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edição tiny pinky pecker

castrado >>202034342
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edição cheiro de cu
edição complexo de chapated
edição anime
Chegando para abalar
>não preciso me mover pro futuro acontecer
não é assim que funciona
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54% of black men do not have functioning sperm. black men have the weakest least virile sperm of any race.

Edição negão corno obcecado com pênis de macho
Louco como as mulheres perdem completamente a vontade de serem mães quando se relacionam com brancos
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>*senta do seu lado*
>"Anão, quero conversar de política com alguém, vem cá"
O que você faz?
Caralho maluco, para de ficar postando essa merda 24/7. Ninguém acha isso engraçado ou interessante cara, vai se tratar
proximo fio vai o assunto vai ser
/luso/ antigo /bra/
it's natural for blk boys to be interested in BWC. almost all of them were born with itty bitty sissy clittys, a tiny pp life is all they've known. Most of them can't even get their little clitties hard enough to rub them to bleached porn lol.

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tpp é lei
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Sério que você não quer saber da literal realidade de um caso de assédio comentada por uma vítima de assédio?
faço nada eu so escuto
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tpp é feminismo
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Você não quer saber a opinião de Anielle?
>ministro de DIREITOS HUMANOS é demitido por assédio
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Just being in the presence of a White man awakens something in brownzilian women. They'll literally beg White men to impregnate them right in front of their brazilian boyfriend. It's fucking brutal, I couldnt imagine what it must be like being a brazilian boy.
pra você ver
estamos aqui >>202042439
o futuro vai acontecer comigo movendo ou não
nao so da gg, por mim eu ficarja reproduzindo violencias e preconceitos enraizados com elas o dia todo
o seu?
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Qual o seu problema com a double G? Ela é sincera.
o que é um negro retinto?
é pq ele é muito escuro? passaram tinta nele duas vzs?
A pornografia frita o cérebro das pessoas mesmo e esse site é a prova. Nego obcecado por uma mulher feia, velha, burra e sem carisma algum, inventando um monte de problema aleatório pra encher o saco de todo mundo; outros importando teoria de raça bizarra estrangeira que não tem qualquer sentido aqui, e uns que já foram destruídos e ficam postando "bbc" e "bwc"
Em qualquer lugar do Brasil e do mundo, um negro retinto é alguém de pele preta. Um negro não retinto é alguém afrodescendente, mas de pele clara — o que os brasileiros costumam chamar de moreno.
Pra mim, era só negro mesmo, e o resto era pardo.
deve ser uma baixaria do caralho la dentro viu
ki pornografada, o problema é o putássio
basicamente isso
é um preto que entrou na fila da pretisse duas vezes ou mais
Acho que nem é pra tanto, mas deve ser meio bagunçado mesmo.
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>black men have the highest rate of erectile dysfunction

>black men have the highest rate of infertiltiy at 13%

54% of black men do not have functioning sperm. black men have the weakest least virile sperm of any race.

>Black fertility treatments are linked to high rates of obesity in black women
Lol this is so cute, blk boys will really believe this even when their own sissy clitty can't get hard and their blk boy "sperm" is as clear as water
Porque aparentemente saíram umas 50 pessoas do ministério dele. E talvez só 'deu alguma coisa' porque foi com uma ministra.
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tppsisters... we can't breed...

White men are the second least likely to become fathers:

White women with black or Latino men are more fertile. Black and Latino women with white men are less fertile, and Asian women with white men are the least fertile:
>"deve ser uma baixaria do caralho la dentro viu"
>"vamos assistir dando boura socando o pauno kugos ao vivo, /bra/"
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>black men have the highest rate of erectile dysfunction
>black men have the highest rate of infertiltiy at 13%
>black men have the weakest least virile sperm of any race.

