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distracted driving edition

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uh, /cum/?
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NYC’s top doc says kids shouldn’t get phones before age 14 to safeguard mental health
whats the fucking difference. End of the day, the ketchup is on the fry.
Oh thanks for the three day vacation janny nigger
>nevada not red
>WV, louisiana, Minnesota, PA and WV not god tier
shit map
I don't put ketchup on my fries
Whoever made this needs to get better cocaine
Flyovers probably how the best outdoorsy shit compared to concrete jungle state like California throughever
I bet you eat a Snickers with a knife and fork
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>concrete jungle state
one of the dumbest things Ive ever read on this site
>concrete jungle state like California throughever
You've outed yourself as a flyover fag, and a clueless one at that.
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>jungle state like California
California is mostly wilderness, silly
Why does everyone who dont live here think the entire state is L.A.

t. Californian
A French woman who was raped by unknown men over 10 years after being drugged to sleep by her husband told a court of her horror at learning how she had been abused.
california is gorgeous wtf are you on
>it's another california vs middle america episode
getting tired of these every day
I gotta get out to see the Redwoods, i dont get to go north often enough
>100 men banging your wife
>she had 4 stds
>flyover retard makes blatantly incorrect post
>anons correct his dumb corn syrup sucking ass
>oh no not again!
shut the FUCK up pussy
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More proof cucks are subhuman
Good edition
woke up at 1am last night because i was sweatin my ass off
look over at the thermostat
81 degrees fahrenheit
at 1:00 in the morning
holy hell
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All Europeans and Israelis should leave /cum/.
“I just wanted to disappear. But I had to tell my children their father was under arrest. I asked my son-in-law to stay next to my daughter when I told her that her father had raped me, and had me raped by others.
“She let out a howl, whose sound is still etched on my mind.”
you can't even explore california you retard, everything's shut down due to the fires lmao
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honestly though the rocky mountains and surrounding areas are like a good 35% 45% of the collective beauty of North America, at least what from I've seen :v

Verticality changes everything, I tell you. The atmosphere of the bush in the mountains versus the prairies is night and day, and that alone can bump up a lot of US states like California Washington Idaho even Wyoming Colorado especially to having a lot of stuff that's naturally beautiful and just good for /out/ types.

Cities are only so big, after all
what fires?
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it's just me dude
google it bitch nigga i aint you daddy
I live in california. There are currently no big fires anywhere near me
NTA but what part of Google it didn't you understand
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>umm my beanerfied slab of concrete isn't on fire, therefore there are no fires
not even worth a response
and what part of
"I live there and would know if there was a fire nearby" didnt you understand
>you cant go anywhere because its on fire, lol
>but its not
>yah but this other part that isnt the forest is, therefore the whole state is quarantined
Flyovers keep taking the L
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all california nibbas have smol penises
God, California is so fucking based
Then why is it the number 1 state that people are moving out of
>absolute state of flyover education
their smugness while being retarded is chef's kiss
i would go fight fire and win
this is canon Doom lore
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nowhere close

