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What causes this?
Sikhs and brahmin are bros though
sikhs are bro tier though
Sikhs are bros
I think we can all agree that irl, you probably look closer the ones on the left than the guy on the right.
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Lmao what's that figure with clownishly bright yellow hair on the right
>Dalit has never seen an Aryan
Many such cases
post shit-colored hand with timestamp
You unironically have clown hair? And are proud of it too? Lmao
dravidians are leagues more developed than the rest of India
I see this jeet dickriding for russia on /pol/, CONSTANTLY

it's funny, because that shit in the OP is a glavset meme, basically the ruski troll farm. Same guy made it as the 2022 ones about Poles, he uses the same gay little color palette and over engineered the design instead of doing a normal face outline

jeets are too caught up in the throes of their seethe at britishers to notice tho
Take your meds and go back
White do this
>Saar they meds/mena not real caucasian
stop indian hate
lmao we really do
Good morning sirs :)
Silence, chaiwallah
FPBP as always
keep hopping on that kremlin cock and cry some more, faggot

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