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danger dog edition

Climate communists
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Anti-intellectualism and online echo chambers have been a disaster for the human race
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Was called a chink for posting frank ocean, what did they mean by this, I have never known a chinese to like frank ocean
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>Anti-intellectualism and online echo chambers have been a disaster for the human race
We've always been in them. We're just more aware of them now.
he phrased it in the most reddit soy way possible
The CIA has a heart attack gun. Look it up
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The internet is just going to get worse and worse with more sophisticated shilling + AI.
concussions like from shaking your head back and forth?
hope that it doesnt cause you any damage to how smart you are
would you rather
your dad raped your mom to conceive you
your dad begged your mom for pussy to conceive you
You haven't noticed how almost every depiction is propaganda. Every tv show and music. It's all designed to fucking kill us, because death is the most profitable market in money reality. Literally we explode into a bag of money when we die and a pajeet comes over here to work.
500 years ago, science didn't really even exist in any meaningful way. It was used to help kill each other better, and that's about it.
The idea that we've somehow always been primed to be Philosopher Kings, just lacked the knowledge to do so, is nonsense.
We're still the same as the slaves building pyramids or the commoners burning witches.
Did you see that FBI doc yesterday that revealed thousands of US online influencers have been funded by the Russian government? I want that doc unsealed. It would explain why so many of these far right personalities spout anti-American rhetoric
Why’d he do it
I still think the Puerto Rican namefag is a jeet.
he was radicalized on an online echo chamber
goodnight cum, if i don't show up tomorrow i'm likely dead
one mississipi
>believing RussiaGate 2.0 Electric Boogaloo when it's 2 months before an election
can you be a little less vague
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tbqh the spiritual beliefs of the ancient romans and greeks are very fascinating and not focused on enough I feel like, modern interpretations of their religions essentially boil them down to being a D&D religion since they believed in multiple gods with different domains but the wide variety of wacky shit they believed and how some people (ie Cesar) took advantage of them is genuinely something that needs someone with a true autistic streak to gather all the sources together and write a book on
going to have a cigarette and then bed
If you actually look into it, Russia spends a large amount of money funding the agitation of American blacks, which in an amazing coincidence was also a strategy they pursued in the Soviet Union.
I told you idiots to not underestimate russians. They will do whatever it takes to divide and destroy the west.
>not understanding why Russia funds the party that furthers their interests
u is stupid
Actually there is a system of peer review and then they once they have enough studies done by different scientists around the world that can do systematic reviews of the available studies and evidence. And any the available evidence shows us that there is human accelerated climate change
Talking about sex is very distracting. It's also pretty gay, considering were all men. You're actually forcing me to read the things you say. So they spam porn, to disassemble our communities. But porn gets you banned, so they do hinting concepts that make it past the filter. Why they do this, it's most likely about the money. We aren't allowed to even speak to eachother really, they infest our forums with their endless bot spam and garbage shills. Literally that's happening.
the second but in a consensual femdom way, femdom is based
He wouldn't know this because he never learned anything about science post-high school
We failed him
no even i knew about dating ice and carbon dating
Environmentalism is a humiliation ritual. It's a distraction psyop meant to gaslight you and confuse you. That's why when we go to war, they show us Greta talking about climate change. It's very distracting.
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The version of the map we have been shown is a lie.
What I mean by that is that there must be other continents that they aren't showing us.
How would you know if they employ satellite blocking technology?
so many buzzwords my goodness
>all of the western world governments and universities are towing the same line
>he thinks that we'd get scientists that will stick their neck out
We saw what happened when they did that 20 years ago. They were mocked into cancellation.
Then scientists tried to say something about covid. They were mocked into cancellation.
You either tow the line or get fired.
>peer review
yes, only members of the exclusive club are allowed to make proclamations, only they are arbiters of reality
Most retarded post I've read in a good long while
its 2AM
what the fuck Canada
I'm glad that Canada is a far-left dictatorship so all these contrarian chuds get discriminated against.
I took chemistry, astronomy, and psychology in university, nice try though.
did you forget what they did with the vaxx?
the chuddiest is i
peer reviewers are unpaid and nobody gives a shit about those individuals
literature reviews are university students or people farming references...
You don't know the meaning of a buzzword. You somehow read my post and didn't understand. That's fair bro, I couldn't comprehend gore until I was very old. They're actually slaughtering people for profit lol. Literally they're mass killers.
Psychology isn't a STEM course, and you clearly took the other 2 as Gen Ed or electives. You know nothing about the scientific method.
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both sides ITT are wrong. human caused climate change is happening, but it isn't increasing the mean temperature, that's just a lie. It's increasing the mean humidity. Big Science and schizos don't want you to know this.
What's the solution to the schizo problem?
>Trump is totally getting helped by Russia guys
>courts find out it's not true
>let's not publish news about the Biden laptop and have the FBI write a letter to the press to lie about it not being true
>it turns out to be true
>RussiaGate 2.0 happens right before the election
>no guys, it's totally true
psychologists are cute
I think the canadian is the only one that doesn't like music posting desu I enjoy it a lot especially when anons post cute pepes with it
More funding towards mental health treatment
>You know nothing about the scientific method.
Only a smug faggot redditor would make such a statement. You can see that "science," or more accurately their dogmatic system masquerading as science, is their religion. See how arrogant he becomes.
which Canadian are you referring to? I find this post discriminatory
>he never took science after university
>shown to be wrong
>let me decide how much you took
Keep pushing that Current Thing.
>he does it for free
Just like the jannies.
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I'm dumping animal webms until arguing ceases
There's some pretty good solutions that worked before but idk we're a little squeamish now.
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>International culture?
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Sorry I love canada (btw there is a local restaurant near me that has recently opened by a canadian immigrant that married an american bimbo I enjoy their poutine) I meant the one last thread that got mad at me posting, please enjoy this ancient arby's image
The psyche ward has been decorated by a team of pro gaslighters lol. They chose what books the patients get to read to pass the time. They chose horrific books about alternate worlds where slavery and death is common. And it's meant to feel like home, like you're there. It's very comparable to MKULTRA. So they actually did this, hopefully that doesn't slip past you. Even the paper cups had designs that referenced spirituality in weird ways. It's all a clever gaslighting psyop, most likely done as a way to convince you to give up your rights. They're known to target the weak for killings and slavery, because they have no way to defend themselves. This is occuring.
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He got a log
I'll try to keep it to animals interacting with people, who have culture
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>a canadian immigrant that married an american bimbo
Vgghhh BLC wins again
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>lets fuck up this store
>takes some spagetti out of the packet
>empties one of the little bottles of soda out onto the floor
>if you dissent in the slightest you are a schizo
I present to you the modern authoritarian scientific establishment, folks! Clearly actusly inquiry is not a concern for them, just that you fall in line and believe what the peers have reviewed.
Peers of Satan.
>posting a groid hate webm
kek, didn't know you had these
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what a drama queen
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Allah catbar
its like 2AM in Canada...
Your just doing an appeal to conspiracy, argument from ignorance bullshit. You don't post any evidence that supports your claim from any actual scientific work all you did was post youtube videos of an organization funded by oil companies. Do you think cigarettes are bad for yo because mainstream science says cigarettes are bad for you too, and cigarette companies used to fund science saying they are good for you.
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My political beliefs transcend party lines
>>if you dissent in the slightest you are a schizo
>I present to you the modern 4chan
>if you assent in the slightest you are brainwashed
I present to you the modern
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Yeah bud if you call in the weird symbol corruption "Walmart logo is a star of David". You'll be arrested and forced to take hard drugs at gun point. I'm 100% serious. They've sold us propaganda because it stays around. You can't even talk about it. They're also torturing and killing Canadian citizens of light skin color, most likely to replace them. This was a huge operation, as Canada and America were very rich places. So they had to be crafty with how they killed us.
>uh, uh, you're not allowed to disagree unless a "scientist" gives you permission!
It's extra funny, because the people who made the messes in our waters and soils, have convinced the commoners to clean up their problems. While they continue.
Sciencism is the new religion. It's heresy to speak doubts about it.
next .webm
didnt like that one. seen it
>Canadian citizens of light skin color
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Not to say that I'm racist, but I think we should hold people accountable for their actions, and shouldn't give any one race special treatment.
I think it would be fun and more interesting to be schizo, everything in their life has a grand plot and meaning. Something as simple as the mailman bringing you a package is a cosmic level collusion campaign to make your package arrive one day late.
are you the American that says he cant be tracked by the FBI because he created a script to randomly fuck up the grammar? here where you talk about programming?
good to see ratpedo's standing by for his daily meltdown whenever these idiots wrap up
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Are cigarettes bad for you?
You're currently extremely unaware. I just pointed out to you. It's a distraction to waste your time. They sell climate change issues on the news. It's propaganda. Google says propaganda officially stopped around 1950. Lol, nope. Every channel 24/7. It's seriously every single channel that goes through this propaganda group. I mean I could just leave you alone, and let you believe you're talking about something real and significant. Maybe I will do that next time.
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As I said, if the CDN was junk science, then you should be able to disprove it with ease.
Yet you don't, and only post the hockey stick graph. You should be able to rip everything they said apart.
But instead you ignore the point, and attack the person.
The irony is that CDN didn't even do the research, they just reported on it existing. It was done in like Denmark or something.
It's crazy dude we're living over here in Nazi Germany or Mao's China where people are allowed to be crazy and form nonsense advocacy groups that are detrimental to public health. They're literally killing white Canadians who speak out about this.

