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It was all a dream edish 2.0 and also I apologize for fucking up the last one it's all good now

Previous >>201972593
fake previous >>201974794
first for Canada
OP is a tard, and I hope he dies in agony from cirrhosis of the liver
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>before the Spud bandaid
Damn that's an old picture.

I refuse to let my observation about it be lost.
Bit rude I'm out here doing my best and I made a good new for you in the end at worst your opinion on me should be neutral

I don't think he started wearing that til the 2000s so not that old but Word Up was mainly an late 80s early 90s magazine, kind of faded out to the point where I'm not even sure when it ended, really miss magazines though tbqh I always enjoyed grabbing them from the store when I was young, used to have a pretty extensive collection of SPIN and Guitar World Magazine as well as a couple of video game related ones, letters to the editor and stuff like that were always fun, the internet "replaced" magazine as a media yet doesn't compare in any way
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where i'm from it's a custom to dip pizza in ranch
leave him alone i've made that mistake in the past before it sucks
remind me to never visit where you're from
>I don't think he started wearing that til the 2000s
Yeah, I can't remember the exact year that Spud went to jail, but it was around 1999/2000. I was so used to seeing him with the bandaid though, so I had to do a double take to even be sure it was him.
I was planning to do laundry at 6am but I woke up at midnight and am thinking about just getting drunk again and doing laundry in the afternoon
i just switched the laundry over and had a midnight snack of a pbj and a glass of milk
That looks like the cover to a gay porn dvd
I did my laundry Thursday night.
I'm two steps ahead, just like Nikacado
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The purpose of this post is to inform you that I have recieved my favorute drunk meal which is of course a burrito also anon never responded to my chinese war post
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We put ice cream on pie in this neighborhood
Not racist enough for a late 1990s/early 2000s black dvd cover. It'd be showing "Jungle Fever" or some tribal dress, etc.
Sorry, I have heard of the Taiping rebellion already so I didn't know how to respond.
Do you have any Chinese War stories that are older than a 1000 years?
i'm going to be making peach cobbler soon and i always put the scoop of vanilla on top
i haven't done that with cherry pie but i am open to the idea
I would absolutely destroy a fruit cobbler of any variety right now
They are so good
Every night I want to end it all.
I fall asleep crying alone in the dark.
I awaken upbeat and reinvigorated.
banger alert

We have to go back
i agree, blackberry and pear cobblers are also a favorite of mine
Slap deez nutz, mobilefag.
the fellow across the street is working with the railroad company to keep me awake. there are trains and there are automobile engines being revved up outside my window. lately there are people walking outside at midnight or beyond midnight and they lInger outside my window. I hear then talking then when i look there's just an empty street. how do they do it
a dog barks then a door slams then a car engine. it's the same sequence on repeat being broadcast
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a leaf blower and a utility truck with that reverse beep beep beep. more engine revving. my dreams would save me if i could get to sleep but they're determined to stop me
Except dogs piss overtop of other dog's piss.
It's like a fundamental force prevents this general from ever having less than 1 schizo at a time.
they fly a drone over the backyard when i'm out there or a helicopter circles
sneaky fella
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Americans shut down their insane asylums and jeets flooded our health care. There's nothing we can do.
What you're actually doing is gaslighting people who are telling you about corruption. So that's gotta be a crime of some sort, and would be punished under fair rulership. But you get away with it here because you're a slimy rat.
i'm ugly
Schizos can still take medication to manage their symptoms
they've been swapping out my green bananas for rotted ones lately and it must be a punishment for something i forgot already
>Schizos can still take medication to manage their symptoms
They can't get to the doctor to get meds.
brown bears are fraidy cats
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Here's a marmot I saw in Grand Teton National Park 4 years ago
These dudes spend 2/3rds of the year hibernating!
black bears*
brown bears are the ones that kill you
imagine they go into your house to work on the wiring but they install cameras in the air vent. that happened to me and there's highly sensitive microphones that can hear me breathe if i don't cover my mouth
There is a board where your fears are on-topic.
Please stop posting here.
they put me under general anesthesia and installed a transponder in my chest cavity to receive their messages and it will explode if i go rogue
he just like me
It's time for me to go to bed.
Goodnight, sleep well.
they figured out how to hijack my dreams while i'm awake to give me acid reflux
good night i'm gonna do the same
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Don't put ice cream on pie but big fan of brown betty with ice cream

