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This is Tôm, the egg provider in our back garden for years, she was a gift from my mother in law. A huge storm's sweeping through my region, we didn't have enough food, so we reluctantly ended her life for our consumption.
Goodbye Tôm, your service will be missed, your flesh wouldn't go you waste.
I shot my dog when he was 16 and having seizures and not eating anymore.
You can go basically vegetarian if you have eggs or milk
Shouldn't there be an alternative way to end him or is that the most painless way?

>Shouldn't there be an alternative way to end him or is that the most painless way?
The vet literally charges you hundreds of euros for an injection and my dog always hated the vet.
I shot him while he was sleeping out in the yard. Same 30-06 as I use during the moose hunt. He didn't even noticed it.
Should have given him to the nearest Vietnamese family, they'd happily take care of him for you, free of chare ofc
In the army, we are made to name the rabbit we are going to kill and cook. This should teach us techniques on how to kill and cook animals in the forest.
Talking to a friend about that time, I get the feeling that this served to take away part of our humanity and not question orders.
Shot in the head is infinitely less painful than death by lethal injection.

The only reason euthanasia by injection looks calm is because the shot is loaded with a shit ton of paralytic agents so that the person or animal being injected can't visibly freak out

Look it up
:( sad but you did the right thing
what are you going to make
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I finished boiling her just now.
Boiling because I dont have to waste oil, electricity or gas. And I get the most out of her that way, the chicken stock can be made into some soup.
stay safe vietbro
Is it that bad in Vietnam?
Only at certain region, and only if people didn't stock up water and food beforehand, like us. And there're some cases of tree getting uprooted and crushing people or vehicle
>northerner subhumans would eat their own pets
eat some sewer rats next time commie. i heard they taste like fish if you close your eyes.
You have internet but can't stock on food? Lmao thirdies have their priorities right
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On the train…
I stocked up on plenty of water, we always have dozen kilograms of riceat home, and our little garden have cucumber and some green veggies. As far as I'm concern that's enough, but wife wanted meat so...

What confused you?
Yeah, is that so strange?
Aren't chickens female? Why call it tom? Or does that mean something else in vietnamese?
yeah gunshot or beheading (historically common) is the most painless. people care more about the look of a death, how it makes us feel, than its pain level.
I thought i was in the catalog
Tôm just means "shrimp" in our language. The chicken were kinda smaller than the average when we got her, that's why we called her shrimp.
I could never kill a pet of mine to eat even if it was a cow or chicken. I'd enter a psychotic depressive episode for sure.
i wouldn't call a laying hen a pet
pets are toys
I was about to say
>tom yum soup
All life that you can emotionally attach yourself to is a pet. Just because it's a hen doesn't mean I wouldn't enter pdycho mode if I had to kill her.
Are you on prescribed medication?
Just curious.
It's always interesting to see how certain people are so fixated on things like these and show strong emotions but in other cases, they act like psychopaths and don't even know it.
I'm diagnosed bipolar, however I don't have depression or mania right now. I only go psycho when it's a stressful event, like a shouting match. Think Gohan from Dragon Ball.
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why dont you tell us about it
same but i strangled him with me hands, because no one wanted to sacrifice him even though he cried every day in pain because he couldn't even take a shit anymore
Most normal Mexican.
No that's not what the word pet means you are talking about your own experience with animals (only as pets) and changing the meaning of words.
>Inane Australian schizo babble
Sorry Bruce McKinley. A pet's a pet no matter what kind of animal the buddy is.
It's a white person thing. You wouldn't get it.
Rip my friend
Yeah both western and Soviet glowies were responsible for promulgating such practices around the globe and they became part of the curicula of various special forces e.g. Syria (eqting live snakes), Iraq (slaughtering live rabbit with teeth to their throat), America during the Vietnam War (rabbits).
Do you feel remorse for what you have done
No, not really, but I'm angry tho.
No, generally lethal injections are agents that render the subject unconscious, then something that stops the heart like potassium, or just more of the sedating agent. Dunno what they do for animals
Imagine having to do it in the 21st century.
rip tom
had to put down some of my hens that were very sick and I ate them as to not waste theur sacrifice although I usually let them die of old age
I hope you don't starve vietbro
I replied to the wrong post, in the wrong board

How was your chicken soup?
>we didn't have enough food, so we reluctantly ended her life for our consumption.
lol, prep more food next time.

Seeing someone bedriden, being sedated for three days straight while dying slowly by not eating and drinking. This made me wonder if this is really a painless way to die and if we as a society are choosing the correct way to treat dying people... Even though they say sedation is painless.

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