>still breeding more women

simplesmente ACABOU para as tppsisters...
digo "sou gay" e vou embora
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Você já foi redpillado sobre a Questão Anime?
Não falo com muié, eu apenas ignoro
esse gosta de um pauno kugos
esse daqui também
>black men's faces are rated as less attractive than White men's by every group of women

>Asian, Latina, and White straight women all refute messages from black men in online dating

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”

>he's having a clitty leakage meltdown
lmao, blk boys are so cute, any blk boys reading this should check to make sure their clitty leakage hasnt soak their underwear
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>Just being in the presence of a White man awakens something in brownzilian women. They'll literally beg White men to impregnate them right in front of their brazilian boyfriend. It's fucking brutal, I couldnt imagine what it must be like being a brazilian boy.
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Have you checked to make sure your blk boy clitty leakage hasnt soaked through to your pants?
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>Have you checked to make sure your blk boy clitty leakage hasnt soaked through to your pants?
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Acabei de apagar 200gb de pornografia. Estou orgulhoso de mim.
>ok google gordão carentão falando sozinho no fio
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por que as australianas são assim?
>walks up to you and starts stroking your hair
Reply to my message when you're talking to me, you've got no reason to be scared. I'm not going to blame you for your clitty copage like women do, it's even sort of cute honestly.
>kisses you on your forhead and walks away while your blk boy clitty leakage starts dribbling on the floor and you sissygasm
>gordão be like: ovo falá sozinho nufio
Jimmy Kimmel na direita
Meu maior medo é me relacionar com uma psicopata assim sem saber.
De certa forma dá pra entender algumas mulheres. A maioria realmente se relaciona com psicopata por escolha, mas sempre tem uma chance da pessoa parecer boa no início e depois se transformar em um monstro.
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eu morreria por Israel
Esse não é o proctologista do Bolsonaro?
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blk boy clitty sisters.... why are women so racist???? why do they discriminate against us so much?????? can someone tell BLM to do something about this racism???
Socou o Pauno Kugos ou sentou o judedo no culito?
I would work 14 years for free to have the two of them
You're indian.
porra de chave, maluco, vai se tratar, doente mental, seus remédios schizo loco do caralho, está ouvindo vozes e acha isso normal?
What does mer/rus mean in your shoe sizes?
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Why are women so racist to us blk boys??!??? I just dont understand how they get away with discriminating against us so much.... can someone please stop all this racism???!?!??? has BLM been informed about this racism towards our blk boy sissy clitties??!?!???
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>Pinky Clitty University
ok black pink latino but what about Pauno KUgos não reproduz?
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How do we stop this racism against our itty bitty blk boy sissy clitties???? We need to alert BLM to this racist discrimination right away blk sisters....
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pós-graduação em bbc sissy hypno na Pinky Citty University
corno negão fez o Rajsheet tiltar
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>black men have the highest rate of erectile dysfunction

>black men have the highest rate of infertiltiy at 13%

>54% of black men do not have functioning sperm.
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Lol jeets have it even worse than blk boys believe it or not. The only difference is jeets dont spill their clitty leakage constantly
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>pretocel vs visajeet australiano
Perdendo os lados com esse fio.
Eu morreria por um visajeet.
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How can we cope with this racism blk sissy clitty sisters????? Whenever I try to talk to women they discriminate against me with their evil racism.... why do those racists refuse to touch my itty bitty blk boy sissy clitty???
Playboy bom é chinês, australiano
Fala feio e mora longe, não me chama de mano
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>paneleiro carentão querendo forçar o fio bosta dele
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He is cute, I always say though it's natural for them for act like this. Their whole life they've been insecure about being a blk boy, deepdown they know they can't compete with White men. Women understand natural selection better than anyone and blk boys know they're not going to be the ones selected lol.

clitty leakage is just unavoidable for them, it's brutal out there.
Eu tenho tpp e não copeio.
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You've got to feel a bit sorry for blk boys, especially the brazilian ones. The entire history of blk boys in brazil has just been the most brutal cuckoldry imaginable, but that's just the way the world is I suppose. It's a perfect example of race based natural selection.

