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Cool Grandma Edition

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1st for California
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first for flyover chads
bad edition but at least formatted properly, somehow most /cum/mers cannot even accomplish that
I'm from Pasadena near Los Angeles
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first for homo-superior
They do this to start the same debates in /cum/ day after day
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>we will create a new state for jews in wyoming
pure kino
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I just threw something together because nobody was doing shit and I have to go to the bathroom
hmmm i think misfortune loves me
i think you nailed it.
Well that's mighty kind of you partner, thanks
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making shirts to commemorate surviving the last thread, who wants one
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do you have schizos in your neighborhood
we have Fuck Trudeau bumper stickers/lawn signs where I live but not nearly as schizo as that.
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Why would a beautiful Asian woman be walking her dog, a very large one, all alone, dressed like pic rel? She stared at the dog in a lustful manner too when I passed by, what could it mean?
>most godless people
polycule redditoids have them beat easily, no diff
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I'm going to go on a massive caloric deficit for the next 3 months. Nikocado has inspired me
I’ve completely lost the will to live
designing a kitchen for my new house
apparently in canada, if you want a built-in oven and a separate cooktop, you can only put the oven under the cooktop if the manufacturer certifies them to be compatible. so if you have a bosch cooktop you need a bosch oven. total fucking bs.
>literal homeless bums have gfs and i'm still single
why the FUCK is this possible
you can just throw up after you eat you dont even have to diet
I have a guy with a camper van he daily drives that has a SHTF.TV sign on it. I saw him calling a local service to help him change his tire that he busted LOL guess he's not ready for when shit hits the fan
Is she the ugliest one in green and normal hair?
pretty feet
I don't like vomiting. Only vomited 3 times in the last 15 years
Easier and better for the teeth not to eat
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dont do that :(
this website has gotten much more bitter over the last 10 years
When you're morbidly obese all you have to do is not eat 4 cakes, 3 pizzas, and drink several liters of soda every day.
just be yourself
i've just starved myself for a week and lost 6-7 lbs because i had a shit appetite from constant dry heaving
my muscles have been aching, despite not working out. i don't recommend going too fast
I gave up on trying to understand women. They give contradictory information every new sentence about what they want.
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on all levels except physical i am this guy
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homeless bums can have rizz, you don't
Just hit the gym bro. Once you're fit enough women want you to force yourself on them. They will even pay you to do it. Plus your stamina and confidence will improve, it's enlightenment. Most of the time incels complain about not getting laid is because they are not fit enough. It's not about personality, if they cared really attractive and fit men would never get pussy and there would be no point in going to the gym.
I've fasted up to 5 days before but I'm not going that far
Just a heavy cut with lots of walking and cycling.
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>just get really strong, women will actually start to want you to force yourself on them, when you are strong
that post was funny up until the full stop where you moved on to other stuff
>that pic
i don't care
amazing bateman
>just hit the gym
did that for 3 years and still couldn't even get a single conversation with a woman
Someone should shoop the legs fat and it would be too real
one time she asked what chinese meal to get. the deal was two, so ideally we both get one, right? with a side of rice. so i put forth whatever pork meal i wanted, and she said "Mm, I don't like that." so i asked what she would like, immediately surrendering any preference, and my portion entirely. she said, "You pick!" ...motherfucker, i just did! and you poo-poo'ed it! i've been with her for going on twelve years. i enjoy the female oddities at this point.
12 years and you don't know what your girl likes from the chinky?
For some of you it unironically is your personality
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I conquered poland and ethiopia
She wants the man to be the one making decisions, but she also wants to approve of them.
we like the crab rangoons. it's the glue holding this ship together.
personality means nothing
women get even wetter when an attractive man is abrasive and violent
and fast
That's also personality retard
Yeah a guy near me has one of those marquee signs and changes the schizo messages every few days or so
you are! loser.
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get lean
fix your teeth
dye your eyebrows
jaw surgery or at least genioplasty

but you need to have good eyes, no surgery for that afaik
also don't be short
i'm strong but not fast, is it over for me or can i still cardiomaxx?
