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"2004 Ford Crown Victoria" Edition

Previous: >>202011134
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Cooked eggs in bacon fat, delicious
that's what I always do, makes it easier cause you have less dishes to clean as well
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American cars are cool
ALL crown vics need a stroked LS3
whoa watch out janman won't like this
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Okay here it goes. I've been reading war and peace and regret it. Also I want a gf
have you seen what girls talk about? like 80% of it is about their abusive chad boyfriend / ex boyfriend
^ Expert on women speaking, listen up guys
when women speak i sit my ass down and listen
Same but only with black women
now the makeup ads ahve gone i have started getting adverts for dog food
Just coomed for the first time in a week came so hard I shot myself in the face with it which kind of turned me on
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I have a low level, nagging headache
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you know what i dont like is how difficult it is to get the weather for yesterday or previous weeks/months
Gonna close my mouth with your lips or something?
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why did my mom lie to me and tell me I'm handsome
As opposed to what, her calling you an ugly stinky boy?
Your mother loves you, she didn't lie to you out of malice. This is how she genuinely feels, you are her baby boy.
you know what im just not gonna stay in this room while the neighbour vents chemicals into it - or uses hairspray, or whatever theyre doing. ive a headche too now so im just going to go, and not sit in here, actually. now i dont have to stay and take it
even though they only do it here because i was loudu ^.^
imagine a sequence where a dog barks a door slams and a CSR engine revs up and a stranger coughs outside my bedroom window. theyre doing this to me a punishment because my letters were out of order they said. this sequence repeats forever in a loop
it kept raining last night :)
they implanted a device in my chest that will detonate if i disobey and they send me transmissions via radio or x ray
How do we solve the schizo problem?
the transmissions are tied to the sequence loop and the man coughing starts the second phase of lawn mowers or leaf blowers and a utility truck reverse beep beep beep
all those American flag posts above are fat
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Enjoy your heart attack I guess.
Sometimes at night I like to jiggle my ass
i visited the hospital for a simple procedure under general anesthesia and the cia or the governemnt who i call bandits instructed their surgical team to implant a transponder into my chest cavity pro bono and quid pro quo
good post

