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>all capitals
Someone make a new. This is abhorrent.
fuck off spaedo
keep laughing at the video of the negro chap in london threatening a businessman with a knife and then some belfast lad squares up to him and dares him to get off his bike and do something and the negro chap cycles off in a hurry lol. Mad how superior the Irish are.
The Irish simply have nothing to lose
wheres the video then
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picture from my bedroom window lads
what do dagenham, bromley, and hull have in common
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when i was on holiday in tenerife in 2022 some girl at a bar said i had chicken legs, and for the longest time i thought it was a compliment, like it was meant to mean my legs were muscular like a chicken drumstick or something
i've only just learnt that chicken legs means very skinny legs and she was actually insulting me
Last half hour of toil lads
wacking my willy
Mental how badly I mindraped him
Blacks have deep respect for Irish diaspora and vice versa they see each other as equals
Mental how badly I mindraped him
sometimes i get on /brit/ when im on holiday but all the lads refuse to believe me. spaino has done much damage to /brit/ travellad community. lads didn't believe me when i was in tenerife or when i was in switzerland or krakow or anywhere else.
I'm toiling until 19:00
please end my pathetic life
beating the shit out of my penis
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posted it again award
howling how could you be this thick
nobody give a fucking shit you daft boring cunt
Maybe if you stupid cunts knew what a timestamp was.
>uh uh muh doxxing
Fuck off
Happened to me when I was in France, kept getting called Spainnonce
They just don’t see us as pushovers unlike the English who are terrified of them
I wasn't really in Chile lads I was just pretending on a VPN aha
1 hour and 25 mins for me
will have to pause my /brit/ posting until I return to my island home (Australia)
mental illness the picture
fucking hell
watching a women squirt on the floor
imagine thinking im running about with a pen and paper on my european travels just to help satiate the autistic desires of mongs on /brit/ lol. na, for me, it's all about taking funny pictures of chinamen when im travelling.
squirt what? milk out her nose?
had to share my screen at toil and forgot I'd been watching blacked and a scene I'd been watching came on screen and I shit myself but everybody just kneeled and started clapping
lol based
cool autism shoes too
Watching schizos fight in /brit/ is one of my favourite pastimes
Then fuck off then.
the toildrones are getting uppity again
are there really mandem on electric bikes driving around robbing people
thats some brazil tier shit
end me
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Currently sitting under an f-5
mumberg just came in and called me a mong bean :(
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Alright lads, why's my toe like this? Is it athlete's foot?
Genuinely very common occurance in London yes
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It's a lot of things pal
>waaaah waaah I cant post whilst travelling (bizarre internet addicted freak cant not be on 4chan for 1 day)
>post a timestamp then
>I cant because...because I'm a big fucking poof
london is like the first mad max film.

that's a fungal nail infection. get one of them anti-fungal lacquer things for it and it'll clear up after like 6 months.
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your ancestors are looking down on you and weeping in despair right now
>literally every single day at all different times
*diego cracks his knuckles in preparation to defend london*
every time i've gone on holiday it has not once occurred to me to post on 4chan, because i'm instead enjoying the real world
coming to this shit time wasting website whilst on holiday isn't something to brag about
toes look inflamed and nails are infected
Cooked that cunt in a banana leaf
>walk around barefeet all the time
>never had any infections
how do all you runts get such fucked up feet
I’m genuinely going to Spain next month, can’t wait to larp as sn and rake in the (You)s
poo is a curious thing, make a one man weep, make another man sing
business idea: legalise marijuana and free everyone incarcerated for crimes related to it, as a means of freeing up prison space to chuck the mandem into for knife crimes