and SoCal has the inferior nature
not interested in reading an /out/-tier bout of shitting on the floor
>it's another hurr durr flyovers zzzZZZZZ
did the fag move to california or what?
Because pipo who don't have good jobs can't afford the housing prices, and the homeless situation is very stinky. I didn't say California is perfect! But I love living here personally
nope, i'm still up in or stealing jobs from natives
No, flyovers decided to act like retards ITT, so Calichads are dick slapping them
What do you love about it
if you can just go and try to stop the forest fires then i would do that
theres a goddamn fly or something in my room and I am going to annhilate him
nobody cares
Hey Chicanos, how true is this
don't reply to rat pedo
you care enough to think about me, cry more bab
you're both in california, idiot
>pipo who don't have good jobs can't afford the housing prices, and the homeless situation is very stinky
Interesting way to say California doesn't have a middle class
The wildlife, the nature, the landscapes, the hipsters and art hoes, the Latinas, the marine science, the food, the chaos, the good weather (usually)
>absolute state of flyover reading comprehension
Can we not, huh? With the california shit again? Basta
the weather here fucking sucks if you dont live on the coast
absolute dogshit
whatever floats your boat
Other states have all of those things except cheaper, safer and more accessible (with the exception of chaos but you're probably a faggot)
I do live on the coast so I get to brag about enjoying the good weather. It's an oven outside this week though
flyover SEETHE
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>mid nature
I wish I had someone to talk to about my Rome Total War campaign
It should be "whatever floats your boat" for each of my points because we are different people with different opinions. I'm not trying to convince you of anything, you just asked what I liked here and I answered
LOL you consider this interesting nature? that's a 3/10 in my state, would see it beside any highway
No, I asked that, you're responding to someone else
Anonymous website
The Reasoned Californian vs the Irate Flyover
whoa no need to seethe that you have shit taste
opinion discarded no matter what side of the argument you're on, you filthy spic
No other state in the contiguous US has something like the Channel Islands
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>post some meaningless map
>americans start a civil war about it
Californias are weirdly defensive over their shit state that even their own people don't want to live in
It's odd yeah
Now I'm going to be called a flyover (I live in LA)
not that impressive. a bunch of rocks in the ocean or whatever, big deal
>I live in LA
no wonder he's retarded
Flyovers can't stop talking about California thoughbeit. Literally rent free. Look at the reply chain. It begins with flyover seethe and retardation.
If those were off the coast of Texas you'd be calling them one of nature's marvels.
Trust me buddy, we're both Californian. You voted for newsom, you're no different
>so what if gas is 6 a gallon? at least we have muh trees and lakes!
6 hours away adjusting for traffic plus you're too busy waging to afford your shared room to go explore the state you brainlessly suck off
I absolutely did not

gas is 4.90
I've never been to texas so I have no opinion. Regardless you're 0 for 2, care to try again?
Nobody actually said they live in a flyover
You're mentally deranged and should take an internet break
>gas is 4.90
thats what I said, good job
Gas is $3.27 in my state. Calicucks on suicide watch
I have stingrays and sea turtles in the river less than a quarter mile from my house, you can't get that in any other state except Hawaii or Florida
>Nobody actually said they live in a flyover
Make no mistake. The posters that are seething are from flyover shitholes. Not everything needs to be spelled out. There's this thing called context clues.
Again I say
>flyover education
I live in California and multiple people in have accused me of living in a flyover for justifiably criticizing this shit state
I think you're crazy and weird and exactly the reason California sucks shit
oh great you can drive from the liquor store to church becuade there isn't fuck all else to do in your flyover shithole. very funny that you shit on california without saying what state you're from
What parts
t. Lives in the LA ghetto
Guess what, every city in the country has swathes of third world-tier poverty and violence. That's a national issue, not a state issue.
didn't ask
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>muh part and parcel
holy fucking cope
>still won't say what state he's from
yep, it's a flyover retard. these are the "people" criticizing california
Our state having 100k+ mentally deranged homeless in every damn corner compared to the national average of about 10k is a state problem
Idk how you can live in this dystopic shit hole and pretend it's just like everywhere else. It isn't, it's a depraved fucking mad world.
A significant portion of those homeless people trek here from across the country. Again, a national issue.
I'm just saying he should be blaming the federal government rather than California
Just won an argument with the faggot
*farts loudly*
milwaukee, NYC, Philly, Dallas(or Austin, I cant remember), Seattle, portland, Chicago, detroit, DC and Boston all have the same homeless problem, I dont know why you think its only a California issue
>A significant portion of those homeless people trek here from across the country
Gee I really fucking wonder why
You are so fucking delusional, open your fucking eyes
Because it's warm here so they don't have to find shelters in the winter
>most populous state has greater population of mentally ill especially after other states bus their nut cases here
really makes you think
politics or bantering streetshitters?
squished that FAGGOT moth against the window

