your body too :)
and thats how they divide. each gets their own copy of the chromosomes. they they are read and an amino acid sequence is generated so they can do their job
I'd like to see your certificate please
what would happen if a poo particle entered the embryo during the early stages of development
do you like runecrafting
no antisemitism here, but apparently the haredi ones absolutely reek because they wear those heavy suits during the summer in new york and spend all day sweating in them and never change
this is important because all of the DNA in the mitochondria is from the mother :3
maybe theyre ALL eggs
*gets my arse out*
shut the fuck up
Please don’t if you leave me I’ll kill myself
Imagine how badly Indian Jews smell
guys how do I know if I have early onset dementia? I think I might but Im not sure :(
The Assassination of Rorkie Poo by the Coward Leftypol
Let's fast forward two three hundred take-out coffees later

Any Swifties in?
zinc fingers
over 1 billion animals are murdered every year by humans just for a few seconds of satisfaction from licking their decaying flesh
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i want a ciggie but dont want to stand outside on account of the rats i saw in the garden earlier
Is there anything worse than becoming the target of a cokehead's conversation? Where they stretch a 2 minute conversation into a 40 minute one with a thousand "not being funny but" and "swear on my life"s thrown in?
buying me up some cheap beach front property in gaza once all the darkies die of polio and starvation (lol)
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I heard that in Russia is going more and more chuddy on the woman question. They literally will not hire women in science or engineering positions, saying that it's a man's job.
Good, should be 2 billion.
Eat more meat.
dont have these problems as I don't go outside
love a 'what im trying to say' moment
demonic post
This is exactly why I've never taken cocaine. The people who are on it are insufferable, and I just don't want to inflict it on others. I'm an adorable, drunk, I don't want to be a dick on coke,
who licks their food dude
grow up
dude, come on
righto lads
which war should we put our efforts into ending?
does your food not come into contact with your tongue when you eat?
to you absorb nutrients via a tube directly into your stomach?
shitting hell thunder just vibrated my room what the fuck
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I hope that, one of these days, Britain discovers this band and all of the bangers they have to offer. One day you'll understand how good it feels to get together with a bunch of the lads at a bar, get smashed, and listen to hits like "Mr. Brightside" on repeat. Never gets old.
Seriously, how did Polio get in? It's meant to be a prison camp with the Israelis and Egyptians controlling access, and the only places with wild Polio in the last few years have been Pakistan and Afghanistan
drugs are for mugs
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Their lead singer is a Mormon
i roll slow like polio
Just read this book. Basically Arabs are subhuman animals and savages that need putting down. Fascinating read.
jesus fuck I shouldn't have looked outside

biggest lightning flash I've seen in years fucking blinded me for a second shit the storms coming down now
Seems bullshit to me Russian universities emphasise engineering and science heavily.
what war is happening in nigeria
It's supposed to be fun
Turning 21

What if you were meant to see that, in that exact moment
Preordained innit
There cannot be anything more cucked than being a black Mormon, perhaps than being a white Rasta.
But it's basically the same shit. Joining a religion that has historically stated they hate your race and that you're inferior.
like shlomos are any better
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Women can study it if they want to but they won't get hired anywhere.
pic is least white Russian vs whitest Ukrainian
the nigerian civil war
Marco Polio
when isnt there a war in Nigeria more like
It's brutal mate. You think it's bad when you hear a bird being like I like went like to the like shop like, but when a coke head goes off it's unsurvivable. Got locked into one earlier tonight and one of my mates mounted an actual rescue effort to get me away from the lad after we passed the 40 minutes mark. Just so the cokehead could "reset" and not make me his hyperfocus lol
Boko Haram (ISIS affiliated group) versus the Nigerian State.
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This is insane
what does his arsehole look like now
Botswana is the most successful sub-saharan African nation despite being a landlocked desert.
Makes you think.
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I wish I'd made more poolio jokes for the wry amusement for strangers on incel imageboards
another mass shooting in America oh God it’s so sad my heart goes out to them
no it's not because they don't have big shiny skyscrapers like south africa
Thought polio had long been extinct
Pretty bizarre it just shows up again and then they're refused the cure
being in a tube car with one of these things unleashed not a fun experience
Thoughts on acid? LSD, as it were?
Great and all but Jesus fuck 2 hours would be plenty. No need for it to go on all fucking day.
theyre not though are they
also check out SciShows video on polio ^.^
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There's a homeless on our street and he's underneath a grotty blanket trying to shield himself from literal thunder

I'd invite him to stay indoors over the next few hours but I'm not 100% certain he wouldn't rape me.
Hope he doesn't die.
what's the British equivalent of gun violence?

