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rescued an injured pigeon today
he was dazed and lost on the road about to get hit by a car I
picked him up and walked with for 20 minutes to leave him in a bush in a very comfy field away from roads
it was fenced up too so dogs shouldn't bother him tonight if he makes it
his wings and feet weren't broken or injured so I think he might recover
something knocked him out on his head it seems since some feathers on his head were ruffled up
could be internal trauma tho
couldn't keep him sadly I live in a goypod
happens in your cunt?
send him your energy!
niggas literally interfering with natural selection and thinking they be environmentalists n shiet
don't these guys carry a bunch of diseases
That's a woodpigeon fledgling that probably doesn't know how to fly too well. Hope it'll recover from the shock
Keep up the good work op.
Pigeons are very cute and also bros
My mom rescues birds from the cat in our neighborhood and then leaves them outside to die of their wounds and throws them away

What is the point of denying the cat his meal at that point
based Protestant mom
Pigeons are swimming with diseases dumbfuck. You probably have some new strain of bird flu, picking it up with your bare hands like a moron.
This reminded me of when my cat vomited a pidgeon skeleton on the carpet once
twink hand
I saved like 4 birds in my life and never got sick.
nothing natural in cities
he probably bumped into some glass window
I see he was pretty light so that could be it
no more than jews probably
see the above
cats don't even eat their victims
we should go new zealand on their asses
A homeless nigger could have eaten that pigeon, you just relinquished someone of their diner.
Well nobody gets sick till they do, innit
They are surprisingly warm
Pigeon ramier avec son duvet juvénile qui n'est pas encore totalement remplacé par ses plumes d'adultes. Il lui manque aussi les plumes blanches sur le cou
Humans are a part of nature, Grüne tard. We didn’t just descend from space.
What's the point of your pic when you're showing me a biset (city pigeon) known to be the tramp of birds and OP's handling a woodpigeon in what appears to look like a pretty lightly urbanized area?
That's not how the word relinquished is used, brother
Fine, don't come crying to me when you're bedridden with fever and started growing a beak.
One of the ways a nation's economic and cultural development can be measured is how much they can afford to treat animals with compassion
I had one as a pet for months before it died and no diseases happened
Cool. Good for you.
You did good bro
natural selection is about faulty genes that produce a disadvantage not random accidents
colloquially nature is opposed to man made creations and it makes sense since human culture is not shared with any other eukaryote making us therefore very alienated from them so shut up
that's why he was so cute...
I'll go check on him tomorrow
Guess what manifests as good or bad? Ability/inability to deal with those accidents. A meteorite hitting earth is also a random accident.
That’s true of any species of animal. A bear doesn’t share its “culture” (behavior) with salmon.
Okay then, a melanin enriched, non-local man who is currently residing in the country called France and suffering from poverty was denied his god given right to a nourishing meal. Does that satisfy your EFL sensibilities my good man?
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I'll remember this when I see you dying on the side walk. I'll make sure to spit on you
a bear doesn't completely disrupt all ecosystems around it with the gift of sentience does it now
what are you even arguing about you fucking autist
This is a streptopelia decaocto aka collared dove or Turkish dove, pretty common in Europe but considered invasive in the americas
based superhero
i rescued a pigeon once myself
cant find the pics though
It fucking does. Invasive species is a thing. Dingoes are a textbook example.
>what are you even arguing about you fucking autist
Nothing, just laughing at your virtue signaling.
yes but there's a difference between dying because you cannot survive in the environment created by the meteor impact and dying due to the impact
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when i was 8 during cram school recess a swallow plunged into a window that was like a mirror due to the sun, i picked him up and brought him to the cram school receptionist and she gave me a box to put him in, i left him in the toilet and was eagerly waiting to get him once class was over. when class was dismissed i picked the box up walked outside the door and he immidiately flew away
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Absolutely none to a pigeon. To him it’s just something hitting him.
virtue signaling?
dingos are sentient ?
What's that shitty hobo party slop?
Virtue signaling to others.
>look I’m such a good guy. I saved a pigeon.
Makes fuck all difference except promote dysgenics.
I think you need to go signal some pussy or something
I accept your concession
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>gets passive aggressive when it's brought up that non-subhumans treat animals well
brown detected
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Thank you brother.
BTW when I was in Toulon last month I saw a car run over a pigeon; his whole body was crushed under the wheel
Did he just let you pick him up?
Yes, I saved a baby bird. Took care of it for a few hours and let it fly away. Pretty happy about it.
he was saved :)
I keep chickens so I know how to handle birds
I threw my shirt on him to blind him so he wouldn't panick then gently kept his wings tucked in my hands so he wouldn't flap around and panick more and stroke his back to calm him
>gets stabbed by a random muslim
>doctors refuse to operate and let you bleed out because it's "natural selection"
Do germcucks really?
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him walking away after being released
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God bless you. Pigeons are mans true best friend.
A myth spread by some old boomer, there's YouTube documentaries about it. A domestic dog's mouth contains more bacteria than a pigeons feathers.
Cher Ami
They're literally the non-whites of bird world
>can't build shit for nests, barely a few twigs (bad parenting like niggers)
>shits on everything around itself (defecation in the open like a pajeet)
>constantly breeding with nothing to control it's population except diseases (population exploding like mudslimes)
You have a good heart for saving it of course. Too bad the flying jews know how to exploit human empathy
very german post
That’s so nice of you anon <3
>Keep to da RULEZ!
cute twink sweater
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most humane germ
reminder that you're lucky we didn't wipe your species off the face of europe
I hope he is doing well!
germans were the first to institute animal rights under Hitler's rule, you delusional mutt
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I picked up some baby pigeon up before too
sucking off the germans won't undo the centuries of assblasting ivan gave you, latvia
>can't build nest
Because they are domesticated and never learned how because humans specifically bred them for captivity
>shits on everything
Dog owners leave giant turds all over the foot paths compared to one tiny bird poop
All animals do this if not controlled by himans
My cat used to catch and eat so many birds every migratory season
the only time I actually managed to save a bird was a bustard
that's a lot of sucking off in your head, moshe, still not over the rabbijob?
Why are frogs so attracted to filth and disease? Some kind of genetic memory?
>its DA JOOZ
as if they ever had any interest in your slavic shithole potato patch (2nd highest suicide rate in the world btw)
Cute cat anon
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My dad used to kill pigeons for fun with his revolver

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