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Candice my soulmate edition
black man’s cum
killed herself
poo smells lmao
I think she met up with a couple of /int/ anons but ended up getting a bf irl
So she just got a boyfriend and left?
How do I get a gf and leave this site?
met my ex on here lol
it was pretty easy back during covid, just had to be on interpals and find a woman who was in the know
doubt its possible to get a gf. no infact i refuse to believe that anyone who posts on /brit/ has ever or will ever have a gf. simply impossible.
organized crime siphons an estimated 200 billion pounds out of the british economy every year
candice girl suck my dick
Did this whore ever post her asshole?
imagine if you became distracted during WFH and accidentally typed a /brit/ post into work chat
not my problem
>How do I get a gf
your main options are grinding through mesaging girls on dating apps and other online services or going to pubs and trying to pull with alcohol
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Kiniro Mosaic
And such
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If you live in Australia or the uk please let me stay at your place. I wanna see Australian tomboys
candice... gone?
poor fella thought he smelled fish
would of coomed ngl
weird fake shit
Bluds really bragging to strangers on the internet
Fuck me your self esteem must be in the toilet
candice girl fix a broken heart?...
A toast! To my wife, Candice!
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animal suffering
this is so hot
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Holy shit why do Americans act like weird highschool girl/ redditor people??

Why the fuck would she date someone from /brit/? Women dont post on 4chan because they want to date, its attentionwhoring
Government shooting me with the norwood 3 beam again
>this is so hot
me when I accidentally touch a hot mug
you sound like a weird obsessed friek who should kill himself
oh my god hehe did you, like, know this one girl called candice was, like, dating anon from /brit/?? soo like.. gross eww
phwoar, corr, etc.
insulting people online is fine, but telling them to kill themselves is just not OK
Kill your self
Can't expect them to get banter they only deal in absolute extremes
I can't help but think about the great contribution that East Germany made to humanity. One of the most important states in the history of mankind. Here's why.

Communism sounds good in theory. Centralized state that hands resources to various industries. Everything on a spreadsheet. Everybody gets bread and homes. It didn't work in a lot of places, like Russia or Cuba. But those are bad places to test something like Communism.

We needed to test the Communist ideology with a serious people

Enter the Germans.

They tried their best to make it work. And it was succesful when you compare it to the other soviet bloc nations

but in the end it was much poorer than West Germany. and people tried to flee. Then it collapsed

We can never try it again

Danke Schon
This porridge is anything but grey and austere, but I no longer want a shitty burger so that's something
is it still fine if you insult them because of their weird skin colour
alri obi wan
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are nell
A clue gained.
different skin colours are erotic to me
east germans harbored a lot of terrorists. leftists, muslamics, greenpeace, the list goes on...
have you got loads of maple syrup in yummo
yea this especially with the men and their willies
You fucking know what i mean you act like mongs and i mean all of you, everywhere you go.
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luv em x
never met anyone more gossipy and honestly gay than a “straight” “white” british “male”
im agreeing with you as the post was weird
america isnt one person either
get a clue please
Getting on the train in a few hours, lads. Fuckin hate getting the train!
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sleep has defeated me
>the great contribution that East Germany made to humanity
such as
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sometimes it can be a bit intriguing to see a woman with a nice kind of yellowish golden colour but at the end of the day i prefer greyskins like myself
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waiting for kaela pov
you've literally never met one faggot
He just explained it, are you stupid?
as a mentally healthy man, all i do with strangers on the internet is complain, self-deprecate, and commiserate
ive met plenty
i’m speaking with one right now
>talking to a brit on 4chan is the equivalent of "meeting" one
you are autistic and retarded
diaperberg full up again
yes? piss off boffin
Hate how snide and mean this thread gets at night
*clinks your glass*
kys unironic redditor
another anon earlier said the thread is best between 2-5am so just wait a lil longer
oh you do, do you?
*slips wet finger in your ear*
*punches you in the balls*
*gives you a wedgie*
Yank men are the most estrogenated and limp wristed (not to mention just mentally ill) in the world thats why they all troon out

