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Thirdies unironically think solitary confinement is worth it aslong as you have some fancy IKEA furniture and a playstation in there
murderers and rapists should just be executed, there's literally zero reason to keep psycho shitheads around
>b-but Mr. Shekelstein will have one less wageslave at his McDonalds franchise!!! think of le GDP!!!
>t.firstie who has never truly suffered a day in his life
go live at least one year as a thirdie and then come back to make this thread
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>fancy IKEA
its better than getting shoved in a 10m2 room with 15 other heroin addicted niggers
Absolutely not
They do yoga to to do kegel exercises in order to work out their sphinctre muscles. Thank you based jeets for coming to the west and introducing Swedes these sacred healing exercsies
i would commit suicide if i had to live like a scandinavian even if for an hour
Literally just give me a a PS2, PS3 and a gaming laptop with every single game in their library and I can do solitary confinement for life. Internet access would be too much for prison but with it I can do consecutive 9 life sentences burgers give (implying life extension or immortality).
Trvth nvke
>picture of a prison in Europe
>immediately show Muslim praying
Lmao was this intentional
It looks like a high class apartment rented by a minimalist. The "prisoner" looks like he is peacefully meditating. It is not prison.
Trust me pal... Time does take a toll eventually

>t. haven't spoken by voice in one and a half years
>varg thinks he's hard because he burned down some churches, killed a guy, and spent 15 years in a luxury studio apartment as punishment
that would get rid of FVUSTIAN spirit in any given population
they do and they go crazy from it and hero themselfs after two weeks.
niggas in usa literally hang out with gang members, do drugs and lift weights in the yard all day, its nothing different than their daily life outside. put that nigger in a nordic prison cell and he will be buckbroken in a few days and cry like a bitch.
unironicly and its well proven and one of the reasons amnesty is always on our neck, its apparently seen as inhumane to serve a full sentence in complete solitary.
but... thats the point..you dont get that.
What are you talking about?
I've literally seen a video of browns cooking together in their cell kitchen before one dumps boiling water on the other
They absolutely are not isolated unless they're Breivik
is he praying to Allah (based) or doing yoga (cringe pagan)?
the problem with that is that you could get someone falsely accused of a crime they didn't commit and then they get executed because of it
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>prayer mat
yes you do. varg had an entire music studio and he was a convicted terrorist
Would prefer a South American prison with its own small community inside, socializing, being able to get the woman over etc. Here you have this CLINICAL cell and guards who treat you like a child, and you have to ask them if you need to shower, and you get a soulless yard without anything.
>no color
that's cruel
True latin american prisons are sovl you get to socialize and be part of a gang and shank people
You have no idea what you're talking about
nordic in solitary
>some behaves
>some get good boy benefits after some years
>thoose end up in one of these documentaries on how open and nice our prisons are when they serve their last two years out of 18 in a basicly sleep on site work camp
funny how you never see blacks in them? how could that be???
non nordics
>go crazy and get none of that in the futst stage of solitary
i dont fully remember the varg case but he had most likely spendt a year in extreme isolation before he was even sentenced and only then was he transfered to his firsr regular cell and if you heard his stories that was the old types of prison that was more american like. today we use isolation due to budged and staffing reasons,no need for guards when everyone is locked in 24/7.
Poland has muslims too now?
Saw it on Prison Break, not sure if it's the real thing but i'm doubting it. Where the gangs had their own turfs and stuff in prison, but that costs you. You gotta pull your weight etc. It is kind of good here in Norway, but people who says it's paradise are wrong, they torture you in a high IQ way with isolation, degradation.. but we have it good compared to US jails for example which are full of africans and gangs. There are gangs here too, but they are able to minimize the shankings and stuff. You can access the library, fitness room, but you always have to ask, for example a female young woman of access and she always will degrade you. Doing time here is better than the streets if you have fucked up your life completely.
I think it's very much up to which position you are in and what you did, and what kind of lawyer you have. You have really shit like Oslo Krets, but Halden is not too bad. You can also kill a guy, go to Halden for 3-4 years and serve the rest at Bastøy if you are lucky.
In a South American prison (or most Latin American prisons for that matter) you will get raped, stabbed, beheaded and then a bunch of flip flop-wearing niggers and brownoids will play football with your severed head. There's also having to sleep in a dirty cell next to a bunch of psychotic, homicidal subhumans, and having to eat literal slop designed for livestock. Being isolated but having access to a clean and relatively comfy cell, vidya, books and music instruments is infinitely better. Don't complain about muh loneliness you pussy.
>being able to get a woman
Nigga, YOU would be the woman.
Yeah, i think Prison Break kind of coated it good. Never forget that you are inside with drug-addicts and murderers who were placed there for a very good reason. Here you get the isolation, can study etc, and then you might end up here:

