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game is up come join
Server ID: 90201591567708167
Is it a vanilla game (no mods) if so that's cringe af and you should keep yourself safe
no password
no DLCs needed
you can join whenever you want but join now because you will need to pick a country that was controlled by AI if you join later
man i made anbennar too and only 4 people joined
dont talk shit if you wont join anyways
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hurry up you guys
Did you know that the original Swedes, 50 000 years ago, were Turks?
I applaud your perseverance. I would hop on if i werent busy and had it installed
come back please
i will accept your request please come
you can change your nickname in top left after clicking multiplayer by the way
I'd join but my pc is ass and EU4 runs in slow motion
its ok we play in speed 3
join please
>server lost
my internet got disconnected for some reason
i will rehost the server in a minute
I'm too low iq for paradox games but have a bump
Server ID:


no password
join here
yo is the game still going? how many players do you have
eu4 is not hard at all just play an easier country and follow a guide
3 of us atm
Sweden, Ottomans and Muscovy
>Sweden and Muscovy both taken
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join now
had to restart (still had the mod on "on")
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6 players now
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server is currently busy please try again later
got one guy switching countries try again
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> the server was lost
I would join but you guys would kick my ass and I don't want to dox myself.
>turkish internet
i dont know how to play either
Server ID: 90201594217656327
it is okay just change your nickname if you are afraid of doxxing
do I play EUIV, steam multiplayer or nakama crossplay multiplayer?
how the fuck does that even work
Be home in 15 minutes. I'll join when I get there
>Changing your username
steam multiplayer
we can wait for you for a few more minutes if you hurry up
i am about to start
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Im in
>8 players in
>manage to conquer turkey
>Op bans me from the game
Yeah don't play with this guy he is insane
(Big Burgundian Cock)
need new muscovy player
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here is the current state of muscovy, I dealt with all the early game problems.
7 players currently
get the fuck in here
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alright im off to go kill myself thank you for the game
we need fresh neets, don't be shy
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thank you for joining the game
did server died?
no? its stil lthere
we are still playing
Damnit, I got disconnected. I thought the game was over. How's my Castile, please tell me it didn't implode? Alright I'm coming back.
looks fine to me
>server lost
it's over
will you guys join back if i rehost the game?
It's late over there, guys. Think about your sleeping schedule.
sure why not I can spare some more time
dunno about the others
my internet got disconnected

i will post server ID in any case:
get some burger friends in here bro we need to keep this going
last time I tried playing EU4 multiplayers I accidentally clicked accept demands on a cossack revolt and lost 90% of my country and since then I have never played it nor do I want to play it out of fear someone will recognize me
I have absolutely zero friends that play these games.
nah bro we all had fuck ups
some guy just ruined sweden because he forgot he can do dipo in a multiplayer game
come on in
no one will recognize you just type some random bullshit as your nickname
I have to sleep anyways because of work tomorrow so sorry guys I can't join .(
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here's the map so far
most of the countries are still AI and up for grabs
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>being from a different time zone from mine
Joining tommorow :)
see you guys on the next game
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zitto animale
Fed grooming ring
nah it was a fun game
join us next time

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