>The percent of black teens who have not had sex increased 212%, but the increase for black males was 319% between 1991 and 2019

>black men have the highest rate of erectile dysfunction

>54% of black men do not have functioning sperm.

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”
Consegui meu diagnóstico de autismo, e agora?
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Confesso que o australiano perdeu. Ele nem responde mais, virou spam.
tem o Pauno Kugos e etc, assistir o putão limpar o Pauno Kugos e as coisas que o /bra/ me dá
Hahaha too real
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blk sissy clitty boys would rather believe their too weak to fight White men than accept their women's obsession with BWC. It's an interesting cope.. but whatever helps calm the clitty leakage I guess.
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blk boys can't compete with White men sexually. White men have always been the most desired and virile group sexually and brazil is a perfect example of this. The majority of blk brazilian boys belong to White male y haplogroups although the rest of their ancestry is sadly still sissy clitty.

>black men's faces are rated as less attractive than White men's by every group of women

>Asian, Latina, and White straight women all refute messages from black men in online dating

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”
se é louco
nunca tive uma diarreia tão ruim na vida
fiquei até em pânico, tava literalmente mijando forte pelo cu
desci 1 litro de água assim que saí do banheiro
espero que eu não acorde morto amanhã
toma um Pauno Kugos que passa, fala tu farma tá ligado
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blk boys are victims of racism in the dating market.

racist discrimination from women prevents blk boys from breeding.

>black men's faces are rated as less attractive than White men's by every group of women

>Asian, Latina, and White straight women all refute messages from black men in online dating

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”

>47% of Black adults report being single, higher than the share among other racial and ethnic groups.
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90% of Monkeypox deaths occur in blk boys. So many blk boys were dying of Monkeypox that they demanded the name be changed to mpox in an act sissy clitty blk boy seethe
You still can't breed.
Boa tarde!
Boa tarde pra quem soca o Pauno Kugos!
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White men have larger penises than black men, the average size for a White man's penis is 6.5 inches compared to 6.1 inches for black men

The percent of black teens who have not had sex increased 212%, but the increase for black males was 319% between 1991 and 2019

black men have the highest rate of erectile dysfunction

black "men" are 3 times more likely to be killed by police than white men

black men have slightly lower testosterone and much high estrogen than White men

black men are 52% more likely to have breast cancer than White men
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Nós é simples, Nós é pobre.. Mas nós é Feliz
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Que é um 'Pauno Kugos?
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white south brazilian girls are so racist...
É o dono do putão marketeire das subcelebrisades. Ele que dá as calls nas panelinhas dos pedoleiros das interwebs.
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blk boy sissy clitty incels are unable to breed with women and are forced to resort to breeding with each other. Rampant blk boy femininity and homosexuality is part of the reason for the drastically higher rate of HIV and Monkeypox among blk boys
blk boys are subjected to "racism" by women which prevents them from breeding

Acabou, aussiebro.
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blk boys are subjected to "racism" by women which prevents them from breeding

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edição corno branqueado
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blk boys are subjected to "racism" by women which prevents them from breeding

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You gotta feel a bit sorry for them honestly...
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Is his why LGBT has increased so much among PoC communities in the past decade?

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Como se diz pênis na gíria portuguesa?
Eu só consigo pensar em socar o Pauno Kugos.
Pauno Kugos não reproduz.
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Even black women are leaving blk boys behind now. They've got no other options, it's either fuck other blk boys or become a tranny.
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It's not uncommon fro music videos featuring homo-erotic behaviour among black men to reach half a billion views, why is this?
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Corno negão ta tankando os 3, corno negão ganhou, W
Soca o Pauno Kugos!
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Homosexuality is just natural for blk boys, it's how they evolved, it's apart of their history.
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The proclivity of black men to risky homosexual practices results in a much higher percentage of AIDS diagnostics. 1 out of 6 black men will be diagnosed with AIDS at some point in their life