Well I did say it was a stereotypical answer, I suppose it depends on what you want to read/learn about though, the Battle of Changping was a part of the warring states period and was one of the bloodies battles in history because the Qin executed everyone involved after it was over including just burying some of them alive to save time the whole of the warring states is composed of "little" tragedies like that

if you want a more obscure war the Goguryeo–Sui war was China's attempt at invading Korea (Goguryeo) that failed four times in a row, initially most of the invasion force was sent by sea that ran in to storms and by the time they landed the Korean's were just standing there waiting on them and complete wiped them out, they tried again 14-15 years later, essentially the same thing happened the Korean's new an invasion was coming massed their forces together and completely destroyed the chinese, but the of course that still wasn't good enough so the chinese tried again the next year, got fucked again, and then despite literally not a single person thinking it was a good idea tried yet again the next year and the Korean's basically told them to fuck off and stop trying and that they'd sign a non-aggression treaty if they needed

Anyway all of the losses back to back got the people riled up and the Sui were overthrown by the Tang who lasted a long ass time

That being said there's plenty modernish stuff China has been involved in, like their invasion of Vietnam after the US pulled out is almost unheard of in the US and an interesting example of red on red violence
I was kind of into this girl (28 years old) until I found out today that she has a 52 year old sugar daddy boyfriend
central casting can make the right side of my body go numb like they're doing now
Thank you anon
Chinese history seems crazy, maybe one day when I have more time I'll pick up a few non-fiction books that go over it
Redrew your borders.

A square is not a State. Make your borders follow the geography or the Amerindian cultures etc.
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More than vision or hearing dogs use smell. They smell absolutely everything. I think it's cute
Why does New Hampshire vote Republican at the local stage, but Democrat at the National stage ?
Because New Hampshire is based. Red politics are good locally, but stinky nationally.
To be honest a lot of chinese wars aren't terribly interesting to read about because a lot of chinese historians didn't care about tactics so a lot of it boils down to "X fought Y on this date, 1 million dead total victory by X" so cultural stuff is more interesting to read/study, if you ever have a chance my favorite book I read in history class was The Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee, basically the chinese Sherlock Holmes but he the full thing, Judge, Investigator and Jury, complete with a cast of side kicks all fictional versions of real life cases by an actual judge the book was massivley popular in china and gives you an idea of what your average person found entertaining which is as much true history as wars and stuff

Other than that for non-fiction books the harvard press books by Mark Edward Lewis are pretty standard if dry reading on various dynasties
Socialism is never good. Socialism is to make everybody equally poor throw a leveling down.
Mammals mog all others
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Don't sleep on echinoderms
That thing is neither cute nor cuddly.
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why dont you just get an asuka gf?
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I have aten my burrito and shall now lay in bed goodnight my fellow /cum/ies
Uyghur was interesting. The true history of the uyghurs is covered up. It seems like they sent them to a place, and then invaded it sometime later lol. Killed tons, separated the children, installed boarding schools using a new religion, language, and mandatory propaganda brainwashing. Did something eerily similar to the first nations natives of Canada. They bought a shark after this. This shark. Insane, sonar can't even see it.
A decentralized system
For me, it's fungi
To live doesn't mean you're alive
>be mexican
>have Amerindian and Spanish genetics
>forced to work all day
That's like being half German, half Japanese and then being forced to enjoy leisure time.
dont you think it's kind of crazy that hle won the lck this year?
a month and 2 days ago, I went into the Medford, MA police station, and took a shit in there
Going to start taking running seriously
Will aim for a mile every morning to start. Might get actual running clothes like gym shorts
On second thought I might alternate running with other forms of exercise like speed walking. If I have time I could swim too
Girls lap dancing < girls tap dancing
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Rate my French Toast
(Apologies if lighting isn't good, I have a crappy camera)
imma be real with you chief, this looks like ass
meal fit for a king and his queen