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Back when I had a female stalker I went off on her one day and told her I just really wasn't attracted to her and to stop bothering me, she showed up at my apartment the next day
yeah it's impossible and i will never have sex outside hookers, i accepted that when I was 14
That's for pure sexual lust. They'll get obsessed with thinking you're "The One" if you appear capable of extreme violence, but are also nice to them and willing to share your resources with her.

It's evolutionary psychology monkey brain shit.
Really made me cynically towards any kind of relationships. Nothing is authentic love from the soul.
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Well, hitting the gym is about doing so with a proper program, a goal (abs, fitness, etc..). For some it's harder than others, but I don't believe you if you say you hit it for 3 years and couldn't get a woman... Why? 3 years is enough to look like pic rel. It doesn't matter what your starting point was, it's all excuses if you couldn't. What I'm saying is that following the right full body program and diet you should've easily been giga chad architectural body tier. With good features you are already chadlite a few months in, so it's unlikely during during that time you did work out in a productive manner.
I know, I've read a lot about evopsych. Basically completely turned me off of the idea of women and relationships.
why do you even care, you're homosexual
this is unironically true
just look at wade wilson on tiktok
comments are full of women that say to free him
You can go at it for 3 years and not look like anything close to that due to bad genetics. Having an architectural body won't save you from having an ugly face either.
It's why I think prostitution should just be decriminalized. Women don't need men anymore so they don't want to settle for a man who isn't the best of the best. It's just evolutionary instinct of Human female sexuality. So they can get make money, and all the subpar men who are a majority of the male population can get some semblance of intimacy and sex to satiate their sexual instinct.
>Posting a pic of fit men explaining something related to fitness means I'm a homo
t. low test
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ladybug landed on me
forgot that i was going to bed after a cigarette now ive just finished yet another one!
>roid trannies
I bet you when you were trembling when you tried to sneakily take a photo of this.
shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Watch out. They bite
Yes and I agree with you. I would be using prostitutes if they were legal unfortunately they're not. It's the best deal available for a male with getting women and sex (at least the least exploitative)
They're good luck
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I turned a 3 hour drive into a 2 hour drive and got gas station cowboy beef jerky.
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>You can go at it for 3 years and not look like anything close to that due to bad genetics.

Nah, it's literally just due to sucking hard at hitting the gym. Anyone can do it assuming they're not obese to start, and obesity just means working on not being obese first.
It's unironically the only solution if you don't want to return to a pre-women's liberation world.
A majority of the male population will have sexually frustration build up into a rage that will explode. That's what all this incel shit is coming from.
post body
willing to bet all these fags are juiced
say hello from me
All of these homos are on roids.
Not happening, but I'm a few months in and I'm seeing amazing progress, though I have good genes.
Yeah I really don't know how it's going to play out in the next few decades, I don't expect it to be good
You can't deny biology
What program are you following?
Let's just say I was a skinny fat motherfucker, now I'm skinnyfit (still with some skinnyfat properties I'm working on getting rid of) and girls stare at me.
>Not happening
Anything will do, I'm using an app on my phone call Fitbod.
i hate my life and want to kill myself
The fuck? If you're not doing an ABxCDxx push/pill or an ABCxABCx push/pull/legs routine you're wasting your time. If you're skinnyfat you should be doing HIIT sports first such as basketball or boxing until you get in shape.
I got banned. Now I am mobile posting
Don't worry, be happy
I wish there was a gym for your face
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This you?
>If you're not doing an ABxCDxx push/pill or an ABCxABCx push/pull/legs routine you're wasting your time.
Not him but that's wrong. You can easily make good progress on something like a 3x full body or bro split
they will find you
lets see, 45 minute nap before work or doomscroll
snitch faggot
I know you’re gonna report me. But I’ll be back anyway
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women would rather date a broke good looking felon than some rich average looking man
deal with it bro
neither, close this tab, get yourself some coffee, and take a walk outside
Loosening of sexual morals has happened in many societies before. They all collapse, or undergo severe social unrest and revert back. I think the Islamic world is an example where there was a huge pendulum swing back to controlling women's sexuality. It used to be very loose with huge harems of all the rich Arabs and nobility during the Abbasids if I recall.