1 out of 6 Niggerbois will be diagnosed with AIDS
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tiny pinky peckers still can't breed
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Fechadao com o corno negão
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How come the correlation between internalized homonegativity and being a closeted gay is so common among niggerbois?
/pol/ perdeu outra vez. Eles vão floodar viadice e estatísticas e o corno negão vai continuar provando que eles não conseguem fazer filhos.
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90% of Monkeypox deaths occur in blk boys
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>Black men had the highest rate of abnormal SA (54%) and were significantly more likely to have lower semen volume, sperm concentration, total sperm count, percent motile sperm, and total motile sperm (p < 0.05).

How come Niggerboi sperm is so weak?
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Vai corno negão vou te ajudar nessa
Hahaha whiteys could never, it's an blacked world we live in
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No surprise, black men in america are the most closeted group among gay men.


How come the correlation between internalized homonegativity and being a closeted gay is so common among niggerbois?
This entire thread has just been blk boy clitty humiliation, it's honestly sad. I really do pity them.
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Niggerbois overdose on fentanyl to cope with the reality that every year more and more Black women are divesting.

You lost. You and the Mexican only flood the thread, your race is literally dying.
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>BMWF is 200% more likely to end in divorce
>WMBF is 44% less likely to end in divorce

How come niggerbois can't have a family?
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Even in Africa blk boys embrace their natural femininity, nothing can stop them it seems lmao
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>staying alive


>Black men are the most frequent victims of killings by off-duty officers
>nearly 40% of the victims were Black men

Imagine being a Black woman looking for a strong father figure and you see a fat police cop pin down a niggerboi in front of you. No wonder Black women are divesting at alarming rates.
>I google that book, pic related
>gordão carentão falando sozinho o fio inteiro
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...tiny pinky peckers still can't breed.
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>Researchers predict that about 1 in every 3 Black men will experience incarceration at some point during his lifetime if current incarceration trends continue
>incarcerated Black men are also more likely to be sexually victimized
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...and tiny pinky peckers still can't breed.
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Black families are more likely to exprience infertility than White families, Black men lack the economic power to afford IVF treatments.

>In every neighborhood of the US, rates of upward mobility for black men are lower than those of white men.

How come niggerbois can't earn more money than their parents. Is this why Black women decide to engage in swirling date dynamics?

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>Homosexuality is African
Kek, you can say that again
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>Today, around 70% of Black children are born to parents who aren’t married

How come niggerbois can't afford to have a wedding? Is this Black women preffer pasta and lobster?

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black women really becoming nazis n shiet for dat BWC
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...and tiny pinky peckers still can't breed.
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>Black Men Are More Likely to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction—Here’s What to Do About It
> African-American men are more likely than men of other races to experience ED.

farma tá aí?
Brutal for clitty sissy blk boys
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Smol and sensitive, gets sunburn easily because they are too fragile, kek, it's never too late to you whiteys become our women.
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>New federal data shows that the suicide rate among Black youth ages 10 to 19 surpassed that of their White peers for the first time in 2022, increasing 54% since 2018, compared to a 17% decrease for White youth.

Why are niggers -ACKing so much??? Is it because pic rel.?
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...and tiny pinky peckers still can't breed.
this nigga actually kinda zesty doe
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>ecent data show that non-Hispanic Black infants are more likely to be low birthweight (<2500 grams; 14.1%) (Martin et al., 2019), preterm (births before 37 weeks; 14.1%) (Martin et al., 2019) and die within the first year of life (10.9 per 1000 live births)

Why can't Niggerbois produce offsrping?
E quem soca mais o Pauno Kugos? Alguém já fez essa pesquisa?
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...and tiny pinky peckers still can't breed.
eu sou tipo negão por dentro mas minha pele é pálida
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Not more than the whiteys tho
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Niggerbois get higher rates of porstate cancer.