With flamethrowers.
good to see fat is still sitting there seething letting me know every time i say something that hurts his feefees
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How is YOUR day going
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tag yourself
im going to bed
fat sort of put a damper on this bedpost but im going for a nap and wanted to make the post so i will do it
Terrifying series of letters
>The Valdiviathyris genus exists during the Silurian (at least 419 million years ago)
>disappears from the fossil record
>reappears at end of the Eocene (33 million years ago with virtually no changes
I LOVE Lazarus taxons
>are you the American
Leaf as shown by my flag, and I have no idea what you're talking about. The FBI can most certainly track me.
But anon, I agree with you.
good and bad are infantile terms. they can greatly increase the risk of certain serious health problems, sure
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i had a good day
>sleeping pattern follows american timezone
you want to be us so bad lol
You sound confident. But, I'm a Canadian here who is telling you, they've been trying to kill us with psyops. They target sex and money, as these are the easiest ways to kill somebody. You should actually read the graffiti, they paid somebody to go to almost every town and write gaslighting graffiti about sex. You see a graffiti word and it looks like it's just jibberish, but if you actually read what it says, it gaslights you, or encourages you to kill somebody or yourself. It was designed by a team of Harvard educated graduates in propaganda.
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Owls are craaazt
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me on the top left
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>100 posts in 30 minutes
thread moves so fast when we get an argument going
all me
They did that to me but they installed a transponder in my chest that will explode if I defy them. They send me transmissions mostly about what an incel freak I am
Yes hello constable, that's him right there.
I'm the 3rd one down in the 4th column
God stole the owl symbol for himself. A woman in a nearby town drives a car with a huge owl on the front hood, and it has a weird licence plate number of 9999 or something. It's so cheesy. I'm not sure how or why he's doing it. If you asked God, he would tell you he was the woman. And if you asked the woman, she would agree with you that she's God. But, that doesn't actually answer too much.
How do I stop being attracted to soles
Guy is honestly a 8/10 chad and super nice as well, he's doing the canada being nicer america stereotype well, first time I went in was a kind of midweek quickie date night and he came up to the table and started chatting and gave us free pie and dumps his life story on us in a super nice way and I've been back a few times since
So why don't you post the study instead of a YouTube video? Mr Chemistry Astronomy Psychology. The one done "in like Denmark or something".
You know how leftists are. They have a few triggers that set them off.
>religion = true
>against that goes against their commie propaganda
.anything that goes against their activism
>right wing = true
Any of that stuff will set them off for well over an hour.
did Harvard psychologists tag this?
'Cado looks like a deflated balloon
you should lay off the coffee bud
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there are about 3 posters in this general who don't like me specifically. It's very funny to see them argue with other Leafs thinking it's me thoughbeit
America is so based
goodnight to you too
>increase the risk of certain serious health problems