Civilization is built on controlling human sexuality and forcing women to pair off with men at their level in monogamous relationships. If you want to unleash female sexuality then you need to in turn control men's sexuality. I can't think of a way of giving them easy access to sex outside of prostitution since there is no other incentive for women to have sex with men who aren't the best of the best.
Though if you want to go the app route, understand the basics. The app doesn't know your limits, always test slightly higher weights first. Always go for the higher weights a week later (though the app does this for you, but sometimes it forgets). If you can't do it, divide reps in half and split in to two, that is 12 reps x 1 becomes 6 x 2, etc... Remember carbohydrates means fuel for workouts, always 1-2 hour before to avoid feeling sluggish or dizzy, and also calories surplus/protein = muscle, or calorie deficit if you are fat.
No you can't. It only seems you can if you start as a super out of shape piece of shit, at which point literally just taking daily walks will net you good progress alone. Full body is the most retarded waste of time shit you can do, followed by bro splits, which are specifically designed for roiders. You need a push/pull or a push/pull/legs routing with compound lifts. All that aside, you also need to stop drinking soda and eating takis.
coffee makes me tired DOE. and i'll be standing for 12 hours anyway why walk even more before then
what if we just let women only fuck the best and let incels seethe about it? natural eugenics
> be me, manager
> assign someone a task
> they don't do it
> i schedule regular check-ins, meetings, loop in others to help
> they still don't do it
> fire them
cry more about it, bitch.
wtf? read a book then, or take the nap, anything is better than doomscrolling internet garbage
You're talking about the vast majority of the male population. A handful of gigachads at the top can't stop the bulk of the male population from revolting or ceasing to participate in civilization.
>be me, manager
>guy looks weird
>fire him
>don't have to look at him anymore
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based sellout evil kike
You're wrong except for not eating soda and chips.
business idea: kms
you are the shittiest salesman i've ever seen. no one wants your faggy app, kill yourself right now.
>be me, project manager and not people's manager
>they keep begging me to become a people's manager
>I don't because I don't want to deal with retards and their hurt pussies
>they're seething

I refuse to be a manager.
Think of going to the gym like a lifestyle. You should start with 4 days per week. It's a routine. It's easier if you have your own gym or one in your apartment with decent machines (as I do). Aim to spend at least 45 mins to an hour per workout.
You've never lifted in your entire life and you're small and weak.
Lashing out won't get you anywhere sweaty. You want to have a dickwaving contest or something? I've been lifting most for half of my life at this point since high school.
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not a fan of the bulgarian
Yo mississauga got bare miskeens
Pathetic insecure insults instead of just arguing logically with facts. That's what dumb niggers do.
Full body is literally that. Push/pull leg. You can do those exercises and still see results. The ones with most bang for your buck (pull ups, bench press, squats, etc...) are all workouts that recommended on the apps. The idea of full body is that your legs and your back, triceps, abs, lats, traps, deltoids are activated and you don't look like a retard.
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i've come to a compromise: watch a youtube video and then get a slushy from dutch bros before work
You describe what I said to a t. Someone that wasted their time with shit programming and got no results. Small in size, Lacking in strength. If you're not gonna lift properly then you must have brain damage for doing nothing in the gym instead of spending your time on something fun or productive.
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Say that to my face bitch, not online. See what happens
>dutch bros
i've heard that zoomers like dutch bros more than starbucks, which is weird to me. i have family in the town where dutch bros was founded and it always tasted mediocre as fuck to me.
I did argue logically with facts. Guess you are what you eat.
>Full body is literally that. Push/pull leg
No it's not retard. Push/pull/legs means having one push day, one pull day, and one leg day, hence the breakdown starting with ABCx, where each letter is one lift day of those three, and the x is a rest day. That's not what full body means at all. I hate retards giving awful advice and talking out their ass online, pretending that they lift. You clearly don't if you don't know the difference between a full body routine and a push/pull one.