my dogs love to sniff
Tasted good though
You hardly find ketchup in glass bottles anymore, and it's a real shame.
There's something about opening a glass bottle and tapping the side to coax out the ketchup that zoomoids are incapable of appreciating.
Where I'm from, the old timers call it, "catsup."
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That's aside from the fact that mayonnaise is the superior condiment for French fries.
i just ate so much i can't finish this cake
Drop the VPN, Pierre
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Personally, I enjoy a little bit of both ketchup and mayo.
Guy where I used to work, Frankie Moretti, a rotund balding unit of a man, used to freak out when I'd dip my fries in mayo at lunch, calling me a moolinyan this or that.
He was a real grease ball, but his heart was in the right place and eventually I convinced him to try it.
He just said, "not bad," although I never saw him try it again.
You see, he was firmly in the ketchup camp, and I can respect that.
good morning sirs
my neighbors were replaced in what you might call a time warp (worm?). theyre working with the feds or the police department to disturb my sleep by sending me transmissions depicting my death
its the same sequence a dog barking then a door slamming then an engine revving followed by a lawn mower or leaf blower and some guy coughing outside my window in the middle of the night. a utility truck reversing beep beep beep and a jack hammer or some industrial grinding equipment maybe a buzzsaw
anyway this repeats for infinity and i cant escape it so my punishment is eternal i suppose
even now theyre transmitting thoughts or mind images or bodily functions by making my stomach rumble. its the same woman in the grocery store with the pretty eyes giving me the stare and with her mind she transmits that she sees me as nothing more than an incel who gives her the ick
can you imagine that sequence on repeat infinitely. thats what theyre doing to me and for what crime? the crime of daring to dream or hope for a better tomorrow. my mail arrives opened and they do this to taunt me. even the one watering his lawn waving at me gives me that condescending smile. theyre mocking me. the sequence resets and begins again with my torture
take your fucking lithium schizo
Rocket 69 rocket 69
i only get out of bed most mornings because eventually i have to piss. if i invested in a bedpan i might never have to take another step
>kamala is winning through
still seething
he's literally winning the popular vote by 2 points, cope harder you coconut faggot
seething lmso
When I was a young innocent boy I refused to eat tomatoes onions pickles and mustard on my borgers. I'm older now, much wiser, and I now am a tomato onion pickle and mustard enjoyer.
i dont see how anything happening could change my outlook on life, things are grim and it has nothing to do with what's happening in my life or even in the world right now, life is just grim in general since the beginning
What US region has the most neutral accent? Or what is closest to what's listed as General American in dictionaries.
haha loser
California is the American accent
Accents are disappearing because zoomers and Alphies grew up on the internet and social media is a thing. Nobody under 30 has a regional accents anymore except some parts of the south