No one's more racist to blk boys than black women. It's honestly hilarious how much they hate them. Fair enough though really, I couldn't imagine dealing with their sissy incel hissy fits as much as black women have to

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...and tiny pinky peckers still can't breed.
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Niggerbois have higher estrogen levels than White men.


Higher estrogen levels are linked to gynecomastia, erectile dysfunction, or infertility.

coral fluorescente
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Why are Anglos like this
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its over for us black bois...
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This much is true: In the United States, the abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white women.

Black women will rather kill their own kid before having a family with a Niggerboi
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...and tiny pinky peckers still can't breed.
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Drinking soy is a white tradition!
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Kek, blk boy incel seethe is way too funny
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>The black divorce rate is the highest among other races: 30.8

How come Black women divorce niggerbois so much?
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...and tiny pinky peckers still can't breed.

>Black men who have sex with men (MSM) carry a disproportionate burden of HIV in the United States
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Drinking estrogen too!
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Black women be like:
>I am no longer to seek relationship with broken infertile Niggerbois
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...and tiny pinky peckers still can't breed.
shes brazilian btw
another brownzilian kween bleached by BWC... its over...
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>Asian men, black men and black women got the worst ratings, while Asian women and Latina women fared the best.
Why are niggerbois so undesireable?
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...and tiny pinky peckers still can't breed.
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Feminism has destroyed the black family, Black women no longer feel like they ahve to remain loyal to niggerbois, this is a growing phenomena know as 'swirling' and it has been quickly growing among black women.
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All whiteys deserve be sissified and become a wife of a black bvll men
It's so fucking funny. black women are unironically abandoning blk boys on mass, it's crazy.

Check out this music video some black chick made. It's so humiliating. Can you imagine any other race of woman doing this to their own men lmao?
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...and tiny pinky peckers still can't breed.
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>I will fuck other men and get aids, that will show how I am not a faggot!

Average niggerboi lol
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She's smiling while a random black man picks her up and steals her phone, and her boyfriend doesn't do anything lol
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Infant mortality among black families is 68.42% more likely than among other races. niggerbois can't produce offspring
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Eurosissies, your women belong to us!
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Ñao sei. Só quero que alguém me diga que sou suficiente.
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I always thought blk boys made cute girls, it's good so many of them are becoming trannies.

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Niggerbois are dropping like flies due to opiod abuse. Perhaps drugs are the only way niggerbois can cope with their poverty and infertility

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Kek, euro timmies need us because they have so weak body that they need to mass import us to sustain their economy, eurosissies are weak af.
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Black trans women are based and valid, transitioning is the safest and best method to steer away a niggerboi from gang activities or substance abuse.
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Why are whiteys like this?
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>will end up in divorce
>won't end up in divorce

Ummm.. niggersisters our response?!?!

>BMWF is 200% more likely to end in divorce
>WMBF is 44% less likely to end in divorce

How come niggerbois can't have a family?
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And this
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Why are blackies like this?
>Average black "male" in 2040
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and this
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And this
black and brown bois in brazil have been like this for ages my dude
99% of trannies in this country are melaninated
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and this
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This newest generation of blk boys have already accepted reality and are killing themselves off early, it's a good decision really.
>>will end up in divorce
They will still have children. That's the point norno cegão has been making. No matter how much you spam, they're still having more children and you can't argue with that, that's why you're spamming.
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Kek true
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>They will still have children
kek no
Niggerboi offsrping has the highest mortality rate


Infant mortality among black families is 68.42% more likely than among other races. niggerbois can't produce offspring
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Kek, we are blackening portugal, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop us
>poorest african shithole on the planet has 7 kids per household
nonstop breeding is a sign of critically low development
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Kek, we are bleaching Brazil, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop us
The white population all over the world is being wiped out that's why you /pol/acks are constantly having mental breakdowns about immigrants and blacks having children. You wouldn't be seething 24/7 if you weren't afraid of getting replaced.
I bet a few blk boys are going to be rubbing their clitties to this one kek. You just know she was sucking on that White dude's BWC after this happened.
Black men are 3x more likely to have children with white women than white men with black women. Europeans are being replaced by other people and that's a fact. You claim to be a victim of genocide while simultaneously claiming they're sexually inferior to you, despite the fact that you're literally disappearing.
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Here's your white population being "wyped out" bro.