Where did you learn that?
post that catholic priest in england that had the cat come up during his covid sermon
What race are you? I'm worried about you bro, the fact you think any of us wants to read that. Kill yourself.
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what a strange interaction
something doesn't make sense. when you lose that much weight you HAVE to get massive skin folds, there's no avoiding it, but he's wearing a tight fitting shirt in that video and his torso looks perfect.

sump'ns fishy
Realize that true beauty lies in the soul, however the sole is what connects to the most beautiful thing of all, mother earth, therefore you could say the sole is the soul of humanity and so it's fine to be attracted to both
i always see you get triggered so easily by other posters and that was my first time replying to you and it didn't work at all.

failure at everything, me
known many a smoker who has succumbed to emphysema or lung/throat cancer
they trained pidgeons to spot breast cancer after finding out they had really good pattern recognition
the basis of this was the pidgeons preference for females with beaks (which owns do not have!) although they did not care where the beaks were

i think i learned that off SciHub on YouTube ^.^
no you a ppositive bea of light in this place
>inb4 he dismisses a 44 page research paper with 100 sources, in a few minutes
Honestly depends on how much muscle mass you put on I've known people that have dropped massive amounts of weight and had minimal skin folds, on the other hand the guy has lots of money probably paid a plastic surgeon to give him the quick cut and tick with minimal scarring
Also, I posted the youtube video, because it's more likely that people will actually watch a video, and not read a science paper.
>it's more likely that people will actually watch a video, and not read a science paper.
You're one of these people
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>Guy is honestly a 8/10 chad
Average LeafBVLL married to an Americanette.
> started chatting and gave us free pie and dumps his life story on us in a super nice way
If a Canadian is in the US for any reason he is legally required to do this to any Americans he talks with. I have done it many times
how many sim cards have you burned through this weekend alone, pedo freak? fuck off already
Fuck you, it's easy for you to joke like this because you don't share the burden that I do, please shut the fuck up
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i have an affinity for barn owls because one has been visiting my home regularly for a few years now
i saw him a few hours ago, as usual he flew away silently when he saw me
dont call me a pedo
>probably paid a plastic surgeon to give him the quick cut and tick.
probably this, considering he had absolutely zero muscle mass i still think he recorded that video before gaining weight or he made a ton of videos at once and released them slowly. I'm also shocked that he apparently got rich enough to buy a house and surgery off a 4 million subscriber channel with only 1 video over 20 million views.
Does he ever make noise?
No, I posted the research paper, and I know you'll never respond to it. You're probably running it through ChatGPT to dismiss it.
How is having a foot fetish a burden? It's literally one of the most main stream fetishes at this point, 99% of women under 30 will give you a footjob without a second thought, next thing your dumb ass is going to start complaining about is having a "breeding fetish" like wah nigga you want to cum on feet then in a pussy, get in line
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When people ask for a source online 9/10 times they are just passive-aggressively calling what you said wrong and will never accept anything you send them.
yes i have heard him do the screaming noise
>9/10 times
He had an onlyfans probably had a couple of rich donos pay for customs, same way women do it these days, do only fans for a bit, find a loyal paypiggy, buy a house and pay it off, ghost
Yeah God basically took all the most common animals, and gave them new meanings for symbolism. This was a way to gaslight us every time we see the animal. And, it was a way to use animals in new and creative ways. I'm not sure if you've noticed God. He hides kinda. He's actually torturing me pretty severely. He's been punching me in the head every few seconds while he tries to convince me the pain is from a sex problem. Imagine how annoying that would be. He does it with magic somehow. I've spent close to 15,000 hours screaming in agony. Literally on the floor screaming. My voice is gone right now.
>MDPI has been criticized by scientific bodies in Norway, Finland, and Denmark that rank academic journals for their quality and relevance. In the Finnish and Danish lists, the majority of MDPI journals do not meet the criteria of the body to be ranked in the list.[2][60] The Norwegian Scientific Index has been less critical, giving the vast majority of individual MDPI journals designations as "level 1", denoting a publisher as academic; although some journals are ranked "level 0" denoting non-academic status, including one of MDPI's flagship journals, Sustainability.[61][62][63] In 2021, following a survey sent to Norwegian scientists,[64] the Norwegian Scientific Index also created a special rank called "level X", which was used to denote journals undergoing evaluation as possible predatory journals, specifically citing concerns over MDPI journals for the new rank's creation.