cya later cummers
That's not true however I did rub my cock on your lips while you were passed out
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imagine one minute youre a normal person and the next youre being taunted by transmissions in the form of concentrated mental images. the garbage collector and the neighbor watering his lawn are in on it and the woman who gives me a hateful smile at the grocery store. she sends a transmission telling me to kill myself for being an incel
Bro it's just a bit of gay sex it's not that deep calm down
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when i call to order pizza they pick up the phone and dont say anything even if i say hello. just heavy breathing and they do this to taunt me for once wearing the same shirt two days in a row i think or for seeing through the charade. this is 24/7 torture in the form of transmissions of horrifying mental images and audio messages
i hate work!
Sir as the head of the cia's gay sec unit um gonna have to ask you to stop posting or we'll be forced to move from violating your mouth to violating your ass
I hate you
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woke up to drink water and the sequence resets with the dog barking and the door slams and sometimes theres a short delay but sure enough the engine revs and a man coughs outside my window after midnight. somehow they synced the flush of the toilet to the sequence but peeing in bottles didnt seem to stop it and the sequence changed order with the leaf blower preceding the cough
Gay sex sequence initiated
Joking, I love you
whats a fun board to browse
that's called schizophrenia and it happens when your brain malfunctions and perceives the confusion as some kind of external verbalized threat
i can turn a girl into an interesting and likable perosn.
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if i told anyone what the best board it would soon stop being the best board
tried to evade the sequence but somehow it triggers every time only in a slightly different order like two girls walking home from school laughing at me and crossing the road to avoid walking near me. then the car turns the corner and the engine revs and not in a normal way then sure enough theres a dog barking or door slamming although the order can change depends how they want to taunt me. latest was i was thinking of the color green and sure enough on the tv is a green car.
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>crossing the road to avoid walking near me
Giving of some bad vibes hombre
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we get it, you're schizophrenic, keep it to yourself
they forced me to lose 30 pounds by transmitting images of maggots in my food although it actually becomes real so i have to throw my food out. i asked for food delivered in a secure container but they compromised the delivery services so about the only thing i can eat is beef jerky and breakfast cereal with water instead of milk
They should really have no internet access in mental wards
you can just tell us. probably only a few people will ever read this
great we've got ANOTHER schizo? or is brian just having another melty...
unfortunately most american schizophrenics don't end up getting help and end up either spiraling into insanity for decades at home or ending up homeless on the streets
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We already know the solution, we just need to stop listening to whiny foids
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when i went for a drs appointment they paused the sequence to enter my bedroom and adjust all the furniture one inch to the right they even moved my hats. i noticed in the office they had a picture of dogs playing cards and the receptionist laughed at me when i asked her why theye chose that. at the same moment a door slammed . few minutes later the doctor asked me to cough while he listened to my breathing and a car engine revved up outside. this is how they can make the sequence match my life through the transmission of mental images and audio
Brian isn't a true schizo, more like a sex offender pervert with a personality disorder
I'm also a schizo but I have the common decency to keep it to myself.
fuck that sam hyde faggot
thats just NLP with the patterns
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not very ignored if someone was recordig
i went to the emergency room and asked to have the transponder removed from my chest cavity and the nurses laughed at me. they did a ct scan and showed me a fake result. the sequence froze for a moment until security escorted me out and slammed the door on me and then i heard a car engine revving. the sequence repeats until i can remove the transponder or they detonate it. this has been happening in the form of transmission of mental images and audio from the department of defense
i can turn a dog into a cat
nigga get some fucking schizo meds to stop the voices the government doesn't give a fuck about your useless ass
need to get this coom out of my balls
just got an ad for some random TV series or something and they used a quote from a reddit thread ("this is chilling")
have you tried squeezing it out like an almost empty tube of toothpaste?
Hakuna matatta
Im in your walls
Im in your walls
Im in your walls
Im in your walls
thought that was an old hippy dude at first. damn
even now they are preventing me from sleeping they transmit images of mice and scorpions into my bed which will become real if I climb in so i have to sleep on the hammock in the backyard. they do this every sunday leading into monday and thats a sequence of its own and it got worse after i asked them to take out the transponder from my chest
hey-de-ho fellas. how's everybody? boy, been awhile since i've come around.
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not arguing with a man that has an apple watch, yea whatever u say fag
just heard a dark barking so might have four hours to sleep. i'll report back if the sequence stops or i remove the transponder but i think the crickets have somehow been synced with the sequence now because if you listen closely theyre tainting me too
I hate Jack Black so much
i don't like him much either. he just feels so phony.
I saw this on twitter already be more original fag
I just don't think he's funny.
like Chemolis (but not quite)
rare Chinese drug
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>72 year old chinese man mogs me
how over is it for you on your fitness journey?
>i didnt attend the jobs fair you asked me to go to
>if you are telling me you did not attend, you could be sanctioned
>i did not attend
see you all next week when i kill myself
need one of them domesticated russian foxes expeditiously
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My sleep schedule is FUCKED.
So sad. Here you don't get harassed to find work when you're on the dole.
did you also search for the foxes self-domestication and saw the russian fox experiments
i wasnt either until recently
started asking copilot questions by giving my answer - instead of posting the answer to 4chan and then searching it up - and it has been rewarding it is giving me that pleasure and reward
i bet the guy i found today that made me feel a certain familiar way (which made me think i had met specifically him before) was the person i randomly played one game of LoL with one time and with him saying barely anything except a few lines including one being for me to "not be so loud to the enemy team" - or to not "think out loud to the enemy team" - which sort of stuck with me. this is because someone around this group gave me a tip for valuing my time... which made everyone hate me later on as i upped all of my prices and now everyone hates me