You can hear the Hawk Utah girls southern accent and she's a zoomer
muh zoomers
It wasn't an insult, zoomer. Just an observation. I actually don't have anything against zoomers, personally. I mean, you're all cringy worthless scum, but I have just as much contempt for millennials too
standardization of the american accent didn't start with zoomers you fucking moron
I didn't say it started with them. Obviously television and radio played a role. But with social media it's pretty much put the nail in the coffin for regional accents in the coming decades
if you southroids did ANYTHING of relevance that would justify media representation your accent wouldn't die out. all you do is raise the beef for my burger and drill the oil for my car. seethe and get replaced btw your boss is a coastie
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it could've been you
he doesn't know true suffering
I want to drink six hundred beers
The most quintessentially "leaf" condition I suffer from, is that when I see a super morbidly obese person in Canada, all I can think is "that person has a fucking lot of money to be able to afford all that food."
can't forget her
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Its due to hormonal imbalance sweaty
A persons weight is genetically determined and their calorie intake has nothing to do with it
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That's true, I need to un-learn my problematic thoughts. I need to practice allyship.
Good man. Rabbi Foodberg in your picture only has humanity's best interests in mind! That silly little hat is a symbol of trust
Accept your weight or maybe try a few lifetime cycles of ozempic.
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i want a mexican gf
Is that a 350z convertible with 5 headrests?
Lexus SC30/Toyota Soarer
rear light shape is a giveaway
That's obviously a Lexus
They did look somewhat similar
and the zero leg room between front and backset you can infer from looking at the distance between the headrests.
it was labelled the worst car ever made by Clarkson which makes this atmospheric V8 convertible pretty affordable compared to a porsche or a maserati of the same period.
a smart investment if you want my opinion
he’s a big guy
during conception the vision was to make a car that" embodies the French Riviera" through its design. Toyota sent a team on vacation to the south of France to really live and soak themselves into what it means to live there. What they came with was a car that was a Yacht on wheels.
It's more complex than that of course the body has a lot of details and subtelties among which is the patented shape of the hood that makes it so the front wind "avoids" the driver and passengers even at high speeds
They're auto only tho
automatic transmission from fucking Toyota in early 2000*
I only tried one on an 08 avalon but it was pretty terrible outside of "sport shift" mode
It could never decide if it wanted to be in 3rd or 4th gear at low speed cruising.
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to me the French Riviera never meant much besides overcrowded beach, impossible to pickup women, rich people, bad tv shows, justva place I didt give a shit about really... until I met someone not from this country who told me it was her favorite place in the world and her dream location for living.
Now it's the worst most bitter place ever and I can never go there without seeing her face everywhere
we're all basically breaking down and dying the moment we begin to exist and old age is just the build up of that damage
Now THIS is a toyota convertible
Economy car engine but amazing platform
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I want to be murdered
she wasn't born there?
I do not trust teetotalers. I try to determine if the person I'm interviewing is a drinker (you're new to the city? How do you like it, any favorite places) and if they don't indicate they drink I usually pass even if they are skilled. I have never hired a Muslim.
i only drink alone though
murder me
come to america and i'll shoot you
who's my buddy
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unleashes a primal shriek
kamala won, the polls prove it
trump won, the polls prove it
cope jewboy, israel's finished
i'm with zion don
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Eating a pear

God damn, why are they so good?
mangos are better
are they good for you though?
Low on micronutrients. Basically candy.
They aren't bad for you but there are much better fruit nutritionally speaking
Pretty much. Calorie count is kinda high compared to other fruit, but a small pear is still <100 kcals. Full of vitamins and, more importantly, fiber.