what about solo travels and business trips?
I have much to do...much to do... and no care with which to do it
can't believe it
personally my feet got fucked up from biting my toenails like some kind of chimp
run out of toast
>heard that putting vinegar on your window frames keeps spiders out
>take a bottle of vinegar and begin squirting it onto window
>accidentally drop it, force from the floor impact pops the cap thing off
>vinegar spills all over the windowsill, radiator, and carpet
>spend an hour trying to clean it
>stench of vinegar won't go away
>start crying
i literally cannot do a single thing right
i think fungal nail stuff is typically caught from going to the swimmers and the beach and places like that. sometimes you can get it from an ingrown nail too. you wont get it from walking about your own house.
Um... yeah but don't really want those wogs back on the street
Get a life you internet addicted freak seriously. Or do you need your constant stream of dopamine hits?
I know this is a shitpost but I've done it on two occasions to show that I was playing solitaire during a meeting kek
think you'll find a large overlap between those convicted for weed crimes and the so-called "mandem" convicted for knife crimes
you never been sat at like 11pm in bed in your hotel watching a bit of footy and done some shitposting to wind down before the next day?
>replying to yourself twice
mental how badly he mindraped you
swim 2-4 times a week in public pools and the ocean and never once had an infection
ye i walk around garden barefoot and other people's houses (sometimes) and beach or pool
you know what else is easy, the fucking passport stamps. thats the timestamp right there without the need for pen or paper but no one ever posts it. all fucking larpers hard.
>crying over spilt vinegar
You've got more problems than a mess on the carpet mate
Another day of doing next to nothing at my WFH “job” nearly over
get real mate as if you never have 20mins of free time in a hotel room to post about poos and wees and wanks like the rest of us
aha, but that's the trick. let them out early for their 3 month sentences and then lock them up for years on the knife sentences.
Sounds weird but I once spilled a whole bottle of vinegar on my carper and tried lots of things but the thing that finally got the smell out was piss
The ammonia and minerals in your piss neutralises the aromatic vinegar esters
Give it a try
hoping we get some new episodes of the Ricky Gervais show podcast lads
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Do you think dolphins feel comfy during hurricanes / cyclones the way we feel comfy when it's stormy outside?

The dolphins are protected under the surface surely. It's just a like a big rollercoaster for them.
kteeeeeem absolute fuck all going on today and any long term tasks can always wait am i right haha
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that's a bavarian napkin!!!!
might lie on my bed and have poo
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Might become a security guard. Has to be cozier than most wageslavery and if women can do it I definitely can
grotesque (i used to do this also)
rolling a blunt
very good post. i hope they do
legalise da ting
till your feet got fucked up?
wonder how many lads in Hiroshima were mid-wank just as the bomb hit
memes aside, i had a piss corner in the side of my bedroom when i was in my late teens and started drinking for the first time
the whole section of carpet was rock hard and stank absolutely vile, i tried to cover the smell by covering the carpet with various junk knicknacks, old clothes, shoes etc, but then i just started pissing on that pile instead, which then stank
you have to tell cracked out homeless to fuck off and be prepared to beat them if they talk back to you
right well my arse has just been raped by a feral blackman baboon
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I gave No Man's Sky a try because it's on gamepass and there was a big storm that hit and it felt really comfy, even as I was scrambling to build a quick base to not die from the cold. But then as soon as I entered the base, the storm vanished. Apparently the VFX are localised to your surroundings, so you can't sit instead and watch the storm. So I stopped playing the game. More games need comfy storm moments, like Minecraft.
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mousey convincing some virgin to piss all over his carpet
i imagine hurricans on the water pick up debris like trash and broken boat bits and slice dolphins right up
Did this once and the flat stank of piss so I did a shit on the floor and that sorted it right out, couldn't smell the piss at all after that.
the whole thing was actually just one lad who'd been on the NoFap since 1942
I did it and just stayed up in my office and played vidya all day only checking a boiler once an hour and let my coworker in after hours and fucked her on the roof

Easy work
can tell when someone has never been on holiday because they think you're just busy 16 hours a day
Just count the number of burned tweezers that were left
No Man's Sky is a weird game, there's fuck all to do but it is kind of comfy. I made a great base on a planet that had a 150C mental storm pass by every now and then and it's comfy being inside during it. I might play it again, I didn't even complete the story and they've added stuff since I last played.
Haha same!
But I was 5 and scared of going to the loo at night because it was dark
Numbers was fuming at my piss corner
done them
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managed to piss away some of my old skidmarks there, reminded me of my glory days
Nah can’t touch anyone as a guard unless they touch you first