Nice journal there
sorry bit of a typo there, should read 99/100
This paper is interesting, it seems to be claiming that CFCs are a bigger cause of climate change than fossil fuels. If what he's saying is true, we'd need to really crack down on China and India and Southeast Asia because they haven't stopped producing CFCs, while they were banned in the west by the Montreal Protocal a few decades ago.
CFCs usually come from aerosols like hairspray
God has like a "master list" of all the most annoying gaslighting concepts. One of them was to ask me in my mind the best day of the week to meet a girl. Imagine answering that question. It's a way to humiliate people.
I read the introduction and I didn't understand many of the terms, can you summarize?
the onlyfans stuff makes no sense to me either, they claim $6.9 billion in total payments per year.

I wonder what a real economic recession would feel like
here >>201973356
Really it doesn't matter, every scientific opinion out there will have a dissenter. if their is 1 dissenter out of a thousand, and he can only publish in some irrelevant journal like >>201973328, then you probably can dismiss his claim.
That paper claims that climate change will REVERSE within a few decades. We'll see who's right
As I said, you were never going to red a 44 page paper with 100 sources, which is why I posted the video.
You immediately ran to search for something that supported your existing views, without ever actually engaging with the paper.
That's why I post videos.
Yeah, I thought it was quite interesting. It's why halon fire extinguishers are no longer allowed to be used, even though they were quite effective at putting fires out.
I already posted the video, and they summarized it.
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I used to live across from a giant wooded field, at the time I had a dog and had just gotten a kitten, every night before bed I would sit on my porch and hold the kitten while my dog went to the bathroom (I am not a psychopath who lets their cat roam free so he was firmly held in my lap) anyway one night I'm out and in the tree right across from my drive way I see an owl, no big deal they're native to this area and I've seen them before, but he makes a hooting sound and my cat panicked in the most primal fear driven way I've ever seen, little guy clawed me so hard trying to climb over my shoulder he fucking ripped my shirt to shreds then runs straight inside the house (thankfully I always kept the door slightly cracked) cat has never wanted to go outside ever again tried the next day and he started flailing the moment I got near the door holding him, that was a few years ago and to this day if I open the door the poor guy runs off to the furthest room in the house, guess the owl said some real shit in animal language
Can you summarize it?
eyes on the price
nigga i aint reading allat!
For the last week, my door makes a sound every time I open it. It actually squeaks, except it's squeaking in English. It says "I hate you". Probably heard it at least 200 times. This time, it said something different. It said "don't forget, we hate you". That's a sex joke if you were wondering. It's been hard to find a woman right now, because God has been torturing me so severely. I'm literally on the floor every half an hour screaming while he's violently assaulting me. He's also been cutting up my face to make me look uglier. Almost like an acid attack, but it heals. I dunno, should I be worried? He replies to me all the time on here.
I can, but again, why do I have to waste my time, when someone else already has?
Just watch the timestamped video I queued for you.
Good thing I queued the video then. It's like 2 minutes to listen to the summary.
Straight men are some of the most pathetic and desperate creatures on earth when horny, a horny man will do some truly depraved shit, 99% of all bad behavior by women can be blamed on the fact that men will let them get away with it because they haven't came in the last 12 hours and are brain fogged to all hell and back, add to that the modern hell that is an interconnected hyper online society that has allowed women to be more hypergamous than nature ever could have accounted for and it's really not that shocking that men are dumping money in to ewhores for a chance to feel a crumb of affection $6.9 billion feels low if anything
I'm a radical centrist.
this was a common statistic surprised you didn't hear of it
>HIV is a major problem for gays from all the unprotected casual sex they have
>it's the straights that are pathetic
Only fans is a psyop meant to kill off whites. That's why it's always in the media. Cam whores have been around since the beginning of the internet. Tinder was also used like this with its $500 sub fee, thats meant to kill off whites. Is it working? Probably yeah it is working you fuck.
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nice story thanks for sharing
that's a kind of fear that just is so primal and runs so deep that it's coded into their dna
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"slightly" drunk as I'm alone tonight
Your cat was right to be terrified, Great Horned Owls are large enough to swoop small cats up in their talons and kill them
So you accept a study done by the university of waterloo? I thought you said they were all paid not to publish these studies, university of waterloo is a public university government funded.
Their plan is for us to return to around 250ish parts of CO2 per million, when that was already dangerously low.
In the first minute electric cars are mentioned idk about this one chief
Yeah you ESL jeet it's not that hard of a post to follow, men do dumb things when horny, gay men get aids because they fuck easier, the point of the post was not gays though it was how straight men enable bad women to do bad things because women have leveraged the internet to make most straight men sexless, bad women are far more responsible for ruining the world than gay men, gay men are like 1% of the population, bad women are 49.6% of the population
I posted a study that you accept. Now you're trying to go against your own principles, to try and dismiss the study. All instead of actually reading something that challenges your world view.
Nice try, commie. I know your tricks.
Lol at least 80% of the women on Tinder have tattoos. That's extremely good evidence that Tinder is the bottom of the barrel, and there's a huge world out there that isn't like what they showed you on tv.
I queued it to 10:51. Not sure why it's not working for you.
New statistic just dropped
>100% of you will die
this is a bit awkward now
in the end, ketamine finally claimed him
i'm sure you're an adonis yourself
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I take blame for starting this argument on climate change that has now been going on for almost 300 posts
Sorry guys
God does do sexual torture. After I wrote this, he somehow made the collar to my shirt brush tenderly against my face. At the same time, I saw a fat old bald man in my mind shyly or coyly look at me. This isn't him telling me a joke. This is him using magic as a way to gaslight me or humiliate me. I haven't gone longer than 5 seconds in literally 5 years without hearing him talk in English to me. He's gaslit me at least 300 million times. It's insanely annoying. There's no way to stop him. I hate when he touches my body the most. He's violently raped me several times, and molested me around 100 million times.
me and who
me and who?
>You mean the stuff that gets funded by governments and universities that refuse to publish the science that goes against their narrative?

