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This chart shows the amount of books read in the last year by countries in Europe.
How many books did you read in the last year in your country?
1 I think. Doom scrolling is too addictive.
Doesnt really say much without a definition of what counts as "book".
5 short 120 pages novelettes are less reading than a single 800 pages novel. Also not clear if this includes academic or just artistic literature.
The Romanian of Raleigh.
I read horror short stories mostly
4-5 maybe
wtf is book?
Why is Germany missing in those stats?
43 or 44
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They only need one book
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Wish I knew myself tb h
I'm a /lit/ neet loser shut in so hundreds.
based romanian intellectuals
Germans have become paranoid with anything that resembles census taking.
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What are you reading right now /int/?
Every statistic is the same. The order of the countries is always going to be the same.
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I'm reading this
The Swiss are based again
I kneel (reading abou late period of stalinism)
the swiss are cringe thobeit
Women read garbage literature
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>committed 3 murders
>got kicked out of the service of 3 popes and two kings because asshole
>survived the plague
>survived syphilis
>survived the sack of Rome
>charged for theft, embezzlement, murder, gbh, and 5 cases of sodomy with men and women

this guy is so much fun to read
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>Kazakhstan flag
Checks out
They really do read garbage books
Captcha: S00N
You're just mad you're not a CEO Vampire
it's just kids and retired boomers, nobody has the time to read books unless you're a shutin
Ca. 20
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You should get /litfit/ since you have all the free time in the world
I thought Italians were all well read and super cultured.
Alta Italia bros, comments?
you don't need to overdo it.
countries high in the list are tryhards overcompensating for something
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I don't think the Swiss read books as "cope"
they are
>rains all the time
>can't make any noise without getting the gestapo called on you
reading is all they have and they overdo it
someone borrowed me a rare signed edition of a book, it was multiple stories or legends of the 24th of december, it talked about napoleon bonaparte and beliefs like baby jesus in the manger or whatever, i read like 69 pages and it started to bore me. It was from the XIXth century I think.
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I heard we read most physical books in the Badi, most Badis have a little library where you can lend books if you don't have your own.
Sounds comfy.
You can't suffer in Switzerland
And then you wonder why we use so many Italians for menial jobs here.
>How many books did you read in the last year in your country?
About 25-30 me thinks
there's goybuck chasing tards everywhere, good thing you took them away from here
The amount of books read is indicative of anything. The type of books read is more important. Reading 100 books of slop is worth less than reading classics, literature, and technical books. Yes I am an elitist.
Than reading 1 book from the classics, literature, and technical books*
About 7, if we count Light Novels several dozen.
Sounds like it might be a good read. Do you know it's name?
Not too long ago, gamefaq did did a similar poll.


Intresting how over the years, there are less and less readers.
I don't remember, it was back in June
We live in the golden age for reading, just get an e-reader and you basically have an endless supply of books for free, on a small machine
mogged ye all again lmao
Ireland is the 2nd highest in 10 books or more. Only you Swiss mog
Wtf? Lithuanians can read?
up to 5-9 I believe. We'll see if i can manage more than 10, not one of those speed readers so it takes me a while.
About 16. I read novels on the toilet for about 20 mins every morning and non fiction in the day or evening so not even that much and would read more if I didn't play games so much.
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>I read novels on the toilet
Light novels like "young adult literature"?
If graphic novels count then I read over 30 books last year.
People who read loads of books per year are reading slop. Real books require effort and thought. They can't be read like a Harry Potter or Steven King book.
Norm Macdonald’s memoir
Just 1 actual book, the autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi
I read about 30-40 novels per year, mostly 19th century stuff (realism/naturalism) and german post war stuff. Reading and concentration ain't that hard when you do it on a regular basis.
Which war?

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