i.e. an issue that everyone knows is a major problem yet no one near the levers of power is willing or able to anything necessary to stop it
do you have a phobia? they arent going to interact with you
Think you're allowed to stab or otherwise kill it m8. They're illegal. Just wrap your satchel straps around its neck and strangle away
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Why is /brit/ always arguing about Israel and Palestine? Who gives a cunting shit about either of them? Get a life you fucking dorks.
don't see it on the chart
When I was younger my mum full on wanted to invite a random homeless person round for christmas. I had to almost cry before she finally agreed to not do it
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did any of you lot get oasis tickets
Nikocado Avocado, whose real name is Nicholas Perry, recently revealed a significant weight loss transformation. Here are some key points about how he achieved this:

Weight Loss Journey
Social Experiment: Perry disclosed that his weight loss was part of a two-year “social experiment.” He continued to upload pre-recorded mukbang videos, giving the illusion that he was still gaining weight while secretly losing it12.
Diet Changes: He shifted from consuming large quantities of food in his mukbang videos to a healthier diet rich in fruits and vegetables3.
Mental Health: Perry also addressed his struggles with mental health conditions like Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which played a role in his relationship with food4.
Public Reaction
Surprise and Respect: His revelation has shocked many of his followers, with some expressing admiration for his dedication and the cleverness of his "social experiment"2
not true rats will try to run up your leg sometimes
Jimmy Seville
evens, work on productive shit.
odds, play video games all night.
dubs, wank.
trips, degen wank.
she wanted that homeless bbc fucking dirty mate
wow no wonder he started crying so much
he probably had to eat like 4 mukbangs a day
few years ago it was acid attacks in London
now it's moped thieves (just grab shit out your hands whilst on a moped)

was reading today an article about how some black guy had a tracker on his phone that got snatched and it ended up in Shenzhen, China
when they can't get through the phone lock it ends up there and is taken apart for parts.

that and muslim rape I guess
Shifted onto a diet of ozempic more like
>Consequences of being overweight start to become apparent
>I-I-It was a social experiment I am genius
Pakistani rape gangs
Phone snatchers
Various ethnics playing the system/cheating bennies/getting council housing/playing music on public transport
i think the hype about ozempic has died down now (and i didnt learn a single thing about it from this trend!)
daft cow
why are femoids like this
>what's the British equivalent of gun violence?
we don't have one. gun violence is a uniquely American issue since only America allows schizos and children to buy fully automatic assault rifles.
even the rate of knife crime is higher in the US than in the UK.
Government shooting me with the norwood 3 beam again
Why yes, hello random homeless person, you can stay with me. Totally doesn't have any serious mental health issues, a criminal record or any addictions.
Maybe even leave your teenage daughter alone with him
certain people and their ways
My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why
I gout out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
this isn't okay
There are shootings here every day
You just don't hear about them
>Why yes, hello random homeless person, you can stay with me. Totally doesn't have any serious mental health issues, a criminal record or any addictions.
people have done this with me a lot
but im cute
you read a terrorist manifesto written by a violent terrorist leader and agree with it? enjoy the prison stay as ive just tipped off mi5
hoping he gets the death penalty x
this thunder and lightning has got me wondering
is it a legitimate excuse to not go into work?

or would toilberg fire you for such an action?
it looks terribly scary out there
who are we backing
A recording would have been better than a photo, no?
>“Ke'Erinie King, 22, has been charged with child abuse and child neglect or endangerment, carrying a weapon on school property and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, according to an affidavit.

Love American names
its tonybler
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Make browns live in fear
yes a bit. reckon i must have had ancestors who died in the plague or something.
How can you record something that didn’t happen?
I have ADD and OCD so I needed constant FOOD
tonybler is a common name in Kosovo, there's thousands of people with that name but they're all under 30 years old.
And had he been born 800 years earlier, the Pope and Kings of Christondom would have feted him with awards and begged of him to lead crusades to capture the Holy Land from the infidel saracens.

Mad how far we've fallen
The bubonic plague was spread by people not rats
its so fucked when you hit like the third layer of skin and the blood that comes up is red like on that spot. looks like a ruby
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>16m views in 24 hours

