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Poland is heaven on earth. Why haven't you moved to Poland yet?
Cute and wholesome
fuck off, we're full
I hate women
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Poland has... BOOBA?
What is this, a breastfeeding event? Imagine if a nog jumped in there with a knife like in the bongland. Our birthrates would instantly drop to 0.5 lmao
stealth bbc thread don't reply
Why are the babies white?
Are they blakkk in inverse Poland?
All single moms btw
Air pollution and shit pay.
Better off here.
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im not indian so i have no chances with local girls as a ytieboy

btw, Poland has like the lowest TFR in Europe
They look like zoo animals.
yes you are lol
Context? Fertility ritual or just women being attwhores as usual?
>yes you are
i wish i were, i'd surely score in this joke of a country then
Most people in Poland do not have enough children, this video is not normal for Poland
>im not indian
Polishers are the blacks of Europe
>Most people in Poland do not have enough children, this video is not normal for Poland
as you can see, there is 1 child per 1 woman so that's pretty normal even for Poland. Obviously TFR 1.0 is incredibly low but it's not like this video shows something unusual.
a TFR of 1 would mean that about half of women have 0 children right? Probably more than half because some women have more than one child which changes the average
>im not indian
Poland, the Tradland of Europe
>all white babies
>having children at all
Couldn’t be Germany
Ill move there when they're a bit more developed, I don't know how to explain it without sounding like a retard but it's not quite a developed country yet and it's obvious through every vein of their society, little things that make first world countries nice
I hate Poles.
>would mean that about half of women have 0 children right
possibly, i hope you don't think all Polish women that exist in the world were gathered for that video?
>I don't know how to explain it without sounding like a retard but it's not quite a developed country yet and it's obvious through every vein of their society, little things that make first world countries nice
I actually know what you mean and experience it myself on a daily basis. Even stuff like cars randomly parked on the sidewalks (normal thing here) is annoying as shit and totally non-firstie.
look up the fertility rate of Poland and try not to laugh
only an indian would post some made up story like that
I know you love these corny ass love stories like your bollywood movies
goo goo gaga mommy milky
believe me, Polish women are like this, unironically
I live in Warsaw and i take an incelwalk around the city centre every weekend and I usually see 10-20 Indian-Polish couples in like an hour (ofc always Indian male/Polish female).
Poland doesn't work like western countries in this regard, here Indians are seen as exotic, handsome and desirable as sexual and marital partners.
paki falseflag
do not reply
come here and you'll see yourself
there is a reason why Polish women have an "opinion" in western Europe
Brits say every time you see a white woman with a black/brown guy in London you can assume her to be Polish and in most cases you won't be wrong
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it literally is like that
my highschool friend went off to study in britain and got fucked over by a paki 15 years older then her
my childless lonely aunt of 50yo married a hindu guy 20 years younger this year
its fucking crazy how hungry polish women are for brownoids
if it were actual blacks at least one could cope with the BBC meme, but hindus are literally retarded, poo stinking weaklings
what is even remotely attractive about them?
>what is even remotely attractive about them?
they're not Polish men, that's enough for an advantage
polacks may be round headed alcoholics but we are still 5 leagues ahead of them
>but we are still 5 leagues ahead of them
sure, now tell your own women about it lmao
Can confirm this to be true. I'm a white Polish boy living in Warsaw and our women absolutely love indian and brown men for some reason
I don't think Poles would date people who look exactly like gypsies due to the association.
we don't have such a negative stereotype against Gypsies as you do bro, Gypsies are a marginal community in Poland. In northern Poland they're almost non-existent.
Their association with gypsies is exactly thw reason why our women love them so much. Poland has a severe lack of organised crime which makes Polish men look like sissies in the eyes of our women. I guarantee you there is a huge overlap between women here loving blacks/browns and hybristophilia, polish men just arent macho enough for all of these psychopath loving women to date them
so basically all comes down to Polish men being low-test
Polish men are to blame for everything
No need, they all move here
Kind of. If we had our own yakuza and beat up women more frequently this wouldnt happen
I will, I've heard they like brown guys
Indian male diaspora is like one of the least masculine population on the planet both physically and socially and it's hard to miss that. I believe Indians offer some sense of prestige in Europe since like all of them who come here are wealthy STEMfags. I think if anything Polish women would find "frail timid gentleman" Jeet appealing in contrast to the blockhead gas station clerk Janusz.
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>only white women
hell on earth
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Why are they ashamed to show their husbands?
>le hand picked picture
polish women are hideous too, he probably imported her from russia anyway
brownskins are getting mad in this thread, always remember your mere existence sends browns into fits of rage.
Why did she do it? Does he have a giant dick or is he rich?
god damn there's so many poojeets in poland already that they're even on 4chan. so fucking grim.
>polish women are hideous too,
cope incel, im a hopeless incel too but at least i can sincerely admit that Polish women are generally pretty by global standards
this is why being an incel is such a pain here because every day you see beautiful girls who you know you will never touch, it's like licking a candy through the glass.
i think being an incel is comparatively easier in countries where women are infamously ugly like Germany, probably they don't even feel that being an incel is a burden because they don't feel much sexual lust for whatever female creatures walking around them
all of these women should be beheaded and their children left to starve

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