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> germany is less than 72% german
is it over in your cunt?
No, with Germany dying you could even say it only just begun
i will immediatly believe this cropped post of unknown context, validity or origin on a mongolian basked weaving forum and get mad on the internet. The west has fallen.
> only 3% turks
lmao u can dream
It's not exactly a random /pol/ infograhpic kek
Look at newborn demographics.
I don't know why nobody talks about this, but we are at 40% non-german, at this point it's obvious we're changing from a country into a business.
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I remember reading about BRD political culture and how they used to explicitly state that Germany was NOT a "Einwanderungsland" kek
It's so fucking over for you Krauts it's not even funny actually. I'd laugh only not to cry, Germans have contributed immensely to world culture and human development and seeing Germany be transformed into a European New Jersey populated by Talahons instead of Wops is just fucking depressing.

Could be worse.
I still see Biodeutsch people doing shit like working at Lidl, so you have not reached saturation point yet.

My country is so fucked with temporary workers that you cannot ever interact with a local if you need any kind of service at all.
> I don't know why nobody talks about this
Are you prepared to fight like Afghani for 20 years in the mud without electricity without enough food?
No European people are not willing to defend their country so they should shut up and deal with it.
Milošević tried fighting but masses betrayed him because of electricity and not enough food
It's pretty crazy to me that Firsties probably really never do see their own kind working normal jobs and being normal people in the street.
Here, you enter a bus and EVERYONE is Brazilian, you go to the supermarket and the cashier is Brazilian, the janitor is Brazilian, the manager is Brazilian, and the owner is Brazilian.
But then you go to Germany and the Späti guy is a Turk, the mechanic is a Bulgarian, the cashier is Russian, your bus driver is Lebanese, etc. I can't imagine what that does to your psyche since upper-class people are all psychos and being treated as an upper class ethnicity probably makes you psychotic

Even if you get 100% of Germany to agree, "no more foreigners", you still need somebody to man the job positions. There aren't enough young people and Germany is full of old fucks.
What is your solution? Robots?
Or are you going to go wipe the ass of some boomer who shat himself in his care home bed?
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>german still exist more than 70%
Your third world freakout that happens every ten years isn't remotely the same as European countries being replaced by third worlders
Why dont you ask this Japanese fellow >>202039492
how his country manages have cashiers and care workers without BROWNING it?
> but what about muh obese Renters that can't whipe their own ass
it's so over holy kek

the only purpose Germany has left is to make sure that some old boomer with dementia can "live" to see another day (or to elect Einheitspartei just one more time)
No that is not my experience.
Where I live there are still a lot of German Germans doing all those normal jobs. Even cleaning toilets.

But not in my home country, because we adopted the Canadian policy of importing lots of temporary contract workers for everything.
So now, all the service jobs are full of latinos and indians.
what country are you from
> What is your solution?
Hahahaaha you are saying that like its something mysterious and all the countries in the history found workers by importing them from abroad. Take the womens rights away and you will start breeding and your children will support the economy.
He knew that accepting western values will turn a country into for profit company. We are also now starting to have lot of migrants because our economy needs it.
you made me laugh so hard I almost cried, but it's all very true, we need a true visionary, someone with a vision, a leader
There are 10 million turks in Germany.
the Japanese are literally forced to open up their borders after holding out for so long because of the same issue
Fuck the boomers, they should've gotten more children if they'd wanted somebody to take care of them
> Take the womens rights away
it's utterly insane to me how every western-nation just gave women the right to vote while keeping conscription male-only to this very day
how did they manage to trick boomers into accepting this?
I'm 30 now, most of my friends who are in long term relationships want children sometimes in future, but not now because they want to "travel" and start a career first. The few I know who have started a family have only one child and don't plan another, it's really dire with that nihilistic mindset
you can add the russia and kazakhstan german to that though because they're ethnically german. so it's more like 74%
>But not in my home country,
What country are you from? I can only imagine Australia or the USA are as wrecked as Canada is on this aspect
> but not now because they want to "travel" and start a career first
normies think they can't even get 1 (one) child without damaging their hekking wageslave career
meanwhile somone like Frauke Petry has four children and a PhD
It works very well if you don't look at the long term. If you put women in the workforce you will not only double but more then double your GDP because of multiplier effect. You can put your women to workforce so they don't waste time on nurturing children. Instead of that you import already adult workers who will change the older generation. Everything is perfect and everyone is more than double richer but it comes at the cost of your nation being replaced.
>yuros bitch about the US becoming brown
>almost completely replace themselves in 2 generations with by far the lowest class of people to have ever existed
Why do they do it?
40% is from 2020, given that it rose around 1.2% per year it’s probably 45% now. Also back then Germans had way higher birthrates, our birthrate now is only 1.3, 1.1 for Germans
if you're oldfag enough you can remember a time on here and elsewhere that Yuros actually used to brag about how much less racist and integrating they were to immigrants than the US.
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> be Merkel
> notice that german women are no longer willing to breed
> notice that german women are sluts for Südländer
> import a million of the finest BBCs
> they still won't breed
> mfw
>mongolian basked weaving
autism or CIA
open the crotch already
we aren't fucking 3.4%, hans
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yes, it's over
I remember this well lol. Germans and Scandinavians loved to brag about the 1 black guy in their village and how there was no racism there.

Now all the int zoomers act like immigration was an evil mutt jewish plot to weaken sacred EVROPA
why are there 300k Chinamen living in Italy?

> Now all the int zoomers act like immigration was an evil mutt jewish plot
it literally was thoughbeit
>germ mania
>other 15.1
probably mostly Poles and the like, which I don't see above, so it could be worse
Pic related is about citizenship
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This is what the average German woman will look like in 2025 and... it's beautiful
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It's all so tiresome. No matter what you do, no matter who you vote, all ways lead to complete muttification.
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gebe der AfD genau 1 Chance
wenn dan nix passiert werde ich Breifickmaxxing betrieben
Which one? The brown guy is from Carwow
Oh no not the heckin germans
Most of my extended family lives in North Rhine Westfallen
>why are there 300k Chinamen living in Italy?
Prato and we always were friendlier with the enemies of the west compared to other westies
Jews really do hate Germany, they don't forget
Looks like Wikipedia
This, total boomer death

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