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I love my fren pole edition
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Is for me?
big al
big N-WORD
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eternal dixon reminder not to shit where you eat
sirs do not redeem the bob and vagene
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them some skinny wrists boy
the schizo canadian is finally resting
what canadian
why don't you get tripflags anyway, do you only phonepost
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Sweatshirt on the Polish side
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Could belong to a beaver
have you ever seen sneakers dangling from anything
do they even do that there
boatman or bucks?
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Czechs on the Czech side
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In the elementary someone threw a bag with shoes (like picrel) on a tree in front of the school and it dangled there for a few years
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Ugly bridge on the Czech side
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point and bully the flaglette everyone
on some country roads you'll see them dangling from the telephone lines for however long it takes them to rot off or until a storm breaks all the utility poles

I am an ugly man on the Arkansas side
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Mess on the Polish side
last chance before I walk the 10 or so feet to my desk and check
I am a mess on the Arkansas side
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Arkansas has ducks (and rice)
please support the Arkansan economy
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More ducks
Arkansas also has more ducks but I will not be posting pictures of them
please continue supporting the Arkansan economy
can a foreigner gain american citizenship from a same sex marriage in the US ? If so would any amerimutt here marry a french skinny manlet ?
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Remains of a wooden bridge.
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More ducks btw
Arkansas has dilapidated wooden bridges and you can tour them (and thereby support the Arkansan economy)

they're treated no differently from heterosexual marriages and I'm planning to bring over a bong on a fiance visa

I am enjoying the pics btw, I just find this funny (I have never been funny)
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...and Polish...
I'm just investigating Polish garbage crimes
I bet there are Polish ducks, which are vastly inferior to both Czech ducks and R-Kansan ducks
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A few walks around the Polish river, and you can assemble a new car.
I hate littering and by extension the anti-christ

do you like Polish Silesia apart from the "people" who do this? I'm sure you've mentioned it but I can't recall it if so
Bull, it's only tires. All the metal gets taken by our scrap enthusiasts very fast
>can a foreigner gain american citizenship from a same sex marriage in the US ?
yes, in fact they'll probably expedite your processing.
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Czechs respect the Polish border (picrel). But can the Poles say the same? I don't think so.
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What about this.
That's not metal
Arkansans respect Arkansan ducks (except for the ones who don't)
may God strike down litterers and nature abusers with infinite punishment
Anon, I love Silesia and Silesians. I like Poles a little less, they're good neighbors, but terrible niggers to nature.
>I love Silesi and Silesians
the modern state and its consequences have been a disaster for the European race

t. eddy kasczynski
>modern state and its consequences have been a disaster for the European race
Czech Silesians are the winners. We are subsidized by Bohemia and Moravia while we can still live like niggers.
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Europe was better when national borders were suggestions over where to place your farm plots and you could start wars over your neighbors across the river speaking a slightly different dialect

the natural border of France is the Vistula btw
We're lazy. Why should I go to war when I can go to Poland to do comfy cheap shopping?
I said you could, not that you should. the Thirty Years War was high breed German autism
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Cyclists crossing the border.
my favorite European wars are the ones where the fighting just petered out because everyone realized there's no point in fighting your neighbors over some faggot noble's holdings when you're just going to go back to farming and pay the exact same taxes anyway. the Hundred Years War was like that in a lot of ways until the English realized their own identity separate from the French and just gave up their holdings on the mainland

thank you for reading my trash blog
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So you're saying yugoslav wars aren't your favourite wars?
I prefer the non-war periods when my family generated cross-generational wealth.
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Final part
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We are here.
as a rootless cosmopolitan/white trash dirt farmer I do not have generational wealth

I wasn't exposed to much Balkan history in school so I never made a study of it. the Ottomans were weird interlopers in Europe and in many ways were a continuation of what the Byzantines/late Romans were, they didn't fit well with what the remainder of the Empire/border regions like Germania evolved into

thank you for reading my trash takes too
no dice
hey man, been a while
back to phoneposting
ohio what's your steam
I think I had you at one point but I guess you got caught up when I deleted everything during my uwu depressed boy arc
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And boat is gone
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The bridge over the Polish water
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Only kino is burning Moscow
>just gave up their holdings on the mainland