>america isnt one person either
Im sorry but the vast majority of most countries are hiveminds.
UUGH my ear! UUGH my balls! UUGH my underpants!
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Skype with the American gf going well
what's an interpals?
anyone thinking anything then
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Well shit.
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not particularly, the shirt labels im fiddling with are really soft
hahah how is that even possible
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I got some testosterone for ya right here bud
I'm supposed to get my blood test results back in like a week, wish me luck anon hopefully they'll give me the good shit
yanks on /brit/ are all schizos spouting shit
I’ve blog posted before but I had a macroprolactinoma, it nuked my test and I think my gonads have gone dormant now. Been on a fertility pill for 3 months that should’ve bumped it and it’s gone lower than pre-tumor removal levels.
They might give me trt now but idk if I’ll want to keep on it, seems like a pain
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going to the ER as we speak

gave oral to a trans latina escort about two weeks ago and i’m scared cause have symptoms of acute HIV

what are the chances of contracting HIV from giving oral? i currently have gum disease and while I was giving him head, my gums started bleeding. she didn’t cum in my mouth but there was a LOT of pre cum. about 2 weeks later ulcers started appearing on my tongue and eventually started migrating to the back of my throat. it’s been like this for about a week now

posting this right now in case i do have it cause it will most certainly be my last post on here.
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did anyone have this game on pc as a kid
think it was one of those educational ones for really small children
Lefties are all delusional naive children with bleeding hearts
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at ;east sana turns up to graduations
is that dua lipa?
toby game
Genuinely at a loss for words at this post
>bleeding hearts
actually modern leftists are nihilists
dont think that was it
*writes brit names furiously*
Hope I don't wake up
the "pairing" "connected" posh lady in my bluetooth headphones is my gf lads aha
why wont you be posting here anymore
Pyjama Sam?
i'd get away with it
mental. consequences of being an utterly mentally ill freak i suppose
no im sure it was mice/animals but it does actually sound a bit similar to that
used honey instead
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I can't believe blokes actually pay money to fuck another bloke wearing a dress
any horoscopers in
i can't believe i temporarily unfiltered americans to witness that post
Yank lads on extremely thin ice as of right now
A new hall of fame /brit/ post
Northern Ireland is independent
sindependent, because they're living in popish sin
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fucking hate this gay cunt
the unspeakable things i would do to him
no wonder that was his mongy voice when i played hogwarts legacy
doctor took one look and said it’s most definitely oral thrush and herpes.

said we absolutely need to do a full panel. waiting for them to call me in. i’m so fucked m im fucking shaking
Millie’s math house?
what's with the gaunt face
this is a situation that belongs on Quora not /brit/
Lads. He took a picture of the ulcers on his tongue for whatever mundane reason, perhaps to take a better look at himself without standing in front of a mirror, perhaps to show a family member or friend for advice. Now that he has this picture and posts on /brit/, probably too much, he decided to come up with a grim story and use this picture. That's it.
yea me
i'm a taurus
ah youll be reyt
Any AoE2 man in?
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did he do the male protagonist? yeah he's shite
the amount of groomed lgbt tarq actors there are is astonishing
yea me
>the unspeakable things i would do to him
never understood what people mean when they say this
like presumably it's all just shagging in some way
fannies arses, mouths etc. hardly unspeakable is it
it’s obviously Al
you know when you decide read about some random person you stumble across and wish you never had because it made you cringe so much
happens alot with actors because theyre all disgusting jewish lgbt activists who have never had a real job and spent more time on social media than honing any of their talents because they dont need that to succeed
no HOWEVER that did actually help me find it, her name was MIA not millie
seems mouse names have to begin with m
in a proper awful mood now, cant even remember what really started it
Reading this thread will do it
It's a psychic assault every time
Was in a horrible mood 5 minutes ago but now I feel quite nice
doesn't work on me because im dark type
why is /brit/ the most boring one out of all reservations here
mad how deep we are into the woke era
get your head checked
see, this cunts drained your life force
>went for a night walk around Tottenham
>Nothing happened
Are there any real hoods in this country? I need excitement.
need the tutrle reaction image with this expression
I kinda wanna be a marine reservist, just so i can shoot guns, waste taxpayer money, get a cool hat, keep as much gear as I can then leave after a week, thoughts?
le wokisme
english teachers in 2070 analysing the deeper meanings of poo barmer
we just did a 3rd gen finger prick text. please for the love of god pray for me.
/brit/ and /int/ at large is unironically my only means of social interaction
>dying for Israel
well it was night so you probably didn’t see any of the negroes
Leave and don't come back
We don't want you shitting up our general with psychotic rants about your health
I hate AIDS tests so much. it's not the test it self but how STI clinics are so nonchalant about it. I'm there hyperventilating and they're asking me about chlamydia. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THAT CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME THE RESULT OF THE FINGER PRICK?

And then afterwards they take bloods and send you a fucking text a week later. A FUCKING TEXT TELLING YOU IF YOU HAVE AIDS OR NOT
mate its fine you live in america not the bleeding congo you arent dying of aids
>Ah yes time to wind down with a bit of cheeky /brit/ wonder what the banter of the day is
>4nrs talking about AIDS
Yep, cool.
Fuck yourself.
I saw one negro on Phillip Lane.