if i try to remember what color the sky iys, i type in to copilot "the sky is blue" - for it to say "thats correct" with some more - instead of asking - "what color is the sky?"
Gemini gang gang here.
oh hey mouse. how are you?
maybe if there wasnt an AI race between all the companies then maybe i could use Gemini from within in the sidebar
Scopolamine, a tropane alkaloid derived from certain plants of the nightshade family, has been used in medicine for over a century. Its primary use is to prevent nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness and postoperative conditions, as well as to aid in gastrointestinal issues and muscle spasms. Scopolamine functions by blocking the action of acetylcholine within the nervous system, which can prevent the nerve signals that trigger vomiting. Despite its beneficial uses, scopolamine must be used cautiously due to potential side effects such as dry mouth, dizziness, and blurred vision. It is also noteworthy for its historical use as a deliriant and its portrayal in popular culture as "Devil's Breath" due to its hallucinogenic effects at high doses. The drug's dual nature as both a helpful medication and a substance with a potential for misuse reflects the complex legacy of many natural compounds in medical history.
wtf the AI essay generator part just showed the generating part where it posts random things like wqerq&"$!*^"$! before making them words
because of the computer lag
making truth serum - also works for synthesis of other barbiturates
wtf thats not the right structure
explain or tell me what you mean
Put a lil' love in yo' heart!
has anyone tried making an AI training model but using AI, except that (what i mean is not like the other people whove obviously going to have tried it before) you tell the AI generating the training material to cater this content to itself or AI? in that it knows what it likes, or doesnt have to worry about us or our error
adverts for hairdye
im glad they stopped showing the other ads
I think that's quite literally what it already does. It's a deep learning...thing. It scrapes the internet for as much content as possible and intuitively parrots it in response to stimuli.
well what is it SUPPOSED to look like!?
idfk do i look like a chemist
A working class hero is something to be.
im going to gorillaglue mirrors to each one of the walls of the inside of a microwave and turn it on
Keep on rockin in the free world \m/ Take this brother may it serve you well!
im going to gorillablue the inside of a box to all be mirrors and then put the microwave transformer in it
thats what copilot does (scrapes off Bing)
but you are misunderstanding me rn
I'll scrape you off Bing, you fucking guy.
a good YouTube physics channel is "hyperspace pirate"
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>connecticut has neither state mineral nor state rock
the guy that opened up a microwave and put his hands and face over the open oven is the one who made NileGreen
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should I jack off to feet today?
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they are going to go the e.coli route ^.^
everybody has been enjoying that - for a long time
if you don't have any further appointments.
the appointments with the feet queens
all the things she said
all the things she said
running through my head
running through my head
well. so, how is everyone?
ive already seen this opium video
any other 26 year old virgins here?
Yes but I'm 30.
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advertisement just told me to think again: it takes 12 months to make a baby - because it takes 3 months for the sperms and eggs to develop
ok buddy
if you are trying for a baby take these tablets
no i wont tell you what theyre for. take them. it takes 12 months to make a baby
these tablets will be good for that if you eat them so eat them
buy them
making the chicken nuggets like sandwiches with a pickle on each side of the nugget before they pre-fry it would be cool. then the employees could fry the frozen pickle nuggets
and it would be like picle-filled nuggets because that is what they are
thank you internet
i miss reggie
american girls are CUTE
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perfume for her
That was propaganda. I don't think about anything she ever said, I just think about how she looked. She looked awesome for some reason. And she wasn't annoying.
getting that sink fixed today, God-willing. wish me luck!
getting your sink fix fix
Do you know what you just handed to me? Genuinely, because that's a real thing, and I'm worried you accidentally wrote that. It wouldn't have been an accident though. That's way too obscure. So there's 2 theories, you're a paid cultist, or you're something else right now.
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>classes just started today
>already loathe half of the them
this is gonna be a long semester
hi toby
usa wake up
girl i like just got diagnosed with schizophrenia
how do you feel about that
guys its morning you need to become alive again
disappointed obviously
I'm scared they make me take drugs again at gunpoint. I don't have any schizophrenia. All I did was point out corruption lol. Trolled, the gun made me take the pills and say I needed help.
you could still like her
wow, you can use the annode as a clip attached to a container with what you want the annode to be, to the same effect
for what
what, so she can convince herself that i'm a demon trying to ruin her? she's cute but i have enough problems in life
that sucks
plenty more fish
my love! what state are you from
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she's a keeper
phonons (like photons)
california. where in sweden are you from?
guess thats how they make quantum computers out of semiconductors..
cool whar city? i want to expoler on google im from visby. im going on a beer run
just put a demon inside the computer and make it transmit to such a superconductor
never heard of it, looks cool tho. i'm currently in mountain view
stop being so mysterious
i just washed about 14 loads worth of cum off my penis and pelvic area
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this looks like a fake medieval town you'd see at a theme park
>"hm i need to collect info from a second source"
>*uses wikipedia*
i am so silly :)
faggocado will get fat again once he stops getting attention
Is there a solution to the root problem of loneliness?
a job i think
go outside and make friends
spoken like someone who's never had a job :)
Too European for my tastes. I think it needs Somalis.
usa stop farting
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My lunch spot
wake up
I'd deepthroat your whole entire thing for lunch *grabs ass*
you have to say the word "cum" over and over
*Fucks your ass*
They are so shy
Im going home now brb thank you for asking what i had for lunch btw
>chip butty
>beans and cheese on toast
>mushy peas
>fish and chips
>munchie boxes
and people have the audacity to criticize bri'ish food
>bangers and mash
Just nutted.
>full english brekkie
i love whygena
*cums on swedeanon* oops hehe~
I bet it made you giddy to type the meme word
show adverts for KFC
i just counted out of curiosity and there are out of the last 205 post, 70 are from schizos
whatever, brit food is dogshit
yeah i have always had a full english breakfast as my birthday breakfast since i was like 15 i never really had a sweet tooth
youre welcome by the way
for keeping the thread bumped all the way through