Hmm sweaty we btfo'd them multiple times under Charles VII and Calais was retaken a hundred years later during a whole different conflict and all the English expelled
The English didn't just wake up one day and realize they were called English and not French, they first lost a few major battles
both jasontheranger and fag_slayer2000

one step closer to the joe rogan interview
incorrect, any time Samael al-Hyde is in the news is also kino

Sam Hyde is not funny and never was though, only the people who get upset at him are, which is the entire point of his "comedy". guarantee it's just him making retarded in-jokes to confuse Tucker

ummm sweaty I disagree, Anglos don't lose wars. there's just no point in engaging with continental Europeans

the natural border of France is the Lena river btw. I hate Germans so much.

I'll find you on boatmans profile later
>the natural border of France is the Lena river btw. I hate Germans so much.

Make it the Amur
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Chillin duckies
why not the Bering Sea and Gulf of Tonkin if you're going that far
all of Afro-Eurasia belongs to the French and if there were any justice in the world, they would make it one giant sea of caramel colored beauties

remember what they (the founders of the nation state system) took from us
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One Plus
tfw no mid dyed blonde to cover my house in fake plants
alright I'll get one if my carrier has them
doesn't seem like anybody besides six companies even makes phones anymore

in this house we touch grass
there's functionally no difference besides UI between chinkphones and Samsung

there are companies that make ones with non-standard (i.e. not Samsung, Pixel, or iToddler) features if you need them. honestly just go to gsmarena or /spg/ and ask if so.
t-mobile does not manufacture phones, they are a cell carrier
Why was I banned by your friend for 3 fucking days dude? Fuck
>not using grapheneOS
I know, he was talking about carrier.
And T-Mobile is selling shitty T-phone made by Chinks.
You missed out on some great fun in /icy/ last night. By 3 different janitors + blackmailing, kek
>your friend
Czechjanny is a terminal buttblasted autist who had someone in his family (we think) either die or get fucked up on drugs. there's a drug user who posts in /icy/ so Czechjanny started targeting the people there

he got slapped down by an actual mod yesterday who threatened to dox him if he didn't fuck off and stop

you are both brown and swarthy

>he was talking about carrier
he, in fact, was not
buying anything than an iPhone 16 Pro Max is a waste of money
I trust you all are just coming back from church
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>in many ways were a continuation of what the Byzantines/late Romans were
Ohh you're one of THOSE guys
imagine the genius at apple that came up with that shade of green for messaging with android phones
>can't even play webms
that's a nice opinion, iToddler

I am a connoiseur of trash takes and I will NOT stop sharing them

another one is that the people who cry about the Ottomans being Islamic ignore that the Roman Pagans got wiped out by the Christians too and there's functionally no difference between those two situations. I will admit they weren't a real political continuation of Rome like the Byzantines were, they just adopted a lot of the same assimilative and empire building strategies
He keeps banning me for whatever the fuck reason and it’s always off-topic. Can’t you ask him to quit doing this???
>There were three mods yesterday
What did each say? Why do they hate your thread? Why???
you are not white
you can play webms on apple products
whats it like being a chicano
the tiramisu was excellent, thank you for asking \dixie\ I can always trust on you to be kind and considerate to my feelings and to care about the goings-on in my life and to specifically make note to ask how things I made turned out because you're such good loving friends that care so so much
dry up
wipe those tears off your brown face
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>Roman Pagans got wiped out by the Christians
Jesus Christ Congay, I...
go look at yesterday's /icy/ on desuarchive, all of his posts got deleted because Swissmod caught him admiting to being a janny

it's probably the funniest mod drama I've seen since Rusjanny got the entire board flooded with monkey putins