Im free
Squish this bussy
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>My Haitian neighbor said he loves eating pussy. Didn't realize he meant Fluffy and Mittens.
Yeah compared to the winter wonderlands of Nevada and Arizona huh
Stupid fuck
how can you declare yourself a winner with tears in your eyes lmfao
nigga she literally baked biden cookies
Don't ever post these sub-humans here again
sure yogurt is probiotic, but what about antibiotic, huh? did you ever think about the other side?
oh right, I forgot Reno
lotta homeless in reno too
I fucked up my shoulder bad
This whole electoral cycle has been even more surreal than normal. It's like everyone is just ignoring the past moreso than usual.
Performative activism. Brittany Mutthomes even got a shout out
Don't care, I still love living here, I see 1 or 2 homeless people a week and I live in LA county. I'm sorry that your living situation is so dire, I hope you can move to a better area.
It isn't blue vs red
It's people without principles vs people with principles
nigga stfu
No you butthurt Calipoornian
>Don't care
Yeah your tendency to reactionarily say things that aren't true indicated that
And yet you still still be retarded wont you?
I thought they'd probably have riots all over the place like 2020 but I guess kamballo isn't that interesting that anyone would riot for her
voting for myself this election just to spite the leaf
Never mind, I tried extending an olive branch and you responded with more venomous rhetoric. I hope a homeless man pours diarrhea on you next time you go outside.
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*sprints at you heemingly*
Riff-raff, street rat..
I dont buy that..
>bought a music CD
>neither my computer nor laptop has a cd drive
only my car can play this lmao. might have to get one of them usb cd drives
lets not get too hasty
I don't like when people say things that arent true
Fuck your olive branch you deceitful stupid fuck
cali phenotype
just google the song buddy guy
i want it local on my phone because i live in a spotty area
I never said anything untrue. Feel free to disprove me.
never heard of youtube to mp3 have you?
>buying music
youtube to mp3 has existed longer than you zoomer
bitrate too low
I ask for my mom to renew my Spotify subscription for Christmas every year
go fuck yourself pal
>not using soulseek
You act on a totally instinctive level
You aren't even aware of your own actions
We were in the middle of you asserting various bullshit reasons why there are so many homeless in California and then disengaged when I explained the factors you named were not unique to California
You are too fucking stupid to have a conversation with
>zoomtards don't even know how to pirate these days
Okay well at least my heart rate isn't up because of this argument, unlike yours
broke-ass momma's boy
im back what are you guys arguing about this time
pirate sites are dying, the album wasn't being seeded. Sorry kiddo, no smug retorts get past me
Whether California is based or cringe
Classic /cum/ debate
Your scope of reality is about as wide as the room youre currently sitting in
Which album
California is an 8th world shithole
seethe zoomie

Lights - The Listening (her only good album)
we're arguing about how to pirate properly
Okay bubby
this and christianity are hallmark cum debates
>le epic number
keep seething, m80
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chinese couple had a black baby and they named it sum ting wong hahahaha
I think we can at least all agree that Delaware is a shit hole.
hahahahahaha KYS
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What do you call a set of islands where no one has sex
admit you lost caliboy
I'm an alumni of Miskatonic University.
Delaware is nothing but two toll roads but California deserves to be wiped off the map
replace all of the soil in the spots in your garden that arent fertilized with aresnic
not until you say what state you're from flyover faggot
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nigga goes to the land of virgins to seethe about California
why is brian the faggot pretending to be from califonrnia?
replace toby's drinking water with bleach
My anus is better than your anus
my "drinking water"
Mega cringe LOL
i will make up a word too
by which metric
don't reply to rat pedo
We missed you rodney
Larger circumference.
Literally the wealthiest place on the planet but ok
caracas venezuela. y ahora soy aqui para robar y violar a tus mujeres
What's wrong with it?
no tienes putas
when the M posts under the U flag...
Filtered by the utter SOVL of late 00's jubilant synth pop, not surprised
saw her live once too
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why did he do it
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>Literally the wealthiest place on the planet but ok
women have no shame
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you would not believe your eyes
if 10 million fireflies
Meme song
calibeaners gonna FREAK at the sight of this
Have some self respect man fucks sake
Got shadowbanned from all boards for talking shit about pajeets and their stupid AI videos on /tv/.