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> James Earl Jones has died at the age of 93
Goodnight, sweet prince.
weird, i just like that's it's cheaper than goybucks. try a cocomo freeze next time you have the chance
Nigger do you think I care about terminology? I know what you mean, full body workout, that's not what I fucking meant, I meant a program that hits your full body. You have the IQ of a toddler.
You're confusing him. He's going to think the 3 people who thinks he is a retard ate one person.
No you don't know what I mean. You don't know the basics. You do not lift. Stop damage controlling.
>r9k/feels era wasn't bitter
Oh boy! the thug foreigners on the internet.
Just drank a half gallon of milk
Boutta be peeing loads
He invented the Bulgarian deadlift and squat so he knows what he is talking about
why are moids like this
>people who thinks

Learn English retard.
it was mostly isolated to r9k, also I'm talking more in general not just women
you're goin real fuckin mad there boy.
The black pill was already around at that time too, plenty of overall doomers as well.
I don't know the reference...
it's raining ash
it's over
Half a gallon, not a gallon!
Women love serial killers
What should I eat for dinner
Imagine if the parents of one of the victims saw this shirt
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Speaking of which, brap.

You also go to the gym so you can get a good nut in at the end of the night while you're cooking. And yes, faps do feel better, specially after hitting abs.
Half gallon of milk
Some pussy
When you're done cooking that's when you get pussy obv.
smell like sour sweat, old cum and piss
The fairlife brand milk is pretty good. Its the only fat free milk that tastes decent and 13g protein per serving
Milk flavored protein drink i tell you what
This. I’m 5’7” and I went from 280 to 170 in a year by just slowly eliminating goyslop one serving at a time.
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nice set of posts
Damn you were a biggun.
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It's edgy webm time
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I really like these moving pictures
Did you guys know frogs can jump higher than the eiffel tower?
Everyone can
just smoke a cigarette and drink a cup of coffee every hour
you won't have an appetite at all
it's really a pity that orangeade went of fashion in favor of lemonade. fuck lemons
i love lemonade doe. too bad it has so much sugar
This guy is at the top of the food chain. It's what all women desire to impregnate them. You wouldn't understand incel.
My penis erect is 6.5 inches in length and 5 inches in girth.
watching a shrexican talk about 'cado while i sip my slushy, also mangonade is the best -ade
U can't get puss
Basic woman instinct, start shit, get hit, turn to bystanders for help, but not offer sex as reward for said bystanders so she's being a selfish bitch.
knock knock
Basically, if you see a woman about to get eaten by a pack of wolves, it's meaningless to save her. That's just natural selection, let her die, since she won't give you her pussy.
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lol they said his name
but ratpedo can spam for 12 straight hours, cheers janny
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>24 hours of no reply
yeah that bitch is ghosting me
fatherless hoe
He is a janitor pretending to be another schizo
It's sad but true
I don't hate vegans and vegetarians but I wish they wouldn't shove their worldview down my throat.
Mommy got a bee sting so I had to get her benadryl it was $11 :/
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same just happened to me. this'll be the last time i stake any happiness on some bitch i just met for sure
are landlords allowed to say that pets including cats are allowed in the apartment but then the landlord visits and notices your cat and says that black cats aren't allowed in the apartment? can they just tell you to rehome the cat by next rent?
Sue him dor racial discrimination
my balls feel full
i don't think it counts as racial discrimination if it's a cat
apartment neighbours are complaining about my roommate being too loud lol. i believe them, he just drops shit randomly and there are inexplicable loud bangs coming from his room regularly. i hate my roommate
zoinkies this general is dead.
what do you think scoob?
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Boyfriends grandfather sent us a bunch of stuff from his farm in mexico, will be making some enchiladas with some of the chiles tonight
I'm a real human bean
and of course if anyone comes to talk to this household im representing it as my roommate is terminally stuck in his room, unable to face another human being, and also sleeping during the day. so they probably see me and think that im the bad neighbour. this is actually so embarrassing
playing some doom 2016. it's cool, i like it so far. it's very fast-paced, which is good, because i tend to corner-up in shooters.