You said this, now your telling me to trust this study that was created in government funded university
>He's violently raped me several times, and molested me around 100 million times.
So you just gaslit me actually, probably intentionally. That was like a way to shift the argument away from tattoos. Did you do that on purpose? Lol. Like you accidentally just told me you think people should get tattoos. It's a way to make a woman reduce her SMV by a full 2 points. Done intentionally to increase mixed race children, as white males reject tattood women. Which is why Tinder looks like that. 80% of the women on Tinder have tattoos. That means tattood women are more likely to be single. And that's because the men they like reject them.
Now kiss
You have schizophrenia. Please seek psychiatric care.
m8 it's 2024 you can just be gay in the open you don't gotta do this weird schizo act, you can just go fuck, if you are worried about aids just use a condom or find a stable bf
We already know that you accept these types of papers. You're looking to find any loophole for getting out of accepting the research. Read the paper, or shut up already. I know you're never going to read the paper, and you're just coping.
This is your last (You), until you actually read the paper, as it's clear that you'll do anything to get out of challenging your narratives.
I can link you 1,000 papers that say the opposite of what that one says and you will find a way to dismiss them.
trying to make sense of this thread to no avail
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/cum/ is definitely a normalfag general because how do you anons deepthroat the most obvious b8 everytime? Embarrassing desu
don't use tinder m8 it's the worst possible place you could go.
i can't describe how awful of choice that is. Hinge, Bumble, IRL events, work, school, family friends, OKCupid, EHarmony, Craigslist, Facebook, Discord, literally any of those are better than Tinder in 2024
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i sit like this sometimes
No one mentioned tattoos but you retard the conversation was about women buying houses with onlyfans money because of self hating cucks like (you)
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this is my sister
Count the number of tattood whores on Tinder. I'm not schizo, it's almost all of them. I don't have a tattoo bro. So, every person doesn't have a tattoo. It's actually evidence that women who have tattoos are more likely to be single. That's because men don't like tattoos it looks so fucking cheap and trashy, just as bad as piercings. Kek. These women aren't getting suitable marriage offers is what I'm trying to tell you.
he's cute
need to smell her brown pussy
>I can link 1,000 papers, even though I haven't even read 1 page of the 44 pages, and never once looked at the 100 sources
>I've spent my time searching the internet for anyone that will discredit it, then I got called out on it
>I switched to attacking things not related to the paper and refuse to actually challenge my narratives
This is why NPCs can never do anything but follow the Current Thing. They'll do anything to avoid going against it. Even denying something true.
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I have had anons say I am a normalfag because I have had sex and then had anons tell me that doesn't count because it's gay sex there for I am a nonnormal normalfag
No it's just weird that you accept this one study from from a government public university but the other mountain of studies you reject because you said that they come from governments and universities that refuse to publish those studies even though you refuted yourself because you just showed us one of those studies that they you said they were not allowed to publish.
reddit leaf just tries to get (you)'s he's not worthing debating
OF was mostly likely a plot for distraction during the war and COVID, to give you one more thing to think about and to write about. It also would've been a benefit for mixed race marriage, as a woman who earns money without providing her vagina is a way to kill off males.
all day i can only think about women and their buttocks and breasts and pussies
>anon spends his time trying to attack my principles
>refuses to act on his own
>keeps questioning mine
>never actually reads the paper
This is why I post vidoes.
I see that now. He's double replying to it now.
He's a devout follower of Sciencism, and I'm a heretic.
Are they paying you to write these? Go to the gay threads on /soc/. You're like a gay rapist in 2024, a gay cyber rapist terrorist.
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Based. This anon is High T.
>buttocks and breasts and pussies
what would you say the ratio is for these 3 thoughts?
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>immune from being a normalfag forever
beeced have some frank ocean