That's Rourke done then
Healthcare isn't free in USA, He is finished.
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ph my fucking god
we haveto do more tests
>farts under the blanket
>lifts the blanket and sniffs up the hot and encapsulated aroma
Why are burgers like this?
must have been carrying a torch
mental how a paedophillic child mutilation cult has managed to infiltrate every sector of society in under ten years and now merely criticising it is enough to have your life completely destroyed
sick of you lot exposing me to secondhand yank, have them filtered for a reason
rent free
>i have to share a country with these fucking freaks
yeh and those not even counting antisemitism, anti pakism or anti whatever else
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That is a good point anon, I'll just do some press ups in my garden and buy a beret off of ebay.
BPD gf crying her eyes out because she thinks you're going to leave her
next day she pretends it never happened and threatens to break up with you
they should be kept in cages
America is a shithole, why don't you leave?
oh can only straight white men be christian now rorke?
bring back the asylums
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You've only got yourself to blame
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What does your office look like

Picrel is my office (I will be staring at this all day tomorrow)
mental one of these people’s descendants may be a completely degenerate faggot like >>202007967
>flying for Israel
Alkaline Trio's new album is fucking BOSS

need you gone asap
Simply can't even imagine having this put onside you
wouldn't be able to sit down for a month
simply too large and painful
Thoughts on my beautiful wife?
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He's literally me
cockmogs me
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U wot
i kept watching this for longer than id like to admit
>no one will hang out with me for free
>men pay 300 an hour to fuck me
it's a weird feel.
you’re a degenerate cuckold?
you got that off wikipedia
lock her up
Don’t care about Israel
Simply don't believe all those buttons and dials are necessary
how else do they justify the budget on military crap
nta but they are
just that some are only necessary for very specific situations
t. went to flight school
Yea no shit I can’t just take pictures at work without clearing it with the CO of the entire installation
nothing like that, mental that our grandparents ipads used to look like this
A lot of fighter jets are actually from the 1970s despite their futuristic looks. I think even the F22 is a 1990s design.
Sometimes you gotta test yourself
fucked my install of a game and im MAD
You're not telling me you can fly a plane and check all those dials at the same time
All you need is a stick and a wheel, I've played warthunder dude

weird larp
nah you dont need to
many of them are simply for control systems, gear, safety measures, etc
got some proper issues and i gave up on doctors saving me they dont care they wont , they would rather ruin my life than help me , rather ignore me.
nobody wants to save someone like me
>scream about "faggot degeneracy"
>jerk off to dudes jerking off in the same thread
Do you guys even look at yourself?
Hey everyone this is classicallyabby and today we're going to talk about how to solve anti semitism with my big khazar milkers
least you’re not the hiv positive guy
When does Charmaine ever cheat on Artie? Tony probably would've definitely tried to fuck her but she's disgusted by him and all the mafia guys.
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sick of people calling it a larp if it's on the internet
Odds I go pee
honestly my situation may still be worse might just end it all
You don’t need most of them to just fly

Play something like Microsoft flight simulator it makes you actually interact with the cockpit
Lol you could have picked an active fighter instead of the f5
nigga he literally left charmaine so he could pathetically pursue a woman 20 years younger than him. he was a spineless faggot
I'd say my mood has improved albeit marginally. I am susceptible to intense mood swings and I am trying to stay positive.
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>the subject of the webm is black
Livestream it for the lads
same, there's simply no helping some people, for us it's either suicide or holding out for the day when you suddenly have a random epiphany than endows you with an iron clad will that kick-starts a self improvement journey (it's been known to happen)
What does the panel above the left pedal do?
It’s a trainer you fool
i need to quell my anger before i sleep
post some animals or something please
Genocide all Arabs
Realise greater israel
me at the yank freak's funeral who died because of aids
Jettisons whatever you have attached to pylons
>training for Israel
fuck sake i should not be awake at this ungodly hour
i’d love to cook and taste a lebanese bint
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chinese women owe me sex
this post should give you a one way ticket on the holocoaster
based that made me feel better
always love thinking about this kind of stuff
definitely helps with a few things, digestion aswell as sleep
The t38 is and you would have posted a picture of its cockpit if you weren't larping harder than a pakistani trying to be an arab
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simply can’t play cards anymore

someone says “ace of spades” and i get an immediate erection
doing a watch
state of this
dont know how to read this
Bet it stinks in there, sweat, burned rubber, burned metal, engine grease, shit and piss, fried chicken. Basically the aroma of every American.
No the f5 is a single seat trainer used by the navy