Soros is behind this shit.
>posting a back alley in Los Angeles full of people bussed in from flyover shitholes
>thinking this somehow proves a point
California is actually has the most poverty of any state, INCLUDING MISSISSIPPI LMAO, when you adjust for cost of living. Pretty hilarious
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the anti mollusk poster is gonna freak
checked + my nigga
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here's a ghetto in Dallas
>California is actually has
Flyover education, folks
>when you adjust for cost of living
if you adjust for living in the best neighborhoods in America with the most amenities and highest-paying jobs we're poor yes
>this no context video totally proves my point!
Damn, to be poorer than shitissippi is a real accomplishment
I'm also from LA but very High iQ
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>I'm also from LA
my condolences
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but why
They're also dumber than Mississippi
Blud was wearing the wrong colour :skull:
have an idea for a thread but don't want to compluficate it
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illegally existing in gang territory
oooo embarrassing! calitards seething
>a-at least we're not Texas
>illegal mexican farm laborers not finishing high school means the world's global tech hub is dumb
man you flyovers are RETARDED
Reminds me of a scene from Fahrenheit 451
>global tech hub
They all moved to Texas
Would your lives have meaning if you couldn't argue the merits of California?
You should be grateful for California.
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can't we all just agree that america is a great place to live
you are pretty fucked if you do that and the other guy gets out of the car
yeah but you're not in tech you're just a poorfag so why you frontin, homie?
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>missing the point entirely
here's a ghetto from the THIRD richest state
this gay brian tier turf war posting is not funny or interesting. every state in this union is equally mutted, retarded, and ugly. talk about something funny now
This is from Las vegas kek
they're all still here, only a few moved, cope
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i'm so autistic i open up my notes and write a couple of different replies to a message
then pick the best one and send it
post the rebel wojack femboy wjoack
I live in the bay area and work in tech doe
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where u at dawg
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Oracle, HP and musky moved to Texass lmaoo
but i wuld just say "sex sex" so i geuss youre right
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mountain view
no you don't you have a micropenis and live with your mom in nigsville, literally told the class about it last night
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erm... actually
I'll get back to you on that after November 6th
sheeeeit come up to San Fran some time
the following three states are good to live in: Tennessee, Florida, Texas
the rest are shit
if you know why you're a high roller
i hope the nukes hit. im voting for everyone nuking each other
id survive (i dont care if you would, and you probably woudlnt)
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Why did he do it?
are u also in tech?
gives me hope for what humanity is doing. thank you Hl2 or SCP
can't imagine there being 47 states worse than this
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he is so talented
What started this altercation?
what does texas have besides sweltering heat, mexicans and a failing power grid
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cummies, i'm playing castlevania (NES)
no no i don wan no twabble
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No state income or capital gains tax
Telling that TSMC didn't choose california to build their new plant
Favstian spirit
k drop your discord and i'll add you
>giving your discord to brian the faggot so he can fuck you in the ass
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>"im going to take over all of the milk!"
says person who offers the most delicious milk
"digital heroin" ooo boo hoo China
their worst thing is fucking heroin
i wish i was born in japan
you will NEVER be japanese
im too individualistic to fit into a rigid society like that
too many rules and norms
i dont care if the milk is literal heroin
reminder that Britan has the best milk - and that WONT ever change! Britan has the best milk
I'm not in tech or LA do you want my discord
>this gay brian tier turf war posting is not funny or interesting
Not sure why it's so interesting to him, but I guess it explains why he has no friends.
Indian women want white mans dicks
racist caricature from a 1930s cartoon here axe me anything
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at least cali isn't jew york, i'll give em that much
drop your discord sis we can meet up and have gay buttsex
are you gonna eat watermelon and spit the seeds like a machine gun
are you brian
how do you feel about white women
No, this is Patrick
suh i ain't pulled dat trick since ize only a small picaninny suh
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stop saying brian so much or you'll summon him itt
good heavens
dem white ladies sho is mighty fair suh yes suh they is
i love Chinese people. even though since they arrived the MI-5 have had to be worried about Chinese spies, and half of them are CCCP agents, or beaten up by the CCCP. but i personally like them, even though as a race they are bad, to my race, but i as an individual like them. wish i was friends with a Chinese person
go ahead
Uhhhhh... kara boga? Ulan?
someone said fern is better than frieren
I cant find my keys
oh shit they're not blaqs...what the fugg
punch some holes in your walls then
if i won the lottery, i'm talkin $50m or more, the dream would be an apartment in the city for weekdays and a nice big property upstate in the adirondacks.
despite what chuds might say or think, i still think the biggest and most important city in the western hemisphere has some merits.
if you were born from the windfall generation then honestly you have nothing to complain about. not to mention the othe rpeople saying anything, but that generation was fine. i also think the Polish were mostly fine as well
Lol I don't know if you could afford that with even 50 million
biggest but definitely not the most important these days
might fine, i say mighty fine
I wouldn't waste my money on property in the city
Of course you could
gossiping old ladies are very much despised in television and film
makes me think of the old ladies in requiem for a dream

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