I am God's whitest soldier
God is an Anglo

when did they make that change
I wouldn't know, the last time I owned an iPhone was in middle school and I didn't post on the chans then

see above
you are pure 100% bantu and you will never have access to the perfection of Yakub's seed
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cry about it
pisslamists are still savages
>when did they make that change
years ago
also zadar I really don't have an opinion on that, I just think it's a reasonable point if you want to make it. the Ottomans were an anomaly in post-Roman Europe
You should read it archive, it's pure gold.
Back home
I'm the only white man here
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what if *I* had more guns
Sure, slavs are not white
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Slavs, is in fact, Wends and Slavs, or as I've recently taken to calling it, masterrace and slavshits. Slavs are not an ethnic group unto itself, but merely a linguistic group made useful by based Wends, a vital group thanks to which Europe exists. Many /int/ users mistake Wends for Slavs every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the Wendish group is often called "Slavs", and many of /int/olerants are not aware that it is basically the Wends, a Central European masterrace. There really are Slavs, but Wends are no part of it. Wends are different, much more civilized and stuff. This is essential for you to realize. Slavs often include Wends, but basically it's Slavs with Wends added. All the so called "Western Slavs" are really Wends.
all slavs are slavshits, wends included
incorrect, as I explained above
skill issue
what's he getting at safeway
the 8 piece mixed chicken from the deli
Identification with Bohemia

In the description of the 10th century Latin chronicle Chronicon Moissacense about the history of the Germanic tribe of Franks, there is a reference to the expedition of Frankish troops to Bohemia and the unsuccessful siege of the fortress Canburg in 805.

The local naming of the Bohemians as Cichu-Windones is said to be the oldest written record of this ethnic name ever.

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>clearly read it
why are you SOOOOO mad lol
>clearly read it
>SOOOOO mad lol
kek, no

I'm enjoying the thoughts here.
>Slavs are not an ethnic group unto itself, but merely a linguistic group
I can even agree with you on some points.
>kek, no
I don't think you're mad

>I can even agree with you
that would be nice if it weren't a reskinned GNU/Linux shitpost
Was gonna go to the gun range
accidentally got drunk instead
>Slavs are not an ethnic group unto itself
Bulgarians, Czechs, and Russians are all the exact same
there's more cultural distinction between Texarkana, Texas and Texarkana, Arkansas than there is between Moscow and Warsaw
this was my intent buying the pixel, but then i learned you cant use snapnormie with it which was a dealbreaker
based truth speaker

sex dick cum
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>using snapgoy

Joehio is a brainrotted zoomzoom
>Joehio is a brainrotted zoomzoom
who up brainrotting
I'm sittin' here rottin' my shit I got lotion on my shit
I miss the big H man
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need Cobb to hook me up with some of that Satan Nigger Rape Madness mass gainer
hit squatz NOW
what if I want to do 8x20 diddlies instead
homosexual reproduction is NOT lifting
>homosexual reproduction is NOT lifting
no it's child molestation
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I will personally restore the JEB! reich

you're right, which is why I was referring to deadlifts
tfw no jeb(!) forced work relocation program
fixing to go to the laundromat yall want anything
>tfw no Jeb forced gf mandate
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could do with a fanta out of the vending machine
>heres your locally sourced 400lb sheboon gf
Slow and steady wins the race ;)
any port in a storm
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Samo sloga Srbina spasava
It's over then
Serbia is unjokingly one of the best places I've ever been
Why are you treated this way?
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2016 was a magical time
Holy shit
>iwn have an authentic 2016 JEB! guac bowl
life just isn't worth living boys
/dixie/ is my city
the earth should have a maximum population of 100 million people
Czechia, 10 mil,
90mil remaining
the earth should be dominated by an anglo-french medpilled superstate
that leaves you with a capacity of 90 million
first they came for the rorkes, and I did not speak out, because they deserved it
then they came for the wogs, and I did not speak out, because they also deserved it

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes, this, you have written the best post on the entire website this whole year. We need to get the population back down BELOW pre-industrial levels (200M) and then KEEP IT THERE.
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I'm sure there's a solid 40% of the Czech population that could be liquidated and you'd have no problem with it, primarily the white trash segment
>and you'd have no problem with it
kek, true

So 6 mil for Czechia, 94 million remaining
What makes you think you'd be one of the chosen few?
I am white and it is God's (French) will that whites dominate the earth with each of us having a harem of ebony beauties
tell me more
Adi was idiot
you know the big H man made some pretty good points about the bolsheviks
Sure, but he was the same, just different colors.

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