So much for the "BNWO" kek.
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Whiter = more subhuman, never forget
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>goofiest ass timmy gets the baddest black bitch around
its over
So you deny Europeans, Canadians, and white Americans are being replaced?
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blk brazilians are the one's dying out lmao, not Whites. Stop with clitty cope and just accept it
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File deleted.
Black men are 5x more likely to have their niggerspawns alt+ f4 than white men

This much is true: In the United States, the abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white women.

Black women don't want to breed with Niggerbois
Galera do CAPS em peso hoje.
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The origin of the vira lata complex...

Tem um outro fio. Esse aqui foi explodido pelos retardados.
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Vou deletar essa porra de app.
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>The black fertility rate fell below the national average for the first time in history
>gordão falando sozinho no fio
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feminism won
tiny pinky peckers lost

no rape = no breeding for tiny pinky peckers
White men:
Less incarceration
Better quality Sperm
Less Erectyle Dysfunction
Better Social mobility


Higher AIDS

Higher closeted homosexuality

Higher rates of transitioning

It's over for the niggerboi lol
>t. brown
Lol, all they can respond with is memes and clitty cope. It's hilarious how blk boys are so afraid of Northern Euro men they try to pretend they have anything in common with Meds just to get an ally.
It's even funnier considering they posted this just before>>202048197
That's how you know they're clitty is in a twist, they probably shaking with sissy incel rage right now lmao
White "men":
can't breed

Black men:
breeding stallions

>White women with black or brown men are more fertile. Black or brown women with white men are less fertile, and Asian women with white men are the least fertile:

>White women have a greater predisposition to become pregnant by black men, this predisposition is greater than that of couples of white men with white women, and black men with black women. Socioeconomic factors do not explain this phenomenon:

>White men are the second least likely to become fathers:
You can't breed.
Your skin is shit colored
>buck broken because i simply said
>b r o w n
Yes, and you still can't breed.
blk brazilian boys are dying out, within 30 years their share of the population will shrink by a third, while the White population will remain stable. >>202048279
the "you can't breed" reply is like a sissy clitty penectomy to tiny pinky peckers

if he poops he gives birth to one of you thats breeding
Sorry to hear that, luckily for you you can breed a fat ugly white woman and fix that, and then your kids can do the same until that's fixed, see >>202048259

>you still can't breed.
And you can't see your women give birth
Brazilian IQ is dropping while violence is increasing, which is correlated with the increased non white population. Believing otherwise is genuine cope. >>202048403
top kek
>take a shit
>breed a preto Brazilian
Doença mental: O fio.
pink is the most feminine color and women are unanimously disgusted by tiny pinky peckers

that's why democracy always leads to tiny pinky pecker genoide

>White women with black or Latino men are more fertile. Black and Latino women with white men are less fertile, and Asian women with white men are the least fertile:

>White men are the second least likely to become fathers:
projection is the only thing blk sissy clitty boys can do in the face of facts, it's actually sad. White male sex tourists are out having fun with cute pardo girls, while they're here seething over their sissy clitty impotence

>The percent of black teens who have not had sex increased 212%, but the increase for black males was 319% between 1991 and 2019

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”
>Niggers have lower IQ and create violent societies! Take that whitey!
you still can't breed lol
brown is ugliest color and everyone, including women are disgusted by shit colored skin skins


This is why a black woman is 5x more likely to abort a niggerspawn than a white baby.
If you can't have children yes, you're absolutely losing. Brazil will soon become a full blown dictatorship.
hes not even black hes a brownoid mutt whos even uglier than actual blacks
>Believing otherwise is genuine cope
Sissy clitty projection is all you have left in the face of facts.