Of course, ketotards and carnivoretards will start screeching hysterically at this point because they're legit actual schizo retards who think that eating a single grape is somehow worse than eating an entire tub of lard, but you can safely ignore those freaks.
do people actually think kamala will treat israel differently than trump, how fucking delusional do you have to be
My nigger
not responding to brian and his trump guzzling spiel
>let in millions of uneducated poors illegals
>let few thousand europeans each year because getting in legaly is next to impossible
I was at a diner in Santa Fe, New Mexico in October 1999. Vegetable omelette with hashbrowns, bacon, and buttered toast.
Apple juice and coffee. How do I remember this?
That's my standard order anywhere
mexicans just cross the border and never go back. i don't see why yuropoors can't do the same, airfare isn't that expensive
cool story unc
Water is for the horses.
A man drinks whiskey.
we just don't accept poles. stick to your ethnostate chud we're full
Sue Anne was cock-eyed and smoked a pack a day. She wasn't an attractive gal, but she always made sure my drink was refilled, and to her credit she never smelled like cigarettes.
yeah sure, but I cannot imagine living as an undocumented immigrant, how do you get a job or file taxes or rent an apartment or buy a car or do literally anything? You'll have to work some shit ass job for the rest of your life with constant risk of getting deported
>how do you get a job or file taxes or rent an apartment or buy a car or
literally every venezuelan i've met has a job a house a car and crossed the border illegally
What's up with women who are obsessed with Harry Potter well into their thirties?
i thought summer would never end
Wake me up when September ends
Post 4chan cum
green day really sucks
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as an angry bitter incel this image makes me want to die
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How would you feel if we kissed in the cum miata?
i feel nothing for fake bitches
This depresses me, as someone who used to be obese but has lost and kept off nearly 25% of my former body weight
I'm not a gay person. I only kiss straight women over 20 years old and under 50 .
disgusting british slag phenotypes all around
1 and 3 are extremely sexy
then buy their onlyfans you retarded cumskull, see if i care
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>disgusting british slag phenotypes all around
feeling extremely soy and beta lately
only have eggs and stall bread for dinner
stupid nigger life
you've never traveled
All the people call me monkeyboy
How many countries have you visited?
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Canadians owe me sex
sick of seeing ugly things and retarded people
why are homeless niggas so territorial? they think anyone's gonna cry over their annoying ass corpse after they fuck with the wrong person?
watching destiny
This mf feeling thug around homeless people.
What an easy target bruh. Who's next, blind people and babies? They're so stupid and slow aren't they?
>Who's next
you, motherfucker
>tough guy spiel
i keep getting ads in spanish
>everyone's soy like me
cope and projection
don't you just wanna splorg your splooge in her fat puss-puss and get her insta-pregnernt
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met some canuckians yesterday all the way down in california
good people
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life had more sovl in the past
can a nigga get a grilled cheese
Havent been on a hike in over a year
Feels good bros
deustchland deutschland uber alles
ha ha, marvellous
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i love Canada
and good ol USA
i need 8 Canadian "pull outs" with giant bahonkas
UK to Canada over 30 times a week
open minds fly with ____
OK i will do it! 30 planes a week back and forth and ill find a leaf on the plane
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nigga your government literally funds real madrid
what kind of fucking bank doesnt let you deposit paychecks at their ATM
fuck wells fargo
*kisses him better*
we have this at the bank of Scotland
but its basically nu technology and only can be done in the bank, though im sure the other banks do it
based Bank of Scotland
yeah, i hate it
I wonder if Euros realize how fucking zesty and metrosexual they are compared to us
Do you want to kiss me?
john gotti
charles manson
khaleid sheikh mohammed

all innocent of murder, never actuall proven they killed someone themselves
Im pretty sure manson proudly admitted to the murders
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Hell naw nigga, i don't even know you!! get yo sorry ass outta my face befo i smack yo ass!
nah manson didnt do nothing
no that's why he drew a swastika on his forehead, because hitler also didn't kill anyone. it was symbolism
he was a good boy
you would think that ketchup + mayo mixed together would go with salmon
are german women the most large-chested in the world?
oh yeah
The "I was pretending to be dumb the whole time" has to be the ultimate mechanism to cope with argument defeat around here. It's like the wining text in a fighting game.
Pay attention to it. It means victory.
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No I wouldn't
>he gets into arguments on the internet
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not really
but they do have 0 children and have sex with dogs
stop replying to ratpedo
t. pedocel
>he thought I was being serious
LOL this nikka fell for it I won
be nice to indians
goshpedo is in mexico
Latinas and blacks probably have bigger chests, fat or not
I don't want to have sex with your women so no
Lol when I banked with them, they'd take 5 dollars out of every paper check you deposited, and they'd take 20 dollars out every month if you didn't deposit at least 20 dollars regularly so get fucked if you ever lose your job
Switched to a credit union fast. idk how people are such npc drones to not care about shit like this
Beef liver and onions served with creamed spinach and white rice.
My grand pappy considered that a choice meal. God rest his soul.
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My mother never breastfed me. She liked me as a friend.
based Mexico
why? or, do you or do you not think mayo goes with tuna for a start>?
love love LOVE the rain and dark in Scotland
daytime is good (and so is the sun) too but i love the rain. Scotland at night is so much better and i have missed it
do u like haggis
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we live in a society
To the americans: what are you going to do for this years hispanic heritage month?
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it tastes ok i guess
and i know the definition maybe includes "wrapped in intestine" but there is more of a comparison between haggis and "deconstructed" haggis than there is like with the gap between eating pizza and having a "deconstructed pizza"
in that most people eat it as like, square sausages. but you can also get it as just the good haggis bits
Taylor Swift is at a tennis match