Had to deal with tons of literal teenagers on fent, that shit is so weird, turns you into a zombie. Staring them right in the eyes asking them questions and they’re staring back at you with zombie eyes, like there’s nothing there, you’re looking right through them. Then they start to clench their fists and you think you’re about to fight them but they start mumbling something and you repeat that process over and over
Ever shag her up the arse?
Still waiting on that timestamp spainmong.
every hour an' the hour
you hear di people bawl
Mental how the sun is up at midnight in Kanagawa right now
japan's the land of the midnight sun innit
or something along those lines
Lauren Chen, I am going to fingerblast you now
>but then i just started pissing on that pile instead, which then stank
Nah, not my problem. I'd just call the cops and they would also do nothing. Bidens america innit
remember the arrogant student gimmick from years ago?
ALWAYS doing this in my dreams. Must be nature trying to trick us into being weird
You're literally all Packistani cunts.
Loooool fucking sunk that cunt like the Yamamoto
Are you a couple of hamsters
Anyone else have dreams so vivid that you wake up disorientated and have to remember this is reality?
You're a fucking Indian cunt.
hurricanes aren't comfy wtf are you talking about
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Yep, that was one of mine.
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>kings and generals styling kieven rus king as a cossack
lmao cossaks didn't exist until after the mongol conquests but recent propaganda has led to ukrainians claiming the apparent legacy of the cossacks despite half of them residing in modern day russian lands and that's ignoring predominantly Russian speaking Ukraine
got the tunes on and ignoring life
We need a Triple E lockdown NOW
going to try reading a book later today see what its like
never flaunt your wealth. dress like a pauper. drive a shitty car
Having an omelette for my tea today lads
fascinating *yawns*
I could literally buy most of you cunts. I am rich in my country.
Business idea: Turn Buckingham Palace into a giant mosque
Alri commiemong, early finish at the factory?
honey we have Triple H Smackdown at home
I eat a four egg omelette and a tin of sugar free baked beans every day for my lunch, love omelettes me.
pls buy me and make me your boi concubine slut whore
>gets owned
>changes vpn and starts spamming about russia
if he weren't such a retard he might be entertaining
stop putting pussy on a pedestal
What’s rich in Lithuania? Owning a car from 1993?
Tetley for me
you should buy us a pint
So you have TWO horses?
baby steps
Covid's back lads, and it's APOPLECTIC
hmm yes I'll just earn a lot of money then not spend it because third world retards think that's why Bill gates is rich
uh oh, melty
ironically one can only do this by having sex but it's almost impossible to do just that while putting it up there
twerking my skinny white ass to the thomas the tank engine theme
my work here is done
fuck fuck fuck did it find out about the vaccines
Got diarrhoea again :/
dropped sisterberg off at her singing club today
get a chub on imagining her "singing club" is actually just some big interracial African gangbang with her being the centrepiece
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It's real. All of it.
Tune that
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Whatever happened to Huw Edwards
pronounced anus gallagher

e45 is going on me bellend
awful lot of random foreign 'definitely not a VPN' flags in here lately
>kate middleton probably dead
>poo edwards a gay nonce
>queen dead also
>lockdowns and vaccines now touchy subject
mental how things have changed since 2021
You need lobotomizing
Let's be honest the golden age of spainnonce posting is long gone. He was stringing you along for months with his original personality. Now he can barely get a single post off without being rumbled. Must be very frustrating for him
You should be shot
>>start crying
*pats your head*
there, there
That’s the laptop closed. Another hard day stealing a living as a WFHchad draws to a close (three emails sent, one Teams call taken, 34k pa)
got a friend that's a good lad but undeniably a pathetic sad weasel
covid is just the script they'll continue to use to pilfer small businesses and give to corporations since it was so successful last time
but you didn't do anything?
You dont have any friends Adam stfu seriously
can you not talk about me without my permission please? ta
why would they do that
confessions of an american opium eater
>(three emails sent, one Teams call taken, 34k pa)
civil service?
For me it's 1.5hrs of teams calls, two teams messages and 20 minutes of editing a document for ÂŁ43k pa
remember last time you spammed these and got banned and it revealed that you were the irish diaspora poster who is constantly on about how the irish worship blacks while you were actively making cuckporn fanfic this whole time? i do lol
Didn't I?
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'owbout dat 2 liter rite there
sir, this is a post office
ktim except it's 0 emails, 0 messages and 100k aud
Remember the whole spainnonce gets fired from the civil service arc? Then somebody in the civil service pointed out they dont allow you to WFH in foreign countries and he was furiously backpedalling for days lol
might ask sisterberg if she knows what a cum tribute is
Wish he were me da
I’m an electrician and I take home 75kpa
0 time stamps spaintwat
Why even bother still posting at this point?