blk boys in the western world do not have functioning sperm, black fertility rates are in freefall and blk populations are going to start shrinking
women are still disgusted by your tiny pinky clitty lol

>White women with black or Latino men are more fertile. Black and Latino women with white men are less fertile, and Asian women with white men are the least fertile:

>White men are the second least likely to become fathers:
blk brazilian boys are going extinct due their weak sperm and all you're doing is seething about White men and BWC online >>202048279
Unironically delusional. I'm leaving this shithole and moving to NZ, feel free to take my spot.
This is how you guys looks like, kek, now show bussy

passa até a vontade de beber café sem açúcar enquanto escuto jazz japonês da década de 70
see >>202048558

Niggers can't have children

Nigger infant mortality is higher among niggers than white

Black women abort niggerspawns 5x more often

80% of black niggers are born out of wedlock

1 out of 6 niggers will have aids

niggers die at higher rates to suicide, police brutality and substance abuse

niggerbois are dropping like flies to fentanyl

>black men's faces are rated as less attractive than White men's by every group of women

>Asian, Latina, and White straight women all refute messages from black men in online dating

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”

Women of all races are repulsed by sissy clitty blk boys, even blk women now refuse to date blk boys.>>202044406
>Asking a man to let him see his anus!

Straightest nigger, no wonder 1 out of 6 niggers will have aids.
White women with black or Latino men are more fertile. Black and Latino women with white men are less fertile, and Asian women with white men are the least fertile:

Black men have much higher testosterone levels than white men:

Black men have a larger penis than white men (Caucasians, 5.5 to 6 inches long (14-15.3 cm) and 1.3 to 1.6 inches in diameter (3.3-4.1 cm). ); black, 6.25 to 8 inches long (15.9 to 20.3 cm) and 2 inches in diameter (5.1 cm):

Women perceive men with black features as being more attractive, competent, dominant, warm, mature, strong and masculine:

Black features are considered more masculine, while white and Asian features are considered more feminine:

Black features are considered more virile and this positively affects the attractiveness of black men, but negatively affects the attractiveness of black women:
>Unironically delusional
Kek, this is how I know you've been BTFO. blk boys can only project now, they can't even argue against it.
White women are more likely to become mothers when in relationships with black men, this predisposition is greater than BMBF couples and much greater than WMBF couples:

White men are the second least likely to become fathers:

Despite the white population making up 61.6% of the American population, 91.5% of in-vitro fertilization procedures and other fertility treatments are performed by white couples. Black fertility treatments are linked to high rates of obesity in black women:

White men are 4 to 5 times more likely to develop testicular cancer than black men:
your skin is still shit colored lol
my race will continue on to eternity, you can't breed lol
White men have larger penises than black men, the average size for a White man's penis is 6.5 inches compared to 6.1 inches for black men

The percent of black teens who have not had sex increased 212%, but the increase for black males was 319% between 1991 and 2019

black men have the highest rate of erectile dysfunction

black "men" are 3 times more likely to be killed by police than white men

black men have slightly lower testosterone and much high estrogen than White men

black men are 52% more likely to have breast cancer than White men

KEEEEEEK he deleted his post lmao, blk boy is finally accepting reality >>202046654
imagine waking up and youre brown lol
White men are the second least likely to become fathers, second only to Asian men:

this is the future of your "race" lol >>202048259
blk boys are genetically inferior to White men, it's inevitable that black skin will die out. White skin is a genetically advantages trait and people with White skin always out compete people with black skin, even in Africa

imagine taking a shower a seeing a tiny pinky wormy attached to your crotch lol

White women with black or Latino men are more fertile. Black and Latino women with white men are less fertile, and Asian women with white men are the least fertile:
>White men are the second least likely to become fathers, second only to Asian men:

blk boys are unable to have sex with women due to "racism" (lmao)

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”
>White men are the second least likely to become fathers, second only to Asian men:

God is White and his reward to his non-White followers is to make them White. In heaven they will become White and in the end of times all of God's faithful on earth will be made White.