>the problem with that is that you could get someone falsely accused of a crime they didn't commit and then they get executed because of it
Currently death row takes over a decade usually, it's more than enough to disprove anything that has factual evidence for it.
Yes what a lovely experience to socialize and network with some drug addicted niggers who totally would not turn you little cucks into their bitches and rape you daily.
Yeah, i'm taking it back, but you have the case of Moland and French who were mercenaries and ended up in prison in Kongo. The trials were a sham, just trying to get money from our state, but still you had those cells who were not complete isolation, you had a yard, you could drink during the evenings. Health care was shit. They managed to extradite one of them eventually, but yeah, i would say ending up in an IKEA cell and staying in it for 23 hours a day with no social life is worse. Try being out of work and no life for 2-3 years at home in your neet apartment, no matter if you go to the store or watch TV, your life is such a boring chore that it would make you suicidal.
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>pov you just raped children, mutilated their corpses and dumped them in a bag in Scandinavia
Looks really nice. No wonder why they commit crimes.
I mean I don't almost think almost anyone deserves solitary confinement as it's literal torture for most people, but at the same time 99% of people would probably rather pick that over whatever the fuck is going on in latam or SEA max security prisons.
As a fan of TCD (total criminal death), I support this.
The goal of prison should be to keep dangerous people away from others, for as long as they are a danger to others.
It doesn't need to be cruel. In fact I think it should be as humane and comfy as possible, because people are wrongfully convicted all the time, and being isolated/imprisoned is punishment enough.
We need more nice prisons so we don't feel bad about giving criminals longer sentences. At least they can play PS2 or something.
>Breivik kills 77 people and bombs our energy and oil department
>gets his own private cell away from inmates
>living room with kitchen, nice lounging chairs, DVD player and access to the library
>he studies inside
>complained about being lonely and got three birds in a cage in his cell
>got his own fitness room
>guards come and chat with him daily
>he recieves letters from "fans", like ten a day

honestly if i could need all day long and have a pc it would be an improvement over my current lifestyle
Breivik is a piece of shit trash subhuman, but if you put him in genpop he would get shanked instantly. Literal death sentence which I think he deserves. But if your prison system doesn't support death sentence for people like him you shouldn't really do that.
Yeah, and he even wanted to be put in general pop, but was denied for his own security. He got 21 years, and 13 of those has already passed.
Scenes when he gets released
Wait, isn't 21 minimum for "life" sentence in Norway but he can be kept for indefinitely if he is deemed too dangerous to be released?
He would get beat the fuck up daily anyways on the streets if he gets released until he goes mental again.
They cant arbitrarily deem him too dangerous to be released no doubt they’ll have the best psychologists assess him
He has changed no doubt. Even 2 years in a prison massively changes you
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How is this even a punishment?
When those years have passed they have a very low chance of keeping him here, they could be he would take it up for trial every second year and annoy the shit out of them. He is already "regretting" and making a case for him being isolated is torture. He will do a Varg and run for another country.
I don't think anything can change someone who thinks it's ok to murder little kids just because they were some lefties. Someone that deranged can never be safe.
things only tutorial mode countries say
who the fuck is going to disprove it? No judge is going to tell a detective to reexamine a case. Only if the inmate's lawyer makes enough noise to get access to the case files in order to hire a detective to find gaps in the evidence and trigger a wrongful conviction trial which requires lots of effort and therefore money.
I would love to work as the probation officer or whatever it's called telling him "fuck no" every two years just to see his face.
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He is lonely there.. he asked for a rodent but got three birds instead, that's punishment in my opinon. Pic related is what he did.
DESU, left looks like some sleep deprivation torture room. Right looks fine but it has bad feng shui.
Top line nr 2 from the right was my high schools bully lil brother. Feeling bad for him and his family to be really honest.
>17.9 year old little kids
yes, and there is absoultely no sign of him improving nor will there ever be multiple specialist all willing to risk their carreer by signing him as fit for release.
so he is in for life.
ikea furniture is perfectly fine for the most part
Welcome to France

He should have been thrown into a pit in our oldest fortress with rats
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Rip Emil. Fuck Breivik.
Enraging, totally enervating, they should also get free prostitutes, this is an absolutely unhuman treatment.
Imagine being the gubberment assigned prostitute who has to go fuck an autistic loathsome nerd in a prison and listen to him yapp about how doesn't have access to more mature video games.
>the problem with that is that you could get someone falsely accused of a crime
ok and the 99% of the prisoners we know who did it, we can just off them, right?
Can you really trust your justice system to not murder innocent people? West Memphis three were kept in prison for 20 years or something stupid. Then not even being deemed innocent just so they didn't need to investigate more and find the actual murderer or murderers of those children.
>isolation okay cus i'm nerd
without internet even the shut-ins will suffer

Leftoids don't get punished enough for the problems they create. I celebrate when some migrant or chud alike kills them.

Bussy wasted. Ugh, what could have been.
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I'm going to sweden to do a lil trolling
>you had a hard
in most countries you get a shared room with 30+ drug addicts that actually want to penetrate and rape you, even if it kills you
Varg was a very calm inmate. When he was allowed to take a vacation from prison he kinda just drove around with shitloads of explosives and ammo that he wasn't allowed to have probably planning some kind of domestic terrorist attack. But hey who doesn't do that every now and then?
>for 2-3 years
o-oh no...
This isn't the U.S. Here convicts get "intimate visits" in which they can bang their gf/wife. This doesn't exist in other countries
I don't put much value in human life in general. If it's not someone I personally care about, i'm more likely to celebrate the death of the average Canadian.
Anyone mixed up in the legal system to the point of getting a false death penalty is probably a piece of shit cursed by God anyway. It's a risk i'm willing to take. You know how many innocents die every day for pointless unfair reasons? we should be taking cars off the road.
This is why it should be reserved for people who commit a lot of medium-sized crimes instead of people accused of committing one big one
>niggas in usa literally hang out with gang members, do drugs and lift weights in the yard all day, its nothing different than their daily life outside
criminals should be punished not given free apartments food and entertaiment
also who pays for all of it? the victims of the crimes of course have to use their tax money for all this

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