Just won an argument on the internet
>have some chink music
no thanks
no you didn't
Yea I did
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I don't get the meme still what makes him chink music?
These pictures were likely made to order by the CIA. The guy they used for the meme I mean. It was commissioned to create greater sexual inequality in the developed world. This was a known way to create civil wars. And the result of a civil war is always dead males. Pajeets come in working under what's basically communism. So this was a plundering basically of the western world, as far as propaganda is concerned, I'm expecting the truth is that like 95% of the memes were made by a group and astroturfed themselves in clever ways.
hes half korean
You really need to take your meds, because it's not making anyone feel sexually inadequate. It's saying that everyone who thinks that way is a Giga Chad, including that anon who thinks about ass, pussy, and tits all day.
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He's not though I don't get the meme
Canadians are behaving very badly tonight
Chad was a meme used with the incel word. That's a way to place a man into a group. Anyone who has gone longer than a few weeks is going to feel like an incel. And that's done to kill us I'm assuming. So India has around 5 times our population, and also has a huge surplus of men, as women are generally not prefered for whatever reason. As far as our lives are concerned, it seems to be insignificant. More importantly, they likely want us gone, and replaced with Indians. As this will earn more money for the tip people basically, Indians are fuckin stupid.
So it's saying that covid cases are down? Pretty sure I'm a brainlet when it comes to these graphs.
I got my vax and booster so I could travel and go to my university but I won't be getting anymore covid vaccines due to the proven link to myocarditis in young men.
I have no regret
I love vaccines
lol yea I know I am just yanking your chain
>Anyone who has gone longer than a few weeks is going to feel like an incel
Not really. That's just some black pill doomer nonsense. Basically ever married man ends up an incel, and most of them cope just fine.
Not sure why you're so obsessed with jeets though. The Liberals are slowly backing down on mass immigration and the Conservatives have already said that they're going to drop it way down.
I've read that covid has a higher chance of giving you myocarditis than the vaccine thoughever
Yeah why's that happening lol. You should read the lyrics to a song on the radio. They basically just repeat "kill westerners" over and over, or "kill yourself" over and over.
There's still a little worry in the back of my thoughts. I took the double and one booster because of my job.
I haven't pushed myself in my workouts in 2 years now, because of this. I'm too scared to have a heart attack in my 30s.
Can you go post somewhere else please
Have had covid 3 times 2 were from travelling (airports are disease pits) the 3rd time as because I went to a nice local bar and made the mistake of talking to the owner about home brewing vs commercial brewing and the guy was clearly sick but I was too nice to end the conversation, fully vaccinated though so never had more than a minor cough and very low grade fever that lasted 2-3 days

Not a very funny joke anon I just wanted to share my gay rapper with cummers
>They basically just repeat "kill westerners" over and over, or "kill yourself" over and over.