You have no clue what you’re talking about, t-38 is a different jet
sorry, “queen of spades”
what's that red shit at the bottom?
We just enslave them and out them to work as pleasure givers
It's so windy and rainy all of a sudden but I don't feel comfy I just feel sad
Both are honestly as bad as each other. Idk why people are taking sides. It's always either pro-Israel because they hate Islam or pro-Palestine because they hate America. Both Islam and America are bad.
would leave to aus if it was feasible
honestly what the fuck
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Are they just better than us?
Please help I need to find my Vagina I left it in Lidl
I know exactly what i'm talking about, there's no way your ass is an aggressor pilot not to mention they got glass cockpits for those things ages ago last i heard
They are an unholy combination of Shitain and Muttmerica
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sorry logged off from my primary animal terminal now
No you don’t because you are unaware that the navy uses the f5 as a trainer

Also I never claimed to be a pilot one time you illiterate fuck
Simply can't stand Egyptians, Lebanese, Jordanians or Syrians. "Their" land belongs to the chosen people.
I wish i lived there rather than here
you forgot Palestinians
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When I'm sad I lie in bed and imagine my life if I was seasideMARK's gf. It makes me feel better. Going out for a trekkie brekkie, going out to Swanage, dancing on Sandford Lane. I'd be so happy spending all that time with him. He'd make me happy.
mental how Jesus Christ lived in Egypt for like 14 years
Spaino you got rid of the gay lisp!
Well done
Which city?
I know perfectly well the navy used the f5, i figured tho only person dumb enough to brag would be some JO nugget

and you said that was your place of work and... wait you could just work in a museum nevermind I am an illiterate fuck
Palestinians don't have a land, Palestine never existed.
Syrians are really nice people, never had a problem with any. Lebanese are consistently assholes. Egyptians are somewhere int he middle. Never met a Jordanian. I learned that Syria is socialist whereas Lebanon is pro USA monarchy so maybe that's why.
so far so good
got a fat boy voice
bit of a fatty boom boom are we?
No I work as an aerospace electrician and am inside active f5 trainers all day
mad how gta vice city is all about being a drug lord and san andreas is all about taking down drug lords
Sounds fun
you were wrong about it being a trainer too you failure of an autist
Who is Spaino?
Egypt extended into the Levant during antiquity.
Uh oh hes not getting any (You)s
Spainmelty in 3... 2.... 1...
was it really that long
How is this any different to how it's been?
>This place ALWAYS had shootings, they just blame the venuzuelans
Zionists are disgusting rat like people
>Who is Spaino?
You see, thats how i know its you. You are so obvious. God you are so bad at pretending to be anything other than your usual gimpy runtish self.
West Bank? Doesn't exist. That area is called Judea and Samaria
>sucked some tranny's cock and is now dying

love is love chuds :)
I'm 6'0 16 stone
ratpeople are cute
its only fun if you're a civvy contractor
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Super Typhoon Yagi hits Vietnam
but mia khalifa is a lebanese, nvm checks out
In your attempts to discredit Israel and its people you have merely pushed us ugly rat people onto their side.
they werent literally trying to extort and take over apartment buildings
How would I go about proving that I'm not this "Spaino" chap?
might settle judea with my beautiful ratwife
No I wasn’t you dumb fuck
>The F-5N/F variants are in service with the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps as adversary trainers.[4]
Contractors get the shit end of the stick, they have to walk around with their tails between their legs and have apprentices tell them what to do because they don’t receive as in depth training (if any)
Zionist? Another term for Jew
Love how racists always use the word Zionist as a way to describe anyone Jewish now.
Israel did all it could to ally with the saffas. They also supported the christians in lebanon against the US-supported muslims in 1982

Its almost as if...
I have mental health problems that impact my life.
they're you but stronger(meme)
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A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep.
There's a rabbi in Israel who runs a dildo store with his daughter
Hey calm down would you?
Israel turned Lebanon from a Christian nation to a Muslim majority
Mad how he died peacefully in his sleep at age 100, probably dreaming of his childhood years in Fürth
How so?
They supported the christian side in the civil war while we supported the muslims
I don't understand why so many Redditors cared about him. Aren't they all under 40?
>adversary trainers
The keyword is "adversary" numbnuts, when you just say trainer, guess what people are going to think you're referring to 2 seat trainers like the t38 or the Hawk T1 since in common parlance they are just called trainers
His policies had a lot of ramifications in fucking up all of our lives since then, the spineless twat

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