Top Jimmy cooks, Top jimmy swings. he's got the looks, top jimmy hes the king
Why does it feel like my butthole is getting stabbed with a hot knife every time I poop
hemmies. poop slowly, eventually they'll go away.
Wow he's just like me
pelvic floor spasm, diarrhea ??
The New York Jets are playing the San Francisco 49ers in approximately 30 minutes.
Who you got /cum/?
>wypipo don't eat a spicy food lmao!
>why does my butt feel like it's getting raped by a red hot iron pole
oh please.
My Royals.
This shit is why I don't pay rent after the first 2 months
Injury bowl
Can we cuddle?
odds gouge out own eyes
evens don't
I can strangle you to death and dispose of your body in a ditch if you consider that cuddling.
Don't do that
Livestream it faget
Worried about impacted feces
I've been chasing money my entire life. Money is passion. My entire life revolves around money. I have no friends because I'd rather make money than socialize. Anyone else like this?
>playing breath of fire on the snes
>game has items that seem like an upgrade but equipping them actually makes you take double damage (not told to you at all)
fucking based
yeah spaceghostpurrp
Science and romance are my passions
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Update the sauce I made is too spicy for wypipo so I am making a second smaller batch for myself
What's your recipe
Same. I don't desire any power over others nor do I want to deal with their HR bullshit. I just want to be left alone to work on projects and occasionally collaborate with other autists and weirdos.
The people in charge always think that being in charge is the most important thing anyone can ever do. So those are the best paying and most prestigious positions. But people who are good at doing the work are not necessarily good at managing other people doing the work so it is pretty stupid to have that be the only avenue of advancement in your organization.
I'm bretty comfy for now, but maybe someone will poach me with better deal some day.
Where's Jason?
how are you guys? as in support from your families.
Right here. Show body I love feminine males I'm totally not gay
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Posting on /fa/
Fucking hell lmao
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I will finally become a citizen (from Serbia) on October first. How should I celebrate?
why would jason say this when he canonically has a 7 incher
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Dried red chiles (rehydrated), a lot of garlic, a tiny bit of onion, oregano and salt, I blend the chiles with the water they were rehydrated in with the rest of it, I never measure anything I always just freehand it, also almost never deseed the chiles whatever falls out naturally when I break the stems is what gets taken out everything else goes in

They fully support us, his parents live further away so we don't see them really except for holidays but they're supportive since we take care of each other even though they're a fairly conservative mexican family, my parents + stepparents (inb4 >gay >stepparents) are all really supportive as well which isn't that surprising my mom is a meme tier vote blue no matter who liberal and my stepfather is a former career military chud but even he supports us because he's super leftists on a lot of basic freedom issues and because he can talk to my bf about guns (he's always telling us to concealed carry in case someone messes with us but we live in an extremely liberal city half the places we hang out have pride flags in the windows year round), we're close enough that we have family dinner with them + my stepsister at least 2-3 times a month since they only live like half an hour away
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good old fashion bbq
10 inches is the minimum you need to please a woman
bowling with cousin roman
I don’t have any friends to invite
oh wonderful. that's terrific. i always get a little worried when gays refence their families because i'm always thinking,
>like, your cool dad? or your ugly asshole dad?
my step-dad's a former army captain, and he's the same way. despite coming from an extremely conservative family, he's very open-minded.
kys faggots
Take it to >>>/lgbt/
>I will finally become a citizen (from Serbia) on October first.
Why the fuck would you ever want to live in America.
>this faggot says while living here
Not by choice.
you can kys now, and you should
Because one of these days I might have the chance to see your corpse and that inspires me.