Which songs?
You're more likely to have a heart attack when you're older due to decreased fitness. Work out anon.
Vaccines are great. It's too bad that the jabs we got for covid weren't vaccines. Health Canada brought in brand new regulations for covid, that were way lower than any other vaccine before.
National Citizen's Inquiry talked about it in their final report.
أنا ثائر أنا ثائر | الرادود هادي فاعور
I'm working out, I'm just not pushing myself like I was pre-covid. I still do cardo and weights, I just stop when I get tired the first time. When I'm running, I go for 20ish minutes, then walk to cool down. I used to run 20, walk 2, run 10, walk 3, run 10, walk 5.
They are vaccines, it's even in the Merriam-webster dictionary
Newest trending song on YouTube is "the emptiness machine". That's actually a common gaslighting trope, where they turn the phrase into a secret dual meaning. It's a joke about depression. Yeah can't wait to read the lyrics to this you fucking gooks. It's trying to program you into suicide, they're all like this.
Maybe you're just getting old
You should watch the movie "Under The Silver Lake"
It's an emo linkin park song...
I'll take the true reporting on Health Canada policies over a dictionary.
No, it's not a skill issue, it's a fear issue. I can do more, but in the back of my thoughts I'm afraid of having a heart attack and dying in my basement, alone.
>Ukrainian girl who has been messaging me back every day for 3 years left me on read on Tuesday and hasn't responded
I guess she finally got bored
Is bored the name of the guy dicking her down?
I don't watch movies anymore obviously. What the fuck. They're literally all trying to kill us. Every movie is totally hacked up with propaganda. They literally said "how do we use this story to fucking kill some random guy".
Every song is about suicide or sex. It's programming you to be demoralized. These aren't trends that happen naturally. They force these videos onto the front page. They've hacked the number of likes and also the upload dates. To make stuff seem popular.
The girl who rejected my insta-gram dm has remained strictly professional in our in-person interactions since then. The other girls in our group were complimenting my outfit one day and I noticed she remained silent. She also never says hi anymore.
It's over, but it's hard when I see her because she's so cute. I have to stop myself from being sad. Right now I'm just looking for someone else to ask out. I do have a prospect
No it's the name of the ruskie who bombed her village
Bombed her village, WITH HIS COCK!
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Yeah, I needed to hear that shit, I hate when you're submissive
Passive aggressive when we're texting, I feel the distance
I look around the peers that surround me, these niggas tripping
I like when money makes a difference but don't make you different

Gods been punching me in the head over and over while trying to convince me the pain is because I haven't had sex in awhile. I've had tons of girlfriends, but it's still annoying because he's been doing it for 5 years. He's also been punching my head extra hard around women in public, to give me a bad reputation in my town. I cry or scream from the pain, he hurts my head so badly. I'm pretty scared actually, everyone here probably thinks I'm a schizophrenic loser.
Do you like living in your paranoid world?
it's gonna be alright buddy
you're still young and dating and courtship is weird but don't get discouraged
Maybe, I've been thinking about what I should do when I get a gf, since it would appear strange how suspiciously close I am with this foreign girl.
She lives in Kyiv, I'm pretty sure she's still alive. She's left me on opened before for days or a week and always ends up responding, I'm just paranoid.
actually I feel my comment was out of line regardless of political affiliation war is bad, I hope anon gets his ukranian bimbo back soon

I will pray for you anon
Thanks. She's not a bimbo, she's a femcel that reads hundreds of pages of books a day. She loves gay romance novels lol
It's actually like this though. I don't think anyone even reads the lyrics to mainstream music. Like I just told you to a few times, and you didn't even do one song. Pick your favorite song of your life. And read it from start to finish. Is it trying to kill you? Yes, this was written specifically to try to kill you with words. It's not that effective but they keep doing it.
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tbqh the thing that made me realize I was getting old was creating a google voice number specifically to call my phone to find it when I misplace it in the house which is at least once a week (I am not even out of my 20s)
>I've been thinking about what I should do when I get a gf
If you even start feeling those feelings for the hypothetical new girl that could become your gf, you better be breaking things off with Ukrainian girl before hypothetical new girl is your gf.
Take it from me, if you have someone on the backburner, you'll never be properly invested in your current relationship. It was only after I did the painful thing of breaking things off with the backburner girl, that I was actually invested in my current gf.
Thank you. I'm grateful that we can still function together in our program, since before I was worried that everything would be super awkward or that she would try to cancel me or something
You know there's a lot songs about suicide, this is a good one from a long time ago.
Stop posting in our thread you fucked up looking gook
>I hope anon gets his ukranian bimbo back soon
Lots of girls like slash fiction. That's perfectly normal. It's all about the emotion of two straight guys being overcome with forbidden feelings.
She's not on the backburner, we are entirely platonic, I just don't know how I would be able to explain that to a future gf. I could let her scroll through our messages if she really didn't trust me, it's entirely non-sexual.
Hey buddy you ignored my Drake slow+reverb song, now I only know Drake from slow+reverb songs but if you could not ignore me and give your thoughts that would be great, I like the part where he talks about his dad
Yes it's like I just said, almost every song is about suicide or sex. Or religion. And that's because those are very effective brainwashing methods. Theyve been doing this for over 100 years with music. I figured these posts were shadowbanned.
the new female singer in linkin park is so cringe why are womeme like this bras
Literally every song you've ever considered popular was made by a brainwashing group.
You gotta touch grass
That's what I said too. Emotional investment is more than you realize. It's how people ruin their actual relationships with their "work husband/wife". Emotional support from someone of the opposite sex, while you're in a relationship with another, never ends well.
Or just keep her as your backburner, and gaslight your future gf into thinking that she's only platonic.
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Oh wait do you think I'm urkel? I am not though urkel was in texas for a bit, I would have bought him a beer if he wanted (in a non gay way) and discussed china with him (I don't have any interest in modern china though I am extensively educated in ancient china however due to taking multiple years of uni classes on it and I never have a chance to share all of the dumb knowledge that was imparted on me by my schizo old man professor)
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>CIA-funded circus music starts playing
>8 minute keyboard solo
>song ends
Late night /cum/ is a sad bunch
Sure but we're trying to talk about how weird it is that the lyrics to music is all trying to kill us. Like it's not that important I agree, but it's pretty weird isn't it. They've basically used propaganda to take part in our lives in ways that are against the law and very intrusive.
I have several female friends though and they always provide me emotional support if I need it. I don't understand your argument. Some of them are in relationships, they aren't like pseudo-gfs, they are my friends.
What would you like to talk about?
Delete your anime folder or stop posting it at least. Not a single person here wants to see your drawings of cartoons.
What's your favorite ancient Chinese war story
I don't agree, I don't hear that at all
filipina slum slags are HOT and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
I'll show you how your favorite song is used for brainwashing, I do this as a hobby.
Did you ever wonder why you're single now? All that female emotional support from outside the relationship. Unless it's your gf/wife/female family member, you shouldn't be getting any of your needs met by random females, even ones you call "friends".
Which are probably girls you would date, but friendzoned you, and keep you in their attention orbit.
Let's hear your analysis
I'm single because I don't approach or ask out enough women
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I like this song
Because you get emotional needs met elsewhere. Combine that with the porn that you most certainly watch, and your brain has no reason to think it needs to ask out women. As far as it knows, you're already in a relationship.
No I really want a gf and I don't ask out women because I'm timid and shy. I really don't agree with your analysis
The leaf is right, anon. Long term platonic relationships with women online is not healthy.
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unfortunately you are a schizophrenic and I am slightly drunk and thus will not be complying with your request