also you spend too much time with shit like that
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thread got moved again
says this face crem has like 70 million [brand] micropearls, for the skin
>"im literally Christian Bale"
ads: "lol you fucking loser" *crickets*
>"im trans"
guys do you watch musicals? rock of ages is my all time fav movie/musical
no we're straight.
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Making coffee. I've been up since 8pm btw.
sexy rabbit
looking the thread over and there are plenty of sussy posts desu baka
CD burner and DVD player
camcorders camcorder hobby buying camcorder old timey camcorder with TV adapter and USB
face cream

foot pummel stone
but musicals are fuuuuuun
shops that sell lean protein
advertise the latest popular music on Spotify or Apple play or YouTube pro
alert me on advertisements for lean protein sales
its cold i'm in a caloric deficit and i can smell dadberg's burnt toast and now he's stirring chocolate milk
you are a persian braaphog
Why are all the jeets moving to Canada when they could be enriching other nations, like Palestine? I want to see 10 million jeets move to Palestine lol. Let's see how they like it.
i am a persian braaphog
no, I've never thought that about any of them.
yoga mats and accessories
>poo le stine
>a nation
chasity cages
14 normal posts, 12 schizo/pedophile of the last 26
stop farting
One percent of the (official) Indian population is about 14 million Indians
male bodywash for men for sensitive skin for men
male nosejobs
the authorities or clandestine operatives of the state have been conspiring to deprive me of sleep through a repeating sequence. they do this through the transmission of mental images and audio via a transponder they installed in my chest cavity or sternum
you already posted that
guys where are we from? i want to explore on google
imagine having to sleep on your left side because a transmission showed what would happen if you didnt and then youre threatened with bed sores and violence. they are killing me and they want me to die from exhaustion suicide.
pregnant women can sleep on their left side (they dont have to) to help them sleep :)
it also helps with kidney function (and blood flow), apparently
i thought the transmission of mental image was staged until they proved to me they can materialize them. case in point i wake up with a metallic taste in my mouth and a burning throat. my tongue coated in a slime they reset the sequence now and it's the roar of engines until the utility truck begins a reversing maneuver and they do this to taunt me for reasons i forgot already except they want me dead and dying
is that why you sleep on your left side? because of the thing i wont go and broadcast to everyone except that its not a pregnancy
post-pregnancy hysteria can manifest as hallucinations, as part of the mania part of the schizophrenia. there are auditory and visual hallucinations that might occur - there is also one type of mania that is not (for two in total), and 4 types in all for it in all
are others ever involved in the manifestations? like your loved ones or friends, and youre scared they might get hurt or that you might hurt them? or is it just centered around you
im gonna get banned now and i dont have a vpn so i will ride off into the sunset
pls respond to me!
5 normal, 13 schizo of the last 18 posts
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sex sex and ignoring the >youre a schizo so im just going to try and spam my shitty schizo LARP and then drop it when i fail to go off-script because im not flexible
A nuke has just been dropped on Tel Aviv.
just checked when nobody asked and if he started at 200 and all the posts were him then in 54 posts 17 have contained the word "schizo"
17 posts of 54 - exactly double the amount of posts hes complaining about
nice job

(he does this all day every day (imagine if i complained about him like this in these posts for 20 hours today) and nothing else - except banning you for pointing this out). sad!
He would go away if we all tell him that we're in his walls
yeah nobody asked but he effectively made 60/200 posts complaining about posts when the other 200 posts kept the thread bumped while everyone slept

not to mention his attempt at shitting up the thread with schizo stereotypes until he was asked to elaborate or develop or explain
>hes doing something i dont like for being this percieved thing - so ill just do it into the thread too!
^ this is really how he thinks
60/200 complaining about it (20 hours a day) plus your schizo posts you made because you didnt like schizo posts
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>3 day vacation for politics
>ratpedo can post whatever he wants
Two tier system
Anatomical Positioning: The inferior vena cava, a large vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower body back to the heart, runs along the right side of the spine. When you lie on your left side, this vein is less compressed by
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I hope everyone in this thread has a good day, even the brits
thank you
and you as well
Yeah there are a couple community theaters near me. They really outdo themselves sometimes and sell out multiple weekends.
fuck off schizo retards this isn't your personal blog
Kent County, MD
Hinder - Lips of an Angel
Isn't it thoughever?
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>always told my mom not to buy me any birthday gifts
>year after year after year she knows this
>asked me 5 times weeks ago what I wanted for my birthday
>told her 5 times I don't want anything and that she shouldn't waste her money
>told her if she really insists on getting me something she can just get me something to eat
>gives me a box today
>I already know it's gonna be something shit
>open it and it's the ugliest bracelet of all time
>ask her if she kept the receipt to return it
>she didn't