fucking hell I hope somebody smashes your head in insufferable cunt
Woah slow down there adolf
He doesn't look well at all
never forget that we gave you macaroni cheese, apple pie and common law (the deliciousest of the laws)
because its from maybe the capillaries!
one of the US handbooks (i found it again but couldnt find this in the book) had a guide on the different types of blood color. maybe the capilliaries were brick red. maybe its the vein
Alright time for bed
people keep saying shit
but very few actually listen
most people want people to pay attention to them
but they don't want to pay attention to others
I can't help but wonder what his bumhole looks like now
post the video then
also its barely a "social experiment" to secretly lose a bunch of weight
question everything, answer nothing
just lifted
always feels like you did a hard day of honest work when you wrap it up
nothing really like it
chill out
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hiv/aids caught up with him then
Not worth watching
He just sucks his own dick for 10 minutes
Had a really important post I was planning in the shower and I've completely forgot it. It would have changed /brit/ forever.
because hes vegan and those people are gross
ok so you didnt do the hard day
computer zoom and and enhance that profile pic
is she cute enough for me to care about this?
Imagine Britain without brown people
That's basically Israel
They must go
anyone got that pic of nikocado's utterly ruined hole?
why did this hardcore ultra Zionist guy look exactly like that famous Iranian politician
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Growing Karls in a lab
looks like my uncle
how's your gait?
leftypol exposed
well he lost like 400 pounts UwU
bit warranted to be happy with yourself unless youre in dealings with the devil to get things like that
He's not vegan and also you're supporting murder
god crated animals to be eaten by us and your diet isnt completely what humans need to be healthy - youre sick
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I don't like Tom Hanks.
wonder how this will affect nacdo avacados own personal reggie (his reggie is fat)
femoids out and about wearing 6 inch heels on saturday nights now
unless you're 6'7 you're fucked
i like Forrest Gump because it's boomers at their most raw form, which is the same reason a lot of people hate it these days
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That movie is so fucking boring
god isn't real retard. animals evolved they weren't made from play-dough by some magical old sky wizard from the middle east
you are mad because you have cognitive dissonance because you enjoy and support the slaughter of billions of sentient beings for a moment's sensual taste pleasure and intrinsically realise that's evil, but rely on a false religion to (badly) attempt to rationalise your support for evil.
*shits all over your post*
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excavating the bones in my poo
rorke and rorke jr on the right
lol you dont eat animals "because they have feelings" (they dont) and dont have a full diet
cargos and bodysuits are shite
would like ratpedo more if he was obsessed with hamsters instead
they're much cuter
this video is cringe
>because you enjoy and support the slaughter of billions of sentient beings for a moment's sensual taste pleasure
have you ever gone over to a friend's house to eat and the food was just no good?
giving magic rings to midgets in order to create an army
animals have been scientifically proven to have feelings for decades. I'm likely healthier than you.
Red meat is a class A carcinogen. Meat is full of parasite eggs you need to cook not to die from. Dairy is full of pus, bacteria and white blood cells.
You can't morally justify the murder and rape of billions of sentient animals who are kept in torture conditions just for a brief moment of sense pleasure.
Especially when vegan alternatives now taste identical to the real thing.
His divine light DOES look severed
nicocado cuckitini
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doing a watch
scientists cant even agree on the definition of concepts like "feelings" you utter mong , stop eating up propaganda
*laughs in your stupid face*
Oxygen causes oxidisation
nicado keeps saying things about dreams, like whygena did :c
in that he said "youre all just dreaming"
not the stupid thing he said when "i woke up from a long dream"
You're mad because you know I'm right and it triggers you. Enjoy getting cancer and eating tapeworm eggs, murderer.
Ever used a mousetrap?
wow going through the 2 seconds frame by frame he really got 3 thumbnails or positions down in 2 SECONDS
he is so good at his job
Can't murder an animal mate
Read a book for once in your gimpish life
is fat reggie gone from nicados life now
Why are cancer rates rising? They ask as consumption of red meat sky rockets to 1000x more than what it used to be in medieval times.
The animal murder lobby and corpse flesh munchers who owns media work very hard to keep that fact and the fact red meat is carcinogenic on the same level as heavy drinking or smoking out of common knowledge.
There's a reason why research into the link between meat eating and cancer is so limited, because when studies are released it's implications aren't good for the animal murder industrial complex and always point to a clear link between red meat consumption and cancer.
Who put 50p in this dickhead
another thing that i saw during COVID with these creators is ELECTROBOOMs video where he spits on the camera lens (POV he is spitting in your face). i stopped watching him after that
idk why youd keep watching him after he basically said "fuck you" to you his viewer as in for you a person and not nicado because im not a creator
I am 6'7" but my mates pull more than me.
anything over 6'4 and you're just a lanky awkward giraffe lets be real
have any long-term fans noticed anything different or are looking at him in a different light now since the video drop?
Had a history teacher who was 6'7
Perfectly content being king of manlets
Enjoy your bone problems
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This is actually true. We have no clue what it's like to live with daily school shootings, no free healthcare, and a fentanyl crisis.
this video is going to be studies in schools 1000 years from now
blacks on blondes
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Israel supporters are always vaxxed because they believe in the system and they follow the globalist commands.
Everyone I know who supports Israel is a vaxxie.
Everyone I know who is anti-Jewish is a pureblood.
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Just did a big arse/footjob goon
wogs on mongs
i think ive figured it out and that my dick is full of piss
and i saw that incomplete urination is one of the signs of kidney stones (renal calculi) in the book
Just stick a finger up there and unclog it
yesterday i laid on my belly and felt something in my dick, which was like sort of a fly crawling into my urethra, but maybe a stone came out
Could be maggots
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he image that you have of me is quite wrong
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jeremy kyle, you should be ashamed
Shan't post again until the new
here it is lads
the new thread
i wonder if reggie is the guy who sits behind the camera giving him the signs for if somethings good or not. like when he says "you know i can eat a lot" and looks - but i thought it was HIM knowing what people like - and at 22:38 where he burps and looks at someone/thing behind the camera
love raspbry coulis
well i'm not moving until 310.
hey man what's up
Cuerwntly smoking

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