Maybe it's a stereotypical answer but the Taiping Rebellion is genuinely fascinating the more you dig in to it, 20-30 million dead and all over some schizo who thought he was Jesus' brother and tried to bring Christianity to China and yet it's barely talked about in the west and Christianity is almost non existent in East Asia because of it and it didn't even happen all that long ago it was in the 1850s-60s, China is just so massive that shit like that can be buried within a few years, it's one of the few wars that deserves the phrase really makes you think because imagine if the middle east was that big and densly populated, makes you wonder if Islam ever would have gotten off the ground considering it also spread through the conquering of living prophet (which side not is part of what causes the militant stance of islam today, imagine if Jesus had said fuck it lets go kill some guys instead of telling people to chill out)
That's fine, I don't know you well enough. Just sharing what I know from my experiences.
someone give me some animal turds
Super nintendo sega Genesis
make the new cuck
I stopped using these terms years ago, they feel cringe. It's Super Famicom and Megadrive.
Kek, they're promoting breaking and entering, I've seen this before. They're also trying to glorify suicide. And also normalizing stalking people. So that's actually a way to increase that stuff, is one way to look at it. The benefits of this would definitely function as part of a replacement. It's also another song about sex. I won't watch the video, but it's probably even worse.
new 4 (you)
>this nigga doesn't even know rap
Wait I didn't put /cum/ in the subject someone make a real new
you idiot
That just means we have to shitpost in it really hard. Unless you make the same pic, with /cum/ in the title.
Leave it to the late night /cum/tards to fuck it all up
it's the drinking if I wasn't a few in this would have been fine
Immediately he accuses his teachers of gaslighting him. I don't think that was really a thing, it was played up as a blame game sorta way, across the various media forms at the time. He probably barely sold coke too. Not like it was marketed as. Its common to depict famous people as pro coke. They do this for market reasons, to influence the upper caste in a way that makes them feel included.

"It was all a dream" common way to depict life as pointless and futile is to call it a dream.

He then glorifies money and luxurious living. Its common to make rap niggers a scapegoat for financial gaslighting.

I've seen him write about Christian concepts many times, but he's always doing the opposite, he's saying he's the bad one, he's a sinner. That's religious gaslighting and they claim the opposite to bring up religion in a way that's almost not noticeable. If he was saying "I love Jesus" it would be boring I guess. Bringing up religion at all is common.

Lol he talks about how women love him now, but he's obese. They wouldn't have. It's all by design, the lyrics came from somebody else.
kys and someone make a real new
Drinking ginger ale and grenadine
It's just a song about how he accomplished his dreams and how his life is better now, and no biggie writes his stuff, he was rapping since he was a kid.
real new I fixed it praise me please
>got my vax and booster so I could
Your opinion is wrong. The song is trying to brainwash you, using similar concepts that we have today. They choose what music gets sold in stores and plays on the radio. They try to control what we hear. They tell us the song is just popular, but they decide all the choices. They decided what music was "famous". And they didn't do this for no reason, it was to change our opinions into more profitable concepts.
Climate change propaganda is probably a way to make us more accepting of paying more for less. These new grocery bags are fucked up. They're trying to program us to be "efficient", but the result is that we pay more money for less and worse products. Where else is this happening?
Those fucked up retards even include gaslighting messages on their recyclable shopping bags. They're taunting us because we can't do anything about them. They own the government most likely.

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