>i always get a little worried when gays refence their families
Yeah I mean even his grandparents care enough that they send us gifts at random so we're pretty lucky

also tbqh I think most of my stepfathers liberalness is rooted in being a massive pothead after he initially quit the army, he had a lot of random pain/blown out knees like a lot of guys do after being in so long (got out in his 40s) and started doing it to deal with injuries/sleep and then turned full on if it's not hurting anyone people should do what they want mindset and we help him out with his family business fairly often so he gets to treat us like we're the sons he never had so everything works out
This is not a gay thread, fuck off faggot
I never read posts over 10 words
Yeah it's a brit and canadian going on a 300 post long schizo mass reply meltdown that kills the thread and slows it to a halt when the finally go to bed :^)
I never read posts over 6 words.
I never read posts from flags outside CUM
>look at how gay we are
>our families are accepting
>wholesome, right?
Sodomy is a virus, and they feel the need to inflict it on others.
H'what about US territories?
this actually IS an /lgbt/ thread.
love is love, faggots.
kys in real life
i'll live just to spite you. ;)
Take it to the sodomy board, degenerate scum.
I took gaysons advice to get rosemary oil for my hair to get it thicker and I just now found out the brand I got is harmful to your hair and they're facing a lawsuit. Such cases
In any case, I'll be voting Blue no matter who.
my stepdad was very fortunate, he got out of the service right around 9/11. can you believe that? my mother might have saved his life. and i'd be short a very nice dad. God, when i really think of it, my luck is astounding...
i too support haitians eating family pets
Degenerate faggot poo eater, fuck off from my thread and preferably kill yourself
Leave him alone
the secret to a womans heart? be an abusive chad
i'm not the gay guy! re-read.
Imma take a shower
if you took a sick day to do anything you wanted to, what would you do?
Sleep in, have a nice meal, watch the sunset in the backyard
Masturbate to filthy shit that would make a serial rapist retch
>i'm totally edgy guys!
get drunk and play video games.
Sat by the pool. Went on a sunset cruise which I hated it made me nauseous now I'm finna shitpost
business idea: find a sport that indians and chinese can be good at, create some leagues, then profit when those sports are watched by 2 billion people
table tennis?
Hey bros, been THINKAN about upgrading the ol' graphics card. All I care about is playing new releases at 1080p 60fps.
I play 1440p
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Off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of gains.
I'll do a set for my /cum/bros
think of me.
holding you close.
stroking your hair.
breathless whispers on your neck.
two, as one.
Chinese pipo hate Indians thoughbeit
4K is ridiculous, even high end graphics cards can barely handle it
in sports they call that a rivalry
I don't play video games because I'm an adult
having orange chicken for dinner. it was alright.
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Like you're spotting me for a squat. Very cute
me in the center right
>hype up their hatred of each other
>nationalist retards flood the internet before every match
Wait... you might be onto something...
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posting on 4chan is as if not more worthless than playing video games
That's right go back to jersey
i don't have a boat to get to england.
It already exists for indians, cricket.
Chinese love basketball so just create a segregated league with 9 foot hoops
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a bit late in the day to be having caffeine innit
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Just remembered I used to eat lunch in the library. That was almost a decade ago. What a stupid waste of a life.
when i was in high school i ate 99% of my lunches in the library. some years i'd just play games on the computer, other times i'd do homework last-minute.
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Just read that Jeeta women were in such short supply in Colonial Guyana that Jeet men would share or rent their wives to other men.
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99% of people in history didn't have access to anything as materially decadent as American Suburban High School. Throwing that away being nervous and miserable is truly unforgivable. I can feel the souls of a million lives wasted in wars scolding me
same. they're honestly lucky i didn't end up airing that nigga out
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I had friends in highschool to eat lunch with
Woah that's like Persona, cool
failed normies are worse than truecels. you had a chance at a normal life and simply wasted it. we never had a chance to begin with.
Me too, we would play hacky sack after
I have been pretty successfully normie-maxxing recently tbqh
As a teenager I really wanted friends to eat lunch with but as an adult I greatly prefer eating lunch alone and feel really disappointed when the coworkers have me eat lunch with them.
Maybe the mind twists and bends to deal with the world

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