Daniel 11:33-35
And some of those of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end, because it is yet for a time appointed.

Daniel 12:9-10
And he said, “Go thy way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified and made white and tried, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.
>He has to imagine taking a shower
common niggerboi L

blk boys are unable to have sex with women due to "racism" (lmao)

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”
>White men are the second least likely to become fathers, second only to Asian men:

blk boys are unable to have sex with women due to "racism" (lmao)

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”
>White men are the second least likely to become fathers, second only to Asian men:

blk boys are unable to have sex with women due to "racism" (lmao)

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”
É /bra/ sempre tao gay?
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the image that destroyed the niggerboi...
>White men are the second least likely to become fathers, second only to Asian men:

blk boys are unable to have sex with women due to "racism" (lmao)

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”
>White men are the second least likely to become fathers, second only to Asian men:

blk boys are unable to have sex with women due to "racism" (lmao)

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”
>blk boys are unable to have sex
>still have more children than whiteboys

Who's coping?
>White men are the second least likely to become fathers, second only to Asian men:

blk boys are unable to have sex with women due to "racism" (lmao)

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”

>Who's coping?
you are blk boy >>202048279
blk brazilians are going extinct and all you can think about is White men and BWC
>gordão falando sozinho no fio
tiny pinky peckers will flood every statistic from PinkyClitty.com only to end up decimated by the one single true statistic to rule them all:

>White men are the second least likely to become fathers, second only to Asian men:
Aussiebro lost. It's literally over.
blk boys are unable to have sex with women due to "racism" (lmao)

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”

blk sissy clitty boys are only left with projection, their sissy clitty copes have been torn down and now there's only tbp seethe
>White men are the second least likely to become fathers, second only to Asian men:

this tiny pinky clitty is about to get a nullo penectomy lol
Why do brownzilians have such tiny itty bitty peckers?

Do they really think they could compete with a White man?
melhor /bra/ de todos os tempos uma discussão de altíssimo nível parabéns a todos
blk boys are unable to have sex with women due to "racism" (lmao)

>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”

blk sissy clitty boys are only left with projection, their sissy clitty copes have been torn down and now there's only tbp seethe

Why do brownzilians have such tiny itty bitty peckers?

Do they really think they could compete with a White man?
niggers don't have more children

nigger infant mortality is higher and black women abort niggers 5x as much
niggers eternally btfo
blacksisters? our response?
Why do brownzilians have such tiny itty bitty peckers?


Do they really think they could satisfy a woman with a pecker like that?
Niggers will post gay porn and then wonder why 1 out of 6 niggers will have aids at some point in their life lol
KEEEEK were reaching new levels of blk boy tbp sissy seethe. I've never seen one of them have so much clitty leakage before
This is based beyond comprehension.
best post itt tbqh
>Gay porn is the best post ITT according to niggers

no wonder so many niggers have aids
BWC won
>blk boy is to demoralised to even reply to the trvkes anymore
Kek, why are blk sissy boys so easy to mindbreak?
How will blacksisters recover from this?
they are too busy leaking to gay porn posted ITT
imagine being a nigger and unironically opening that video
omg blk boy clitty sissy sisters look at this lmao

nigger clitties go choppy
>imagine being a nigger
lol imagine that lol
memes aside, It's kind of next level mindbroken. he just keeps replying to his own post. his tbp must be fuming. I think we can be proud of how we buck broke this sissy blk boy, Mexican bro
The white man marches on.
our job here is done, he will leak to gay porn for hours now.
based black clitty genociders
didn't want to but I think immona say BASED
White Boy Summer
white boy summer compilation, niggers crying itt
got myself a new trip
procure ajuda psicologica
Pauno Kugos = Pau no cu gos

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