Man I hate this shit so much. The feeling of being autistic. The feeling of being ungrateful. The feeling of disrespecting your mom's efforts and letting her down by basically telling her that what she did was retarded and she wasted her money on something you wont wear. Essentially telling her that her taste is bad. The feeling of entitlement from complaining about a gift when there are people that receive none. The feeling of dismissing the value of a dollar. It's just that why do you have to buy a clothing article? You can just bake a pie. If you want something that will last then just buy like a small painting/fridge magnet/cup/knife/torque wrench/etc.
i want a remote job
gas engineer (remote)
Janny gave me a warning for posting politics because I made a 9/11 joke
still a very sensitive subject for us, please understand
All im saying is if i was on that plane
non fluorinated sports drink
non soy food
all the viets would die before reaching the ground!
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saw this in another thread
wow that looks yummy
unless its a crab or lobster
what does md mean?
It means Maryland
thanks daddy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCLgQOZxnj8 im gonna explore maryland now
be right back forum ^.^
Maryland is the land of glowies and darkies
31 posts. 18 regular freaks, 13 schizo shitstains

108 total off topic/extremely low quality posts so far
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American humor be like
>Lol it’s funny because it’s rude
nsa is based there i only find a main road and you cant turn off from it
guys wake up
america ;_;
Do you ever feel like a nameless horse?
Where is this?
usa <3
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>5 blacks violently kidnap, rape & torture a white couple to death
>uhmm ackchually this isn't racism or something and there's no reason to believe if 5 whites did this there would be any different coverage
crazy to think this was way back in 2007
It's ok I am here now to elevate the thread
to the canadian levels
Do I listen to the Linkin Park livestream where they debuted the chick or no
sure why not
If regular pigs go feral and turn into boars in the wild, do boars turn into pigs in captivity?
Those look like warthogs
sexo con cum
4chan will shut down within 3 years, or at least be sold off. I genuinely believe Musk or perhaps Jared Kushner will purchase it. Musk is well aware of 4chan's influence on the internet and will try to weaponize it. At one point he was probably smart enough to recognize that was a foolish idea, but I think he has become arrogant and will try to both make 4chan profitable and useful for political purposes.
4chan will shut down after 3 years
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Interview at noon for a warehouse job i dont even want
good luck bud. it will work out
You don't want no problems you just talking
Like half the internet will be dead in a few years. The puritanical BS, culture wars, and corporate sanitization have all led to widespread censorship.
there's more than enough 80IQ SAAR slum dwellers coming online daily to offset losses of users from censorship or whatever
i would vote for anyone in this country that would legalize prostitution and have state run brothels with government controlled pricing
Ah yes just what the internet needs.
>NDP: we can't do that because women's rights or something. Strong sexworker kweens are free to do it themselves but you as a man will still go to jail
>Liberals: Uhmm uhhh we need to wait until the Overton window shifts and our consultants say we can or something
>Conservatives: we are trad or something (unless that trad hurts a woman or minorities feelings)
>BQ: honhon only in KWEEBECK are we enlightened enough for such things, you anglos are not ready, also gib monies
Never gonna happen here
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Didn't say mean it was good thoughbeit, in fact it's a big reason why things keep getting worse.
going to put my head in the oven
>government controlled pricing
why would you want that
Yeah they are but my question stands
it's not legal in queerbec thoughbeit. also conservatives caring about muh trad is laughable
i'm too high IQ for your plebeian brain that's why anon
rude and low IQ behaviour
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>anon wants to have sex with women who are legally required to have sex with jeet customers
nasty nigga
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so you admit you have low IQ
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i was already gonna fuck them in da poopoo
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1.79 MB GIF
i miss whygena
File: 74127.png (111 KB, 946x524)
111 KB
111 KB PNG
posting it again
yeah that dog thing is pretty cute i guess
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122 KB PNG
Fixed it for you
was this supposed to be humour?
lel got 'em
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I'm playing HOI4
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autism moment
me? im thinking of cum
My face when this happens except I'm white and not ugly.
trips of truth

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