Kek he is so pathetic. No idea how the world works
Ask her what BBC stands for
rorkes mum putting carrots and peas in the pasta sauce to make sure he eats his veggies
because when mega corps with significant economies of scale reached diminishing returns on profit to investment (owing to TTOTROPTF which is in the nature of capitalism) one of the few avenues left to them is swallowing up smaller businesses
What a choon
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your mum does this and you're rorke. that's how you came up with this post
TOTROPTFing out my ass
Reminds me of commiemong and the electroplating factory. (Nobody calls it a factory)
In what currency
not a bad idea is it, adds a bit of flavour and nice and healthy
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Cotton candy, Majin Buu, oh, oh, oh, oh
Dim the lights and fall into you, you, you
My God, giving me pleasure
Idiot kys
that is often my process for coming up with rorke/leftypol posts but in this instance it's based off me going to my weird autist friend's house for a sleepover in primary school and his mum put grim frozen veggies in the pasta sauce, wasn't all that bad mind you
hey girls
hey boys
superstar djs
here we go
good chune
What do you think nigga USD
Never understood how vegetables always provide the same amount of fibre no matter what you do to them (i.e. blended, roasted, boiled, steamed)
Surely fibre is linked to the physical quality of the food and therefore a raw head of brocolli has more fibre than that same brocolli blended into a smoothie
sucking a minoan breast
she loves it
peas in pasta sauce is a Sicilian thing I do it all the time
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shut the FUCK UP
Noone like poc they're ugly well known fact
Harry Potter?
and covid ties into this how?
So you're just going to ignore that no one believes you're in Japan and continue this pathetic LARP?
The white man adds to his growing list of conquests over the black man haha
Italians built Australia you'd do well to remember that
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>Get security guard license
>Get a job that gives me a car to drive around all night
>Get a job in Seattle area where it rains all the time
>Listen to jazz
The new dream just dropped. Got an interview at noon might just not show up
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what type of people call £1000 a “oner”
Your argument is sound but it depends how broken down the food is. Obviously if you break a food down into its constituent atoms then a pile of atoms from a broken down piece of brocolli isn't going to help your digestion more than a pile of atoms from a broken down piece of steak.

But there are still molecular bonds in place even after you put broccoli in a blender.
Are you Irish diaspora?
how so? that was us actually (the Irish)

we also built America
fat boy can punch
ÂŁ100 is a oner not ÂŁ1000
lol you have no idea what you're talking about
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one hundo
more of a lover than a fighter me because i havent been in a fight (havent been in a sex either)
Toil status: done
any Irish lads in?
>fuck racism
>in english
always gives me a deep sense of cringe seeing how americanised europeans are when they try to act all trendy and liberal
I don't understand boxing
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Mboko quite literally on the ropes
You sound more like a gamer to me
*updates filter*
Sucking a soft mint
bigger blacker guy usually wins
proud Wexford man me
What was wrong in what was said?
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hes also a real nigga too, so weird him making this kind of music but he'll knock out your 100kg body guard twice in the same fight
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ayo wyboi
Can't wait to get home and have my tea
I'll have to wash up first though
post wilder vs zhang
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ai cow
They should all be shot
slander slander salamander
>wash up before you eat

Was never a thing in our house. You just sat down and ate dinner.
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it's okay as long as you're not a virgin
As dry as a new-German's flip-flop
It's yesterday's washing up that I didn't bother to do yesterday because I was being a drunk slug
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Anudda young black boy taking a breaking from whitey
Lawd its a sin
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what's for gay porn dinner?
sam hyde on a mad one
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At the train station
Waiting for my train you see
Um... part 2??
Good lad. Stay safe!
I recognise that platform
horrific fit
what chinos are those
Great Missenden
State of those creps
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pick up that hair bobble on the tile to the right and sniff it

might smell strongly of perfume, trust me
At train stations I worry that other people reckon I'm there to throw myself in front of one
Got a habit of pacing because I don't like standing around waiting, you see
Irrelevant non sequitur about atoms
Claiming molecular bonds aren't broken by blending/steaming/etc.
Implying all molecular bonds are equal and somehow involved in digestion
No mention of the composition of insoluble fibre
No answer to the original question, just mindless thinking aloud about nothing
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You're talking about THE BEST black middleweight fighter EVER!
Loving the gay porn shoes
soy timmy
shut down small businesses that couldnt withstand lockdowns. big corps took over their niche
virgin freak fit lmfao
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Their modern counterparts barely compare. Just a whole other world.
Come on now lad
Jump in front of it you boring cunt
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