Shid and fard
Latinas are so high in estrogen, it's intoxicating
anything i personally disapprove of is reddit
you are brown
Ok but I'm right
you are wrong and they hit the wall extremely hard and their personalities are awful. just dumb neurotic bitches
Um ok you seem to have mistook me for your therapist
did i mention they are loud and annoying
I think I accidentally bought concentrate cranberry juice
Lay on the couch and tell me what the latinas in your high school did to you
i love reggie/whygena, though
they got pregnant at age 14 and morphed into goblina horrors, well even greater horrors than they already were, dios mio!
i swear this latina psyop is getting stale
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I used to be a smart feller
Now I'm just a fart smeller
>le epic nigger child xD
people not at risk of getting pregnant at 14 (such as those in the states) shouldnt be given birth control/hormones just for their heavy periods when they get through puberty
hmm solid point though...libtards and women on suicide watch
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pedophile obsessed with humanoid rats and other foreign losers: get the fuck out of my general
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God bless
im just going to let yesterdays Americans in /brit/ speak for myself for what everyone else should conclude for themselves about what that American just said
i cummed so much yesterday when i wanked
Edged or fast cummed
regular cummed
How long can the ragebait business model last ? Whats elans endgame?
those soldiers are standing in the way of the stars if they were meant to be with the stripes just syaing BUT WHAT DO I KNOW
Did you study in Princeton University?
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IDGAF (about making good music anymore) ft. DJ autotune prod
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prod. (my arse). farted this one out - album: background music slop to put with the others in your playlist for background music all in the same pot of pot-brewed music of blended random shit that your brain will like
No, I received my degree from a far more prestigious institution, the University of Arizona
i bet that if you ate out a girl on her peroid and could make her bleed then youd get a lot of goodness from that
your body ought to be able to beat estrogen if you are a man. otherwise what are you
niggas that work out and take T be like
>yeah im manly as FUCK im da based alpha
but then are scared of estrogen. like theyre scared of competition- scared- and short sighted- of the benefits of introducing estrogen, just to blast it with the mans insides and overcome... female behaviour
if people that work out are so strong then why do they need the setup to be so perfect for them to perform? if you are so based and huge and alpha male then why cant you work out - as they did in primordial times - while you are hungry/starved/fasting in that state where you have energy but not the fast-release energy to back it up? if you were so much stronger than i, you would be capable of doing your pushups whilst starved - butcha cant
and yeah theres the help from the lesser males to the alpha, to funnel that, to enable him, but surely if you are so strong then you could do it without having everything handed to you? youd be able to work out fully without getting your perfect diet
You're licking the clit, not scooping the blood and mucus out of her puss like you're going for the bottom of the yogurt container.
im not sitting there licking one spot for 30 minutes. im scooping blood out of her pussy
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pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy
pussy, pussy, okay, 21
okay, 21, okay, 21
okay, 21
21, 21, 21
"the science" nowadays is NOT eating the placenta and afterbirth
that is to say, "THE SCIENCE" - which is dominated by le... WOMEN. makes you think, doesnt it hubbies?
the system is trying to make you gay
thanks for summing it up Israel
kids are starving in Africa
white men doing the same thing by wasting the afterbirth
lock your child in a barrel filled with blood flavoured with beef stock and spinach-water. add anticoagulants
if they drink all of the blood they are fated to live a full and successful life
okay, this is BASED
halal slaughter a bull into that barrel
maybe you could use a lion if they are Leo - if mother did this with me then maybe i wouldnt be getting banned from 4chan so much
it's lasted since 2015 that's nearly 10 years
So how do we feel about the nicokado situation?
in the opium wars against the brits, Chinese soldiers would shoot above the enemy soldiers heads - this was to "kill their spirit" (soul? maybe)
and they still won
i cant take war seriously anymore after this
return to bows and spears or im just not gonna take it seriously
Nap scheduled for 21:00 UTC
Chinese niggas dont apply physics to they black powder and circle objects pre-threaded barrels with the forces acting upon the object and against the back of the gun
this conversation is boring
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Pretty cool guy

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